This post is written by a woman. Men share their emotions with other men that are trusted. Woman don't know what they want and they sure as shit don't wanna hear about your emotions because they will throw it back in your face first chance they get.
Friendship isnt always sunshine and rainbows sometimes you gotta vent. Would you judge your "bros" if one of them just broke down one day? Can you really call him a bro if you did?
Sounds like you haven’t had someone that actually cares about you. Sounds sad. And now with your behavior you probably never will. Better to just suck cocks obviously
Often it's done while drinking, because alcohol loosens the inhibitions and guards we subconsciously put up to protect ourselves. One has to rembee that men are warriors at heart, even in today's society, and spreading knowledge of your weaknesses about is a bad idea when you're a warrior.
Still, one also cannot keep everything bottled up forever, because that's very bad for the health of the mind, so we need someone we can trust fully, whom we don't think will stab us in the back. This usually turns out to be other warriors, men you have been through hell and back with. The modern man doesn't have anything like this, so no wonder we keep everything to ourselves.
When someone in our friend group would go through a bad break up we would get together with a bottle each and listen to sad music, mostly country. And cry and drink and talk about past breakups. Then the next day we never talk about it ever again.
My nickname is Rapelet. I choose not to elaborate on that.
After exchanging a plethora of racial slurs (most of which don't apply to any of us) and insulting everything about one another, my friends paused. They sheepishly asked if joking about it was going too far.
(It wasn't btw, I think it's fucking hilarious)
This was far more consideration than I've ever received from a woman.
Yeah man, I have great convos with my bros. Women are built different. I've seen how bitchy they can be talking about their women friends. I'd rather chill with a trusted friend.
Wtf did you actually tell her? I'm always so confused by guys saying stuff like this. What did you feel the need to open up about and why did it put her off?
Maybe she was trying to get him to say something that she could use as a reason for divorce? “I just can’t help your depression/anxiety/money issues, anon”
Early on in my marriage I opened up to my wife about my feelings. I could tell she was disgusted by this and didn't know what to do. I stopped that immediately
No. There is no path to success there. Didn’t we just read a few days ago about some poor shlub who kept his trauma a secret for years despite his GF begging him to tell her and he refused repeatedly then finally broke down under relentless pressure and she dumped him immediately after?
We are men. We are rocks. We never crack. We never complain. We never share our pain with our female partners. They need us to be their rock. No matter how many lies they tell, begging us to open up, the reality is that their begging is a test and the only way to pass is to NEVER, EVER crack under pressure.
How many world famous chefs are men vs. women? And as far as the taking care of children thing, it's really situational. If you’re a man who is close to his family then you could have grandparents or siblings baby-sit for the times you can't be there to watch them. It really is just sex (which between the robots and the attempts to make artificial wombs may not be necessary in the future).
My suggestion was men, being generally better than women at cooking, can do that themselves. But this is reddit so I understand why you are eager for an excuse to be gay.
I’ve never felt more disgusted with myself than the one time I opened up to a woman. I thought it would bring us closer, but she was visibly repulsed, and I felt weak and pathetic for sharing intimate details of my past that I clearly should’ve kept private.
We all have to learn it somehow. I was in a bad situation at work and it was playing hell on me. My wife and I had been married about two years at this point and I was sharing my deepest feelings about the situation.
She said she can't take any more of it and 'felt herself shutting down' about this and needed 15 minutes alone.
I've never felt so lost and alone as that point. Ever since then I know that anything I'm going through, I have to deal with it myself or maybe talk to some trusted bros.
I could tell she was put off by it for a long time afterwards. I won't go into details about that. Suffice to say intimacy really hasn't been the same in the last 15 years.
Women: literally spend years, teaching every man (both bf and children) about being tough, brutal and not some pussy. And shame every one of them, who dares to speak
I do if they’re being truthful, but I always suspect a few are just parroting, which I think perpetuates this culture. Like why try to hold onto someone who flips on you like this, isn’t it better to find out early?
Discussions like these usually will not attract people to share counter examples. Yes, the anecdotes do reveal something about human nature, but it's not enough information where you should apply it to 50% of the world population and base your future behavior on it. A long term relationship with no emotional intimacy seems pointless to me.
will not attract people to share counter examples.
Probably because there aren't a lot of counter examples.
it's not enough information where you should apply it to 50%
No. A lot of them could be trolling. Another lot of the could be bots. But even with that in mind, it seems like a matrix. So, so many men have the same life experience in that area. Open about your feelings with your girlfriend/wife--->something bad happens in relation with your relationship.
Don't expect that this phenomenon is going to be scientifically demonstrated, cause it's almost impossible to do that. So we have to rely on theories, more anecdotal evidence and conjectures. And these three point to the fact that, generally speaking, it's a bad idea to be very emotional as a man with the average female partner.
seems pointless to me.
It is. But a relationship without sexual and romantic attraction is even more pointless. No man wants to risk being in that position.
I think romantic attraction relies heavily on emotional intimacy. I mean what else even is romantic attraction, the shared experience of a nice vacation? Choosing long-term partners based primarily on sexual needs is a bad decision; just fap.
Somebody who dislikes you for sharing emotions also seems like the type of person to be a bad mother or someone who'll maliciously screw you over in a divorce. Better that bad things happen early, though I know it's painful to experience that kind of rejection.
And let me put it this way, male or female, treating your partner like a therapist all the time definitely leads to less attraction. But even if THAT's the case, it's not normal that that's a permanent mark against you. Maybe her initial expectations will be betrayed because she has some toxic ideas about masculinity; maybe she was relying on you to be the rock in her wind tunnel. But if she values you, she'll grow the fuck up and get used to you expressing yourself. There's a middle ground between stoicism and sharing emotions that can be satisfying to both parties, and women are capable of adapting to it.
If a girl gives you an inconsiderate attitude the first time you share anything, you should be upfront with her that you noticed it. Sometimes you have to teach people that they're doing something wrong.
Choosing long-term partners based primarily on sexual needs is a bad decision;
It is indeed. But, in most cases, physical and psychological attraction comes before romantic desire. And is a non-negotiable for both the initial establishing and the medium and long term survival of the relationship. If you kill that basic non-negotiable attraction, the relationship crumbles.
It's not only a matter of sexual needs, it's that the satisfaction of these sexual needs (for which to stimulate some degree basic primal level attraction in your partner is a must) is a fundamental pillar of any conventional relationship.
Somebody who dislikes you for sharing emotions
Basically majority of people. Especially women and girls.
