Now let's read all of the religious texts and history books related to Abrahamic religions and try to discern who is an unreliable narrator, who is a propoganda spewer, who is the holiest and who is literally the spawn of Satan. Spoiler alert: it's all of them all at once.
Gotta give it to God, created straight up the funniest sitcom
The Old Testament isn't Christian law. It is included in the Bible for historical context. The whole point of Christianity is the New Covenant between God and man which removes most of the purification rituals and laws as being requirements for salvation and replaced them with faith in God and Jesus.
I'm not even a Christian and I know this. You just hate Christians for some reason. 👃
"Col. 2:16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day —
Col. 2:17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ."
My heart is plenty soft. That’s why I’m not a Christian. The entire faith is built around the unjust and unfair torture of a figure. But that’s ok because humans were born inherently dirty because of something their forefathers have done.
I’m not against religion. But if any religion is true it’s definitely not Christianity
Ah, okay, thank goodness. It's ok to be redpilled about religion. I don't believe in anything either, but I don'tfight or diss christianity or the catholic church (although the current pope is a globalist puppet and a stickbundle) because I see it as a shield from other crap that's much worse. I prefer high IQ people to be atheists, but some inoffensive system of beliefs may be necessary for the mob. Hopefully one that's not about jihad, exploiting the goyim and so on. Today's catholicism is ok.
Yeah. They'd pray to anything that would give them what they wanted. And the old testament wasn't shy about other gods existing.
The whole Moses trip was a deal god tried to make with them if they'd quit that shit and only worship him. And they couldn't hold that deal for even a month. So he made them go in circles for 40 years only to settle back like 1 days walk from where they started. That's about the time he got real smite-y, too. I can't imagine why.
I wouldn't say the old testament wasn't shy about other gods existing, I can't think of a single moment in the old testament where other gods actually did anything. All the mentions are of people worshipping them, and the gods not being able to do anything because they don't exist.
It’s so funny to see small hats blamed for everything. My favorite is “Israel owns the US”. Israel is a western construct that provides the US a foothold in the Middle East so they fuck over the cave dwellers easier.
So we agree then? Or are you saying anyone can lobby so jews aren’t special in this regard? I still wouldn’t be too surprised if all the major lobbies are jewish tho
There's tons of US bases in the middle east ; Israel is not strategically that important (main regional bases are in Jordan and Turkey) ; it's a domestic issue driven by Christian evangelical voters and massive groups like CUFI.
Are you retarded? Why are you having a pissing contest about what religion the people who did bad thing followed? At least 90% of all that has been mentioned was done for non-religious purpose. Unless you are a zealot you won't do or not do stuff beyond praying for a religious cause.
My religion is the true one. All others are lying.
this is how every religion works (sans like bahai or whatever)
Religion controls most of the worlds politics
demonstrably untrue
Many people in the upper echelons of society follow it
far more of these people are athiest/jewish
Manipulate world events and media through propaganda
see above
Responsible for the transatlantic slave trade and other genocides
the slavery and genocide are bad, but far from unique to christianity, or religion as a whole. nearly every group of people in the world have engaged in it
Most US Presidents have belonged to or have been associated with this religion in one way or another
this was true until recently, but also means nothing lol
Yeah I forgot the time that Christians bombed a US research ship and also established an ethno-religious apartheid state that bases its entire identity on being a victim.
Lmfao dude. Nazis were about as Christian as they were socialist. The Catholic Church only signed an agreement to guarantee no persecution from Germany…which was swiftly broken.
Unless you didn’t mean Nazis. Then I’d just call you an idiot because slavery was more rooted in class and hierarchy than religion.
What was the main religion that pushed their ideals? Shintoism?
What religion was used as being chosen by God, thus essentially genociding the original inhabitants due to ancient scripture? Rastafarianism?
You are so busy licking Zionist boots that you fail to see that Americans and Canadians wanted to “normalize” and “assimilate” Natives into society. They cut their hair, changed their clothes, took away their native tongue. Of course they’d teach them religion on top of it.
Its not that simple because the Christians sent here, were sent here with the understanding that they'd all die horribly. Because it was a denomination that was pissing the king off.
