To the lady at Fat Straws with her son
Posted by xbdp@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 104 comments
I just saw you tell your 5 year old son to throw his trash on the floor while standing next to a trash can inside the building. I don’t know what power trip privilege crap you’re on but fast food employees are people too and they shouldn’t be picking up trash from lazy people like you. You’re raising your son to be as trashy as you are.
Teaching respect and responsibility goes a long way, setting a better example for kids is important.
So agree…it’s unfortunate that the soon-to-be-occupant of the White House is anything but. Bad behavior is going to be unleashed everywhere.
Does everything have to be related to the election? I mean it wasn't obviously
When one considers the fact that influencers of children, high profile persons - Presidents, Mayors, Congress People, athletes, musicians, actors/actresses, etc. - are always in positions of influence on children and young adults. The US President has most often been one of those persons. Most parents consider that having good character for their children is important. With Trump placing strong focus on being seen and heard consistently and doing so in terms that parents would highly disapprove and would disallow in their children, I believe that the comment is warranted. The comment is not about the election but about an individual of unsavory character behaving in unsavory ways and negatively influencing society in the country.
Didn't Hunter Biden smoke crack?
And I don’t elect him for any public position. Nor did was he on any ballot.
I bet the only thing you vote on is Ru Paul's drag race. That and all sorts of dumb HOA shit. You give HOA vice president vibes.
Lmao, yeah. Got me mate. If only I knew who tf is Ru Paul.
I mean he wasn’t the president soooo….
lol let’s make everything about Trump
That cat's been out of the bag since 2016.
sure but only drama llamas with a lot of personal issues notice and post this shit lol
Say something to her. What’s the point of a passive aggressive anonymous post online after the fact?
If you were truly looking out for the employees, say something to the lady. Or pick it up yourself and prove your point to her. What the fuck do we care about this?
Hopefully, she sees this and feels bad /s
I hope she sees this and feels bad no sarcasm at all people need to feel ashamed for being littering loser weirdos.
I’ve gone behind someone who’s littered and thrown their trash away while maintaining eye contact. Same when I’ve seen a jerk leave their carts in parking spots. A sarcastic “it’s real hard to throw away your own trash, I get it buddy.” 🫡👏🏼🤙🏼👌🏼 will do the trick. No one wants to be shamed in public they want to be ignored. Don’t ignore them. Let them know you know they’re ignorant and stupid. You know when someone looks crazy enough to pull a gun and when someone is just being a dick. 99% of the time you can say something. Hold people accountable it’s actually not hard.
We need a physical description of the lady so we can confirm it fits our preconceived image of the type of people that do this shit
Valid, but also feels like I went back in time and I'm reading the Rants & Raves section of Craigslist.
Current urges to call folks out can be satisfied on Nextdoor.
This is so on point LOL I feel like it should be nicknamed the KAREN APP
"Back in my day people put their trash cans back inside by 5pm"
-signed 95% of avid nextdoor users
Wow....I miss craigslist
There was a website called that was a wondeful mindless scroll. It’s not active anymore, but the site and members were a lot of fun.
Casual Connections anyone? (Lounge music in the background)
Or, Missed Connections and OP is actually looking for a hookup.
I like reading Missed Connections every once in a while. One time a few years back, I saw one where someone was talking about a lady I worked with.
Nice plot twist.
Love happens in the most unlikely places, like next to a trash can.
I’m extremely disappointed I didn’t know about this section sooner
Jumping down that rabbit hole right now!
Oh damn! I didn't know it was still a thing!
It isn’t I’m just looking at past ones that were posted
Oh, what's this then?
Looks like a totally dead board. Was that your post from two weeks ago?
I have never once posted in that.
I forsee a new Dallas area sub on the horizon
So, what's your point? Both call out bad behavior.
Didn’t know Craigslist still existed 😱
Fcking damn hellfire. WTF is* it with the lack of common respect and courtesy towards others?! I ASSURE YOU: Not everyone is an inconsiderate jackass that lives in DFW👍. So very sorry that people are still acting like freaking idiots out in public.🤨
Why did you not do ome of 2 things? A. while making eye contact pick up what was just thrown on the ground, smile and place it in the trash. You don't even have to say anything. B. Tell the lady exactly what you just typed.
CALL THEM OUT!!! I saw a man throw his trash on the ground at HEB and I asked why he did it. He picked it up, rolled his eyes at me and walked off.
This is Trump’s fault
What's the rest of the story? Because people don't do something like that for no reason. Was the trash can full to overflowing? Was the slot too high for the kid to reach and she didn't want to bother doing it for him? Was he whining that he didn't want to use the trash can and she said then just leave it on the floor?
xbdp@reddit (OP)
The kid threw something in the trash, mom made him dig it out and told him to toss it on the floor. I then pick it up. I did not see it as my job to parent the kid nor tell the woman anything. This post was just a rant in a public forum, I don’t understand why people are so upset about it.
we're upset because it's fucking stupid lmao... call the mom out irl if you actually give a shit.
Dig a thing out of the trash for the purpose of throwing it on the floor instead? Good thing you didn't say anything to her, that sort of decision sounds like she's mentally unhinged.
xbdp@reddit (OP)
Everyone in these comments telling me I should’ve confronted her but I know better, people in this city can be dangerous
People in any city can be dangerous. And there are so many brave and morally superior super "men/women" commenting online about what they would do in any given situation that it's quite amazing I don't see somebody or other being "schooled" every day and every place I go if those folks actually did what they say "should have" been done.
