WOMEN ONLY: DFW Urbanistas is a women-led advocacy and social group focused on making Dallas a more vibrant, better connected city with good public transit, more housing, walkability, etc.. Their annual kickoff is on Sunday, Jan. 19th at 3pm. Sign-up form linked in the comments.
Posted by TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 103 comments
ITT: men literally cannot stand even the idea of an organization they would not be welcome in.
This is hilarious because of basically everything if you think about it for even a couple moments.
Up until the 1950s, there were a lot of men-only organizations. Feminists fought hard to either shut them down or force them to become mixed gender.
Funny how there are double standards now.
Up until the 1950s nearly all major social organizations were male only (and in business and higher education and sports and)
Up until today there are still a large number of men only organizations.
Which ones?
Here you go
No idea what that is.
Funny how I'm getting downvoted but no one can actually name one.
Try looking it up!
I didn't, couldn't find anything relevant.
Of course you didn’t!
You still haven't named a single one of this "large number" of men-only organizations.
If you're not trolling, then just take the L at this point.
Try reading again but slowly, it helps with comprehension.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
It is extremely obvious you have never attempted to get involved in the urbanist community in Dallas. If you did, you'd (a) probably be aware of this group and understand that absolutely nobody outside of this bullshit comment section has ever had an issue with this, and (b) know that this kind of advocacy, particularly around transit, skews heavily male. The intent of a group like the one I've posted about is to provide a space just for women, who are used to being talked over and disregarded in male-dominated spaces.
The folks who run it are also heavily involved in the other advocacy groups, all of whom are supportive.
Pull that Andrew Tate IV drip out of your arm and go outside.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
100%. This comment section is the closest that I, as a man, have ever come to experiencing misogyny firsthand. It's fascinating and disgusting at the same time.
Lmao, what? The comments are questioning whether something that affects everyone but excludes 50% is really an effective way to go about it
It's not about being effective at anything, that much is for sure.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
It is extremely obvious you have never attempted to get involved in the urbanist community in Dallas. If you did, you'd (a) probably be aware of this group and understand that absolutely nobody outside of this bullshit comment section has ever had an issue with this, and (b) know that this kind of advocacy, particularly around transit, skews heavily male. The intent of a group like the one I've posted about is to provide a space just for women, who are used to being talked over and disregarded in male-dominated spaces.
The folks who run it are also heavily involved in the other advocacy groups, all of whom are supportive.
Pull that Andrew Tate IV drip out of your arm and go outside.
Make fun of a group for being women only, and you're guaranteed to get all the Uptown transplants crying.
Yeah, it definitely sounds like a bunch of joiners.
I doubt the subject has been broached between the five members at Blue Goose happy hour.
What does that have to do with anything? Warhammar 40k screws heavily towards white nerds, you want to host your own whites-only tournament and see how that goes?
I mean, you have to be transplant, right? Am I wrong on that?
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
It is extremely obvious you have never attempted to get involved in the urbanist community in Dallas. If you did, you'd (a) probably be aware of this group and understand that absolutely nobody outside of this bullshit comment section has ever had an issue with this, and (b) know that this kind of advocacy, particularly around transit, skews heavily male. The intent of a group like the one I've posted about is to provide a space just for women, who are used to being talked over and disregarded in male-dominated spaces.
The folks who run it are also heavily involved in the other advocacy groups, all of whom are supportive.
Pull that Andrew Tate IV drip out of your arm and go outside.
There are many urbanist orgs in Dallas. Some are for people who like bicycles. Some are for property developers. Some are transit specific. This one just happens to be for women. People group themselves by things that are similar, it’s really not that deep.
Not born here eh?
Did you consider that some of us might be women? Did I internalize my misogyny?
Things that make you go hmmm
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Thank you for confirming. It was pretty obvious that that's what was happening.
Am I also a medieval knight who doesn't wear a helmet just because I made a joke about it?
