Keep Or Toss The Cardboard Boxes?
Posted by csx4747@reddit | Firearms | View on Reddit | 23 comments
I have approximately 15 cardboard boxes for long guns and pistols. I have no current thoughts of selling any of the guns that I have boxes for. Does having the cardboard box add any value if I were to sell?
Interesting we keep about 10 of each just in case we have to ship out for somebody
The collector in me keeps most of the boxes. Just the original boxes, reboxed ones I toss. I break them down flat and they're in the back of the closet we keep the Christmas decorations and seasonal junk in.
The only rifle I've ever bought was my AR-15. I kept the box because I'm a little paranoid about other people seeing it in the trash, but I'll probably break it down and burn it some day.
Shoot I sell some of mine. But it's worth keeping a few for shipping purposes
I toss the boxes unless they have the egg crate foam.
Later, when I use the egg crate foam for something, I toss the box.
The only box I have left is the first new gun I bought, the rest get trashed, usually end up as fire starter
I cut them to fit my target frames and use them as backing for paper targets.
Are they heirloom pieces where it will bring a premium. If yes, then keep them, if no, burn them up. My Rossi and mossy 12 gauge, I'm tossing. They only reason I'm thinking of keeping Ruger SR9 case and XD case is the fact it's a hard case. And makes life a bit water if I go to sell. My XD 45 I'm probably never selling. My Ruger though I may sell to get a Walther pdp.
It depends on the gun. For some there is some value, e.g., if the gun is a classic from 50 years ago.
csx4747@reddit (OP)
My first gun was bought 50 years ago, Remington Nylon 66. I so wish I still had that gun and box!
Sadly, there are no classics in my inventory.
Got my grandmother's Nylon 66 when she passed. As much as I want to buy another .22, I can't stop shooting this one because of the sentimental value to me.
The normal today is a classic tomorrow.
Keep the boxes until it is a burden to have. Moving from small apt to apt, just can't do it. Have a house with attic...keep them.
As dottmatrix said, if it doesn’t interfere with your life keep them. You never know who will want to buy one 20-30 years on.
I say this because I’ve been looking for a specific box for a gun made in 1968 for three years( plus or minus), vintage boxes are expensive and condition is usually crap. I see income potential.
I toss cardboard boxes but keep plastic hard cases
Anyone who pays more for a rifle because it comes with a cardboard and styrofoam box is a goofball
Personally, I just cut the label off of the end and keep that. Shows the model and serial number, and that's why I keep it.
This is what I do. Cut the label off with your rifle info and toss the rest of the box.
I only kept my 10/22 Takedown box cause it was the Navy Digital print.
The only box I kept was the one for the 6oth anniversary 10/22 I bought. Other than that I toss them in the fire pit and burn them
Toss it man. Clutter free is the way to be. If you don't whoever your beneficiary is definitely will lol
Some manufacturers want the gun in its original box if it gets sent back for warranty or service. If you've got the ability to hang on to them without it affecting your quality of life it's not a bad idea.
if you dont plan to resell its just taking up space
For anything cheap/mass produced, toss it.
For anything collectible/old/rare, keep it.