Powering home during minor emergency

Posted by Throwawayconcern2023@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 11 comments

Hi all. Hoping for some feedback on what to choose for a power source. The type of emergency I am considering (living in Bay Area, California) is the after effects of a large earthquake, regional fires or perhaps some type of social or health emergency that knocks out normalcy in the region for a few weeks to a month.

I had originally been mulling a generator, but thinking about it, the chances of it being stolen during civil unrest would be high. I live with houses all around us, 15-20 ft apart in a large town. My understanding is an inverter generator would need to be housed outside due to C02, whether powered by gas or propane. Wouldn't the risk of it being stolen or attracting attention be high with some minor civil unrest? I have given up preparing for larger scale emergencies (apocalyptic-type events, war etc.) as I don't feel our home is defensible given where we live.

This has me mulling over some sort of large electric battery pack type generator. Yet how to recharge once it's dead? I have enough mini power packs to power stuff like cell-phones, but that's about it.

What we'd likely want to power:

-Fridge/Freezer unit



- Some type of heat source. We have a gas furnace and gas hob (but electric oven) so I'm not sure how I'd go about powering those. My limited understanding is I could get a larger generator and have it linked directly to fuseboard, but this takes me back to problem at very start. I guess I would focus on heating one room, right? Any recommendations there?

-EV vehicle - yes, I know in retrospect this was an unwise purchase :( The wife insisted and I caved. We had at time a gas vehicle too but that got totalled a few months back, so back to one. I guess this is not too important. We keep it charged daily and in event of emergency like the ones above, leaving with it would get us about 200 miles. No doubting the next purchase should be a hybrid at most though. Realistically, this would not be possible to recharge I'm thinking in an emergency.