And that's true of the French, Spanish, Dutch, and every crown empire that came to the America's. It wasn't until they started somehow surviving that they were like "fuck.. alright time to lane grab properly for the empire!" Forcing the natives to do anything barely worked and that's why every nation was more into fighting the natives instead of trying to convert them. The natives just wanted the fuckers to fuck off. And the peaceful natives got the most brutal of treatments because they'd have rather lived and suffered than died fighting.
The only religious empire that didn't try that was the jews, because they lacked proper organization. But there's more than one way to win a game of civilization 6.
this was true until recently, but also means nothing lol
Quite literally still true. We've never had a president who wasn't Christian. For that matter, we practically had riots the first time we got a non-Protestant president.
i dont believe that clinton, obama, or trump are christian, we just live in a christian majority country, and they want to appeal to voters. the bushes/biden maybe believed at some point, but certainly are no longer practicing
3 members of the Forbes 400 are christian: Do Won Chang (forever 21), David Green (hobby lobby), and Dan Cathy (Chickfila). The rest are atheist or jewish
uhm actually it's wrong because someone is a jew 🥸👆
Got anything else?
Yes you smug retard, I do
"Nor were Jews prominent in the slave trade. Of the 40 slave merchants in South Carolina, only 1 minor trader was a Jew." [paragraph goes on to list similar breakdowns for other US states] – Marvin Perry, Frederick M. Schweitzer: Antisemitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present, p. 245. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002; ISBN 0-312-16561-7
"In no period did Jews play a leading role as financiers, shipowners, or factors in the transatlantic or Caribbean slave trades. They possessed far fewer slaves than non-Jews in every British territory in North America and the Caribbean. Even when Jews in a handful of places owned slaves in proportions slightly above their representation among a town's families, such cases do not come close to corroborating the assertions of The Secret Relationship." – Wim Klooster (University of Southern Maine): Review of Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight by Eli Faber[permanent dead link] (2000). "Reappraisals in Jewish Social and Intellectual History", William and Mary Quarterly Review of Books. Volume LVII, Number 1. Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture[ISBN missing]
• "Medieval Christians greatly exaggerated the supposed Jewish control over trade and finance and also became obsessed with alleged Jewish plots to enslave, convert, or sell non-Jews... Most European Jews lived in poor communities on the margins of Christian society; they continued to suffer most of the legal disabilities associated with slavery. ... Whatever Jewish refugees from Brazil may have contributed to the northwestward expansion of sugar and slaves, it is clear that Jews had no major or continuing impact on the history of New World slavery." – Professor David Brion Davis of Yale University in Slavery and Human Progress (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984), p. 89 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ Archived 2018-10-01 at the Wayback Machine)
• "The Jews of Newport seem not to have pursued the [slave trading] business consistently ... [When] we compare the number of vessels employed in the traffic by all merchants with the number sent to the African coast by Jewish traders ... we can see that the Jewish participation was minimal. It may be safely assumed that over a period of years American Jewish businessmen were accountable for considerably less than two percent of the slave imports into the West Indies" – Professor Jacob R. Marcus of Hebrew Union College in The Colonial American Jew (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1970), Vol. 2, pp. 702-703 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ )
• "None of the major slave-traders was Jewish, nor did Jews constitute a large proportion in any particular community. ... probably all of the Jewish slave-traders in all of the Southern cities and towns combined did not buy and sell as many slaves as did the firm of Franklin and Armfield, the largest Negro traders in the South." – Bertram W. Korn, Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789-1865, in The Jewish Experience in America, ed. Abraham J. Karp (Waltham, Massachusetts: American Jewish Historical Society, 1969), Vol 3, pp. 197-198 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ )
• "[There were] Jewish owners of plantations, but altogether they constituted only a tiny proportion of the Southerners whose habits, opinions, and status were to become decisive for the entire section, and eventually for the entire country. ... [Only one Jew] tried his hand as a plantation overseer even if only for a brief time." – Bertram W. Korn, "Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789-1865", The Jewish Experience in America, ed. Abraham J. Karp (Waltham, Massachusetts: American Jewish Historical Society, 1969), Vol 3, p. 180 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ )
Unless you're going to respond with academic peer reviewed research that proves jews were responsible for the trans-atlantic slave trade and not european christians, then consider KILLING yourself. Thanks babe 🥰🥰
Move from place to place, consistently get kicked out of anywhere you stay because you can't stop doing weird shit
One day make friends with an altruistic millionaire who will have your back no matter what
Break into some random person's house, start squatting, anytime they try to get back in just start throwing shit and screaming at them
Altruistic millionaire is also jacked as shit and you can call him up whenever the homeowner brings friends and he'll just beat the shit out of all of them
Proclaim the house as being yours from the day it was built
Millionaire friend cuts you a check every month and doesn't give a fuck what you spend it on
Imagine being the parents of the serviceman killed and all you get is some money and an “apology”. There are days where I fully understand why our adversaries hate us.
