Id really love serbs to go to the Arbëresh of Italy and tell them Skanderbeg was somehow a serb and the Skanderbegs descendants (The Castriota) that they are serbs as well. Would be funny seeing a serb getting jumped by an angry Italian-Albanian mob😂😂
Honestly, many of us don't give a damn about an random Albanian hero. Only Serbian internet trolls want to jump out and claim smth that's not even ours to begin with lmao.
This is hardcore projecting, only trolls on the internet believe he was a Serb because of the religion. Their belief is questionable as they sometimes do that just to provoke you (as its easy).
Serbs don't give a fuck about many Serb heroes let alone an Albanian figure.
depends if you consider montenegrins to be serbs or not, Kastriot(ić) family broke apart from Čarnojević/Crnojević few generations before him
names don't tell us whole lot today, up until recently names used to be translated, it's Gjergj Kastrioti in albanian, Đurađ Kastriotić in serbian, Juraj Kastriotić in croatian, Giorgio Castriotich/Castrioto in either venetian or ragusan forgot what it was it would be considered italian today
why are venetians calling them Castriotich then? why do they have flag that is a revised Crnojevic flag, CH was reserved for serbs(incl. bosnians and montenegrins) and croats, his son gave Durres to venetians and fled to Naples, his son was also called Ivan(serbian), Gjon(albanian), Jovan(croatian), Ioanne/Giovanni(in different parts of Italy), he was given protection in Naples only because Crnojević were nobility with a claim to succession from Holy Emperor Constantine, but I also read that albanians claim he was albanian too so that would mean Crnojevic are albanian and then Kastriotić are albanian too?
before he defected the turkish army he carefully chose 300 soldiers to make the escape , guess what they were ? Albanians all Albanians not serbs or anything else but he put his trust on his people Albanians
In September 1448, Hunyadi led his forces across the Danube and camped them in Serbia next to Kovin, just outside the Serbian capital of Smederevo. For a full month the Hungarians stayed encamped awaiting their German, Wallachian, Bohemian and Albanian allies.[18] The news of the crusader threat forced Murad to abandon his campaign against Albania.[19] Believing the strength of his army to be inadequate to face the crusaders, Murad retreated back to Sofia to stockpile resources necessary for the campaign and receive reinforcements.[20] While gathering the necessary provisions in Sofia, news reached the army that a Wallachian force had crossed the Danube and attacked Ottoman positions in Nicopolis. A unit of Akinjis was dispatched to respond to the attack, which succeeded in ambushing and dispersing the Wallachians, taking many prisoners in the process.[20] The POWs captured during the ambush were sent to Sofia, where the news of the victory had increased morale among the Ottoman troops before their march towards the crusader army.[20] Meanwhile, the Albanian army under Skanderbeg was delayed as it was prevented from linking up with Hunyadi's army by the Ottomans and their allies.[18][21] It is believed that the Albanian army was delayed by Serbian despot Đurađ Branković, whose army occupied the mountain passes on the Serbian-Albanian border, and by a Venetian attack on northern Albania.[17] The Serbs had declined joining Hunyadi's forces due to an earlier truce with the Turks.[22] Branković's exact role is disputed.[23][24][25] As a result, Skanderbeg ravaged and pillaged Branković's domains as punishment for deserting the Christian cause,[21][26] whereas Hunyadi decided not to wait for Skanderbeg and his reinforcements to open the battle.[3]
His own nephew betrayed him and other noble families but he always forgave them and accepted them back. After he died some Albanian Noblemen turned Turk but the Albanian nobility held on for another 10 years before they finally fell.
No it is not stupid, not everyone knows everything about Albania. If I tell you Yue Fei is a Chinese national hero, and all you know about him is a Chinese, is it stupid to ask why?
Of course, a simple search on Google can be done first, but then again, isn't this supposed to be a sub called "AskBalkans"?
I'm not even from Europe lmao. Observing Balkans arguments is very interesting, but I better shut up now before I share my opinion and got downvoted into oblivion.
Ei au impresia ca sunt buricul pamantului si au un erou amarat si il afiseaza ca pe o mascota, o sa inveti asta de pe subreddit-ul asta cum sunt Albanezii. E o tara mica insignifianta dar au impresii de Imperiu Țarist.
