Help me with a problem with CPU installation
Posted by ImFromIraqKazu@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 5 comments
I left my motherboard flashing the bios and went to welcome my sister and her husband home When I came back to the pc build I installed the cpu and realised I forgot the power supply on I still didn’t turn anything on again Is this bad ?
Had it finished the bios update, or did you interrupt that? That in itself can be very bad, unless your motherboard has a dual bios that it can recover too. Also, installing the cpu while live, could cause issues. You’ll need to put the heatsink in, memory and see if it posts or not. That is where I’d start.
ImFromIraqKazu@reddit (OP)
Hey , yes it did , it seems all ok Everything was done just the supply was on But I think nothing happen , thank you
The PC was on and plugged in when you installed the CPU?
ImFromIraqKazu@reddit (OP)
The fount and the mobo on the supply
I don't understand, sorry.