When did you finally ditch your entertainment center?
Posted by JJStray@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 201 comments

Eventually rich people in the 90s stuff became middle class college kid stuff in the early 2000s by my experience because we had a similar set up in our college house from 1999-2004ish.
When we moved the last time we smashed it to pieces and took it to the dump with all our other busted ass college kid furniture.
Instead of carrying it down to the U-Haul we filled with stuff for the dump we threw it off the 2nd floor deck. Along with our couch and a few recliners.
Not rich people stuff. My parents' was bigger. I never had one. Didn't have a TV for a couple of years after I moved out. Then had one of those 300lb flat panel TVs that I sat on a chest. Then I tossed that and I've mounted my TVs to the wall ever since.
Rich people? That looks like every middle class living room from the 90’s.
I remember seeing some real rich people living rooms back then, and this ain’t that.
I was middle class and didn’t have shit like that. My setup looked like
Depends on where you grew up. In the suburbs, yes this was middle class. Out in the sticks of the Midwest, having enough stuff to even need an entertainment center meant your parents were loaded.
The 90s Beosound stuff from B&O like the 9000 still looks futuristic today
Exactly. My parents had some rich friends, they had a home theatre room with a front projector TV (with the 3 RGB CRT lenses), B&O stuff, laserdisc player etc.
That’s a 90’s rich person setup, not this basic stuff.
I too had parents with rich friends and concur.
What’s the stuffed lion thing about? I saw that before and didn’t know it was a thing.
In my particular instance, their son shot two lions and had them stuffed. They were used as a living room decoration flanking the TV.
Well now they have the $60k Transparent LG projector.
Actually they'd likely have a $20-$30k JVC projector or go bonkers and have a Christie projector installed for north of $130k before -- yes BEFORE -- lens
you guys aren't thinking 4th dimensionally. in 2025 that looks like a rich fucks place cuz in todays world, you're either a rich fuck or poor fuck. there is no middle. I posted a pic of my 90s entertainment center with both an N64 and PSX and everyone said I was a rich fuck too, when my dad was a construction worker and mom was a stay at home mom
B&O's industrial design is like bauhaus on acid. Take, for example, their $1275 mobile phone from 2006.
I remember the cheap knock offs of these at those Sharper Image stores in the mall 😭
Is that what Will Smith had in iRobot? I think he had a vertical CD player of some sort
exactly - that was the sign of rich. i actually knew someone's parents had that.
Rich peeps had 48-50" flat screens that were the size of closets.
yeah rich folks had an entertainment wall
Yeah, rear projector TV’s. They looked impressive until you actually saw the image, which looked like a dull, blurry dark mess.
My dad lost his shit when he finally got one of these. He was so pumped. It was all I could do to not gripe about how the console tv upstairs had better resolution
Lol I had one of these still in 2008. Maybe mine was newer quality cause the picture was t dark and blurry. It was pretty decent. I mean not like today's tvs but it was a good one. We had the surround sound too. I bought it at a garage sale in 2002 right before my husband and I got married. Only paid $40 for it and the sound system.
Super fun to move too, especially up and down stairs.
I had one back in 2015, when I was 13-14. That tv did not look great playing games like oblivion and call of duty from my PS3.
This is definitely upper middle class:rich people. You can tell by the purpose built entertainment center. Middle class folks had to settle for using the broken 80s TV set as a TV stand for the 90s TV.
"lower middle class" lmao. sorry homie you was po' as fuck. many middle class folks had the Kmart entertainment center with a couple consoles as well
Hey bro just how I remember a lot of houses in the 90s. Broken console TVs were the perfect height for a TV stand.
Seriously? My dad was a community college professor, single father of 2 kids, and we had stuff like this in the 80's and 90s. We definitely weren't rich. I went to the "poor" school, never really had brand name clothes. I would have put us solid middle class. Definitely weren't upper middle class or rich. Then again, dad built the entertainment center himself, along with a lot of our furniture, so I guess maybe that's why?
What did you guys do with the broken 80s console TV cabinet? That was the TV stand/entertainment center piece of furniture until the early 2000s in tons of households.
We never actually had a TV console cabinet that I remember at least. Dad had a Sony Trinitron from the 70s I think that was our TV until like 1993.
We had one of those tv cabinets but no idea what happened with it. We moved when I was around 10 and probably didn't bring it with us.
That is a Kmart entertainment center
It's what I had. It was rickety as fuck.