I wouldn't trust a 'country'/'ally' that would shoot an American flag on 'accident' because "Tee-hee we didn't see it; not after the after torpedo, napalm, and two Dassault Mirage III jets carrying out strafing runs with 30mm cannons. Oppsies"
The US, which has the best deployed military technology in the world, shot down a civilian airliner killing everybody on board and gave the people who did it medals. I wouldn't trust a country that shoots at civilian targets.
It's wild to stand back a minute and wonder if their current state of politics is how their religious leaning has always guided them. Their current state of fanaticsm and bloodlust is diabolical.
Yeah, save for the fact the millionaire is not "allowing" the bum, but entirely controlled, psyopped and gamed by the bum, who runs everything the millionaire sees and hears and even chops his foreskin.
I recently learned about the following named "Christian Identity". Which basically believes that the chosen people were actually Caucasians from Europe, and that every other race are goyim, even the big nose tribe.
Of course it's labeled as a white supremacist group by them, even though they believe the same shit but in reverse.
yeah but only one is based in reality lol. the Christians (Romans/Greeks/Byzantines) all coped because they killed their own savior, and theyre trying to peg it on the Jews. it's all cope.
even freud tried to cope:
, that they subsequently killed the Egyptian Moses in rebellion, and still later joined with another monotheistic tribe in Midian who worshipped a volcano god called Yahweh.
he is revealing his own guilt of the Gentile killing Jesus. do you see. the christians are the ones coping.
bronze age people are "sthanam" -- "firm", "unmoving"
And? I hope you realize that there’s a reason no surrounding country wants to take in Palestinians.
I’m fact I’d double the budget to ensure Palestinian Muslims have no control over the holy land. Christian and historical artifacts would not survive a week.
It makes more sense when you realize they stole it all from Annunaki texts - written in STONE 3000 years before the Jews were a twinkle in the eye of Yahweh…
lol "stole". As much as the Greek stole their Mythos from the Egyptians, or the Romans stealing from the Greek. It's all interconnected and understandable similar.
Lol… keep perpetuating the lie that somehow copying texts written in stone is “interconnected and similar “…. Use that one when stealing a Sony song or copyright and tell the Jewish owners “the song is interconnected and understandably similar”…
To be fair, they worshipped other gods because the Y man didn't pay attention to them. New found documents suggest baal was the one who freed them from Egypt based on recent script findings. And they had to get on Yahwehs good side because baal can be a bit of a genocidal monster.
Boy, did they not know yahweh lol.
At the end of the day, the Jewish faith just kept eating and merging with other religions when they made their stories sound better. Once human story telling became global, that's when reading comprehension started to become the forefront of 'no, you are wrong and I'm right!'
thats the point though, why are you denouncing it?? have you even read judges?
"In those days the Israelites did not have a king"
this Israelites STILL have no king. and they will bypass the need for a king by overthrowing the Ayatollah, finding a reincarnation of Cyrus (likely a zoroastrian or brahmin), and becoming an independent region under the NeoNeoPersian Empire,. The NeoCyrus will give a new "Edict" to build a new temple in Jerusalem.
It's a massive coincidence that every culture from every time period that has come across them has independently had a problem with them, I don't know how you would explain that
Well if you want to be pedantic then surely you noticed that none of them were Muslims and that calling the Romans or Hellenes "Euro" makes little sense when they were Med / Eastern for the most part.
or maybe the christian elite picks the pocket of their peasants, and pins it on jews? the christian elite likes the jewish theory of economics until the peasants realize they're getting fucked. your elite doesnt care. you're the ones being sold out
thats not the point. i dont care about my internet points. im connecting it to the "act of downvoting" my point intrinsically makes you an NPC. its an internal thing. my points are irrelevant.
