How to find planing restrictions for a plot of land in UK?
Posted by ricketycricket1995@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 10 comments
In a lot of countries you can search by a plot of land and see applicable urban plans, restrictions for buildings etc,. What are the resources available in the UK for this? Thanks in advance
Get all the details online from HM Land Registry. Will cost you a few quid for title details.
ricketycricket1995@reddit (OP)
Thanks. But doesnt the deed only show who owns the land. I would like to know for example if building the factory is allowed or not
It also shows any restrictions on the land which would prevent a factory being built. Source : I work for HMLR
Find out which council area the land is in.
Look up the council's website for their most recent local plan
This will have maps of the area, showing which are earmarked for agricultural, residential, commercial and industrial development. If you want a plot for residential build, and the land it is in is not in the residential category, it will be well nigh impossible to get planning consent.
If the plot is on a specific street, most council websites will allow a simple search by street name to show any planning applications for the street as a whole. This works for road numbers, too (A87, B945, etc.)
ricketycricket1995@reddit (OP)
In most cases planning and building control restrictions are down to the local authority (local council) so start at the relevant website at
Most authorities have their planning and building control registers online so you can check whether a property has had planning permission, is a listed building or in a conservation area.
If you are buying a property then your solicitor will check all these though searches for you.
There are also general planning documents, local guidelines etc on the relevant council website.
ricketycricket1995@reddit (OP)
Thank you very much. I will check it out
Any planning applications in recent years should be detailed on the local council's planning portal.
Anything older than 20 years or so may well not be digitised and would be held on file in the planning office.
ricketycricket1995@reddit (OP)
Thanks !!
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