That sounds more like a food stamp/welfare family, not “lower middle class”.
🤷♂️ Definitely wasn’t welfare families from my recollection. I mean these were families that had a big console TV in the 80s. Maybe just more frugal than others.
Not even. If someone had a decent size house and a few kids, this would definitely be the kids play room.
My family didn’t even have a tv with a remote until 2005. This definitely would have been considered rich to me.
I would say my bedroom at 15 was close to this. Not as big tv maybe and shittier stuff. But the aesthetic is similar
Yeah. I dunno about rich. My dad was a factory worked and my mom stayed home and we had shit like this.
Yeah you could not lift a rich person’s tv on your own. At least two people were needed, three to be safe.
Exactly. Everybody and their grandmother had an enormous oak armoire that held your entire entertainment collection, even working class people. They were even sold on TV as a set with a matching coffee table and couch, always shown in a low-budget commercial for your local furniture store.
Yeah exactly that TV is way too small!
This is more like what rich people had in the 90’s. The hardware was beautiful, but took up a lot of space. They also had exposed vacuum hardware that cost a fortune but lit up your rack like modern LED lighting on computers. The high end hardware was gorgeous.
The shit hardware in your picture is a really bottom feeder crap. It’s the low end trailer-trash setup. You should have thrown that away before bringing it in your home.
This is literally the lowest-end trailer-park ghetto equipment for the 90’s.
This is more like what rich people had in the 90’s. The hardware was beautiful, but took up a lot of space. They also had exposed vacuum hardware that cost a fortune but lit up your rack like modern LED lighting on computers. The high end hardware was gorgeous.
The shit hardware in your picture is a really bottom feeder crap. It’s the low end trailer-trash setup. You should have thrown that away before bringing it in your home.
This is more like what rich people had in the 90’s. The hardware was beautiful, just bulky. They also had exposed vacuum hardware that cost a fortune but lit up your rack like modern LED lighting on computers.
The shit hardware in your picture is a really the low end trailer trash setup. You should have thrown that away before bringing it in your house.
Seriously, a rich person in the 90’s had something like this. Your picture shows cheap ass ghetto shit.
Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever owned one of that style. It was always tv stands with a shelf underneath
Why do u have a picture of my current living room 😂
I cut a few feet off the sides and lowered the top for the flat screen to sit on. I still have a dvd/vcr combo plugged in and playable, though.
How do you spell, “3 years after it stopped working bc ish is heavy af”
Upper middle class would have had a projection TV most likely as well as a very nice sound system. Actually rich people probably had one of these.
I haven't used one in decades but my parents still have one to this day. It takes up nearly the whole wall - TV in the center and curio cabinets on the sides.
I think the boomer generation never wanted to let go of this concept. To this day my dad also has a full stack of equipment plugged into the tv, like audio controllers, dvd loader, etc. It's kind of funny because he doesn't really use it very often, and when I turn on the TV I need to use like 3 remotes lol.
Um, I've got an AV receiver w/speakers, a Blu-ray player, cable box, and Apple TV box. But I've got a universal remote that runs everything. I know people like their minimal setups with a soundbar now, but I want better sound than that.
Oh man, multiple remotes is something I don't miss. One for the TV, one for the cable box, and one for the VCR, lol
We weren't rich we were firmly middle class and I want to say ours was bigger than that. Held the TV, VCR, old but lovingly taken care of record player and a bunch of other things. Dad had huge speakers that sat on the floor on either side that were only connected to the music equipment not the TV.
I want to say we left it for the next tennant when we moved in either '95 or '96 because the TV had to go in a corner of the new room and was put on a tapezoid-ish stand.
We didn't ditch it. It's in the basement bedroom, holding the same tv and vcr that was on it 30 years ago.
Sounds perfect for a retro gaming nook.
it is!
Absolutely!!! I have the same basement setup except mine also has a Sega Genesis (with Sega CD), PS2, and DVD player attached. It's peak!!!
My nephew used to play our old Atari on it for hours. I ended up giving him the whole console with the games about 25 years ago. Found out later that my sister threw it all away because he stopped playing it.
Dude that suuucks. 😭
We were supposed to ditch them? 👀
Not rich lol
My MIL just got rid of her old giant 80s set last year. So fucking ridiculous. "But I paid so much for it!!!"
This was rich? Definitely wasn’t rich and had all of this.
