Birthday Spankings
Posted by LastMonitor4274@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 46 comments
Had a conversation with my mom today about being traumatized by birthday spankings in 1950/60’s. (She’s always been painfully shy)
I vaguely remember this being talked about but never at school. I can’t say I’ve heard anyone talk about this in forever. Anyone else?
I remember one teacher doing this, would have been grade 4/1993. But whenever I bring it up to others my age they are like WTF and have no memory of anything like this and look at me like I’m crazy. Spankings for your age and a “pinch to grow an inch” Curious if anyone else that I was in that class with remembers, I’m not really in touch with anyone lol
Yes, the teachers always did this and even though it was seen as a playful thing, it is so weird. Like, laying across the teachers legs as they swatted your butt, in front of the whole class. I was a summer birthday, so I didn't have this done. Depending on the teacher we got an extra spank to "grow on" or a pinch on the butt "for an inch" Wild stuff.
My kindergarten teacher did them with my class. At the end, she would add “and a pinch to grow an inch.”
I haven't thought about BDay spankings in SO LONG. I got them as a kid but did not give them to my own.
Ohhh I was just thinking of something similar. Kids used to give "the bumps"!on your bday. They’d grab your arms from behind and knee you in the butt the amount of your age plus one for good luck.
Or later on (as teens) throw eggs at you (sometimes flour too).
That was the school kids.
At home we’d pull your ears.
My boomer mother in law was always “joking” about birthday spankings with my kids when they were small to the point I told her to cut the shit
My Boomer MIL got upset because I said she had to quit birthday spankings. When the birthday boy is taller and weighs more than you, it’s time to give up the “tradition,” which I never liked anyway.
My kindergarten teacher gave birthday spankings (‘84). She would sit on the piano bench, take the birthday kid over her knee, and spank the shit out of them. She was a wretched old woman and I believe she thoroughly enjoyed it.
I distinctly remember running away from my second grade teacher before she could spank me. Like, as if it was a funny thing. But she would have the birthday kid ‘assume the position’ across her lap and give them a spank for each year
Fuck, I completely blocked those memories. My dad's household did it and it's weird and he was cruel. I understand that it was supposed to be done playfully, but when you have a shit parent that likes to hurt you they get a bit too into it and now have the permission to do it in front of an audience. Not one person ever told him to be gentle or stop.
That’s terrible! I’m so sorry 🥺
LastMonitor4274@reddit (OP)
Yikes! Sorry to hear that. I doubt you were alone on that. My parents grew up in similar situations and definitely broke away of the “normal” Boomer crap. I got lucky.
Yes we had birthday spankings and for the guys birthday punches on the arms.
My Canadian grandmother would perform the “Royal Bumps” which involved two people (grandparents) holding the birthday victim by their arms and legs and gently bouncing their bottom against the floor as many times as they were years old. I had forgotten about it until reading this post..
Came here looking for this! We did this to each other at school. Thankfully I have no traumatic memories from it. I think it was more a fun rite of passage thing. Haven't thought about this for decades. Great post!
We never had them at school but I think they may have had them at the daycare I went to. Though I remember somewhere, probably that daycare, having a birthday spanking "paddle" that was essentially a stuffed pad/pillow on the end of a short stick. So the spankings were very light.
I grew up in the ghetto in SoCal. I remember in middle school, kids would get jumped on their birthday if people found out it was your birthday. I was lucky my birthday was over the summer.
My step-dad did that when I was a kid. They were BS spankings but I hated it because I got real ones for every little thing the rest of the year. Grew into actual fights when I got to my teen years.
Never did birthday spankings on my own kids. I think one of my daughters only got one real one from the wife. Hitting your kids anywhere is dumb af.
I forgot all about this. Maybe I blocked it out.
We never had this in an organized fashion in school, but your friends might decide you needed to get some 'birthday beats.'
In middle school we had birthday licks. Where each of your friends get one good punch to your arm. We’d end up with huge bruises on our birthday.
Stupid but boys will be boys.
This was a children's party game like pin the tail on the donkey.
All the kids lined up with legs wide to make a tunnel. Birthday kid crawled through as fast as possible and everyone took a swat as they went by. The aim is to get as free spanks as possible I guess. I was maybe 5 or 6yo last time I remember it.
Yes, this! We called this a spanking machine.
We have an old family video where my 42 year uncle is spanking my sister on her 12th birthday. It seemed totally normal at the time, but let’s just say it didn’t age very well
Yes, my uncle birthday spanked me on my 16th birthday… 😒 I remember crying bc it had never happened before and it was a real big wtf moment… thinking about it now still gives me the ick…
Yeah but it wasn't a real spanking. More playful swats. Except for the "one to grow on" that one kind of hurt.
Yeah, my mom did it in a cute pat on the butt way, but the last one was the "hurt" one. I actually used to ask her to do my bday spankings! I think I just liked the attention. Haha. Yall unlocked a memory for me!
LastMonitor4274@reddit (OP)
Yes. I should clarify it’s all mimed swats, not real.
Wow I can’t believe I forgot all about this. Yes, this was still a thing when we were kids. In fact I remember being in junior high and it being totally normal to get spanked as you walked down the hall on your birthday.
So glad this is dead.
LastMonitor4274@reddit (OP)
Us, too!
Yah we weee told they were ‘good luck’ whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean. 😏
Kids would yell "birthday beats!" when you got to school and you'd get your ass kicked.
We had them, but my dad would act like he's going to spank us really hard, but had his other hand in the way, so it was like he just clapped his hands together loudly. I just did the same style with my son for his bday last month.
I never heard of bday spankings (well, not til I dated that one girl but that's a different story) but when I was a kid there was always stuff at bday parties like punch in the arm or hit you on the head with a balloon for every year (plus one to grow on).
Yep. We for sure did birthday punches on the arm for each year (plus one to grow on) too. But no spanking. I've never even heard of that.
LastMonitor4274@reddit (OP)
I do remember that! It seemed more of a boy thing.
It was always a joke where I grew up. At young ages it was parents talking about it at birthday parties, as we got older we made the same jokes at school. Only spankings I remember actually happened was in college when the dorm manwhore decided he had been naughty and asked for spankings and he made sounds of pleasure with each spanking and called everyone daddy as it was happening.
We had birthday spankings when I was a kid. I think at least a couple of my elementary school classes did this for the birthday boy/girl, but definitely not all of them. I don't think I've thought about birthday spankings since elementary school. We didn't do it with our kid, that's for sure.
Yep by high school had anyone tried I would’ve punched them in the face. But it was definitely happening in junior high still.
Same. I don't remember it being serious or consistent but was a thing
We did it in my family growing up and we do it with our kids (ditto kisses) but super playful and nothing remotely painful.
New memory trauma unlocked 😆
I forgot all about them, I don't think I was ever spanked but it does sound like something fun as an adult with your partner...
We definitely had these in elementary school.
I pay a professional to administer mine.