Can't find something fun to do with programming...
Posted by Edrixor@reddit | learnprogramming | View on Reddit | 24 comments
Hello, so lately I decided to stop gaming COMPLETELY since I was addicted, I'm learning to code, and I decided to start go for a computer science degree also.
I enjoy learning to code, BUT I feel like its a different type of joy, on my free time I'm searching for fun things to do, I find myself researching and thinking alot but I can't find nothing.
I will not go back to play games again because I know that's bad for me, but I after I haven't played games for a while I feel like there is a hole that I need to fill on my free time because coding requires energy, thinking and learning which isn't possible for me at least now.
What kind of fun things I can do with code when I want to relax and enjoy?
Recreate Spacewar. Fun, fairly easy to writ, and useful in understanding trig and mechanics.
Get some raspberry PIs and make them do stuff. Picture frames, cat feeder, security camera… it’s pretty endless.
Grab an arduino kit and build a robot.
Grab a raspberry PI and do the same.
Play game and still learn coding.
Try bitburner, its free.
Hope you like it! 😁
I made a version of Pong, then Breakout, then Pinball, then Tetris, then a 3d maze game. I also made a web scraper to go through my company's customer website forums, and make a database of discovered information for my boss to use.
You like video games, make something fun you enjoy.
That is a great question for the community, the best I can do is mention that the Avalanche ecosystem always has bounties going on which, depending on your interests, might light a spark and lead you down your next development path.
Make a videogame maybe?
Number guessing game, biz buzz game, or math trivia game. There are a lot of games that can be created by someone with little experience.
Pygames has some great tutorials that are beginner friendly.
If you’re not afraid of math learn to make a 3D game from scratch. You’ll gain a whole new level of appreciation for what AAA manage to do
Mess around with a raspberry pi and some resistors and leds and stepping motors and stuff.
It’s pretty short money and a whole ton of good old fashioned tinkering fun. Python hacking with blinkenlights? What could be better? Seriously.
Get the camera and build a robot that will chase your pet cat around your apartment.
How about learning and playing at the same time?:
Build a GAme to learn Programing
Combine it with electronics so you can interact with the world, that gets fun very quickly.
A personal project
There are two ways to go about this, the first way is to pick something that sounds like fun!
The second way is to have an open mind and watch for problems that bother you in your life. Then you would use programming to solve that problem. For example, if the cat needs to go out at 3:00 a.m. but you are tired of waking up at that time you can create a robot to do that. And so on and so forth.
The next step would be to create a personal website and portfolio that shows off the things that you have done, including this project. This website will continue to grow as you mature and do new projects through your life. This will be something that you can put on your resume when you are applying for jobs.
But I also think that you have learned something very valuable about yourself: it sounds like you are the type of person where you get bored if you do not have your own personal project or personal endeavor going on. If you are only going to work and going to bed, I think you will be unhappy because you are missing this part of your personal formula.
Try coding on a phone. Think of a phone as a raspberry pi + all the goodies. You've got gyroscopes, light sensors, GPS, camera, speakers, microphone, IR blaster, WiFi and Bluetooth etc.
Play coding games? Human resource machine is one of my favorites
Video game is not bad for you. Studies have shown people who casually played video games had positive correlation to IQ level.
What video game(s) did you play? Couldn't you make something related? Just off the top of my head, and depending on the games you played: a DPM calculator, a loadout tool, a hiscores scraper...
Making things related to my favourite game was really fun. Because I wanted to show my friends who play/played the same game. Also it's in a field you already know, and you'll be able to think of something that would be helpful for fellow players
Machine learning is fun. Program a game of hexapawn and teach the computer to beat you.
(It's easier than it sounds)
I find the dumber the better when going for fun. My personal favourite fun project was creating a game of snake by moving desktop file icons with winapi
Try to understand why you wanted to start programming in the first place - you wanted to build a game, understand how games work, hack a game, understand how neural networks work, understand how computers themselves work, understand how programming languages work, etc Based on that pick a book and/or a project and study it, creating the project on the go. For example, create a game, create a game engine, create a game hack, create a virtual machine for some device(like old console), create a compiler, etc Then, it will be a lot of fun to do