It's more a problem of the way in which you express those negative emotions than the mere act of sharing them. You can say 'I'm sad', 'I'm worried'. You can't cry for 5 min nonstop or punch the walls.
type of person to be a bad mother
A LOT of women are bad mothers. But it's not related in that way.
someone who'll maliciously screw you over in a divorce.
A LOT of women would do that. But is also not related in that way.
treating your partner like a therapist all the time definitely leads to less attraction.
Yeah that's a logical conclusion. But men here are reporting bad outcomes as a result of doing it only once.
her initial expectations will be betrayed because she has some toxic ideas about masculinity
No. You're reasoning about it backwards. The idea about masculinity comes AFTER the observation of reality and not before. The issue is not an idea or concept. It's way more simple, more basic.
she'll grow the fuck up
Which A LOT of people never do in the emotional sense.
and women are capable of adapting to it.
And that's where your reasoning fails.
If a girl gives you an inconsiderate attitude the first time you share anything
It's not that simple. The same way the concept behind this phenomenon is simple, the negative outcomes that a guy can experience are more complicated and unpredictable.
There's always going to be legitimate cases of trashy women as supporting evidence of what you are saying. But it's like me saying, "Men have a biological imperative to pass on their genes, so it's simply in their nature for men to cheat on their partner. Look at all these anecdotes of men cheating on their girlfriends written here on this predominantly female forum for the antisocial and depressed!"
Adopting this mindset is self-defeating. I don't care about the biological basis of behavior for people I'm never going to willingly associate with. I am going to identify bad behaviors early on and avoid men I think will cheat on me.
"No. You're reasoning about it backwards. The idea about masculinity comes AFTER the observation of reality and not before. The issue is not an idea or concept. It's way more simple, more basic."
This is an idea I see expressed a lot, and one you really do have to prove. I think men have the opposite of special insight into the female brain, especially since it seems like they stop looking for exceptions once they've adopted this mindset. But for those who have had those negative experiences, I am sorry for them, and I do not want them to accept it as normal.
it's simply in their nature for men to cheat on their partner.
Yes. Indeed. Most likely. Not exactly cheating but polygamy. Which is demonstrated by the fact that most of the men that have many sexual opportunities with a lot of different women (very attractive and/or very successful men like singers, actors or sportsmen) end up with a lot of different long term and sporadic partners and several children across the globe, lots of them unknown.
So probably, if an average man has enough opportunities, he will try to spread his genes. Even more, since the last decades, humankind has contraceptives and safe abortions so we can behave as we want sexually reducing the risk of facing the natural consequences of sexuality.
Look at all these anecdotes of men cheating on their girlfriends written here
Lots of them are probably true. Men cheat a lot also.
But cheating is more complex. You need to be willing to break the internal contract or code you've arranged with your heavy morality comes into play.
Cheating on a gf is not the only phenomenon driven by male promiscuity (and is not only driven by promiscuity, other factors intervene), also leave a partner to be with another, polygamy, etc.
Adopting this mindset is self-defeating
You have to be realistic. A lot of people, men and women, don't want to control their natural impulses. Especially if you can't identify them, you can't control them.
I am going to identify bad behaviors early on and avoid men I think will cheat on me
Good for you. Well done.
and one you really do have to prove
You also have to prove that these 'toxic ideas about masculinity' are the cause for this phenomenon that men are constantly reporting. The majority of these events happen after the girl insists on her partner to 'open up'.
I will repeat it. It's not about ideas. It's the same kind of process that drives a girl to feel more attracted at first stage to a tall guy more than to a short guy.
they stop looking for exceptions
Oh, exceptions sure do exist. A lot of them in fact. There are approximately 3 billion adult women in the world. We all would be doomed if exceptions didn't exist.
I do not want them to accept it as normal.
Don't accept it if you don't want. But these unending parallel negative events that all men seem to experience with the same patter, I can give a more logical explanation and with more common sense that the one you're trying to give. It's a matter of triggering the mechanisms of sexual and romantic attraction wired in the brain. Sure if you combine it with the preconceived ideas abou gender roles, it just became more powerful, but that's not the base thing.
Man, believe me I’ve heard all these talking points for like 10 years now. I do not disagree that oportunistic polygomy is “normal,” but it doesn’t need to be accepted, either. If a woman is stuck in base instinct monkey mode, then I don’t see what makes her attractive as a partner, that’s all. I feel this romantic attraction you speak of is really just purely sexual, because I don’t understand why emotionality would negatively affect it.
Of course, with enough pampering and babying, I’d probably have no reason to not think like a dumb animal, and I’d probably demand all sorts of qualities and favors from my partner, but that’s humans in general.
This mystical idea of shared sexual mechanics ignores how malleable people seem to be to culture, media, and social learning; how many people were furries before cartoon animals were invented? What’s the deal with futas? Without being challenged or exposed to alternatives, sure, I’m sure most women will default to wanting tall, stoic men. But women are attracted to a lot of things besides height and stoicness; it is always a math equation with pluses and minuses. And mutual connection matters more than any of this surface level shit, that’s the romance part. I think people are retarded about how any of this actually works and that’s why they are doomed to these cycles of limerence followed by divorce.
I feel bad you're enthralled by the kind of narratives that alienate you from a healthy and functional relationship and instead siphon your money towards masculinity peddlers.
tl;dr - Yes, you can, if you're half decent as a person
I can't for the life of me figure out how all you robots got yourself into whatever reality you're in.
Just be yourself, don't waste effort on putting on some macho persona unless that's what comes naturally and you'll find yourself surrounded by people you can open up to any time and be treated normally. (Yes, this includes women)
If you open up to someone and they minimize your problems, it feels horrendous, but just try to actually communicate that.
a) They understand, and apologize
b) They throw a fit in the heat of the moment, but later understand and apologize, up to you if that's enough.
c) Congratulations, you found a shitty and/or immature person, don't get/stop being close to them, or just don't hang out with them.
Usually the point where you open up to someone about something comes after you've seen how they are in a lot of situations and you can filter out a lot of people before you try.
I've always had the opposite approach. I've always been very open about my thoughts and feelings about different times in my life pretty early into relationships. It was always an ask the question and I'll answer it sort of approach. I always thought of it as those questions are spear thrusts, but be a ghost and it will pass straight through you. Like don't do it in an "I need support" way, but in a "I will tell you more than you want to know" way. I think girls thought I was or am bottling emotions or even that I was emotionless. It's kinda weird, but it made sense to me.
