Obituary notices just seem like a business

Posted by batshitcrazyfarmer@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 45 comments

This is a gripe, and maybe one I am not justified in having, so maybe someone can help me along to not being so frustrated.

It costs a lot of money to put an obituary in one of our local papers. Hundreds of dollars and if someone wants to put it in all papers it’s easily between $1000-$2000. And if anyone wants information on the viewing & funeral, if they search obituaries in one of the 7 papers, there’s no additional information, unless they subscribe to the paper, or pay money just to read that particular obituary. As we are getting older, more people are passing away, so how do we find out who passed, and not subscribe to 7 papers-or just the basic main 3?

Recently, 2 people we knew passed away. Somehow we got left out of the loop of the information passing along. I’m not on certain social media apps, so we miss out. With it being winter, crossing paths with people who chat isn’t common. I understand that newspapers run a business, but death notices, funerals, viewing information is just something I feel we shouldn’t be charged to find out. And how do we know which paper? Do I search all 7 each week?

Is anyone frustrated by this? I did see a group in one county on fb that listed the weekly deceased, but no other information and who knows if this week’s algorithm will let us view it.

My partner & I were talking about it this week. He works at a place where hundreds of people come through, so news & information flows. Imagine the old country store in town hundreds of years ago-it’s like that-but even still, some news is overlooked, especially if there’s something new that has everyone’s focus. He said he asked someone about their father recently & the person said he died last year. Ran into a neighbor at the cheese store who told him their neighbor-his friend-she died at Christmas, and we missed out paying our respects. I am usually one who isn’t in the loop, and have found myself so sad a year or two after someone passed. There just needs to be an easier system. It just feels inhumane how it is. How does everyone else find out who passed?