When I bought a widescreen TV
I had a bangin entertainment center until 2010 when my ex broke one of the doors. I just said fuck it
Never really did. We just put it in the cat's bedroom to hold jigsaw puzzles, paper towels, & gardening supplies.
This is not a rich people's anything in the 90's. This is some standard ass shit. Aiwa bookshelf stereo system, CRT TV....record player connected to nothing.
If someone had money it would be a BOSE stereo and a gigantic projection TV set, maybe a carousel style CD player.
My dad went a bit wild and got Harmon Kardon speakers/tv/amp/cd for this big entertainment unit in the 90s. Not sure if that’s an Aussie brand but he spent thousands. It was very noisy.
And then I blew the left speaker.
Whoever posted this has obviously never seen a Sony component stereo, with amp, equalizer, 5-disc CD changer, dual cassette deck, record player, and huge ass floor standing speakers. The TV would be a 32” Sony Trinatron.
None of this is even “rich” people stuff. Pretty standard setup for middle class. We had it.
I had a pioneer system in the 90s with a 50 disc changer and I paid with my own money and we definitely were on the poor side. The thing was it was bought through the Fingerhut catalog so not really smart purchasing lol.
So, you invested enough to have been a PayPal co-founder, but all you got was a shitty phish CD.
I'd look for a projection TV but otherwise agreed.
Rich people would have a large (40"+) projection TV and a LaserDisc player.
Or, if you had a DVD player by the end of the 90's.
Laser dic player was the true mark of upper middle class.
Or the single uncle with no kids or wife
Can confirm. My aunt (the 'fun' one) bought a laser disc player just so we could watch Michael Jackson's Thriller.
I never understood that. Projection TVs looked way worse than a CRT, and you could get pretty big CRTs by the late 90s (if you didn’t mind them weighing 300lbs). I guess it was just a status symbol thing.
Widescreen and size were the reason to get projection over CRT. There were very CRTs that fit both of those. LED wasn't up the size requirement either as they were mostly relegated to computer monitors at the time.
Yeah fair, but idk - there wasn’t exactly much widescreen content to watch at the time and I’d personally rather be looking at a 37” CRT with great picture quality than a blurry 50” projector with terrible black levels. I’m not exactly the average consumer though I guess.
Status symbol. The 42" Plasma TV became the replacement status symbol in the early 2000s
We all that but we had a Pioneer but isn’t wasn’t carousel, we had these cartridge style things you loaded with disks. My Dad had tons of cds pre loaded on them. Anyone else remember these?
They bought all of it at Walmart
Never got one.
That sound system looks like it says Sony but I had the Aida just like it
My mom still has the one we had growing up, though it's been repurposed since modern TVs don't fit in it.
I never owned one myself though. Always have had stands that the TV sits on top of with shelves and/or cabinets underneath.
We kinda still have one. When we reno'd our lounge room around 8 years ago, we got a nice wall unit, that houses the receiver, DVD Player, XBox, speakers and TV. Thinking of putting a CD in there as well now
My parents still have it.
That entertainment center must have been moved 3 feet from the wall
You can tell who was poor in this thread, cuz damn if that set up is way beyond what my parents had.
Rich? That was average people stuff.
I've still got mine, but when I get my next TV with 4k, it will have to go. It can only fit 42", and I haven't found a 42" 4k TV,.
Never had one, never had to ditch it.
One giant console TV is all we ever had.
2003, still had the magnetic push glass door
More like, drug dealers
Poor people in 2020
I still got one! Built it myself.
Who says I have?
We still have ours. It's now a coffee bar.
Or in my family poor people in 2007
This was pretty standard. Not sure why you're associating it with rich people at any point in time.
That was back when you could get quality entertainment centers which weren't like the small, flimsy crap sold these days. To be fair, TVs were heavier. But large 4k+ TVs aren't exactly light either.
Back in the early aughts, I was moderately put out when I learned that my (now) sister in law (who lacks empathy), had demanded that we return this exact entertainment center (after seemingly giving it to us the year before).
Now? I laugh and laugh.
I still have and use that Aiwa stereo
When I got a flat screen TV, so in 2008
We turned one into a kitchen set for our daughter.
When I was househunting in 2003 I ruled out a few condos that had built-in TV niches that would just restrict your TV to a certain size. Nevermind the fact that TVs all went widescreen a few years after that, I wasn't gonna be restricted to a 28" tube.
Thank goodness technology has advanced beyond the point where I will ever need to move a 36" Sony CRT behemoth HDTV again.
