How you know the military industrial complex runs this country
Posted by EndDemocracy1@reddit | Libertarian | View on Reddit | 24 comments
Posted by EndDemocracy1@reddit | Libertarian | View on Reddit | 24 comments
from a libertarian perspective, couldn't it be more profitable and utility maximizing to give money to Israel, given the potential geopolitical benefits?
On the other hand, insurance or the free market could help victims of natural disasters.
Here is AIPAC spokesperson.....
The fact that you can't even speel his name tells me enough I need to know about what kind of knowledge you got about this whole topic.
Yahoo this , yahoo that ... same shit. He is a neo-nazi , period.
Fact that you can't speel tells me you are having a hard time in school.
Sorry I tried to communicate with you in your language. I suppose German, French or Thai won't work, eh?
God dammit. Now I shat my pants from laughing.
No you help your homeland first fuck Israel
No. Taxation is theft. Any tax money taken should be given back to tax paying American citizens. That’s it!
No. For one thing, there are no geopolitical benefits, Israel is ripping us off if anything.
We've given them more aid than any other country in the world since WW2, with no tangible benefit to US citizens. Not only do they get more aid than anyone else, they get a special deal and are allowed to spend US money on their own defense industry, a benefit not extended to other recipients of US aid. To top it all off, the second and third biggest recipients of US aid, Egypt and Jordan, receive military aid in return for their friendly relations with Israel. So the US gives more money to Israel than any country in the world, and then bribes other countries to be friends with Israel on top of that.
And it's not like Israel has been our "greatest ally", they actually attacked the USS Liberty, killing dozens of American servicemen. They targeted British and American civilians for false-flag terrorist attacks in an attempt to blame Egypt in the Lavon Affair. They've spied on America numerous times. They heavily lobbied for the Iraq War. If there's any country we should stop sending foreign aid to, it's Israel.
Okay, but why might Israel be selected as the recipient of such aid? I mean, there are many other countries in the modern context that could do with such aid.
Because the Israel lobby is one of the most powerful groups in the United States. A strong majority of Congress has accepted money from AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups. When Thomas Massie, the most libertarian member of Congress called this out, they spent $600K trying to primary him.
All the tricky Dickies stuck in honeypots
My guess honey pot operations. Epstein was not the inventor of the honey pot. And I suspect that he was not the only Mossad operative that was working in our country or other countries.
I am not saying I am right but there has to be a reason our country and few other keep giving away money to this terrorist state.
From a libertarian perspective, the way you ensure maximum utility and profitability is through voluntary exchange.
If people see a benefit in spending money on something you don't need to tax them or force them to do anything. They will do it themselves. They will weigh their different options and choose to do with the money what benefits them the most.
And since "The People", and "Society" is nothing more then the conglomeration of individuals, their families and associations.... then whatever maximizes the value/profitability/outcome for each of them individually is how you maximize these things for all of them.
Otherwise if you just take the money by force and spend on what you think is important it may maximize utility/wealth/outcomes... but you have no way of knowing that. Neither does the government. Nor do you really have a reliable way to know if you choose well. So not only is the outcome unknown it really can't ever be known, even after the fact.
So, at best, under the most ideal circumstances it is a crapshoot.
American government shouldn't be giving money to victims of natural disasters.
The US gives Israel 3 billion per year, this is unacceptable.
The US has given Ukraine 175 billion... why are we talking about Israel?
In the aggregate, the US has given much more money to Israel than Ukraine
Since Israel was founded, we have given Israel $158 billion and that's over the course of a century.
Why do you think we both want to stop funding them? Sure ukraine might be in a war but its still not up to us to fund them.
I just find it curious how Ukraine is getting 50x the funding, and 50x fewer posts about how much funding they get.
There are still a lot of posts about ukrain but most people are agaisnt the funding of israel due to them being war mongerers and since the US has been funding for a long time.
We give them that much when there isn’t a war. We’ve given them close to 20 billion since their recent war. And we’ve been giving them money each year for decades.
We've given Israel $158 billion total in the last 100 years.
Is this an Anti-Israel sub now?
Right that’s definitely how we know….not because we’ll be spending close to a trillion dollars in defense this coming year. Honestly Israel should just switch sides and buy weapons from Russia. Love how you singled them out tho funny stuff