This is a trap! Do not let women trick you by saying they want you to be more emotional. No they don't. Any show of emotion like that has a chance of triggering something deep in their psyche that is an instant turn off. They call it the ick now, but people have known about it forever. Your grandpa would tell you this. Do not be fooled.
Share your problems and thoughts if you want but always in an assertive manner and showing that you can handle them without major issues. Do not, by any means, display heavy emotions like uncontrolled crying or whining or begging.
It's not their fault either. They think that you opening up will represent no problem, but they're unaware about the effect it will have in them.
Married here for 10+ years. The trick to navigating this is the uno reverse card.
Gf/wife asks you about something bothering you or tramatic, you don't visibly get upset or sad, be vague that whatever it is kind of sucks. But since she's there it doesn't even matter cause her being there is enough to cheer you up. I've dodged so much bullshit and drama with this and it ends with her feeling needed and appreciated.
Literally a 2 for 1 special right there. Don't trauma dump on your woman, most aren't built for that shit and can't take a step back to look at the situation from neutral perspective. Too much of a dice roll, especially if the woman is going through her own shit at the same time.
True. And add to that the fact that they lose attraction. Is not something they can control. It is like when they see a tall handsome man or when we guys see a good-looking woman. Can't help it. Will happen. It's been wired in our brains since ancient times.
if the woman is going through her own shit at the same time.
Which is happening, cause 99% of adults always have their own problems that in the deepest level have to be faced alone.
Tell a women (even your mom) problems and she will bring it up to hurt you the moment you cross some real or imaginary line. I am told there are women out there not like this but I know for a fact most are exactly like this.
I believe that women would do that since I've been in the same position, but my mom has been nothing but supportive, she was the first person I opened up to in the early days where I was at my lowest.
Go ahead and call me a mamas boy but I love my mom so much, although I don't show it that much cuz I don't know how lmao
My mom is very supportive and has never used any of my emotional shit against me. I’ve cried in front of her more than anyone else in my life. She’d literally have to have anti-social personality disorder if she did that since we lost my brother 1.5 years ago and we all cried together. I don’t think it’s particularly a woman issue, but an issue of just being a good person.
Exactly this. There are a lot of women out there who aren't good people but think they are because they're hot and people let them get away with their behavior. But that's just a self-awareness issue. Men who aren't good people are typically aware of it and just don't care.
Same with my mom, and my sisters. Even my ex girlfriend who hates me now never used the vulnerable shit I told her against me. It’s not a woman thing, it’s a bad-person thing
The secret is to actually validate him when he says it. Never even put off the feeling that you got the ick, look down on him or think he is dumb/wrong. Most men do show their feelings a couple times, get treated badly like this and choose seclude themselves.
Many women don't even realize what they did though so, be very conscious.
People really think emotions get "bottled up" as if they have physical properties. It's an imprint in your brain. No amount of whinging will make it go away. Might as well learn to relax with it without crying.
Those dudes are just stupid. Whenever I need to vent I just take a .22 to my frontal lobe. That way I get emotional release with the minimal necessary brain damage
I just think that's a result of simply existing as a man in our current society, not whether or not one talks about how they feel. You can talk all day about how you feel, it won't change anything.
Why would I be honest about my emotions with people I’m not comfortable with? That’s reserved for my siblings, I’ll talk to my sisters if I need to get something of my chest which don’t happen that often.
Heh, do you really want to? You think you do but where does the border between „share your emotions” and „you’re weak, leaning on me for support constantly” lie? It’s really difficult to find that line in the middle and you’d also, you know, still have to be attracted to him. Requires a lot of will and maturity on both sides
Its not that we cant, we choose not to. They use it against us in arguments later down the line. Has personally happened to me with 3 out of my 4 ex's.
Parents. Parents are the reason. They're raised by people so violently opposed to their sons having feelings that their response to their sons showing emotions is threatening to beat them if they cry.
You really gonna stand here and try to claim your parents never said "you cry, I'm gonna give you a reason to cry"? A blatant threat of beatings over showing emotion?
Damn thats crazy my parents were basically the opposite and i still have this problem, im starting to think its more to do with what every other man is saying about this male experience, what do i know though
Because they grow up with their mommy, aunties and Grammies telling them how cute and handsome they are for the first eleven years of their life. Then as soon as they hit puberty they stop the compliments and are left seeking female validation from women they think they want but are just as broken if not more-so. So said women will break them through heartbreak and they are left with having to put a barrier around their emotions for their mental to survive. They become cruel, vain and self-loathing people with no empathy for the opposite gender. Because how could they feed them the sweetest words just to deprive them of it?
Because you don't fuel the enemy with weapons and if you think about it from a biological standpoint, weak emotional effeminate weren't bred with during hunter gatherer times.
Because women will absolutely not be supportive of his emotional problems. They just think they would because they have an unrealistically favorable image of themselves to make themselves seem more virtuous than they actually are, while in reality they would just disdain him for being weak.
The paradox of women: Want a strong pillar of a man, but also a man with feelings. If granted this wish somehow, hold his feelings against him eternally, and consider him weak and reduced because of them.
You only share your burdens with your brothers, those you can trust to lean on. Especially if you work in a career that has a strong emphasis on brotherhood like the fire department and shit like that. If you don't thats what dogs are for they will love you no matter what.
Tell her she’s fat. Then start re-hemming her clothes in private so she thinks she’s gaining weight. Hide her food. When she accuses you of anything, gaslight her and tell her you never said that, and that she needs to see a psychiatrist for her delusions.
When she comes back from therapy, tell her you’re gay, and move a man into the house, preferably while she’s still there. Tell her you spent all your money on a surrogate.
When she finally breaks down, tell her, “What, not man enough?”
Men do nothing but cry and complain to a woman who lets him close enough. I don't mind as long as you return the favor, but most don't and take it for granted. Then ya cry about a "male loneliness epidemic" lmao
we don't have the connections in our brains to the emotional center that you do. we often literally don't know how we feel about something, it takes time
Because we've seen and heard women say they think it's icky, and some use it against us. Men do talk about their emotions but it's with their bros over a couple of beers where they feel safe.
My dog of 13 years old died and I didn't cry. This world has numbed me so hard that I capable of expressing how I feel but I don't exactly react with emotions of sadness or tears.
A lot of people here are saying men don't share their emotions because it would be used against them, but I think the real reason we don't share our emotions is because most of the time, we don't feel anything. We just go about our daily lives competing the mundane, monotonous tasks that we have to do because we must--we don't question. After a while, we just become numb.