Au impresia ca au salvat Europa de turci cu un amarat de erou dar dupa s-au convertit toti la islam. Acum unii din nationalistii astia istoriopati pentru ca il idioatrizeaza atat de mult pe Skanderbeg incep sa se delimiteze de islam si sa se intoarca la Crestinism, am cunoscut pe viu Albanezi si nu ai ce sa le faci crede-mă se cred fauritorii planetei. Dacopatii nostrii sunt mici copii.
Dar noi suntem un popor balcanic, mai mult cultural si putin regional cu Dobrogea. Cea mai putin Balcanica e Transilvania in rest Muntenia si Moldova sunt mega Balcanice ca cultura.
Influente balcanice sunt clar, dar probabil sunt mai mari influentele din europa centrala. In unele cazuri si Ungaria este cateodata bagata ca fiind parte din balcani un pic cultural.
Daca Ungaria face parte Transilvania este de 10 ori mai balcanica.
In primul rand e vorba de religie, ortodoxa care a venit la noi prin Bulgari, Bizantini deci slavona si greaca ne-au influentat si limba pe langa limba turca asta ne face sub influenta balcanica.
Obiceiurile, mancarea, bautura fiind sub un spatiu comun al Imperiului Otoman functiona ca un fel de Uniune Europeana de azi. Transilvania a facut si ea parte din imperiul Otoman dar nu a fost influentata atat de grav ca Moldova si Muntenia pentru ca au fost mai mult influentati de Unguri si de Austrieci. Fiecare zona a avut influente mai mici sau mai mari din partea statelor piternice vecine.
defended albania for 25 years against the prime ottoman empire with a smaller army compared to the O.E army. He also didnt forget about his albanian roots.
He managed to unify many of the then lone reigning albanian principalities under one league to fight of the ottoman invasion successfully for 25 years long until his death. He is a symbol of albanian unity and perseverance. Also he had a cool helmet which you can actually visit in Vienna along with his sword.
In 1463 pope Pius the second started to organize a crusade against the ottomans and invited all christian nobility throughout europe, the venetians immediately accepted and so did Skanderbeg. And in 27 of november 1463 Skanderbeg attacked the ottomans but the pope died soon after and couldnt organize that crusade and when the next pope took his place he didnt try to organize it so it never happened.
Ihezus Nazarenus * Principi Emathie * Regi Albaniae * Terrori Osmanorum * Regi Epirotarum * Benedictat Te,
* IN * PE * RA * TO * RE * BT
Pope and Ferndinand of Arragorn were glazing him.
His house, House of Kastrioti ruled over the area of Mat (Aemathia/Emathia) and Dibër (Debar). That's why he is referred as Prince of Mat, the same as his father and grandfather.
it's kinda hilarious Serb claiming him, while it was their king that turned it's back to Skanderbeg. He was Albanian by ethnicity but belonged to Serb orthodox church, thats where Serbs seem to not understand the concept. If Skanderbeg was Serb he would have raised Serbian flag and sub-join it's kingdoms.
Serbs historically used their church to asimilate people, if you joined their church you got some benefits same as did Ottomans when Balkanites joined islam. If you wanted to join Serb orthodox church you would have to be assigned a Slavic name.
Skanderbegs haplo-group belong also to the most common Kosovar Albanian haplogroup E-V13 which is in Balkans 3500 B.C.
You are kinda mixing things up. Orthodox Albanians in general held Slavic or Greek names in origin because Orthodoxy came hand in hand with influence from Old Church Slavonic and Greek because Orthodox Churches were administrated in these languages.
Its the same with Islam, Albanians are named Mehmet, Asllan etc despite these names being of Arabic or Turkish origin and having nothing to do with the Albanian language and culture. Its because of religious affiliation to islam that made them adopt these names. The same is true for Orthodoxy. Not because of "Serb Church"
Both Karl Thopia and Gjergj Arianiti had daughters named Voisava for example, Vrana Konti (Vrana being a Slavic name) Pjeter "Bogdani", Reposh etc etc.
Serbs make the mistake of seeing a Slavic name like Voisava or Vrana and jumping up and screaming "SERB!. without any knowledge of knowing of the religious dynamic.
Iam not even sure if Serbs know if Orthodox Albanians exist today and that we have our own Church.