“The {{removed}} are an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched.” - Voltaire
Pretty sure every single religion has some kind of out or repentance in them or they wouldn't of lasted. The shit was added later when the people making it up realized it was impossible to follow. People probably just said fuck it, I'm going to hell no matter what, gonna go ham on all the sins.
They went chill dude, you can still go to heaven as long as you pay us money and come to this big building once in a while. Also this fella needs to bite the end of your son's dick off.
The only two religions we can look into that about are Islam and Christianity, what with them being the newest and biggest scisms. The other religions are so old that they existed becore writing. And yes, every 'denomination' has a 'get out of hell free card'.
Typically, it is something like die for your god vs the baddies. Or just pray harder but like you mean it this time. Or have a human who claims to be Divine pray with you because he's got connections with the guy upstairs. Even Jesus made it something like 10x easier to get in because all you had to do was believe in him and at least try to be decent, but he totally gets if you fail because God made you this way. i hear the catholics have been big for a while on buying your way in by giving to the church. They even used to LITERALLY sell get out of hell free cards like a damn game of monopoly. Just don't lose it!
Now let's read all of the religious texts and history books related to Abrahamic religions and try to discern who is an unreliable narrator, who is a propoganda spewer, who is the holiest and who is literally the spawn of Satan. Spoiler alert: it's all of them all at once.
Gotta give it to God, created straight up the funniest sitcom
christians dont even bother technically not breaking the rules. they just say that the rules they dont like dont count because reasons
Most Christians don’t like personal accountability
Ezekiel 18:20
That’s a part of the Old Testament which Christians like to disregard when it suits them.
Other wise they wouldn’t be eating pork
The Old Testament isn't Christian law. It is included in the Bible for historical context. The whole point of Christianity is the New Covenant between God and man which removes most of the purification rituals and laws as being requirements for salvation and replaced them with faith in God and Jesus.
I'm not even a Christian and I know this. You just hate Christians for some reason. 👃
"Col. 2:16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day — Col. 2:17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ."
Like I said. Christian’s like to disregard the Old Testament whenever convenient.
I'll pray for you that someday your heart will be softened and eager to seek the living God.
And I wish for more wishes!!
My heart is plenty soft. That’s why I’m not a Christian. The entire faith is built around the unjust and unfair torture of a figure. But that’s ok because humans were born inherently dirty because of something their forefathers have done.
I’m not against religion. But if any religion is true it’s definitely not Christianity
Pray for long knives instead. That one might actually come true
Or it was the teachings of Jesus and the council of Jerusalem that superceded it?
Maybe except we don’t know what Jesus taught because we cannot trust the NT.
"The council can kiss my ass!!"
Commander Sheppard
This sub turned extremely Reddit overnight.
dont worry, im extra racist, homophobic, antisemetic, and transphobic to make up for my atheism
Ah, okay, thank goodness. It's ok to be redpilled about religion. I don't believe in anything either, but I don'tfight or diss christianity or the catholic church (although the current pope is a globalist puppet and a stickbundle) because I see it as a shield from other crap that's much worse. I prefer high IQ people to be atheists, but some inoffensive system of beliefs may be necessary for the mob. Hopefully one that's not about jihad, exploiting the goyim and so on. Today's catholicism is ok.
On Reddit, it’s a bannable offense to speak unfavorably about any religion that’s not Christianity.
I've never related more with a comment in my life
take a look at the address bar in your web browser. what you see may shock you!
It has been happening for a while.
That's the government.
My boy Moses turned his back for like 5 minutes and came back to bull worship.
The Old Testament is just that but replace “Moses” with “God” and “bull worship” with “fill-in-the-blank worship”
Yeah. They'd pray to anything that would give them what they wanted. And the old testament wasn't shy about other gods existing.
The whole Moses trip was a deal god tried to make with them if they'd quit that shit and only worship him. And they couldn't hold that deal for even a month. So he made them go in circles for 40 years only to settle back like 1 days walk from where they started. That's about the time he got real smite-y, too. I can't imagine why.
I wouldn't say the old testament wasn't shy about other gods existing, I can't think of a single moment in the old testament where other gods actually did anything. All the mentions are of people worshipping them, and the gods not being able to do anything because they don't exist.
