Fishing spots
Posted by Blah-B7ah_Bloop@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 4 comments
Where can a couple of guys that aren’t really fishermen but want to go out and catch a few go to fish from the bank in the metro? Both are out of staters so they will have a visitor’s fishing pass.
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Iirc Joe pool lake has a marina where you can rent equipment to fish
Rockwall and Rowlett respectively have marianas for Lake Ray Hubbard. This lake also has charters
Check out the Texas Parks and Wildlife Fishing pages for information on lakes in the area - they have lists of what lacks are stocked with and where to find fish in larger lakes. They list the larger lakes (White Rock, Bachman) as well as smaller, community lakes that are also available for public fishing.
Blah-B7ah_Bloop@reddit (OP)
Perfect. Thank you