🤣sure, if he had that much power then why he was hiding all the time? Why he did not marched on Constantinople ? all he does just hit and run while we dominate your land
it's great because he's product of ottoman military doctrine, the story would be different if he was a local noble or trained by hungary that prefer heavy cavalry. because the battle would be short and in ottoman favor
he fought in 1443 with Hunyadi and Đurađ Branković against ottomans, that's when he switched sides, both him and his nephew(his late brothers son) Hamza who after battle converted to christianity, alongside \~300 cavalrymen from ottoman army
Ah, another genius claiming a historical figure because making something of their own is just too hard. Nothing says 'original' like borrowed greatness. Why are a lot of Serbs like this?
That’s crazy. Djokovic is completely anti-Albanian and anti-Kosovo statehood so he’s obviously not Albanian lmao and we Albanians know that and make it clear that he is not part of us lmao
It's still amazing how you guys get so triggered by this. And claiming "we don't have any of our own", well for example there's this anonymous guy we made up in our heads, he called Tesla.
You can celebrate Tesla in a post dedicated to him. However, you cannot come here and attempt to claim Albanian figures or cities. Stop believing in the fairy tales propagated by your so-called historians. You sound like a boomer on Facebook.
Voislava, Mitrovica, Orahovac, Suva Reka, Đakovica, Kosovo are all albanian words and names with albanian meaning. So sure thing man. We wont claim (share)....your stuff.
Ofc there's no need for those of albanian nationality, for Serbs and others it's perfectly fine. Especially if it considers stuff shared by both, such as cities and national herose.
Facts are that these lands were and are inhabited by both albanian and slavic people. As such, both share many historical and modern figures and places.
Bad blood between the two is what causes these outbursts of rage in situations such as this.
I simply asked for a confirmed source, since you made the claim? If you don't have it, then you are the one trying to push an agenda here based on pseudohistory!
Leji vlla keta vorra se kta mundohen me na marr heronjet tonë sepse te ashtuquajtur heronjet e tyre krejt jan kriminel dhe njerz qe vetem kan vras popullit ballkanik keshtu qe mos jep as 5 pare (qysh thojm ne shqiptart ne kosove) per qka thojn keta vk
Leave him, he doesn’t want to debate and doesn’t have one source, there isn’t a source in the world from the time of Skanderbeg that the Albanian language existed or that Skanderbeg was an ethnic Albanian.
He didn’t go by Gjergj, I would challenge you to it by asking you to state one primary source of his time stating his name in Albanian or that is name is Gjergj.
Such a good comeback, I want to remind you Skanderbegs whole family had Serbian names and all his ancestors including his father and grandfather are buried in Serbian Orthodox churches. There is not one source of him speaking Albanian, Serbian on the other hand….
That’s fine you have a Greek name, do all your grandparents have one too? And are they all orthodox? If so, I need to tell you something, you’re probably not as Albanian as you think you are. A one off happens, but not for multiple generations of people. Also, why would all his brothers and sisters have Serbian names? Staniša, Jelena, Mamica, Angelina (could be Greek), Vlajka, Mara, Konstandin (Slavic adaptation of Konstantin). His brother Reposh served in an Serbian monastery, Hilandar. His sisters Mara’s children are named Ivan, Andrija and Božidar. Connected family Spanović (Spani) ruled for the Serbians and had Serbian names.
Do you really think you can come here and lecture me about my own origins? Take a hike and do something productive with your life instead of trying to prove your pseudohistory here!
Albanian tactics, I hear this literally every time. “You come to lecture me about my own origins?”, yes, yes I do since you apparently don’t know. I again challenge you to provide 1 source proving Skanderbeg is Albanian, or that he has Albanian ancestry. Still didn’t get one, and no Albanian has given it to me since it doesn’t exist. Have a nice day, and I would advice you to dive a bit deeper into history and embrace your Greek roots
Religion ≠ Ethnicity
You can’t go around exposing your ignorance like that, it’s unsettling. Not all of them had Orthodox names, and even if some did, you don’t own the Orthodox religion or have the exclusive right to use Christian names. Let me remind you that Albanians were fully Christian at the time. Maybe you will sleep less stupid after learning this.
Very dumb answer, if you research you see that the jurisdiction of the region Skanderbeg was from belonged to the Bulgarian church at that time, yet he and his whole family were buried in Serbian churches and had Serbian names. There is also a difference between Christian names, some are Slavic Christian names and some are Greek (and there is more obviously). We only see Serbian names here, not Bulgarian Slavic adaptations and no Greek, with 1 exception. Now I have you homework to study Orthodox Church history so you can trace back your ancestry, good luck with it 👍🏼
It's always weird how you guys get triggered by these kinds of stuff. Imagine the amount of rage i would receive if i only used serbian version of his name.