Moses had no GPS… 40 years for a 2 days walk…
That’s what happens when your tablet is linked to the cloud I guess…
Praise pepe
Ancient 4chan posters.
Smiting in my Golden Calf Enthusiast forum?
MFW It's actually Christianity
There was an interesting post I read that the Vatican/Jesuits were actually the evil deep state that people claim Jews to be. Makes sense to me ngl.
It’s so funny to see small hats blamed for everything. My favorite is “Israel owns the US”. Israel is a western construct that provides the US a foothold in the Middle East so they fuck over the cave dwellers easier.
MFW I look at the Jewish lobby in the US. American Israel Public Affairs Committee
AIPAC isn’t even the largest lobby, is it a surprise that Jews have more money to throw into lobbying?
I don’t know if you’re agreeing with me or not
There’s nothing to agree to. Lobbying exists buddy.
So we agree then? Or are you saying anyone can lobby so jews aren’t special in this regard? I still wouldn’t be too surprised if all the major lobbies are jewish tho
I mean, come on man. This comment shows that you’re ignorant (by its definition) and biased.
There's tons of US bases in the middle east ; Israel is not strategically that important (main regional bases are in Jordan and Turkey) ; it's a domestic issue driven by Christian evangelical voters and massive groups like CUFI.
And which ethnicity holds disproportionate amounts of power over the United States...?
Irish Catholics
The Irish
Shamrocks! You weren't supposed to notice!
Israel owns America in the same way that South Vietnam and Francoist Spain owned America
IIRC the slave trade was done for profit, not religion.
Who provided most of that profit? Who was the main buyer of slaves in America? Hindus?
It was plantation owners, simple as.
Protestants actually. At least the worst type.
So Christians? Gotcha.
Are you retarded? Why are you having a pissing contest about what religion the people who did bad thing followed? At least 90% of all that has been mentioned was done for non-religious purpose. Unless you are a zealot you won't do or not do stuff beyond praying for a religious cause.
this is how every religion works (sans like bahai or whatever)
demonstrably untrue
far more of these people are athiest/jewish
see above
the slavery and genocide are bad, but far from unique to christianity, or religion as a whole. nearly every group of people in the world have engaged in it
this was true until recently, but also means nothing lol
65/100 you can do better
Also, where did I say that only Christians did genocide? It's a known fact that most slave owners throughout the US were christians.
My point of this is that everything people accuse Jews of, Christians actually do.
Yeah I forgot the time that Christians bombed a US research ship and also established an ethno-religious apartheid state that bases its entire identity on being a victim.
Christians literally almost wiped out an entire race. They were also made Jim Crow. So...
Lmfao dude. Nazis were about as Christian as they were socialist. The Catholic Church only signed an agreement to guarantee no persecution from Germany…which was swiftly broken.
Unless you didn’t mean Nazis. Then I’d just call you an idiot because slavery was more rooted in class and hierarchy than religion.
Wasn't talking about Nazis dipshit. I was talking about Natives...
Again, not Christians. European settlers and American expansionism.
What was the main religion amongst them? Jainism?
What religion was taught to the ones forced into boarding schools? Judaism?
What was the main religion that pushed their ideals? Shintoism?
What religion was used as being chosen by God, thus essentially genociding the original inhabitants due to ancient scripture? Rastafarianism?
You are so busy licking Zionist boots that you fail to see that Americans and Canadians wanted to “normalize” and “assimilate” Natives into society. They cut their hair, changed their clothes, took away their native tongue. Of course they’d teach them religion on top of it.
What the fuck is your point even? The fact is they were forced to be Christians by Christians.
Zionists didn't do that.
Its not that simple because the Christians sent here, were sent here with the understanding that they'd all die horribly. Because it was a denomination that was pissing the king off.
And that's true of the French, Spanish, Dutch, and every crown empire that came to the America's. It wasn't until they started somehow surviving that they were like "fuck.. alright time to lane grab properly for the empire!" Forcing the natives to do anything barely worked and that's why every nation was more into fighting the natives instead of trying to convert them. The natives just wanted the fuckers to fuck off. And the peaceful natives got the most brutal of treatments because they'd have rather lived and suffered than died fighting.