Are trans women allowed? I don’t really pass but I’m interested in going
Yes! It is an event for women, trans women are not excluded from the umbrella term “women”! You should go!
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Yes, all women are allowed.
This post is a microsm of American politics. Well meaning group, advocates for a space to help women feel safe while connecting it to the broader proggressive goal of urbanism
Men and reactionaries respond with incel level posts accusing them of misandry
Everybody forgets the main point of promoting urbanism and it becomes a post about gender politics instead
We never get improved urbanism
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
We're going to get improved urbanism. This Reddit comment section is absurdly divorced from reality. A vocal minority of lost boys taking their grievances out on Urbanistas, on me, and on women generally isn't going to stop this train.
Lol, woman-only
Big incel energy with this one
I hope she sees this bro
What does this even mean?
First day on the internet huh?
Not going to explain yourself?
Yep, first day.
Good one basement dweller, ya really got me
We don't have basements in Dallas, my dude. Come on, try it again and this time do it right.
First day on the internet huh?
All the guys crying about this are hilarious. Yall weren’t going to join any groups like this, just throwing a fit cause you can’t join the club
What is the point of making a group like this women only?
Not trolling. Serious question. I’m a part of the other groups like this in DFW.
Urban planning etc has. Nothing to do with gender. And those in support of housing development, walkability, etc are usually by default also supporters of pay equity among sexes etc.
I guess my point is, this kind of fractures the movement by saying “we’re going to sit over here and you CANT come… but we have the same goals!”
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
It's a fair question.
Full disclosure: I'm a guy, and thus am not involved in this group, but I see the importance of it existing. I learned about a lot of issues specifically with public transit that I never would have thought about without talking to women who take transit, and doing some reading.
Urbanism generally is very male-dominated. It's easy for women's voices to be crowded out in these spaces. When that happens, you get blind spots. I don't think that the gender imbalance in urbanism is because women are inherently not interested.
Also, I know the leaders in DFW Urbanistas, and they are well-connected to the other advocacy groups that you're referring to, and the group is an important part of our community. Nobody I've spoken to (men, women, or otherwise) have ever thought that Urbanistas is somehow fragmenting the community (until now, I guess).
You sound like a super cool dude.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Can confirm.
Wait so men crowding out women’s voices is bad? But women cutting men’s voices out entirely is chill?
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Go to any other event in support of public transit, bikes, or housing in Dallas, and you'll see that men are absolutely not being shut out of this. These groups (other than the bike stuff) lean heavily male. This group was started specifically to help correct this imbalance within the overall community.
Women aren't crowding us (men) out just by creating their own space. That's ridiculous.
"We are discriminating in order to make things more equal."
Women could just step up to the plate and get as involved as men then. Seems easy enough.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Let me know how that strategy towards including people works out, I guess.
Your strategy is to literally exclude half the population. How about you let me know how that works out?
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
The urbanist community in Dallas isn't excluding half the population. This one specific group is creating a space just for women. Many of their events include everyone.
All the urbanist groups in Dallas that I'm aware of are fully supportive of this group, and have the opposite attitude to this comment section.
Just because a certain number of people support something doesn’t make it good.
If we follow that rationale, didn’t Trump just win the popular vote? What are the implications of that? Do I also have to think that he is a good thing now?
Preface: I’m a man.
Women have VERY different needs when it comes to this topic. My wife does not feel safe on a DART train. My wife doesn’t feel safe in plenty of situations such as walking in certain areas. The threshold for her and me to feel safe in those spaces is VASTLY different.
My wife has different “bathroom needs” in public (whereas if legal, I could piss in a private bush and think nothing of it). Those are just a few needs center around these ideas that would need to be solved to improve our system. Those are just the obvious ones to me, a man. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out there are a slew of other things that could come out of such a discussion.
Further, there are plenty of “wants” in this space that could improve it that could also be very gender specific.