As his brother Radu who he fought directly, as the head of the Jannisary.
It's a story when Vlad attacked Giurgiu fortress he disguised himself as an ottoman nobility and when he spoke with the guards he was speaking a turkish with nobility accent and the guards really thought he is some nobility and they opened the gates, thats how he conquered the fortress.
Id really love serbs to go to the Arbëresh of Italy and tell them Skanderbeg was somehow a serb and the Skanderbegs descendants (The Castriota) that they are serbs as well. Would be funny seeing a serb getting jumped by an angry Italian-Albanian mob😂😂
We don't want your heroes lmao
Why Serbs bro when you have your own historian who claims that he had Serbian origins. Take a look:
Honestly, many of us don't give a damn about an random Albanian hero. Only Serbian internet trolls want to jump out and claim smth that's not even ours to begin with lmao.
This is hardcore projecting, only trolls on the internet believe he was a Serb because of the religion. Their belief is questionable as they sometimes do that just to provoke you (as its easy).
Serbs don't give a fuck about many Serb heroes let alone an Albanian figure.
depends if you consider montenegrins to be serbs or not, Kastriot(ić) family broke apart from Čarnojević/Crnojević few generations before him
names don't tell us whole lot today, up until recently names used to be translated, it's Gjergj Kastrioti in albanian, Đurađ Kastriotić in serbian, Juraj Kastriotić in croatian, Giorgio Castriotich/Castrioto in either venetian or ragusan forgot what it was it would be considered italian today
What crack of the pseudo history are you people smoking.
Kastrioti are Albanian and they didnt branch out of Crnojevic.
Jesus man you people are insufferable with your bullshit
why are venetians calling them Castriotich then? why do they have flag that is a revised Crnojevic flag, CH was reserved for serbs(incl. bosnians and montenegrins) and croats, his son gave Durres to venetians and fled to Naples, his son was also called Ivan(serbian), Gjon(albanian), Jovan(croatian), Ioanne/Giovanni(in different parts of Italy), he was given protection in Naples only because Crnojević were nobility with a claim to succession from Holy Emperor Constantine, but I also read that albanians claim he was albanian too so that would mean Crnojevic are albanian and then Kastriotić are albanian too?
I sometimes believe his valour is because of his undeniable Serbian background.
big_cat112@reddit (OP)
He burned Serbian villages
before he defected the turkish army he carefully chose 300 soldiers to make the escape , guess what they were ? Albanians all Albanians not serbs or anything else but he put his trust on his people Albanians
big_cat112@reddit (OP)
In September 1448, Hunyadi led his forces across the Danube and camped them in Serbia next to Kovin, just outside the Serbian capital of Smederevo. For a full month the Hungarians stayed encamped awaiting their German, Wallachian, Bohemian and Albanian allies.[18] The news of the crusader threat forced Murad to abandon his campaign against Albania.[19] Believing the strength of his army to be inadequate to face the crusaders, Murad retreated back to Sofia to stockpile resources necessary for the campaign and receive reinforcements.[20] While gathering the necessary provisions in Sofia, news reached the army that a Wallachian force had crossed the Danube and attacked Ottoman positions in Nicopolis. A unit of Akinjis was dispatched to respond to the attack, which succeeded in ambushing and dispersing the Wallachians, taking many prisoners in the process.[20] The POWs captured during the ambush were sent to Sofia, where the news of the victory had increased morale among the Ottoman troops before their march towards the crusader army.[20] Meanwhile, the Albanian army under Skanderbeg was delayed as it was prevented from linking up with Hunyadi's army by the Ottomans and their allies.[18][21] It is believed that the Albanian army was delayed by Serbian despot Đurađ Branković, whose army occupied the mountain passes on the Serbian-Albanian border, and by a Venetian attack on northern Albania.[17] The Serbs had declined joining Hunyadi's forces due to an earlier truce with the Turks.[22] Branković's exact role is disputed.[23][24][25] As a result, Skanderbeg ravaged and pillaged Branković's domains as punishment for deserting the Christian cause,[21][26] whereas Hunyadi decided not to wait for Skanderbeg and his reinforcements to open the battle.[3]
This was more of a revenge act towards Branković.
