What should I do about wheel bearing noise?
Posted by Agile_Leg9281@reddit | askcarguys | View on Reddit | 13 comments
Hub/wheel bearing question
Hi, I am trying to get my 2010 Toyota Corolla (120k miles) to last til May until I can get a new car. I begrudgingly put more money into it today to fix a broken O2 sensor. When I was checking out, the mechanic let me know my hub/wheel bearing was worn down and making a loud noise. The noise sounds like a low pitched humming/droning (not a grinding or squealing) and I thought it was tire noise since I got my tires rotated recently.
I really don’t want to a. put money into this car that I am going to get rid of in a few month b. buy a car before may (money is tied up until then) c. Die a fiery death on the expressway if my wheel pops off
What should I do?
That Corolla, unless it's just hammered, is probably worth $6000 or more. It's in your best interest to repair it before and brakes and causes more damage... And you'll preserve it's value when you go to sell or trade
Agile_Leg9281@reddit (OP)
blue book is $2000… it is pretty hammered. I think I’m going to pull the plug on her and get a new one
No way it's only $2000. Where are you located?
Agile_Leg9281@reddit (OP)
Chicago. She has a good amount of chipped paint, bumper dents and scratches. Broken taillight cover, needs new tires, has an oil leak, broken dipstick shaft, something wrong with the suspension allegedly
Ok I guess with all that listed
Agile_Leg9281@reddit (OP)
I bought the car used in 2018 with 70k miles and some accidents on it for 9k. I got a lot of use out of it driving in some rough parts of the city where I have gotten clipped by uninsured drivers more than once.
Fix. The. Bearing.
The only thing that can be done is replace the bearing. You can choose to ignore it but it is a safety issue and will eventually fail. Sorry for the bad news
Agile_Leg9281@reddit (OP)
how long is eventually…
Thats the fun part: no one knows. Could be a few months, could be a few years
Agile_Leg9281@reddit (OP)
Is it reasonable that it could last 3 months? I don’t really want to put $300+ in for less than 3 months. I will be avoiding going over 40mph
Im the guy whos car is always broken because im working on other people things first. So ive ignored bearings that make noise for far longer than i recommend. So when i say i wouldnt try to go 3 months on it thats not just me being picky.
Do whatever you have to do but be aware of the danger.
Agile_Leg9281@reddit (OP)
is there a strong possibility it could make it 3 more months? (not holding you to this of course lol)