Thus far, Dallas has not built its public transit or urban areas with any of these wants or needs in mind, so it makes very natural sense for women to get together to voice their needs and solutions.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Based. Thank you, brother.
Virtue signaling.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
I'm sorry you were so triggered by this post. Maybe see if you can get a hug from someone today?
You’re overthinking this man.
Idk. Seems like a fair question to ask since about this group advertises their mission as, “equitable transportation for all” and then promptly doesn’t include “all” in the movement.
There are many urbanist orgs in Dallas. Some are for people who like bicycles. Some are for property developers. Some are transit specific. This one just happens to be for women. People group themselves by things that are similar, it’s really not that deep.
this is such a wild thing to be upset about. Advocacy groups by population is always a thing, because sometimes people feel more able to be heard and articulate themselves among peers. I am 100% confident this group is not only advocating for the needs of their in-group, but overall improvement.
Think about the way NA/AA are split, but both focused on recovery.
but also
Women have specific needs for transit, particularly related to safety, and probably feel more able to express that and work towards it among peers. I just had a conversation with a friend about whenever we get on a train or a bus we try to find other women to sit near so we can watch out for each other.
I've had some absolutely incredible experiences on the DART where I felt completely safe and cared for, and I've also had a guy literally whip his junk out on a train so idk I think it's probably fine.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
I'm literally IRL friends with the people who run this group and can confirm that this is the case.
White, cishet women only? That's all that appears to be depicted in the photo so not sure.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
So I'm very aware that your comment wasn't made in good faith, but just in case anyone else sees it:
You can easily find photos on DFW Urbanistas' social media account that clearly depicts more diversity than that. I happen to know two of the three women in the graphic, and one of them is definitely not white. All women are welcome. Cis, trans, whatever. All women.
As a POC, it's a serious question. But go off. I'm not familiar with the group or its social media accounts. You seem like quite the ambassador though. Thanks for sharing.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Why would you assume in 2025 that a group only allows white women based off of phone graphic where you can't even see their faces? Why would you assume trans women are excluded? That is nonsense and I'm not taking the troll bait.
Oh idk because there are PLENTY of them in 2025. See sororities, junior league, etc. for example. You're quite hostile for simple questions. Are you sure this is a welcoming group?!?
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
I've already answered your question. Get lost.
I’m just trying to figure out how you can look at the back of someone and decide that they are cisgender. Even more, how you can figure out they’re heterosexual.
And the woman on the right could easily be Hispanic for all we know.
This is such a bizarre comment.
Well someone asked about transwomen earlier and conveniently OP ignored the question. And the appearance reference is because all of these women in the photo appear to be white or white passing. But parse the phrasing if you must.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
It's a bad faith comment. This is what concern trolling looks like.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
DFW Urbanistas is a women-led advocacy and social group that works to provide a space for women interested in advocating for more public transit, better walkability, bike & street safety, and abundant, quality housing in the Dallas area.
The event on Sunday is open only to women, but Urbanistas occasionally hosts other events open to everyone.
If you're a woman and looking to get involved in a group with other women working to make Dallas a better place, this is for you!
WOMEN: Sign up for the kickoff on Sunday using this Google Form.
Everyone: Follow DFW Urbanistas on Instagram
P.S. : If you're looking to get involved in this kind of thing in Dallas and can't attend the DFW Urbanistas kick-off, check out the Dallas Urbanists event tomorrow (January 18th) at 5pm that's open to everyone, and take a look at this list of groups in Dallas focused on transit, housing affordability, bike advocacy, and more.
TY so much for 1. Posting this 2. Defending women in the incel chat
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Happy to do it!
I signed up. Thanks op!
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Thank you! Have a great time.