I turned mine into a desk for a few years. This was over 15 years ago!
This was some normal people shit.
Those AIWA stereos could bump.
Haha I loved mine. 6 CD changer.
Not rich. More like middle class charging stuff to credit card until kids are grown.
TV got too big.
I think in the 90s the "rich people" setup was the rear-projection tv, and the hi-fi system with the huge speakers.
This here was common but not default for middle class. It was middle class affordable but also contingent on what your parents wanted to or would buy. Some parents just didn't want cable or too big a tv in the house, regardless of if they could afford it.
Also I didn't entirely ditch the concept, I've had a Logitech Z-5500 speaker system on my PC for a while now and watch media on my PC.
My brother had a really nice oak one that he kept way past its usefulness. He might actually still have it in his storage
I finally got my parents to get rid of their 5 disc DVD player surround sound that they've had for god only knows how many years. Why do you need something like that?
Haven't quite ditched it yet. The cabinet that held our Commodore VIC-20 is still in my shop's yard serving as outside tool storage and I think the top shelf section got used as a planter box.
Those 45” CRTs weighed like 440 lbs.
I guess the bigger the screen size and tube output, the thicker they had to make the walls of the set. Crazy.
Laser disk
Evolution, Baby.
**"He who is resistant to change is destined to perish."
Not even close. This TV is too small to be in some rich peoples houses. This looks more like a regular person's home in the early 2000s.
My parents had one but I never did. Our TV currently sits on the fireplace
Future civilizations will find these and think. “They lived in these small recycled wood and glue constructed compartment homes”
Still have it. Repainted it and turned it into a closet organizer in our mud room to hang bags, hold hats and mittens and outdoor stuff. Works great and kept it out of a landfill
After I moved it 2-3 times, it kinda fell apart. lol. Also, the first wall mount tv. So, 15 years ago.
When I had to buy all new in 2013
Looks like my dorm room in 2002
My Aiwa 4 disc was legit
That was such a mint setup.
When I moved out of my parents' house in 2001, I had a setup like this by 2003 on my Chick-fil-A paycheck. Definitely went into a little credit card debt, though.
You had to be rich to pay four guys to carry in that TV.
This is a particleboard POS. Rich people had their shit built in.
I think a lot of them got ditched around 2010, when wide screen TVs fell in price and replaced CRTs.
My parents are in their 70s and still have their solid wood shelving and entertainment units thay they've had since they got married 50 years ago.
They refuse to get rid of them. I think they're thinking they can be buried in them.
I didn't.
This setup would not have fit in the living room of the trailer house I grew up in.
Hey Crabman
We were dirt poor but always had them. I wish I still did tbh. Sucks nowhere to put stuff especially since TV is on wall now.
Nah, Rich had that huge reverse mirror projection tvs.
last time I moved. the nice entertainment center I had went to a neighbor of my parents, along with my worn out washing machine and dryer and 36" CRT TV.
Had to ditch mine when we finally went to a flat screen. Gonna say around 2011.
The rack system needs to be bigger, bulkier, and take up the whole entertainment center.
My neighbor and I helped another neighbor move an entertainment center exactly like the one pictured out of her house. She asked us how much she should sell it for, I had to pause for a few seconds because the only answer is free. I felt bad because i think she actually thought it had value.
I never ditched mine. I have "rebuilt" and rearranged it to accommodate a modern TV and my consoles.
Had an aggressively 90’s mission-style center, 6 pieces, solid wood, great shape, for CRT tv. Let the ex leave it when we split, figuring I’ll donate and write-off, but not a single used furniture place in 50 miles would take it. Ended up paying a junk hauler $350 to get rid of it.
Why? Where do you put your electronics and media otherwise?
I think the inference is that most people nowadays have a "smart TV" and...that's it. Maybe a sound bar?
Then there's me over here with the full surround sound and gaming systems in the living room. My "entertainment center" never went away. The furniture just evolved.
Yeah, I don't have a true Home Theater in sense of perfectly rectangular room painted dark with acoustic paneling on every surface and a row of recliners. But I do have a Media Room with Surround and ceiling speakers and two subwoofers.
I also have a wall mounted tv and soundbar in the living room, but it is not the focus of that room.
Ah well, we all do our own things. In my basement, I have my PS5, all the games from this generation, lots of my PS4 and PS3 games, and my five racks of Dvds and Blu-rays.