So you wait to get home to say something on reddit lol
So what did she said when you confronted her?
Fat Straws😍🧋
This belongs on NextDoor. That’s where people go to complain
Yeah nobody ever complains on r/Dallas
Thank you! That's exactly what I was about to say. These are the kind of odd-ball grievances I see on NextDoor or my neighborhood FB group. Seriously, for all we know, OP made this shit up.
You arent wrong but did you do anything about instead of complaining on Reddit?
What are they supposed to do? Much wiser in this case to mind one’s own business and vent later than to act like a karen and intrude with a can of worms for no reason.
I've silently picked up trash and put it in the bin in front of people. With a stare that hopefully clearly communicated I'd like to see them banished to the deepest layer of hell.
Some people aren’t confrontational
Confrontation these days is a slippery slope. I mind my own business because you never know who is unhinged or has a gun.
If they're an employee they're probably not allowed to say anything.
My brain read this as ‘To the fat lady at Straws with her son’ and I was like daaamn, shots fired
nice rant but does not describe mom teaching her son to bad behavior where were you and who was she
Are you mute?
How is what I said any different from what this person said? Completely different voting reactions for the same thing. Bottom line is if someone’s BS pisses you off this much, you could politely say something to them. If they react poorly, walk away.
Open letters are so fucken stupid.
She’s probably not going to read this. Work out these frustrations with a therapist, not Reddit. “Shitty parent has a bratty kid” isn’t newsworthy.
She’s not here bro
Normalize this! Calling out idiots
Nobody was called put, hes just complaining into his echo chamber. He shouldve called her out to her face
Fair, he should have
And get a camera put in their face and accused of being a Karen.
or normalize not letting people you'll never interact with again have this much influence over your day 😅
This isn't a "them" problem. They just inserted themselves.
xbdp@reddit (OP)
You’re the one replying to every comment on here. It seems you’re the one influenced by it.
there's three comments here total lonely boy?
If you don't want to be direct this just make a scene. Loudly proclaim that you are going to clean up the trash just thrown on the floor. Go throw it away and for extra proclaim how easy it was to put in the trash. If they even have a shred of decency they will be humiliated.
Ya this. Or be like “hey I think you forgot something”
I love the videos where they throw it back in the asshole's car window as they're driving away.
I hope she sees this bro
Seriously, what would’ve been the worst thing that would’ve happened if you approached her when you saw this happening versus shouting into the void that is Reddit?
Are you seriously asking this question in Texas?
What’s the worst thing that could happen when calling a person trash in todays society? Hugs obviously?
Don’t post it on reddit bro, just tell her in person
“It looks like there’s still room in that trash can.” Done.
Like the old person on NextDoor: “To the person at the stop light at the intersection at blah and blah, you cut me off.”
Bro, you're yelling into the void; come on now.
Why not call out the trashy kid right there?
Hopefully, the kid is just as trashy at home as she is teaching him to be in public.
Where are these idiots when I’m in public because I will cause a stink and make a scene
My first shitty post college job was working as a manager at a clothing retailer.
One day a woman came in with her kid, said he really needed to use the bathroom, and asked if she could take him into the employee one.
I let her know that unfortunately I couldn't let her do that due to liability and loss prevention concerns, but there was a public bathroom just a couple minutes away in the food court. She rolled her eyes at me and turned away from the counter with a sigh and a disgusted expression.
I took a quick loop of the store, then walked into the back area to visit the office, and as I walked in her kid walked by me exiting that same area. As I turned to follow them, I saw her standing by a rack of clothes with this shit eating, "ha ha I beat you" look on her face.
Congratulations lady, you put your son in danger by sending him into a space where employees are often moving metal racks with pointy edges, and taught him that if someone denies you permission for something it's fine to ignore that if you're upset.
Some people are just Karens.
Can’t tell you how crazy it gets when you got a kid that’s about to pee. They don’t tell you they need to go until they’re in dire emergency of nearly peeing their pants. I get it’s not allowed but parents just feel this sense of needing to make sure their kids aren’t peeing themselves because of corporate rules.
I used to work at restaurants, I couldn't say anything when dealing with asshole customers. Now, as a grown ass adult, I call people on shit like that when I see it. Stand up for people who can't risk getting fired.
If you see someone doing something you KNOW is wrong, we all have an obligation to say something.
Get a life bapa. What good does this do? Lol
Seriously someone should have thrown sodas on that piece of trash and her son too. Trash deserves trashy retribution.
Then employees would have to clean that up, too
I did this the other day about a different issue and these people ate me up.
Sometimes people are insane and calling them out directly would endanger you. And you want to vent. I hope she is on reddit and sees this.
Ignore the rude comments. They can't help themselves.
Their parents were like this poor kid’s mom.
I get pissed when I see parents do this because I teach my kids respect for others and for our earth. So I agree- fuck her.
If you’re going to espouse virtue, you should say it to her face instead of posting anonymously on a forum she likely doesn’t frequent for internet points
That being said, of course that’s disgusting behavior..
Looks like I’m stopping by Fat Straws to slip them a $5. They’re on my way home and it’s Friday - why the heck not. A RAK to start the weekend. 🎉
I don’t think she’s reading this
✨ normalize journals 2025 ✨
No no I love the tea
…the boba tea 🧋
there's no tea lol
it's nothing burger 🍔
they heard a lady say something to their kid (assuming they were out alone because who pays attention to this shit when they're busy having a good time), said nothing in the moment, obsessed about it, and made a post.