This group is born out of a need for safe spaces for women in urbanism. A place where we don’t get “actually-ed” when speaking about things that affect specifically women. Urban areas are also hunting grounds for sick individuals hoping for an opportunity at finding a woman alone, this is something that cis, masc men will never encounter because their worst fear is robbery and murder, not am I going to be violated and then blamed for said violation or murdered. Safety is in numbers for women and helping to connect women with other women that may live in the same areas makes it that much harder to victimize us. If a man is offended by the desire of women to be in a safe place with other likeminded women, they are part of why the group and gathering are necessary.
The number one thing suggested here when men ask how to meet women is volunteering. I doubt that's why this group was formed but it definitely squashed the chances of dealing with people treating it like speed dating.
How are all the single men in this thread supposed to meet women when they’re so busy posting about how much they hate women?!
The fact that this group is only for women makes me want to campaign against public transit, and I'm pro-transit. Gender has jack shit to do with urbanism, full stop.
And men call us hysterical, but here they are so upset about one woman-centered group for transit that they'd rather not have better transit at all.
Damn, imagine hating women so much that you’re willing to change all of your values. Just think about how crazy that is.
Others already pointed out how a woman’s experience might be different living in the city, but I’m also just going to point out the fact that you assumed it didn’t have an effect is clearly a reason why this group needs to exist.
lol bullshit, take any average guy and any average gal and plop them in any neighborhood and they'll probably have vastly different assessments of how safe it feels, for instance. same goes for transit.
I've actually seen this first hand.
There was 4 people including me on a car at the very front a homeless man, then a couple seats behind some guy, then a couple seats behind a woman and then me. The homeless starts by trying to get the attention of the guy in the front and he kinda follows along just to not be rude I guess, he gets off and this woman is left closest to the homeless man and he starts talking to her, at first the same bull he was talking about to the guy but then it turns a bit aggressive with cat calling and such, she immediately moves to the car behind us. The homeless man turns to me trying to get my attention and I ignore him the rest of my trip.
I never felt unsafe, but I'm a guy.
^^^ this
There are many urbanist orgs in Dallas. Some are for people who like bicycles. Some are for property developers. Some are transit specific. This one just happens to be for women. People group themselves by things that are similar, it’s really not that deep.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
Ever notice how you don't have a comment section full of triggered crybabies on meetups for professional groups?
People just like to yap yap yap and whine whine whine on the internet.
So true so true.
Wanting to improve DFW on a scale that has nothing to do with gender, and then purposely excluding 50% of the city based on said gender is certainly a moment of all time.
Finding a reason to be mad?
The existence of a women’s only group doesn’t impact your life in the slightest. There are general groups that welcome all kinds of people. This isn’t one of them.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
This ignores the context that Urbanistas is well-connected to the rest of the urbanism community in Dallas. Urbanism is generally pretty male-dominated, particularly with transit advocacy, so clearly an additional effort to include them was needed.
So girl boss gentrification? Interesting strategy.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
This post is stupid.
Lol 0 up votes, and comments that completely (probably deliberately) miss the point
If you think this group is excluding anyone from transit advocacy... I invite you to transit advocacy spaces. No one is being excluded and there are no shortage of opportunities
All you have to advocate for anything is send emails. The barrier to entry is that low. And there are communities that will help you out and places to learn.
The mayor, city manager, and 57% of the city council are men, so what are your plans for improving public transportation in Dallas without involving the city's government?
City Manager(i) is a woman.
There are many urbanist orgs in Dallas. Some are for people who like bicycles. Some are for property developers. Some are transit specific. This one just happens to be for women. People group themselves by things that are similar, it’s really not that deep.
TakeATrainOrBusFFS@reddit (OP)
I assume "your" refers to DFW Urbanistas. I'm a guy and am therefore not active in this group.
Considering DFW Urbanistas is a well-connected part of a tight-knit community of advocates working on this stuff in Dallas and that they regularly mobilize their membership to take action on these issues alongside the other more general groups, there's no problem here.
Buddy whatever they pay you to keep copy and pasting this shit can’t be worth losing your dignity over