Anyone else start off as "jock" in middle school, became a "burnout" in high school and has now happily embraced their inner "nerd"?
Posted by Chunga_13@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 54 comments
Gotta be a few out there.
Yo en la secundaria y prepa fui deportista, nunca fui un deportista reconocido pero ahí estuve, la verdad la escuela es una lata, en la secundaria era 100% nerd en la prepa fue masomenos ya no era nerd pero si deportista en la uni sigo siendo deportista pero juego y entreno fútbol afuera de la escuela , la verdad es que conforme avance fui más flojo, mi nerd de 13 años no imaginaria que yo haya perdido un año escolar por haberme comportado como un flojo durante varios semestres,años de mi carrera
nope. skipped it all and went straight to nerd.
I was the dorky autistic nerd, made fun of. High School? The "Satanic" panic goth boy. Dropped out. Went into the USMC. Fuck society. Fuck my story. Live your life.
Always been a burnout
Quit football in high school in order to smoke weed and do hoodrat shit.
I really regretted later in life. Still dream about it actually.
Uncle Rico has entered the chat
Nerd>stoner>stoner nerd
Pretty much my path. Bullying was so bad the school decided to let me hide out in the computer lab. It was there on the warm green phosphorus glow of apple ii monitors that I would dabble with basic and logo to the point that by the 8th grade and freshman year I was writing test software for classes. End of freshman year I got into smoking pot and took a break from programming.
Then I became an adult and got into IT.
Best moment of my life, came home one day, was watching our local TV show fugitive watch. Basically all of the arrest warrants that were out there, and I saw my worst bully on there. Felt good to not be a loser like him.
I said nerd, not geek. Jk, I didn't have the grades or attention span to be either really. I just like comic books and cartoons.
I feel seen!
Greetings from the High School Smoke Pit😤
I was a nerd all along.
Heh, yes, exactly that.
Some of us crossed all the cliques. Kinda athletic (skateboarding) definitely a burnout but also got along well w the gritters and geeks too.
This right here. My high school was very accepting. Some people were more into one clique than another, but many of us floated between all groups. The jocks, the headbangers, the stoners, the preppies, the nerds, the car lovers, the smokers. Pretty much everyone could chat with anyone else. Small school, most of us knew each other for years.
I floated into whatever group i was standing closest to at the time. I was always telling jokes, and typically in a good mood so i was accepted everywhere. Probably how i ended up with such a wide range of experiences and hobbies.
Chunga_13@reddit (OP)
Cool. What state?
Not a state, province. Small faring town in Ontario.
Chunga_13@reddit (OP)
Favorite Rush album?
I am a young genX, 1977, and was relatively poor, so no free money for albums. I am lacking in knowledge of what songs were on what albums for all bands really. 90s music was when i really started paying attention to bands. Even my favorite bands, like Tragically Hip, i couldnt tell you the albums.
However song wise, Tom Sawyer would be my favorite Rush song. I love flowing long spaceship like sounds. And Tom Sawyer was a favorite book mine so the reference hits. I dressed a Huck Finn for Halloween when i was 12 or so. No one knew who i was, it was disappointing.
I hated cliques, and had friends across many of them. I was considered a jock because I played football, baseball, and basketball all the way through school, but I didn’t only hang out with them at school or outside of school. Looking back, most of my closer friends in high school were nerds and band kids.
My jock friends questioned why I was in theater and my theater friends wondered why I hung out with the jocks. My fellow Honors Student friends wondered why I hung out with either of them. 🤷🏼♂️
Got invited to parties from all 3 groups though.
Ha! Yes! This is me!!! I'm excited about a UFO crash retrieval video that's supposed to come out tmrw at 8:00. That's about it tho...
I have managed to be all 3 at the same time since about 7th grade. Basically the Wiley Wiggins character from Dazed and Confused.
Nerd>Stoner Nerd.
Those labels were screwy at my school. Jocks were in the sanctioned D&D club. Practically everybody was a burnout.
In the 80s, I was a shy nerd who was good at sports, loved hard rock and heavy metal and was poor, so didn’t dress preppy. I also didn’t smoke weed or drink. I had short hair too. I was definitely someone that you couldn’t categorize.
lol do you know me?
Chunga_13@reddit (OP)
Probably dropped the same acid. :)
Nerd + jock through college. Now nerd + play a jock on TV + really nerdy into presidential history.
Chunga_13@reddit (OP)
Well, we're certainly in a interesting phase of political history! Enjoy!!
I know right!
I was had a big ordeal over being kicked off the football team Junior year because of my hair, which was down near the middle of my back. But I could run a 4.5 40. So lots of back and forth with school administration, coaches, my parents, etc. (No way to know that long hair in football would be ubiquitous later on in life). Ended up (occasionally) playing safety for two years at a D1 school before the reality of never moving beyond hit home. I was both jock and stoner. Had a lot of friends of all kinds (a kegger is a kegger). Still am, really. No football obviously, but a running, cycling, golf, gym burnout now.
How did your hair turn out present day?
My wife says it’s “somewhere between Ethan Hawke and Ben Stiller” hair. It’s whatever. I just have it cut however she says she likes it. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Cool. Most of the ppl I knew that had long hair are bald now. Think we use to have some badass hair !!!
Yeah man. Long feathery center parted hair along with my shitty, patchy 16 year old mustache, I’m sure I looked quite badass. I’m pretty sure I thought I did at least. Add in my sick muscle half-shirts, Oakley blades, and terrifically tight jeans and I fancied myself a high school god.
Nope, I was the geek who was built like a farmboy. Honors classes, Baseball, Football, Basketball, and guitar in my spare time. Kept me away from my abusers at home.
Never a jock but have become a psychedelic/stoner/nerd in my latter years
I started off geeky, then went metal head. Now Im a geeky metal head.
Chunga_13@reddit (OP)
And Tool is probably one of your favorite bands. :)
Those who acted thusly were just following 'whatever was cool' trends. IMHO:
80s - Jocks
90s - Slackers
2000s - Tech Nerds.
I never did the clique bullshit. I hung out with whoever was interesting and wasn't a poser.
Chunga_13@reddit (OP)
I never considered myself to be in a clique, so to speak, I got along with just about everyone as well.
Nah. I was pretty much an introverted misfit who found solace with the stoner crowd, then just went back to being an introverted misfit.
I was a skater, metalhead, musician, hare Krishna, punk kid and nerd that got along with everyone.
I was a nerdy metalhead
We called em Brainers.
Quit football in high school in order to smoke weed and do hoodrat shit.
I really regretted later in life. Still dream about it actually.
Yep, total jock until 14 when I discovered guitars and rock n roll and girls...
now happily a music and sci-fi/fantasy nerd...
I was definitely a jock/burnout in high school. Varsity sports, lots of drugs.