There is an early Seventies episode of Zoom that I have looked everywhere for and cannot find. They did one of their segments where I think they would visit a viewer who wrote into the show. It showed a kid who lived on a farm and what life on the farm was like. One part showed when he was riding the bus home from school, and he complained about the fertilizer that had been sprayed. "Maaawwwm, why ya gotta spray that stinkin' stuff when ah come home from skewwwl..." That always got big laughs at my house. I think at the end of it, they showed pigs running around in a pen. I wonder if anyone else remembers that episode.
This was Canadian, wasn’t it? No Americans could be this earnest.
RScottyL@reddit (OP)
Somewhere in the episode it gave an address where you could write in....
Boston, Massachusetts
Ohhhhhhh-two-ooooooooooone-three-foooooooouur...send it to Zoom!
RScottyL@reddit (OP)
Yep! lol!
There is an early Seventies episode of Zoom that I have looked everywhere for and cannot find. They did one of their segments where I think they would visit a viewer who wrote into the show. It showed a kid who lived on a farm and what life on the farm was like. One part showed when he was riding the bus home from school, and he complained about the fertilizer that had been sprayed. "Maaawwwm, why ya gotta spray that stinkin' stuff when ah come home from skewwwl..." That always got big laughs at my house. I think at the end of it, they showed pigs running around in a pen. I wonder if anyone else remembers that episode.
RScottyL@reddit (OP)
Unfortunately, it has been so long since I have watched it, that I forget what episode had what
I hated that ubba dubba language thing. Zoom was not my favorite.
My mom couldn't STAND it when I watched Zoom as a little kid (early and mid Seventies), and the Ubby Dubby speak was one of her main reasons.
Bernadette and her crazy arm thing.
RScottyL@reddit (OP)
I can do it though!
For some reason, this show always creeped me out.
I had forgotten about this show, but my brain didn't forget the theme song, apparently! 😅
Dave was the coolest, along with Bernadette; Lius needs some Ritalin and rhythm.