This doesn't sound like Skanderbeg burned Serbian villages to the ground at random.
big_cat112@reddit (OP)
So nobody thought of Skanderbeg as serbian, he fought with albanians
I have read about him, interesting character, I think in the end the other noble families betray him or not?
His own nephew betrayed him and other noble families but he always forgave them and accepted them back. After he died some Albanian Noblemen turned Turk but the Albanian nobility held on for another 10 years before they finally fell.
Wasent the hqmza shit made up ?
I honestly think a bunch of shit has been made up abput good ol skender like the whole his sword weights the earths crust
And i think your an islamist Cigan whose opinion doesn't mean shit
didnt plan on drinking tonight, but we lost a real one on this day 🫡
You didnt
Great guy, no doubt ! I see him as a spiritual father of all Balkaners
Why is he considered Albania's national hero?
People downvoting a legit question in a sub which is called "AskBalkan". Well done everyone.
I mean it seems stupid to ask why an Albanian is considered an Albanian national hero no?
No it is not stupid, not everyone knows everything about Albania. If I tell you Yue Fei is a Chinese national hero, and all you know about him is a Chinese, is it stupid to ask why?
Of course, a simple search on Google can be done first, but then again, isn't this supposed to be a sub called "AskBalkans"?
Albanians thinking everybody knows about their little history, nothing new under the sun.
You are just as much of a petty bitch
That's why I'm leaving this horrid subreddit. Romania isn't even in the Balkan Peninsula, so have fun with your idiotic squabbles over nothing.
I'm not even from Europe lmao. Observing Balkans arguments is very interesting, but I better shut up now before I share my opinion and got downvoted into oblivion.
chill bro I am here frate, is just Albanians downvote everything that doesn't kiss their ass.
Problema lor. Eu chiar habar n-aveam de eroul lor național așa cum și ei probabil habar n-au cine a fost Mihai Viteazul sau Avram Iancu.
Ei au impresia ca sunt buricul pamantului si au un erou amarat si il afiseaza ca pe o mascota, o sa inveti asta de pe subreddit-ul asta cum sunt Albanezii. E o tara mica insignifianta dar au impresii de Imperiu Țarist.
Au impresia ca au salvat Europa de turci cu un amarat de erou dar dupa s-au convertit toti la islam. Acum unii din nationalistii astia istoriopati pentru ca il idioatrizeaza atat de mult pe Skanderbeg incep sa se delimiteze de islam si sa se intoarca la Crestinism, am cunoscut pe viu Albanezi si nu ai ce sa le faci crede-mă se cred fauritorii planetei. Dacopatii nostrii sunt mici copii.
Dar noi suntem un popor balcanic, mai mult cultural si putin regional cu Dobrogea. Cea mai putin Balcanica e Transilvania in rest Muntenia si Moldova sunt mega Balcanice ca cultura.
Eu sunt transilvănean, probabil de aceea nu observ vreo influență balcanică în zonă.
Influente balcanice sunt clar, dar probabil sunt mai mari influentele din europa centrala. In unele cazuri si Ungaria este cateodata bagata ca fiind parte din balcani un pic cultural.
Daca Ungaria face parte Transilvania este de 10 ori mai balcanica. In primul rand e vorba de religie, ortodoxa care a venit la noi prin Bulgari, Bizantini deci slavona si greaca ne-au influentat si limba pe langa limba turca asta ne face sub influenta balcanica.
Obiceiurile, mancarea, bautura fiind sub un spatiu comun al Imperiului Otoman functiona ca un fel de Uniune Europeana de azi. Transilvania a facut si ea parte din imperiul Otoman dar nu a fost influentata atat de grav ca Moldova si Muntenia pentru ca au fost mai mult influentati de Unguri si de Austrieci. Fiecare zona a avut influente mai mici sau mai mari din partea statelor piternice vecine.
Google it my komşu
Because he was Albanian
The same reason why every balkan country has a mediaval noble as national hero... National pride boost.
defended albania for 25 years against the prime ottoman empire with a smaller army compared to the O.E army. He also didnt forget about his albanian roots.
He managed to unify many of the then lone reigning albanian principalities under one league to fight of the ottoman invasion successfully for 25 years long until his death. He is a symbol of albanian unity and perseverance. Also he had a cool helmet which you can actually visit in Vienna along with his sword.