You may be right but I wasn't always this way. I used to wear my heart on my sleeve and tell people how I really felt. The world beat it out of me. This "numbness" is bullshit and I hate it
Men do cry, and share what's on their mind. Just with other men who speak the same emotional language, and out of the public eye. We don't make a huge display and go looking for sympathy from the world. I will never go to another therapist, especially not if they're a woman.
I honestly feel like Ryuko looks good in her sailor uniform but women can't accept it. I tell them that even though it's commonly considered a middle school uniform, Ryuko is 18 making the statement in no way controversial but it's just too much for them. The hypocrisy...
The reason is women will use everything they can to attack you in the worst way possible. Trauma dump? She gonna use all that shit as artillery when you get in a fight
Because it's a self feeding cycle. Men don't talk about their problems, so they try not to think about them. When someone talks about their problems to someone else, this someone doesn't want to think about their probelms so they call the other a weak homosexual, encouraging the other to do the same to others.
Yes, exactly. The worst thing one can do is just pretend to be strong and pretend to have no problems at all while refusing help. In my opinion, that is even more dangerous.
hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room
must be Chad again
know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer
log onto reddit and open /r/4chan
read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her
think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext
suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section
Fake: Anon will never have a straight boyfriend because he is gay
Gay: Anon is a guy
giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment
hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed
it's been a good day
i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough
I just don't want to. Possibly because I am not testosterone deficient.
I mean, you sure whine a lot on some other subs quite frequently for being such a tough guy.
lmao looked at my post history, get your levels checked buddy. $30 at CVS.
Cope more on random subs lol
This post is written by a woman. Men share their emotions with other men that are trusted. Woman don't know what they want and they sure as shit don't wanna hear about your emotions because they will throw it back in your face first chance they get.
Ain’t that the truth
Idk about you, but my bros and I aren't in the habit of sharing emotions with each other because that's just gay
Friendship isnt always sunshine and rainbows sometimes you gotta vent. Would you judge your "bros" if one of them just broke down one day? Can you really call him a bro if you did?
imagine paying to share your feelings
Anon admits he pays for gay.
you don’t?
as usual
Imagine this: My work health insurance pays for all of it.
Get a job.
Imagine needing a job for health insurance
It's called a perk of my job lmao
Imagine missing the point about needing to be employed to receive humane treatment wherever you are
Imagine thinking that I need to be employed to have health insurance
My state offers it for free if you can't afford it, dipshit
Just say you're poor
Go to war together and you and the boys open up real quick.
Spoken like a true 'Nam vet
Now go shoot up some dope
Methinks the closeted gay doth protest too much
Lol having a therapist is way gayer than having good friends
And a waste of money. Just talk to jeebus like our forefathers.
The males you know aren't men
Wow very edgy big guy thanks for sharing
You think that was edgy? I'm sure your male friends will hear all about it
You should bring it up in therapy why other people having friends makes you lash out irrationally.
Lol, therapy is for chumps
Sounds like you haven’t had someone that actually cares about you. Sounds sad. And now with your behavior you probably never will. Better to just suck cocks obviously
Going to therapist is gay according to him so...
Lost cause for sure
No cocks to suck since you and your mom took them all
I can assure you this post was not written by a woman
Often it's done while drinking, because alcohol loosens the inhibitions and guards we subconsciously put up to protect ourselves. One has to rembee that men are warriors at heart, even in today's society, and spreading knowledge of your weaknesses about is a bad idea when you're a warrior.
Still, one also cannot keep everything bottled up forever, because that's very bad for the health of the mind, so we need someone we can trust fully, whom we don't think will stab us in the back. This usually turns out to be other warriors, men you have been through hell and back with. The modern man doesn't have anything like this, so no wonder we keep everything to ourselves.
When someone in our friend group would go through a bad break up we would get together with a bottle each and listen to sad music, mostly country. And cry and drink and talk about past breakups. Then the next day we never talk about it ever again.
Don’t let the balls touch
My nickname is Rapelet. I choose not to elaborate on that.
After exchanging a plethora of racial slurs (most of which don't apply to any of us) and insulting everything about one another, my friends paused. They sheepishly asked if joking about it was going too far. (It wasn't btw, I think it's fucking hilarious)
This was far more consideration than I've ever received from a woman.
Ok cool
Yeah man, I have great convos with my bros. Women are built different. I've seen how bitchy they can be talking about their women friends. I'd rather chill with a trusted friend.
I did it and my wife got the ick and left me. I did it because she pressured me into.
Not again.
It sounds like the problem was your wife.
Women. They will instantly lose interest the moment you show ANY sign of being weak.
I'm very glad I don't live in your world.
You're going to get cheated on if you keep having that stupid mindset. Women despise weakness.
except lesbians, become a transbian, happiness awaits you
Men don't say ick so she probably left you for being homeopath.
Idiot trying to cure cancer with smoothies
oh yeah but putting MORE chemicals and radiation in my body is totally going to make less cancer right???
No for special cases such as yourself homeopathics work like a charm - go right ahead and disregard those dumb doctors
Five a day literally keeps the doctor away bro
Wtf did you actually tell her? I'm always so confused by guys saying stuff like this. What did you feel the need to open up about and why did it put her off?
We all know this but just curious what did you share
Nothing that complex. She just pressured me into sharing whenever I felt stressed or sad or even very happy. Shit like that.
And then she left you? Something is missing here. Not question you but I can’t make the logic leap.
Because you're thinking like a man, woman logic is different
Maybe she was trying to get him to say something that she could use as a reason for divorce? “I just can’t help your depression/anxiety/money issues, anon”
Logic. Heh.
You know when I feel stressed? When fucking stressful shit is happening It's like feeling a burning sensation when you're on fire.
Everybody, look at the weak loser over here
My favorite "ick" moment was the woman saying her boyfriend having a mom and sisters gives her the "ick."
Early on in my marriage I opened up to my wife about my feelings. I could tell she was disgusted by this and didn't know what to do. I stopped that immediately
People saying 'got the ick' fully triggers me. I'm probably just a miserable old cunt.
No it’s fucking toddler speak and stupid.
Mistake learnt. What woman say they want and what they want are two different things. A man must know the difference or his relationships will fail,
The secret to not making him retarded is making him feel safe and not using it against him.
No. There is no path to success there. Didn’t we just read a few days ago about some poor shlub who kept his trauma a secret for years despite his GF begging him to tell her and he refused repeatedly then finally broke down under relentless pressure and she dumped him immediately after?