Then on the main level we have the TV with the PS4, Switch, Wii and a bunch of games related to those, plus a selection of DVDs that are for those.
And in my upstairs, we have the PS3, which these days mostly works as a bonus DVD player for the kids when they want to watch different things.
Same. Smart TV sure, but you need somewhere to put the Xbox, Switch dock, fiber modem, router, and all the other stuff!
Yeah, same here. The TV has its own stand but am still rocking a glass door cabinet for the sound system, game systems, and record player. One of these days I'll go full Atmos.
We took an old one like this, opened it up a bit to make a pass-through, cladded it with wood to look more rustic and turned it into a lemonade stand/puppet theatre for the kids.
Years later and it still gets used.
2012 when we moved out of state. Finally got rid of the big CRT and the entertainment center.
So much easier to hide the cables back then.
Rich people didn’t have their music stuff and TV right next to each other.
WTF stalker....How did you get a picture of my house?
I guess everything is relative. Maybe OP lived in a van by the river
I probably 2005 when getting a bigger flatscreen and moving on.
Rick people had those large project TVs.
That is not a rich people entertainment center. That’s poor or college level. People went all OUT for built ins and huge racks of stereo gear.
I hated how much space the turntable needs above it for the lid to flip open.
We didn't have one growing up. The only person I knew who had one was the first generation child of a surgeon.
Our TV was on top of my mom's college footlocker. Her TV is still on top of that footlocker.
This was standard. I still have and use my Aiwa system
Probably around 2009.
Still lives on in spirit, but less clutter is the key now.
We had the tv that sat on the floor built into its fancy wood housing. The stereo was its own thing. Diamond tipped needle. Wood cabinet with the glass door held in place with the magnet. Great big speakers. My dad’s pride and joy. That thing got a lot of use. Dad would spin stuff like supertramp, clapton, or the cars. Mom would spin stuff like Taylor dayne and George Michael. If I hear anything from the dirty dancing soundtrack, I always feel like I’m about to hear a vacuum or smell French toast. lol what was the question?
That TV weighs 350 lbs.
Rice people had a nook built into the wall for the projection TV, with a closet next to it full of all the unsightly box’s and movies.
Still have mine... But it's built into the wall as closable cabinets even. So when closed up it's just some full height cabinets next to the wood burning stove, when open you get to see the TV and DVD/VCR players. Above and below are for storing the media and the video game consoles that still are set up for it. Nothing quite like NES or Arari2600 on a 32" CRT.
This was normal shit. Rich people in the 90’s tv would be the size of this entertainment cabinet
We always had a small stand with the tv on top and the VCR on the shelf below. In my room it was the same thing and the stereo was on a shelf near my headboard.
I got rid of my 32" Trinitron in like 2022. I was saving it for retro gaming.
Oh man, I remember watching TV on my grandma's TV.....all 22 inches of it.
Those were the days.
My poor ass had this in the 90s
Hello rich people. Troy calling, yes I'll hold.
I didn't know I was supposed to ditch it...
We have one very close to that in the basement.
I replaced all of those things with my phone.
We still have one but its all crammed and hidden in an IKEA Besta unit.
Getting anxiety thinking about ALL THE WIRES behind that thing.
I still have it 25 years later. The TV is just a bit flatter, and the stereo equipment is now just framed pictures and knickknacks. I still have a DVDR/VHS combo hooked up to it too.
I just finished rebuilding mine. I now have about 200 movies on tape with the VCR, CRT, and all my video game consoles hooked up. All back lit with purple LED. I'm never going to give it up again!
Hrmm I actually recently bought one that is more modern with cabinetry and bookshelves to hide the TV/blue-ray/wifi/etc because I *hate* televisions being exposed. So gauche.
Mid 2010s.
When my wife and I bought our house in 2008 and moved out of our apartment. Bought an LCD TV at that time so entertainment center didn't work for us anymore.
Ironically, I never had one growing up, but I have one similar right now.
And i love it.
Rich folks entertainment centers are always a sight to beholden. Now the got tvs so big ...it would be a monument
I prefer wall-mounting TVs except for our main living room area because I have stereo, game console, and blu-ray player that we occasionally use. It makes more sense to have a small TV stand with shelves for all that stuff.
2005, I had one that I left in an apartment when I moved back. Since then, the tv sits on top of a cabinet that houses the PS
I have this exact set up in my game room
Never. Even built my own when we redid the living room.
2003 i ditched mine.
Went with a simple coffee table to set that 200 pound crt