Amazing dude, wish he had more support
Kinda makes you think what would the balkans look like if that one pope didnt suddenly die.
Bro i can guarantee Europe would have been a far welthier continent
Late colonialism perhaps
can i get some lore behind this?
In 1463 pope Pius the second started to organize a crusade against the ottomans and invited all christian nobility throughout europe, the venetians immediately accepted and so did Skanderbeg. And in 27 of november 1463 Skanderbeg attacked the ottomans but the pope died soon after and couldnt organize that crusade and when the next pope took his place he didnt try to organize it so it never happened.
ooooh, never chould i connect that ur talkin bout crusades. Thanks tho for detailed response
Ohh hey, that the EU4 guy, so cool that they made a bronze statue of him
SkanderBERG? ..... hmmmm /s
Best helmet ever!
Bro that's a goat this whole time?
Yeah cuz he's the GOAT
and albanians love GOATs
Ihezus Nazarenus * Principi Emathie * Regi Albaniae * Terrori Osmanorum * Regi Epirotarum * Benedictat Te, * IN * PE * RA * TO * RE * BT Pope and Ferndinand of Arragorn were glazing him.
Is emathie another term for Macedonia?
No, it's a region in Albania. Look at The helmet
It says it has Emathia on his helmet because he was nick named Alexander the Great and Emathia was another name of lower ancient Macedonia
His house, House of Kastrioti ruled over the area of Mat (Aemathia/Emathia) and Dibër (Debar). That's why he is referred as Prince of Mat, the same as his father and grandfather.
Thank you!!! And your people are the best rapists ever !!! Thank you for denying/never apologising!!
Since when İskender is a bey? Bring me 1.5 portion and get lost.
Europe lost a very important Greek man this day 🫡
amazing military tactician who’s legacy will not be forgotten
Lets start war, he is Serb.
it's kinda hilarious Serb claiming him, while it was their king that turned it's back to Skanderbeg. He was Albanian by ethnicity but belonged to Serb orthodox church, thats where Serbs seem to not understand the concept. If Skanderbeg was Serb he would have raised Serbian flag and sub-join it's kingdoms.
Serbs historically used their church to asimilate people, if you joined their church you got some benefits same as did Ottomans when Balkanites joined islam. If you wanted to join Serb orthodox church you would have to be assigned a Slavic name.
Skanderbegs haplo-group belong also to the most common Kosovar Albanian haplogroup E-V13 which is in Balkans 3500 B.C.
Some Serbs just rlly love claiming smth that's not even theirs, isn't it bruh?
Skanderbeg changer his religion several times for his benefits, so he was catholic, muslim and orthodox throughout times
You are kinda mixing things up. Orthodox Albanians in general held Slavic or Greek names in origin because Orthodoxy came hand in hand with influence from Old Church Slavonic and Greek because Orthodox Churches were administrated in these languages.
Its the same with Islam, Albanians are named Mehmet, Asllan etc despite these names being of Arabic or Turkish origin and having nothing to do with the Albanian language and culture. Its because of religious affiliation to islam that made them adopt these names. The same is true for Orthodoxy. Not because of "Serb Church"
Both Karl Thopia and Gjergj Arianiti had daughters named Voisava for example, Vrana Konti (Vrana being a Slavic name) Pjeter "Bogdani", Reposh etc etc.
Serbs make the mistake of seeing a Slavic name like Voisava or Vrana and jumping up and screaming "SERB!. without any knowledge of knowing of the religious dynamic.
Iam not even sure if Serbs know if Orthodox Albanians exist today and that we have our own Church.
no he was bosnjak
He was BoJack.
Totally agree
You can say what you want but the historic concensus, academia and Scholars say he was Albanian.
You can keep on believing what you want, the world wont conform to your delusion.
Man I'm just making a joke i know you angry Albanians wil start bark, he is yours ofc
in the end they all run away like rats
Like who, Bayezid?
Skenderbeg ran away when he knew Mehmed was on his way 😔
We did it!
did what
He died of fever
he died of natural causes at 44 years old
He died at 62, likely from malaria.
I guess I confused with Dracula
hmm i dont think so but whatever floats your boat...
