What side of the bed do you usually pick?
Posted by Donvergui@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 49 comments
I have noticed that when it comes to sleeping in double beds with or without a 2nd person, I always automatically choose the side which has the window closer by instinct,, without even thinking of it. Does it happens the same or similar to anyone? Could it be a reason why this happens? It is just weird 😂 (Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my 1st language)
I’m always closest to the door side isn’t really a thing for me as long as I’m closer to the door not sure why more subconscious thing but I’m aware I always pick nearest to the exit hahah
Side nearest the door. Not a conscious choice though, I just seem to pick that side every time
Right normally.
Left if I'm on holiday.
The one closest to the door, because our son always comes in looking for me in the night, and if I'm closest to the door then he doesn't climb over my husband to get to me.
Both sides. I swap so that my mattress stays even lol. Few months on the right side, then swap to left and repeat.
Closest to the bathroom, since I'm most likely to get up during the night.
And me
Me too
Left-hand side ever since I had a double bed at uni in 2011. As it happens, my boyfriend prefers the right-hand side whenever we’re sharing a bed, so it works out rather nicely!
Right. I’m ambidextrous, so I could sleep on the left🤔
Whichever has the best option for my phone charger. If they’re equal and there’s a tv then whichever is more central for that. Again if that equal I just go for the middle of the bed, I move a lot when I sleep so I’ll use the whole bed anyway.
I switch the side of the bed I sleep on every night.
Apparently I have to sleep near the door so Mrs TF can use me as a human shield in the event of any intrusion...
Wife always goes to the side furthest from the door. That would probably also be my preference. Happy wife, happy life.
As a kid I was afraid of the dark at night, so would squeeze into the edge where the bed met the wall, and since then I've always favoured sleeping on my left side, and the left edge of the bed. That's where I sleep now, which is also the easier side for accessing the rest of my flat, but not the wardrobe.
I sleep furthest away from the door so that if we had a break in the person closest to the door gets killed first giving me the chance to escape 😌 just kidding I don’t care where I sleep 😂
I believed you then 😂
Really depends on the room. We have two bedrooms. In one I sleep on the left and on the other on the right. My husband likes to sleep closest to the door in case of intruders.
That’s so sweet
The side that hasn't already been chosen by my girlfriend of 18 years, obviously! It always changes, depending on the room :))
Awww adorable
Always the left side, never ever the other side. Just can’t.
Left as you're sat in bed. I'm our first bedroom together the right was nearer the door which my husband prefers. Now it's side because we're used to our side
My husband also always sleeps on the right which is closest to the door
The side that belongs to me!
I choose the side furthest from the door. Somehow feel more protected that way.
There is a random bit of phsycology I read once that men nearly always pick the side closest the door. Something like being a protector from threats....I do but but never intentionally for that reason, just...because!
Closest to the door is my general rule, my wife is insistent on the fact if someone comes into our room they get me first 🤣
The side closest to the door. I’m the crazy one in the relationship so know if an intruder came in, I’d worry for their safety and not mine 😂
Right hand side for me while my dog has the left. At this point I don’t know which of us would freak out more if we had to switch
I don't have a fave! When my bed was next to the wall, I slept on the right hand side where the wall is. Then I moved it to the centre of the room and just switched sides. Now it's under the window where the wall is and I sleep on the left. I am regretting moving it under the window because it's drafty, so i sleep furthest from it as it is too much hassle to move again!
I always pick the side furthest from the door.
Right in the middle.
At home I alternate so I don't make too much of a delve in either side of the bed. Sometimes even in the centre to mix it up. In a hotel probably in the middle again for maximum space.
Always used to be closest to the door, because I was getting up for kids in the night. Now I'm just used to being on the right so when we moved I'm still on the right, even though it's further from the door. Kids are teens now.
I am a side sleeper so I always sleep on the side that lets my face be open to the room
The side my wife hasn't already.
Closest to the loo
If I have a double bed on holiday to myself, I tend to choose the side closest to the bathroom
Mine was always the right-hand side. Then, when I had a baby, the next 2 me crib wouldn't fit, so I switched to left. 5 years later, and I'm still on the left
There is no usually. I always sleep on the right hand side of the bed a my wife always sleeps on the left. We always have and forever will.
It would be weird not to.
Always the left side whilst lying in bed. For the last 30+ years, in any bed anywhere.
Right hand side as you look from bottom of bed. Literally could not sleep on other side.
The top side
Middle but I also seem partial to the right side (when lying down).
The wrong side apparently.
I don’t discriminate tbh. At home I kind of just go in the middle! In hotels, the beds are so massive I end up just being on one side mostly. Don’t really consider if there’s a window or not I just pick wherever is closer to the charger port.
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