We are men. We are rocks. We never crack. We never complain. We never share our pain with our female partners. They need us to be their rock. No matter how many lies they tell, begging us to open up, the reality is that their begging is a test and the only way to pass is to NEVER, EVER crack under pressure.
Now the question just is: what do I even need her for?
Sex, taking care of children, and cooking. Anything else dudes do better.
How many world famous chefs are men vs. women? And as far as the taking care of children thing, it's really situational. If you’re a man who is close to his family then you could have grandparents or siblings baby-sit for the times you can't be there to watch them. It really is just sex (which between the robots and the attempts to make artificial wombs may not be necessary in the future).
Go be gay with a world class chef then
My suggestion was men, being generally better than women at cooking, can do that themselves. But this is reddit so I understand why you are eager for an excuse to be gay.
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That's like asking for water to no be wet
Yeah sorry, there’s a reason gay is a synonym for happy.
It's been right in front of our eyer the whole time.
I guess the saying 'exceptions prove the rule' meant me then, rip
RemindMe! 1 year
I am but explaining ruins the joke :P
Unfathomably based
Especially the last part seems to be a major problem for women. Youre vulnerable once and it will be used against you
I have read the story of "gf / wife wanted me to open up but once I did she saw me in a negative light" so often now it's actually scary
I don't follow pick up culture, I think it's regarded, but one thing they got right are shit tests.
The only well regarded person is you. Everything makes as much sense as shit tests if you use a good source.
shit tests as a concept would unironically pass peer-review.
as soon as i entered the dating scene after the last break up i saw how women use those, some more some less. helped me to sort out the crazies
there was a post about that just a few days ago on this very sub
“My BF cried and told me about his trauma. Now I can’t have sex with him” has been a Reddit post before.
Don't ask the impossible
how it would go-
"So why didn't you just kick that dude's ass, GET OVER your mom's death LOSER?"
They want us to be bulletproof superheroes but we're not.
Yea right self-solving. More like you get way more problems and no sex.
You missed the "the passion is gone" part.
Point is she will divorce you lol
No, thing is you stay in a relationship just be way more miserable now.
No, he's right. She'll blame herself and have more sex with other guys for daddy issues and you get off scott free to live your life. Easy peas.
This is reddit
Even Superman has to be Clark Kent. If they only want Superman, they can fuck right on off.
Just make sure you're not married first.
Actually good advice
Why do you think she wants him to open up?
So she can feel special and not like other girls.
The problem is that when such a nice person comes along, the dude is usually already sealed and not trusting anyone.
This feels like what a woman would say if a man made a similar post. This just shows how much of the problem she is...
She wants the ammo.
Woman challenge (impossible)
Literally the only way lol
The 2nd part is impossible for people
Like that will ever happen
A man may dream.
I’ve never felt more disgusted with myself than the one time I opened up to a woman. I thought it would bring us closer, but she was visibly repulsed, and I felt weak and pathetic for sharing intimate details of my past that I clearly should’ve kept private.
That’s not your fault, man. It’s never your fault. Humans are social creatures, it’s natural to want to tell someone. Never apologize for who you are.
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Lullaby land.
Unless he's one of those guys that get off to balloons.
You know what? Let him get off to whatever he wants if he dont bother anyone.
Unless he’s one of those guys who get off to balloons.
Opened up about what though?
Just stuff some relatively traumatic stuff about my childhood and my relationship with my parents.
That sucks tbh, sorry I honestly can't imagine why she'd react like that. Hope you've found somebody nicer and more sincere since.
We all have to learn it somehow. I was in a bad situation at work and it was playing hell on me. My wife and I had been married about two years at this point and I was sharing my deepest feelings about the situation.
She said she can't take any more of it and 'felt herself shutting down' about this and needed 15 minutes alone.
I've never felt so lost and alone as that point. Ever since then I know that anything I'm going through, I have to deal with it myself or maybe talk to some trusted bros.
I could tell she was put off by it for a long time afterwards. I won't go into details about that. Suffice to say intimacy really hasn't been the same in the last 15 years.
Never lower your guard around women.
Women: literally spend years, teaching every man (both bf and children) about being tough, brutal and not some pussy. And shame every one of them, who dares to speak
Also women: why you hide your emotions?
Women who say that, are the first to call you a weak manbussy when you share the most miniscule of details with them.
It's a trap!
kill la based
I feel bad for a lot of commenters here.
I do if they’re being truthful, but I always suspect a few are just parroting, which I think perpetuates this culture. Like why try to hold onto someone who flips on you like this, isn’t it better to find out early?
Cause there's probably no alternative. Every partner of the opposite gender will be that way.
I mean, don't you think that this huge amount of anecdotal experiences tell something about human nature?
Discussions like these usually will not attract people to share counter examples. Yes, the anecdotes do reveal something about human nature, but it's not enough information where you should apply it to 50% of the world population and base your future behavior on it. A long term relationship with no emotional intimacy seems pointless to me.
Probably because there aren't a lot of counter examples.
No. A lot of them could be trolling. Another lot of the could be bots. But even with that in mind, it seems like a matrix. So, so many men have the same life experience in that area. Open about your feelings with your girlfriend/wife--->something bad happens in relation with your relationship.
Don't expect that this phenomenon is going to be scientifically demonstrated, cause it's almost impossible to do that. So we have to rely on theories, more anecdotal evidence and conjectures. And these three point to the fact that, generally speaking, it's a bad idea to be very emotional as a man with the average female partner.
It is. But a relationship without sexual and romantic attraction is even more pointless. No man wants to risk being in that position.
I think romantic attraction relies heavily on emotional intimacy. I mean what else even is romantic attraction, the shared experience of a nice vacation? Choosing long-term partners based primarily on sexual needs is a bad decision; just fap.
Somebody who dislikes you for sharing emotions also seems like the type of person to be a bad mother or someone who'll maliciously screw you over in a divorce. Better that bad things happen early, though I know it's painful to experience that kind of rejection.
And let me put it this way, male or female, treating your partner like a therapist all the time definitely leads to less attraction. But even if THAT's the case, it's not normal that that's a permanent mark against you. Maybe her initial expectations will be betrayed because she has some toxic ideas about masculinity; maybe she was relying on you to be the rock in her wind tunnel. But if she values you, she'll grow the fuck up and get used to you expressing yourself. There's a middle ground between stoicism and sharing emotions that can be satisfying to both parties, and women are capable of adapting to it.
If a girl gives you an inconsiderate attitude the first time you share anything, you should be upfront with her that you noticed it. Sometimes you have to teach people that they're doing something wrong.