Maybe I confused with Dracula
You couldn't do shit against him
🤣he was hiding in mountain ranges and focused on gerilla warfare, all he does hit and run, but who cares since we possessed Albanian cities
The important thing is you could never even touch his hair when he was alive... stay mad
🤣sure, if he had that much power then why he was hiding all the time? Why he did not marched on Constantinople ? all he does just hit and run while we dominate your land
Because he only cared about defending his lands from the enemy, he wasn't an usurper like the ottomans
Sure😆, he was limited and small which has no greater power, so that's why he just hit and run, otherwise he would try to build an Albanian empire
Can you get any more pathetic?
What is so great on winning against a power 100 times smaller than yours?
it's great because he's product of ottoman military doctrine, the story would be different if he was a local noble or trained by hungary that prefer heavy cavalry. because the battle would be short and in ottoman favor
Wish he manages to unite with Hunyadi's army in 1448
Blocked by Durad Brankovich on his way, that alliance would've probably put an end to the Ottoman Empire on the European part
he fought in 1443 with Hunyadi and Đurađ Branković against ottomans, that's when he switched sides, both him and his nephew(his late brothers son) Hamza who after battle converted to christianity, alongside \~300 cavalrymen from ottoman army
Here he is in his square.
He is in his square in the original pic as well
And he made such a good cognac....
Ok, ok, see you later, I know where the exit is.
Bro looking like he is breaking the poor horse back in this statue.
Every EU4 player knows him
Rest in peace, a true hero of the Balkans.
He was one of our honourable enemies. I respect him.
Gjergj (Đurađ) Kastriot Skenderbeg! The LEGEND!
Ah, another genius claiming a historical figure because making something of their own is just too hard. Nothing says 'original' like borrowed greatness. Why are a lot of Serbs like this?
Serbo-Albanian here. Albanians are no better.
My Albanian aunt said that Djokovic is actually Albanian Djokaj.
If your aunt said it..that's it 😁
That’s crazy. Djokovic is completely anti-Albanian and anti-Kosovo statehood so he’s obviously not Albanian lmao and we Albanians know that and make it clear that he is not part of us lmao
It's still amazing how you guys get so triggered by this. And claiming "we don't have any of our own", well for example there's this anonymous guy we made up in our heads, he called Tesla.
Still waiting on those sources that officially confirm his serbianess
That's their sources of history lol. Pathetic. I shouldn't have wasted my time talking to you.
Confirmed sources mean academic papers by reputed historians not youtube videos!
You can celebrate Tesla in a post dedicated to him. However, you cannot come here and attempt to claim Albanian figures or cities. Stop believing in the fairy tales propagated by your so-called historians. You sound like a boomer on Facebook.
Voislava, Mitrovica, Orahovac, Suva Reka, Đakovica, Kosovo are all albanian words and names with albanian meaning. So sure thing man. We wont claim (share)....your stuff.
He only went by Gjergj, don't give people the wrong idea...
Wrong idea?
Yes, but no need to use the slavic version when referring to albanian stuff!
Ofc there's no need for those of albanian nationality, for Serbs and others it's perfectly fine. Especially if it considers stuff shared by both, such as cities and national herose.
Nationality is a modern concept. You can't apply it to historical figures! We don't share any national heroes with serbs!
Sure thing bro, as long as you're happy. Cheers!
I am pretty ok with the facts! I don't feed on propaganda.
Facts are that these lands were and are inhabited by both albanian and slavic people. As such, both share many historical and modern figures and places.
Bad blood between the two is what causes these outbursts of rage in situations such as this.
What historical and modern figures do we share?
For example Voisava Kastriot and her son Skenderbeg.
Based on what confirmed source? Theories don't constitute a fact!
Look man, i'm not here to have a historical debate. Whoever is interested and google it and find out.
If you wanna push your agenda then go on, be my guest.
I simply asked for a confirmed source, since you made the claim? If you don't have it, then you are the one trying to push an agenda here based on pseudohistory!
Leji vlla keta vorra se kta mundohen me na marr heronjet tonë sepse te ashtuquajtur heronjet e tyre krejt jan kriminel dhe njerz qe vetem kan vras popullit ballkanik keshtu qe mos jep as 5 pare (qysh thojm ne shqiptart ne kosove) per qka thojn keta vk
You are so mentally challenged trying to debate this person but ignoring my requests for a source yet asking one from this guy. Alb behavior
Diaspora checks out
Leave him, he doesn’t want to debate and doesn’t have one source, there isn’t a source in the world from the time of Skanderbeg that the Albanian language existed or that Skanderbeg was an ethnic Albanian.
no ones writing shit like that i.e actual name and name of that same thing in my language
He didn’t go by Gjergj, I would challenge you to it by asking you to state one primary source of his time stating his name in Albanian or that is name is Gjergj.