The only religious empire that didn't try that was the jews, because they lacked proper organization. But there's more than one way to win a game of civilization 6.
I can go around robbing stores disguised as a black man. It doesn't make me black and can only fool people in the most superficial capacity.
i see right through you dude lol
Quite literally still true. We've never had a president who wasn't Christian. For that matter, we practically had riots the first time we got a non-Protestant president.
i dont believe that clinton, obama, or trump are christian, we just live in a christian majority country, and they want to appeal to voters. the bushes/biden maybe believed at some point, but certainly are no longer practicing
Obama was known to go to church every Sunday even after he won his second term.
You didn't have to lie to me
3 members of the Forbes 400 are christian: Do Won Chang (forever 21), David Green (hobby lobby), and Dan Cathy (Chickfila). The rest are atheist or jewish
In reality, they're all atheist and hide behind religion and religious based charities.
Who owned the ships?
Christians did you retard
Slavery and Human Progress (1984) and Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World (2006)
Econocide: British Slavery in the Era of Abolition (1977)
The Root article: "The Truth About Jews and the Slave Trade" (2010)
author: David Brion Davis, converted jew
author: Seymour Drescher, jew
I can only find a podcast with this title by someone called Michael L. Brown, and you can already fucking guess.
Got anything else?
"Nor were Jews prominent in the slave trade. Of the 40 slave merchants in South Carolina, only 1 minor trader was a Jew." [paragraph goes on to list similar breakdowns for other US states] – Marvin Perry, Frederick M. Schweitzer: Antisemitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present, p. 245. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002; ISBN 0-312-16561-7
"In no period did Jews play a leading role as financiers, shipowners, or factors in the transatlantic or Caribbean slave trades. They possessed far fewer slaves than non-Jews in every British territory in North America and the Caribbean. Even when Jews in a handful of places owned slaves in proportions slightly above their representation among a town's families, such cases do not come close to corroborating the assertions of The Secret Relationship." – Wim Klooster (University of Southern Maine): Review of Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight by Eli Faber[permanent dead link] (2000). "Reappraisals in Jewish Social and Intellectual History", William and Mary Quarterly Review of Books. Volume LVII, Number 1. Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture[ISBN missing]
• "Medieval Christians greatly exaggerated the supposed Jewish control over trade and finance and also became obsessed with alleged Jewish plots to enslave, convert, or sell non-Jews... Most European Jews lived in poor communities on the margins of Christian society; they continued to suffer most of the legal disabilities associated with slavery. ... Whatever Jewish refugees from Brazil may have contributed to the northwestward expansion of sugar and slaves, it is clear that Jews had no major or continuing impact on the history of New World slavery." – Professor David Brion Davis of Yale University in Slavery and Human Progress (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984), p. 89 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ Archived 2018-10-01 at the Wayback Machine)
• "The Jews of Newport seem not to have pursued the [slave trading] business consistently ... [When] we compare the number of vessels employed in the traffic by all merchants with the number sent to the African coast by Jewish traders ... we can see that the Jewish participation was minimal. It may be safely assumed that over a period of years American Jewish businessmen were accountable for considerably less than two percent of the slave imports into the West Indies" – Professor Jacob R. Marcus of Hebrew Union College in The Colonial American Jew (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1970), Vol. 2, pp. 702-703 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ )
• "None of the major slave-traders was Jewish, nor did Jews constitute a large proportion in any particular community. ... probably all of the Jewish slave-traders in all of the Southern cities and towns combined did not buy and sell as many slaves as did the firm of Franklin and Armfield, the largest Negro traders in the South." – Bertram W. Korn, Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789-1865, in The Jewish Experience in America, ed. Abraham J. Karp (Waltham, Massachusetts: American Jewish Historical Society, 1969), Vol 3, pp. 197-198 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ )
• "[There were] Jewish owners of plantations, but altogether they constituted only a tiny proportion of the Southerners whose habits, opinions, and status were to become decisive for the entire section, and eventually for the entire country. ... [Only one Jew] tried his hand as a plantation overseer even if only for a brief time." – Bertram W. Korn, "Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789-1865", The Jewish Experience in America, ed. Abraham J. Karp (Waltham, Massachusetts: American Jewish Historical Society, 1969), Vol 3, p. 180 (cited in Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/ )
Unless you're going to respond with academic peer reviewed research that proves jews were responsible for the trans-atlantic slave trade and not european christians, then consider KILLING yourself. Thanks babe 🥰🥰
only a fed would have this much pro-jew propaganda on speed dial. couldn't be more obvious
Literally wikipedia has them listed. It took one google search. Antisemitic morons like yourself just can't think hard enough to use tools though.