It is indeed. But, in most cases, physical and psychological attraction comes before romantic desire. And is a non-negotiable for both the initial establishing and the medium and long term survival of the relationship. If you kill that basic non-negotiable attraction, the relationship crumbles.
It's not only a matter of sexual needs, it's that the satisfaction of these sexual needs (for which to stimulate some degree basic primal level attraction in your partner is a must) is a fundamental pillar of any conventional relationship.
Basically majority of people. Especially women and girls.
It's more a problem of the way in which you express those negative emotions than the mere act of sharing them. You can say 'I'm sad', 'I'm worried'. You can't cry for 5 min nonstop or punch the walls.
A LOT of women are bad mothers. But it's not related in that way.
A LOT of women would do that. But is also not related in that way.
Yeah that's a logical conclusion. But men here are reporting bad outcomes as a result of doing it only once.
No. You're reasoning about it backwards. The idea about masculinity comes AFTER the observation of reality and not before. The issue is not an idea or concept. It's way more simple, more basic.
Which A LOT of people never do in the emotional sense.
And that's where your reasoning fails.
It's not that simple. The same way the concept behind this phenomenon is simple, the negative outcomes that a guy can experience are more complicated and unpredictable.
There's always going to be legitimate cases of trashy women as supporting evidence of what you are saying. But it's like me saying, "Men have a biological imperative to pass on their genes, so it's simply in their nature for men to cheat on their partner. Look at all these anecdotes of men cheating on their girlfriends written here on this predominantly female forum for the antisocial and depressed!"
Adopting this mindset is self-defeating. I don't care about the biological basis of behavior for people I'm never going to willingly associate with. I am going to identify bad behaviors early on and avoid men I think will cheat on me.
"No. You're reasoning about it backwards. The idea about masculinity comes AFTER the observation of reality and not before. The issue is not an idea or concept. It's way more simple, more basic."
This is an idea I see expressed a lot, and one you really do have to prove. I think men have the opposite of special insight into the female brain, especially since it seems like they stop looking for exceptions once they've adopted this mindset. But for those who have had those negative experiences, I am sorry for them, and I do not want them to accept it as normal.
Yes. Indeed. Most likely. Not exactly cheating but polygamy. Which is demonstrated by the fact that most of the men that have many sexual opportunities with a lot of different women (very attractive and/or very successful men like singers, actors or sportsmen) end up with a lot of different long term and sporadic partners and several children across the globe, lots of them unknown.
So probably, if an average man has enough opportunities, he will try to spread his genes. Even more, since the last decades, humankind has contraceptives and safe abortions so we can behave as we want sexually reducing the risk of facing the natural consequences of sexuality.
Lots of them are probably true. Men cheat a lot also.
But cheating is more complex. You need to be willing to break the internal contract or code you've arranged with your heavy morality comes into play.
Cheating on a gf is not the only phenomenon driven by male promiscuity (and is not only driven by promiscuity, other factors intervene), also leave a partner to be with another, polygamy, etc.
You have to be realistic. A lot of people, men and women, don't want to control their natural impulses. Especially if you can't identify them, you can't control them.
Good for you. Well done.
You also have to prove that these 'toxic ideas about masculinity' are the cause for this phenomenon that men are constantly reporting. The majority of these events happen after the girl insists on her partner to 'open up'.
I will repeat it. It's not about ideas. It's the same kind of process that drives a girl to feel more attracted at first stage to a tall guy more than to a short guy.
Oh, exceptions sure do exist. A lot of them in fact. There are approximately 3 billion adult women in the world. We all would be doomed if exceptions didn't exist.
Don't accept it if you don't want. But these unending parallel negative events that all men seem to experience with the same patter, I can give a more logical explanation and with more common sense that the one you're trying to give. It's a matter of triggering the mechanisms of sexual and romantic attraction wired in the brain. Sure if you combine it with the preconceived ideas abou gender roles, it just became more powerful, but that's not the base thing.
Man, believe me I’ve heard all these talking points for like 10 years now. I do not disagree that oportunistic polygomy is “normal,” but it doesn’t need to be accepted, either. If a woman is stuck in base instinct monkey mode, then I don’t see what makes her attractive as a partner, that’s all. I feel this romantic attraction you speak of is really just purely sexual, because I don’t understand why emotionality would negatively affect it.
Of course, with enough pampering and babying, I’d probably have no reason to not think like a dumb animal, and I’d probably demand all sorts of qualities and favors from my partner, but that’s humans in general.
This mystical idea of shared sexual mechanics ignores how malleable people seem to be to culture, media, and social learning; how many people were furries before cartoon animals were invented? What’s the deal with futas? Without being challenged or exposed to alternatives, sure, I’m sure most women will default to wanting tall, stoic men. But women are attracted to a lot of things besides height and stoicness; it is always a math equation with pluses and minuses. And mutual connection matters more than any of this surface level shit, that’s the romance part. I think people are retarded about how any of this actually works and that’s why they are doomed to these cycles of limerence followed by divorce.
I know, right? Let the trash take itself out.
I don't feel bad for you getting cucked by Jamal. Keep showing those emotions.
I feel bad you're enthralled by the kind of narratives that alienate you from a healthy and functional relationship and instead siphon your money towards masculinity peddlers.
With women? Lmao.
Incels who for some reason think r/4chan = real 4chan.
tl;dr - Yes, you can, if you're half decent as a person I can't for the life of me figure out how all you robots got yourself into whatever reality you're in. Just be yourself, don't waste effort on putting on some macho persona unless that's what comes naturally and you'll find yourself surrounded by people you can open up to any time and be treated normally. (Yes, this includes women) If you open up to someone and they minimize your problems, it feels horrendous, but just try to actually communicate that. a) They understand, and apologize b) They throw a fit in the heat of the moment, but later understand and apologize, up to you if that's enough. c) Congratulations, you found a shitty and/or immature person, don't get/stop being close to them, or just don't hang out with them. Usually the point where you open up to someone about something comes after you've seen how they are in a lot of situations and you can filter out a lot of people before you try.
I've always had the opposite approach. I've always been very open about my thoughts and feelings about different times in my life pretty early into relationships. It was always an ask the question and I'll answer it sort of approach. I always thought of it as those questions are spear thrusts, but be a ghost and it will pass straight through you. Like don't do it in an "I need support" way, but in a "I will tell you more than you want to know" way. I think girls thought I was or am bottling emotions or even that I was emotionless. It's kinda weird, but it made sense to me.