He held the title Dominus Albaniae and Prince of Epirus. Can't believe you're this stupid. You're humiliating your brigade of trolls. "Also known as: George Castriota, George Kastrioti, Gjergj Kastrioti, Iskander"
albanians strong on internet, next they will take Ivo Andric
I already heard Nikolla Tesliqi and Novak Xhokoviq coming up, next they will claim Gjesus Hristiqi, Sokratës and Saint Kirilë and Saint Metodijë
Yep, they spam on internet websites, like bots all kind of nonsense . And ofc, they are not in albania,they somewhere in germany italy and so on
You can't challenge others if you are mentally challenged yourself
Such a good comeback, I want to remind you Skanderbegs whole family had Serbian names and all his ancestors including his father and grandfather are buried in Serbian Orthodox churches. There is not one source of him speaking Albanian, Serbian on the other hand….
In 2025 I also have a greek name, despite being 100% albanian and us having bad blood with greeks! So?
That’s fine you have a Greek name, do all your grandparents have one too? And are they all orthodox? If so, I need to tell you something, you’re probably not as Albanian as you think you are. A one off happens, but not for multiple generations of people. Also, why would all his brothers and sisters have Serbian names? Staniša, Jelena, Mamica, Angelina (could be Greek), Vlajka, Mara, Konstandin (Slavic adaptation of Konstantin). His brother Reposh served in an Serbian monastery, Hilandar. His sisters Mara’s children are named Ivan, Andrija and Božidar. Connected family Spanović (Spani) ruled for the Serbians and had Serbian names.
Do you really think you can come here and lecture me about my own origins? Take a hike and do something productive with your life instead of trying to prove your pseudohistory here!
Albanian tactics, I hear this literally every time. “You come to lecture me about my own origins?”, yes, yes I do since you apparently don’t know. I again challenge you to provide 1 source proving Skanderbeg is Albanian, or that he has Albanian ancestry. Still didn’t get one, and no Albanian has given it to me since it doesn’t exist. Have a nice day, and I would advice you to dive a bit deeper into history and embrace your Greek roots
What an hopeless case 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Religion ≠ Ethnicity You can’t go around exposing your ignorance like that, it’s unsettling. Not all of them had Orthodox names, and even if some did, you don’t own the Orthodox religion or have the exclusive right to use Christian names. Let me remind you that Albanians were fully Christian at the time. Maybe you will sleep less stupid after learning this.
Very dumb answer, if you research you see that the jurisdiction of the region Skanderbeg was from belonged to the Bulgarian church at that time, yet he and his whole family were buried in Serbian churches and had Serbian names. There is also a difference between Christian names, some are Slavic Christian names and some are Greek (and there is more obviously). We only see Serbian names here, not Bulgarian Slavic adaptations and no Greek, with 1 exception. Now I have you homework to study Orthodox Church history so you can trace back your ancestry, good luck with it 👍🏼
Where was this pic taken?
In Priština, main sqaure.
shouldve written it Prishtina (Priština) by ur logic
Given we use English here, you're right. But since English wikipedia uses Pristina, i guess its ok.
and in wikipedia its Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, no Durad there
It's always weird how you guys get triggered by these kinds of stuff. Imagine the amount of rage i would receive if i only used serbian version of his name.
i only telling you to apply your own logic, its pretty clear your were trying to rage bait
In that honor here is the Russian movie from 1953 called "The Great Warrior Skanderbeg"
Tough son of a b**** i gotta admit, we created a monster.
Ottoman - greatest beast generator machine of the time. (Remember Vlad III. was raised in Ottoman palace along with Mehmed II.)
As his brother Radu who he fought directly, as the head of the Jannisary.
It's a story when Vlad attacked Giurgiu fortress he disguised himself as an ottoman nobility and when he spoke with the guards he was speaking a turkish with nobility accent and the guards really thought he is some nobility and they opened the gates, thats how he conquered the fortress.
Very good cognac indeed !
He isn't dead he lives in our hearts....