Welp it's happened. Glass jars....
Posted by indefiniteretrieval@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 78 comments
I haven't really cared about them before, but now I've started stashing glass jars for the garage
Oh look at this one, it'll hold all sorts of misc fasteners
Or * this one can hold an entire brake flush*
I rinse and save spaghetti sauce jars and coffee cans. Very handy for my rubber band and paper clip and safety pin collections. Oh heavens! I’m turning into my Grandma!
My grandma found jars also useful for holding random buttons and foreign coins she somehow received as change. And pretty rocks and seashells. No shame in becoming more like our elders!
I don’t mind cleaning and saving the jars because they come in so handy! My son just rolls his eyes and I reply with. “Just wait until you’re my age…”. Then he complains about the things I’m saving (jar of pennies, etc) and I reply, “Well, you can clean it all up when I’m gone for good” and then he shuts up. Gotta keep those youngsters in line! (He’s 40).
Ha! I have a small jar of jingle bells, either cut off of cat toys or harvested when someone steps on and destroys one of the cat’s jingle balls. And everyone might think that’s a silly thing to collect, but they all know who to come to if they need a jingle bell . . .
I'm now collecting canisters - nice collection of Illy coffee cans. [Can't seem to post the image]
Plastic peanut butter jars work great for under workbench storage of odds n ends.
Yes, but do you collect cardboard boxes?
We all collect cardboard boxes
Yup. and sadly every day at my job I can get whatever I need and size. but this on is a good one. lol
The person who will have to clean your garage when you pass begs you to stop this.
Junk like that is easy to deal with. Right into the garbage/recyclables. Its all the memorable stuff that is hard to sort out.
Don’t tell my in-laws but I’m not sorting that basement. It is all going in the dumpster.
My mom probably had 100 plastic coffee cans and 50 glass jars in the basement. All empty of course and for just in case. I say 'had' because she died and now they are my inheritance!
Surprisingly no one wants them.
In-laws have a gigantic train set in their basement. It takes up probably 12 sheets of plywood. Plus it is stuffed to the rafters with storage if God-knows-what.
Depending on age the train stuff can be very valuable though the layout itself probably isn't.
It is the small size train, not Lionel. I don’t think it has value.
You'd be wrong, very very wrong.
N and HO are probably more valuable if they have DCC.
You just let the kids walk through for 10 minutes and take whatever they want. The rest gets chucked. We were able to donate most of the furniture, though. I ended up eventually getting rid of most of the stuff I took, anyway.
Better than plastic tubs like cool whip or cottage cheese containers
Cool whip containers are great to put your wallet/watch/etc in and leave in the car when at the beach. or in the cooler, no one is going to steal a cool whip container.
indefiniteretrieval@reddit (OP)
Cereal bowls!!!!
It could be worse... Depending on what State you live in, you have people collecting paper grocery bags...
I tend to toss them in batches of like 50. My wife keeps them (presumably for the next time she goes shopping). But never brings them into the store.
For anybody that really thought we were "saving the environment" by mandating an $0.08 bag tax, I'd really love to talk to you about a business opportunity sometime...
I use them as the "drop" cloth for when I'm painting parts, or a model. We also double bag them and use them as the recycle bin in the house, to carry the recycle out to the recycle trash can. A double bag last about 2 weeks , then it too goes in the recycle bin/can. other use is to line the shreader bin. so when it needs to be emptied, just pull the bag and walk out to the recycle can. dump and reuse or get another.
I need to get a folgers can for my "good screws." It's will also serve as a modestly priced receptacle for my ashes.
peanut butter or mayo jar is better as you can see through it, the red coffee can not so much.
Rookie.....peanut butter and mayo jars are bigger and won't shatter when dropped
Yup. and a whole drilled in the lid side through the jar for a golf tee or small nail, sheet rock screw so if you screw the lid to a shelf bottom or basement rafter, the jar can't unscrew over time and come crashing down
But that sound though… glass has benes.
I put olive oil on empty prescription labels and slide them off the next day.
In a year or so , I should have enough to build my dreamhouse.
put them in the freezer, the label will peel off without much fuss, and no need to wash off oil.
I was just at my dad’s the other day. He’s got jars screwed to the ceiling in the basement with all kinds of miscellaneous stuff in them. I have a couple in the basement for screws and nails but nothing like that.
I use plastic jars and lids, so I can put the screw on lid on and drill a whole in the side of the lid, to put a golf tee or nail through, so the jar can't unscrew from the lid and come crashing down.
Oh that IS impressive!!
My grandpa did this and I was so impressed. He attached the lids to the bottom of a shelf and the just attached the baby food jars to the lids. It was slick.
indefiniteretrieval@reddit (OP)
That's next!
I still keep my weed in old film canisters.
What absolutely kills me is that now you can buy delta 8 9 thc a etc, they sell it in what amounts to a film canister 🤣
Is that were people are getting those now?
I put my SD cards in my film cannisters.
Hard to find these now, so the rx orange bottles are my goto.