This is a trap! Do not let women trick you by saying they want you to be more emotional. No they don't. Any show of emotion like that has a chance of triggering something deep in their psyche that is an instant turn off. They call it the ick now, but people have known about it forever. Your grandpa would tell you this. Do not be fooled.
Sad, but that's the way things are.
Share your problems and thoughts if you want but always in an assertive manner and showing that you can handle them without major issues. Do not, by any means, display heavy emotions like uncontrolled crying or whining or begging.
It's not their fault either. They think that you opening up will represent no problem, but they're unaware about the effect it will have in them.
Married here for 10+ years. The trick to navigating this is the uno reverse card.
Gf/wife asks you about something bothering you or tramatic, you don't visibly get upset or sad, be vague that whatever it is kind of sucks. But since she's there it doesn't even matter cause her being there is enough to cheer you up. I've dodged so much bullshit and drama with this and it ends with her feeling needed and appreciated.
Literally a 2 for 1 special right there. Don't trauma dump on your woman, most aren't built for that shit and can't take a step back to look at the situation from neutral perspective. Too much of a dice roll, especially if the woman is going through her own shit at the same time.
Oh that's an interesting idea. Don't give anything to latch onto specifically, but just give the feeling that you wanted to hear from them.
Good advice.
Could you give a vague example?
True. And add to that the fact that they lose attraction. Is not something they can control. It is like when they see a tall handsome man or when we guys see a good-looking woman. Can't help it. Will happen. It's been wired in our brains since ancient times.
Which is happening, cause 99% of adults always have their own problems that in the deepest level have to be faced alone.
Tell a women (even your mom) problems and she will bring it up to hurt you the moment you cross some real or imaginary line. I am told there are women out there not like this but I know for a fact most are exactly like this.
I believe that women would do that since I've been in the same position, but my mom has been nothing but supportive, she was the first person I opened up to in the early days where I was at my lowest.
Go ahead and call me a mamas boy but I love my mom so much, although I don't show it that much cuz I don't know how lmao
Nah dude I’m happy for you, my mom broke my arm when I was five
Nah dude, you have a shit mom if that's the case.
My mom is very supportive and has never used any of my emotional shit against me. I’ve cried in front of her more than anyone else in my life. She’d literally have to have anti-social personality disorder if she did that since we lost my brother 1.5 years ago and we all cried together. I don’t think it’s particularly a woman issue, but an issue of just being a good person.
Exactly this. There are a lot of women out there who aren't good people but think they are because they're hot and people let them get away with their behavior. But that's just a self-awareness issue. Men who aren't good people are typically aware of it and just don't care.
Same with my mom, and my sisters. Even my ex girlfriend who hates me now never used the vulnerable shit I told her against me. It’s not a woman thing, it’s a bad-person thing
Mine has.
Yeah men will beat each other up but women can't do that so they just inflict emotional damage on you instead
Nice try, but ur not getting me with this one
The secret is to actually validate him when he says it. Never even put off the feeling that you got the ick, look down on him or think he is dumb/wrong. Most men do show their feelings a couple times, get treated badly like this and choose seclude themselves.
Many women don't even realize what they did though so, be very conscious.
Don’t do it bros. It’s a trap. That puss dries up faster than a banana peel in Texas summer the second you share your emotions and trauma.
People really think emotions get "bottled up" as if they have physical properties. It's an imprint in your brain. No amount of whinging will make it go away. Might as well learn to relax with it without crying.
You know, taking metaphors literally, and assuming others do too, is one of the signs of autism. You might want to get tested.
Dudes say this and then blow their head off in the garage for their wife and kids to find them
Literally. A dude at work did this recently. 55 years old, kids, wife, no one even noticed anything. Hanged himself in the garage.
Those dudes are just stupid. Whenever I need to vent I just take a .22 to my frontal lobe. That way I get emotional release with the minimal necessary brain damage
the trick is to not get married and do it that way nobody cares
Yeah. That's how you deal with it without crying.
Delegate the crying to your subordinates (wife and child). Capitalism in action
"I'm the manager of this household" I mutter before putting the barrel in my mouth
"Time for my pto." On the upside you won't feel sadness after. On the downside, you won't feel much of anything but that may be good for some of you.
Trickle down emotions
Absolute Chad!
Holy frick dude.
Hell yeah that's called going out with a bang
Yeah. That's pretty much what society wants
I just think that's a result of simply existing as a man in our current society, not whether or not one talks about how they feel. You can talk all day about how you feel, it won't change anything.
Better that than looking cringe
Why would I be honest about my emotions with people I’m not comfortable with? That’s reserved for my siblings, I’ll talk to my sisters if I need to get something of my chest which don’t happen that often.
Heh, do you really want to? You think you do but where does the border between „share your emotions” and „you’re weak, leaning on me for support constantly” lie? It’s really difficult to find that line in the middle and you’d also, you know, still have to be attracted to him. Requires a lot of will and maturity on both sides
Its not that we cant, we choose not to. They use it against us in arguments later down the line. Has personally happened to me with 3 out of my 4 ex's.
We’re beasts of burden and meat for war fuck off and leave us alone
Parents. Parents are the reason. They're raised by people so violently opposed to their sons having feelings that their response to their sons showing emotions is threatening to beat them if they cry.
What sort of imaginary parents do you have?
You really gonna stand here and try to claim your parents never said "you cry, I'm gonna give you a reason to cry"? A blatant threat of beatings over showing emotion?
Yep. My parents werent born in 1933
Wow, must feel good having halfway decent parents. Meanwhile I had to hear that shit from my mother in the 2000s. A fucking Californian woman.
Damn thats crazy my parents were basically the opposite and i still have this problem, im starting to think its more to do with what every other man is saying about this male experience, what do i know though
Given the fact that I've opened up about my feelings to be told that I'm just trying to elicit guilt or "make me feel bad", it ain't worth it.
Because they grow up with their mommy, aunties and Grammies telling them how cute and handsome they are for the first eleven years of their life. Then as soon as they hit puberty they stop the compliments and are left seeking female validation from women they think they want but are just as broken if not more-so. So said women will break them through heartbreak and they are left with having to put a barrier around their emotions for their mental to survive. They become cruel, vain and self-loathing people with no empathy for the opposite gender. Because how could they feed them the sweetest words just to deprive them of it?
Only another dude can understand a dude.
The majority of spouses just can't be trusted because in the long run something always gets used.
The moment he opens up to you, you subconsciously think of him as weak, then you distance yourself, and the relationship is ruined.