Ah yes, the "middle passage" dog whistle.
Christians, mostly
I mean the Muslims did a hell of a lot more slave trading than Christians,
And that was a religious state doing it rather than a company.
Quite a lot of the people actually running the slave trade were not Christian.
Lmao context? I'm a dumbass
Indeed it’s the Liberty
They said it was an accident but we all know that was bs
Imagine being the parents of the serviceman killed and all you get is some money and an “apology”. There are days where I fully understand why our adversaries hate us.
I wouldn't trust a 'country'/'ally' that would shoot an American flag on 'accident' because "Tee-hee we didn't see it; not after the after torpedo, napalm, and two Dassault Mirage III jets carrying out strafing runs with 30mm cannons. Oppsies"
The US, which has the best deployed military technology in the world, shot down a civilian airliner killing everybody on board and gave the people who did it medals. I wouldn't trust a country that shoots at civilian targets.
It's wild to stand back a minute and wonder if their current state of politics is how their religious leaning has always guided them. Their current state of fanaticsm and bloodlust is diabolical.
Yeah, save for the fact the millionaire is not "allowing" the bum, but entirely controlled, psyopped and gamed by the bum, who runs everything the millionaire sees and hears and even chops his foreskin.
At least, after the bum deliberately antagonises them and convinces you that paying those bums to settle them the fuck down is a bad idea.
You are aware that 1948 predates US being Israel’s bestie yes? It was the frogs before.
You forgot:
eh "expanding" ... 75 years and they barely moved away from the sea coast.
Sssssshhh don’t question the narrative that’s now what this sub is for
This is the harsh truth about it.
I recently learned about the following named "Christian Identity". Which basically believes that the chosen people were actually Caucasians from Europe, and that every other race are goyim, even the big nose tribe.
Of course it's labeled as a white supremacist group by them, even though they believe the same shit but in reverse.
Funny how that works, huh?
I wonder where you learn stuff like that.
yeah but only one is based in reality lol. the Christians (Romans/Greeks/Byzantines) all coped because they killed their own savior, and theyre trying to peg it on the Jews. it's all cope.
even freud tried to cope:
he is revealing his own guilt of the Gentile killing Jesus. do you see. the christians are the ones coping.
bronze age people are "sthanam" -- "firm", "unmoving"
Dribble. It’s like 3% of our defense budget per year. Paltry sum to make leftists and Muslims seethe.
That's enough to fully fund like 20 small countries though
And? I hope you realize that there’s a reason no surrounding country wants to take in Palestinians.
I’m fact I’d double the budget to ensure Palestinian Muslims have no control over the holy land. Christian and historical artifacts would not survive a week.
I agree with you. I'm just joking about the size of the US military budget.
Dude doesn't even know both parties are pro-Israel. The right really are lost.
In fairness, democrats are as left as Republicans are moderate, not that that makes him any less of a mouth breather
I hope she sees this bro! Free Palestine!!!!!
God Bless America
It makes more sense when you realize they stole it all from Annunaki texts - written in STONE 3000 years before the Jews were a twinkle in the eye of Yahweh…
lol "stole". As much as the Greek stole their Mythos from the Egyptians, or the Romans stealing from the Greek. It's all interconnected and understandable similar.
Lol… keep perpetuating the lie that somehow copying texts written in stone is “interconnected and similar “…. Use that one when stealing a Sony song or copyright and tell the Jewish owners “the song is interconnected and understandably similar”…
More like inspiration. Human beings tend to polygamise their culture and religion for stability. Not sure why you're so cynical about it.
ok, just for the lulz, let's link those texts you're talking about.
To be fair, they worshipped other gods because the Y man didn't pay attention to them. New found documents suggest baal was the one who freed them from Egypt based on recent script findings. And they had to get on Yahwehs good side because baal can be a bit of a genocidal monster.
