Do you even care about making new friends still?
Posted by Medical-Intern-6235@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 85 comments
Let me first say I was shy growing up so as I got older I got more not so shy. I still consider myself pretty shy but the question I have is do you still care about making new friends? If you do, do you get just as self conscious as when you were younger?
I used to have a very cavalier attitude toward making new friends because I was in a 20+ year relationship, and he was my best friend and my fella. Didn’t need to make new friends, thanks. But, we ended it recently. I’m okay with my own company but damn, it’s hard to meet people organically any more. Especially if you go anywhere by yourself. Pretty sure people think there’s something wrong with you if you’re out and about by yourself. I’m 55 and in decent shape; age hasn’t really caught up with me. Many in my friend group are about 8 to 15 years younger and have kiddos so they plan a lot of kid-oriented activities. Finding another person to hang out and do stuff with that doesn’t involve kids would be rather lovely, actually 😏
Lots of cities have "childfree" groups for adult meetup type stuff life outdoor concerts, hiking groups, pizza night etc for people who don't have kids. Check Meetup and FB if you use it.
I care, yes. I want to make friends probably now more than I ever have because I used to be so disinterested in people and their flaws. Now at 49 I’ve grown in maturity, became more introspective on why I was shutting people out, and softened my hard line stance on letting people into my life. But now it’s so difficult to find people who want to make new friends that I’m afraid I’m out of luck.
I’m not opposed to it, but I’m not actively seeking it out either.
Same. I'm not averse to meeting new people, but I'm not going out of my way to do so.
Yeah, this.
I hooked up with a Millennial woman who's quite nice (she asked me) and it's going very well, but I'd rather just stay home and do stuff I enjoy than actually go out and try to meet with new people. Ew.
No, I have never cared about making friend. People just become my friend and gravitate to me. I don’t attempt to make friends at all. It is about authenticity and character.
Nope, I am's what's I ams. take me as I come, if I end up with a new friend great if not. oh well.
I don't put on a mask. I'm also an introvert. So I don't go out of my way to try to get friends, if it happens great.
My days of worrying what others think has long past other than being a good person. If you act different around others than your natural personality, people can tell , and it is fake as hell. If they didn't see through it at first they will sooner than later.
Sadly the few true friends I did have have passed on. 3 of them in that sand pit in the middle east, and 2 where in the 1st tower , and 1 more died while fighting a fire in 1999.
🚫 new friends!!!!
I NEED to make more friends. I’ve come to realize how toxic the ones I have are and just not good.
I like meeting new people and making new friends, I am way less self conscious, we are all travelers , I am happy to share my time with friendly people
It's nice, but my definition of 'friend' has become increasingly more stringent over time. I want more friends because you'll never make the grade...
I do because a lot of my friends are dead. Not old age, there was a massive die off of my friend group from former Yugoslavian friends in the 90s when Yugoslavia was becoming former Yugoslavia. Then, my American friends started dying (a lot of it self-inflected) over the last decade. I care about making new friends to avoid loneliness.
I’m pretty descent at making new friends, which is funny considering I ate my lunch in the stairwell of my high school to avoid publicly sitting alone. Meetups are good centered around similar hobbies and interests even gym or church if that’s your thing.. You get consistent face time with people to feel them out build trust etc. I’m ok with asking, if a group says they are doing something interesting I just say “I’d like to do that, it’s been on my list ”. People are excited to share and be the expert so another way to start your know people on a deeper lever. Do a little research and have fun things to do on your free time, that way of the conversation is moving in that direction you can offer. While a lot of people might night be ok with taking the plunge and going to strangers house, they’d be interested in kiteboarding or art exhibit with you Or even best ice cream in town. Be interested in others and punctual with communication. I hope helps!!
I don’t give a shite about making new friends but less I care, the more people want to be my friend, it’s weird.
I'm happy when I find one but I can't say I'm looking too hard.
I don't consider myself shy (now). but I'm pretty cagy. if I make a friend I'm much more conscious of the friendship's limitations, and not very interested in expanding past them. lots of "I enjoy this person's company/ conversation for x, but do I want to invite them for dinner or exchange more extensive personal info with them? yeah, no."
I am moving back home and reconnecting with my old ones.
Not a chance
Everything important I learned, they taught me in kindergarten.
Nothing quiet like walking up to a stranger and asking them if they wanna be friends.
I do agree that my buddies from elementary are special friends. Most of us have scattered from our home town yet we're committed to maintaining our childhood relationships. Last year we met up in Georgia for a leisurely weekend at an RV park on a lake. This year some lakefront in Tennessee for a long weekend:)
I have new friends and chosen family where I live, out west ;) West is the best baby.
So you do you, Boo ;)
Good Relationships are true blessings, I hope my fellow introverts will challenge themselves in this season.
Many Blessings Y'all;)
I wish I could. I have lots of acquaintances and colleagues, but very few true friends.
I like the idea of it, but not the effort it requires. Ok I’m off to bed now.
I'm not trying to make new friends, but if it happens, it happens.
It's just not appealing. But you need friends.
I'm open to making new friends, but it's rare to find someone I naturally vibe with. However I'm very lucky to have an amazing partner-in-crime friend whom I'm close with.
We like each other because we hate everyone ;)
That sounds like a lot of work
I can take them or leave them
friends? nope. don't need 'em. happy to me an introverted loner. life's great.
I'm done! Loyalty used to exist and mean something. Friendships nowadays are at the mercy of bruised egos if you don't compulsively follow, like, comment on someone's social media or if you correct them for having bizarre views or behaviors. It's turned into a world of childish elementary school mentalities.