Because you don't fuel the enemy with weapons and if you think about it from a biological standpoint, weak emotional effeminate weren't bred with during hunter gatherer times.
There was literally a post about an anon doing so and his gf breaking up with him
A fellow Reggie enjoyer I see
my favorite sseth clone
Mutt's law
un poquito emocion
Talking from experience?
He knows exactly what it feels like to be fucked in the ass by two black men named motumbo emocionally
The emotion is regret, but the feeling is joy
Because women will absolutely not be supportive of his emotional problems. They just think they would because they have an unrealistically favorable image of themselves to make themselves seem more virtuous than they actually are, while in reality they would just disdain him for being weak.
The paradox of women: Want a strong pillar of a man, but also a man with feelings. If granted this wish somehow, hold his feelings against him eternally, and consider him weak and reduced because of them.
Anon is a man
You only share your burdens with your brothers, those you can trust to lean on. Especially if you work in a career that has a strong emphasis on brotherhood like the fire department and shit like that. If you don't thats what dogs are for they will love you no matter what.
> "hey it was kinda hurtful when you said that thing last night"
> "what, you aren't man enough to take it?"
Said after I came back from kickboxing practice and started remodelling the kitchen. Bruh.
Tell her she’s fat. Then start re-hemming her clothes in private so she thinks she’s gaining weight. Hide her food. When she accuses you of anything, gaslight her and tell her you never said that, and that she needs to see a psychiatrist for her delusions.
When she comes back from therapy, tell her you’re gay, and move a man into the house, preferably while she’s still there. Tell her you spent all your money on a surrogate.
When she finally breaks down, tell her, “What, not man enough?”
Jeezus Christ!
Gaslight gatekeep girlbossing.
Rubbing your feet on other men and modelling in the kitchen? No wonder she said that
Men do nothing but cry and complain to a woman who lets him close enough. I don't mind as long as you return the favor, but most don't and take it for granted. Then ya cry about a "male loneliness epidemic" lmao
She: "Show emotion"
He: *shows emotion*
She: "Ew, that's an ick"
I'd rather suffer alone than someone else using that trauma of mine to win in a mf argument.
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Ryuko is cool and all, but I find Mako to be a much more relatable character.
This is one of the emotions I don't share with people lest they judge me.
we don't have the connections in our brains to the emotional center that you do. we often literally don't know how we feel about something, it takes time
Because we've seen and heard women say they think it's icky, and some use it against us. Men do talk about their emotions but it's with their bros over a couple of beers where they feel safe.
Once bitten, twice shy.
Miranda rights: anything you say can and will be used against you
then anon will break up with him and use his closest held traumas against him
Some men open up to only be told thier problems are stupid or made up. Or they are made fun or have embarrassing secrets leaked as jokes.
The only winning move is to keep it to yourself
Anon mains healer irl
Amen. Only another man can understand that type of pain.
My dog of 13 years old died and I didn't cry. This world has numbed me so hard that I capable of expressing how I feel but I don't exactly react with emotions of sadness or tears.
We cry, just not near ANY woman nor in public if we can help it.
Straight men do in fact share their feelings. With other men of course.
This was written by a man
If op is a true femanon, upon learning her man's troubles, she will:
A) think less of him/resent him
B) use his insecurities and weaknesses against him
Yeah, you'll say that until he opens up to you. Then, he's suddenly weak and unmanly in your eyes.
It's a trap. Literally and figuratively speaking.
A lot of people here are saying men don't share their emotions because it would be used against them, but I think the real reason we don't share our emotions is because most of the time, we don't feel anything. We just go about our daily lives competing the mundane, monotonous tasks that we have to do because we must--we don't question. After a while, we just become numb.
Yeah, like how do you feel stuff except for frustration and anger?
You may be right but I wasn't always this way. I used to wear my heart on my sleeve and tell people how I really felt. The world beat it out of me. This "numbness" is bullshit and I hate it
I have shared my emotions with a lot of my friends. I will never share them with a woman tho. Never again.
true 4chan/redditor incel moment maybe you should date a bit before telling a girl about your foot fetish
unrelated kino provoking image
I never shared my emotions with a woman and not had it blow up in my face sometime after.
It's just not worth it.
I’d say bait but this definitely reads like an ignorant and scorned woman.
Men do cry, and share what's on their mind. Just with other men who speak the same emotional language, and out of the public eye. We don't make a huge display and go looking for sympathy from the world. I will never go to another therapist, especially not if they're a woman.
Female fingers typed this.☕️
And she is wrong between. Most men do share but only with people they really trust.
I honestly feel like Ryuko looks good in her sailor uniform but women can't accept it. I tell them that even though it's commonly considered a middle school uniform, Ryuko is 18 making the statement in no way controversial but it's just too much for them. The hypocrisy...
Testosterone is the reason. When women go on HRT, they stop crying. When men have low testosterone for medical reasons, they get all weepy.
The reason is women will use everything they can to attack you in the worst way possible. Trauma dump? She gonna use all that shit as artillery when you get in a fight
women ☕️
If you do that you’ll only use it against him
Because it's a self feeding cycle. Men don't talk about their problems, so they try not to think about them. When someone talks about their problems to someone else, this someone doesn't want to think about their probelms so they call the other a weak homosexual, encouraging the other to do the same to others.
At least, that's how I see it.
I think you're right, and by not talking about feelings we get shit at it.
Yes, exactly. The worst thing one can do is just pretend to be strong and pretend to have no problems at all while refusing help. In my opinion, that is even more dangerous.
We don't share our emotions because they always use it against us in the future. It's safer to keep it inside.
Women say this then will have the worst day ever (jenny in accounting didnt say hi back) and snap at a sharing man, and he never shares again.
Fake: Anon will never have a straight boyfriend because he is gay Gay: Anon is a guy
nobody liked that, okay maybe somebody does
He should know
Who give a fuck if we tell anyone,"im sad,I wanna commit suic-"
Men do share their emotions. Maybe not with (you) but (you) probably wouldn't give your boyfriend your highschool diaries either.
Same conversation.
Be someone who we can trust won't turn those emotions and vulnerabilities against him.
Post was written by a man.
And a fed
And a Larry
We just don’t like to talk about it
"Girl" calls a way of being she will never comprehend "retarded". "Girl" should not have a boyfriend.
Once he does, she leaves. So why would he.
Maybe there aren’t a lot of things happening to me that make me want to cry ?
Then he tells you about his emotions and you get immediately turned off and find a different guy.
Children take comfort in their mothers, wives take comfort in their husbands, husbands seek comfort in God.