Boy, did they not know yahweh lol.
At the end of the day, the Jewish faith just kept eating and merging with other religions when they made their stories sound better. Once human story telling became global, that's when reading comprehension started to become the forefront of 'no, you are wrong and I'm right!'
Jews are Israelites but Israelites are not Jews. One tribe was just like nah Jesus was just a guy, let’s keep charging interest
thats the point though, why are you denouncing it?? have you even read judges?
"In those days the Israelites did not have a king"
this Israelites STILL have no king. and they will bypass the need for a king by overthrowing the Ayatollah, finding a reincarnation of Cyrus (likely a zoroastrian or brahmin), and becoming an independent region under the NeoNeoPersian Empire,. The NeoCyrus will give a new "Edict" to build a new temple in Jerusalem.
what aren't you seeing??
You are neglecting the fact that Zoroaster was a Serb
So still not real white. What’s the problem?
Serbs are the originators of society nordcuck
4chan trying not to be antisemitic conspiracy theorists challenge impossible.
Wait until you find out what the term "Israel" actually means.
it's a nickname for Jacob
And it means?
Wrestles with God
"Is real"?
ermuhgurd it means "liars e"
This post is basically sums up the entirety of Kings and Chronicles.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again
It's a massive coincidence that every culture from every time period that has come across them has independently had a problem with them, I don't know how you would explain that
It was literally just euros and muslims, and neither of them arrived at it independently.
Assyrians, Babylonians, Caananites, Egyptians, Edomites, Romans, Yuan, Greeks, Hellenists etc also took issue with them.
So euros and muslims
The Yuan were known for their strong European features and love of halal food.
Literally couldn't find a single piece of evidence that the Yuan had an issue with jews.
That's the only one in your list that isn't in the north east Africa / Arabian peninsula or southern Europe area
Well if you want to be pedantic then surely you noticed that none of them were Muslims and that calling the Romans or Hellenes "Euro" makes little sense when they were Med / Eastern for the most part.
Northern mediterranian, famously not part of Europe, featuring countries like Greece and Italy
This is like referring to native Americans as Canadians or Mexicans
The first five on that list are neither European nor Muslim.
So every people they came in contact with.
When exactly do you think Islam was founded?
Do you know that people from different countries can talk, right?
literally not true at all
Oh? Who tolerated them then?
India too
Under Cyrus the great, yeah
Um, no I don't tolerate them
fuck off, "who didn't tolerate them?", it's not my burden of proof for random dumb shit that comes out of your mouth
I thought Jews were only safe in Israel? That’s what Netanyahu told me
youre a moron if u believe what top comment said
or maybe the christian elite picks the pocket of their peasants, and pins it on jews? the christian elite likes the jewish theory of economics until the peasants realize they're getting fucked. your elite doesnt care. you're the ones being sold out
Oh no your reddit shekels!!!
lmao this was hilarious
thats not the point. i dont care about my internet points. im connecting it to the "act of downvoting" my point intrinsically makes you an NPC. its an internal thing. my points are irrelevant.
the point went over your NPC smooth brain
“The {{removed}} are an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched.” - Voltaire
They hate em cause they ain't em
Pretty sure every single religion has some kind of out or repentance in them or they wouldn't of lasted. The shit was added later when the people making it up realized it was impossible to follow. People probably just said fuck it, I'm going to hell no matter what, gonna go ham on all the sins.
They went chill dude, you can still go to heaven as long as you pay us money and come to this big building once in a while. Also this fella needs to bite the end of your son's dick off.
The only two religions we can look into that about are Islam and Christianity, what with them being the newest and biggest scisms. The other religions are so old that they existed becore writing. And yes, every 'denomination' has a 'get out of hell free card'.
Typically, it is something like die for your god vs the baddies. Or just pray harder but like you mean it this time. Or have a human who claims to be Divine pray with you because he's got connections with the guy upstairs. Even Jesus made it something like 10x easier to get in because all you had to do was believe in him and at least try to be decent, but he totally gets if you fail because God made you this way. i hear the catholics have been big for a while on buying your way in by giving to the church. They even used to LITERALLY sell get out of hell free cards like a damn game of monopoly. Just don't lose it!
downvoted, blocked, and reported
That's actually a very good point
“God responding”