Everyday lol
Women only - I have enough fishing, hunting, snowmobiling pals
Snowmobiling brings back memories
I rode today - About 80 miles
Fuckkkkkkkk that
No. I've met many people. I always try to say hi to those I meet in the store. But I figure if they're interested in getting together, it would come up in conversation. And enough people have my fb info if they wish to contact. It's a two way street.
Don't hate people, but making new interactions is stressful enough without a friendship label.
Yes, I do and no, I don’t.
I do. I retired early and my existing friends are all still working and very.... compartmentalized. We do 'stuff' together but don't just hang out very often.
I'm trying to meet new people to do new things with, but it's not easy. Especially since I'm gravitating to more creative endeavors these days which tend to attract a younger crowd. It's not fun to be the dad at the table all the time.
I have enough demands on my time, thanks.
Not really. I have a healthy friend group. They occasionally bring in new people, if I like them I invite them to stuff
Nope I have zero desire for new friends lol
I would love to make new friends but I really just don’t have time for it right now. And even if I did, I have no idea how to find a friend.
I'm 57. I swim laps. I was fortunate enough to meet a Developer 65F and Professional Ballerina 67F while swimming!! Immediate, big sister bond. Dinner, drinks 1x a month. New friends and much needed insight!! But the rest of yous, kindly GET OFF MY LAWN!!
Fuck people.
Not really. I'm open to it, of course. It is just very, very rare that I meet someone and that is a person I'd really like to be friends with.
I've been alone a long time. In the past five years I've met two people whose company I really enjoyed. Both of them wanted a relationship with me. I made it real clear I wasn't looking for that.
I don't get it. I'm old, I'm sick, I'm broken and broke. I have nothing to offer anyone. But two people who I really enjoyed being friends with wanted something I didn't.
So I just give up trying with people. I'll just be alone
Nope, but my wife still forces me to mingle with the other husbands that would rather not be at the party either.
Medical-Intern-6235@reddit (OP)
Pass on that. I am not looking for that. I use to do that when I did CrossFit with my wife. But most of the other husbands I met loved being there because as we know CrossFit is a cult.
Ain't it though.
I don't think you can make friends when you're older like the friendships you make when you're young. My best friend and I could still wear matching pj's and sleep in the same bed together or lay out heads in each other's lap on the couch while watching TV. That's not something you cultivate in middle age. That starts when you're kids and uninhibited. When she died I realized I would never be that close to someone ever again. It's just not possible.
Nope. I hate people now more than ever
This 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
No not at all..I don’t enjoy people anymore..I have a few ride or dies..that’s all I need
I care less about quantity and far more about quality these days. That being said, I’m a terrible friend. I don’t do the social medias. I won’t text or call first. The older I get the more I’m comfortable with being alone.
I'm 54. I don't care about going out of my way to making new friends, but if I happen to make some along the way, I'm open to it.
I can barely keep up with the friends I have so no, I don't care. I'd rather find a life partner which I'm not actively trying. Go figure.
I think people tend to be more cautious of friends as we age. That, and life circumstances tend to set the tone for new friendships a little.
I wouldn’t mind a few new ones, since I lost touch with most of my college buddies in the pre-facebook era, one died and the rest are far away. Not sure what I’d do with them though since I don’t really have any spare time.
Yes, I love making new friends!
All close friends I have I made when I was 12. Shared experiences growing up. Never felt as close to that group after that, and most of the ones after that have parted ways. I see my close friends on social media now, doing what I'm doing, being married, raising families. I'm good.
Yes. I try to replace the ones that I grew apart from. It helps to have a friend to talk to when life gets tough, and someone to remind me not to take life too seriously., So far, Gen X are the best friends for that. I don't want to end up too isolated, as I love being alone and I'm very independent.
Naw, I'd just let them down. I'm content to stay under my rock.
No. Building worthwhile relationships takes more effort than I’m willing to expend anymore.
I would rather have five great friends than 200 mediocre shit bag friends that want me to share their drama.
Oh hell no. Now get off my lawn
I had a similar response: “hahhahahahhahaa, hell no”.
I'd like to but mostly I get just in passing friends. Seems like everyone is pretty wrapped up in their own timelines to close anymore. That's just my opinion (I live in a smallish town so sample size is smaller.) The Internet has been a good place to make friends in passing as well so I'm happy enough.
As am introvert, it's tough but I've found a bunch of new friends at the gym. Something about punching, kicking, kneeing, elbowing, and grappling kinda brings people together. Plus I'm like the oldest one there so it's fun to find common ground with younger folks.
Sarcasm and dark humor are universal.
I'd like some new friends. All the ones I had I grew apart from. I also realized I have nothing in common with them.
I've never really had close friends. A few casual ones but none currently. I'd like to make some but I'm not sure how.
Nope. I was never great at making friends and I’ve made peace with it.
unpopular opinion
I like people, their okay in small doses...
I don't have time for the friends I already have. I can't get new people.
I have a hard time making and keeping new friends. I get bored easily and I don't engage in many social activities aside from going out to have a few beers and play pool or bowl. Outdoor wilderness stuff and sports are of zero interest to me.
the older i get the more introverted I've become. . .
I didn't. With a few good friends you don't need more. Well, that is until they start dying. A simple thing like a coffee night going from 12 people down to 5, and you're the youngest, starts making you think about expanding your circle.
I still like making new friends. As I've gotten older I like to try new hobbies or found that my close circle of friends aren't very interested in the things that I like so I make new friends that like those hobbies.
If it happens and I have a new ski buddy or something like that then cool. I guess I care. But I don't go looking for new friends specifically and if it doesn't happen I don't care or even notice.
No way. Go away you old fart, you're harshing my mellow.
well, you gotta replace the ones that drift away
but starting from square one sucks more every time i have to do it