You could do better
Hah! Haven’t done that in ages. I save glass jars for that now. 😂
Yup. gravy jar for finish nails. mayo plastic jars for sheet rock screws/deck screws.
The trick is, when you hang a shelf in the garage or basement, you screw the mayo or other lid to the bottom of the shelf, put the screws/nails,zip ties in it, then screw the jar to the lid, now it is off the work bench and using wased space. I drill a hole after I screw the jar to the lid( plastic jar and lid) and put a golf tee or small nail through the hole so the music vibrations can't back the jar off the lid(unscrew it) and the jar go crashing down.
I did this for my stash of edel clamps, copper pluming elbows/unions/tees/ clips/ washers/etc. Extra lug nuts, and such. specialized drill bits, (tile/etc)
The mayo/peanut butter jars are the right price free. The squeeze mustard bottles make great 3 in one oil squirters. or drilling/cutting oil again free once you use the mustard or mayo or ketchup.
I try to use plastic jars because if I drop it, worst it do is crack, glass goes everywhere and cuts.
I did make a pressure bleader out of a large glass pasta sauce jar with metal lid. to reverse bleed or pressure blead the brakes.
Get small baby food jars, nail the lids on the underside of a shelf. Put screws in said jar, attach to lid. Extra space
Car parts, bottles, and cutlery.
Now you're learning!
Obligatory my grandpa (Pappy) did that too
Nope….I refuse to give in to the glass jar temptation. I use coffee cans….they hold a lot more.
I'm all the way through the miscellaneous glass jar phase and on to canning jars. Preference for the wide mouth variety because they're easier to clean. Interchangeable lids mean no digging around to find the lid that matches THIS jar.
Just wait until you start buying new lids for them
My pantry got invaded by some horrid grain eating pest, so now my jars are all full of various flours, mixes, etc.
It actually looks like I’m organized now, which is a complete lie, but nobody needs to know.
Don’t do it OP! It’s a slippery slope. Before you know it you’ll be driving out to the dump in the middle of the desert looking for cool glass jars to store your stuff in. 🤣
I mean, as long as you're not storing your own urine in them in your basement, knock yourself out.
😅😅😅😅😅 (me too)
Dang it, Peggy! Who threw out this mayonnaise jar? I use these to hold extra screws!!
Oh ! I totally keep and reuse glass jam jars, mustard jars, etc all the time
It might actually be a problem 😆
I mean, it’s better than keeping plastic containers!
I went to an estate sale and found found 4 large cantilevered tool boxes full of little clear plastic boxes, medium and large boxes, and jars. Each with individual sizes of brads,nails,hooks,screws,wire cunnectors, and so much more. Plumbing, electrical, landscaping, everything. And every single container has his name and SSN engraved. It's amazing. There are dozens of empty containers for new categories too.
I’m still on boxes— ooh this is a good one with handles, this one is sturdy etc.
My dad has a wall of baby food jars (5 children, a lot of baby food) filled with screws, bolts, nuts, jimmers, jammers, whinges, and chingaderas of every description. At one time i wanted it all when he passed. Not any more.
I keep a few and find them handy as needed. If I don't have an use after an amount of time I go ahead and recycle them. The cycle starts again.
I do use some to organize craft supplies, I have one that holds my wooden cooking skewers and a few to organize desk supplies too. Some I've even crocheted covers for 😆
I keep one washed pickle jar around. That’s it. Purely to contain dispose of some random fluid. Glass is best because it might be brake fluid.
It’s been handy a few times, but not often enough to warrant a collection. One is enough.
I only save Bonne Maman jelly jars. All others become cooking oil waste jars or are recycled.
I hope to recycle hundreds of glass jars while my wife in in NYC this weekend.
I enjoy fermented foods. I have a problem with glass jars...
I need more.
Careful, one of those glass jars took it’s revenge on my thumb over Christmas. As we get older, we get less coordinated. Just a warning.
But are you nailing the lids to the beams above and then screwing the jar onto it with nuts and bolts in them?
My grandpa had a deep drawer in his workshop where he stored jars of things. Since he couldn't see into the jars, he'd paint the lids white and then glue a bolt to the lid of the bolts jar, a wood screw to the lid of the wood screws jar, etc. I miss that guy.
🥹- I know that feeling! - Miss my Grandpa as well.
Even though I organizer my miscellany in portable carriers, it’s still hard to get rid of a perfectly good glass jar.
I don’t know why, but it seems wrong.
Of course, I’m also the person who strips all of the remote cable hardware from anything I get rid of… I even have a shelf that holds spare shelves.
Oh I have crossed this rubicon a long time ago. Washing out all those pasta sauce jars.
Glass jars and yogurt containers. The yogurt containers started as leftover containers from holiday meals from my brother’s mother in laws. My family is the only one that really eats leftovers. Then I got my health in order which meant smoothies for breakfast. Now we have way too may yogurt containers. 🤣
1000xp more and you can wash and reuse ziplock baggies.