Can't find something fun to do with programming...

Posted by Edrixor@reddit | learnprogramming | View on Reddit | 24 comments

Hello, so lately I decided to stop gaming COMPLETELY since I was addicted, I'm learning to code, and I decided to start go for a computer science degree also.

I enjoy learning to code, BUT I feel like its a different type of joy, on my free time I'm searching for fun things to do, I find myself researching and thinking alot but I can't find nothing.

I will not go back to play games again because I know that's bad for me, but I after I haven't played games for a while I feel like there is a hole that I need to fill on my free time because coding requires energy, thinking and learning which isn't possible for me at least now.

What kind of fun things I can do with code when I want to relax and enjoy?