If anyone’s down for a laugh, Biden’s letter to the federal workforce
Posted by immrw24@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 338 comments

Posted by immrw24@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 338 comments
Leading the world against climate change, reducing gun violence...
I haven't looked into the stats yet, but this gives big "mission accomplished" energy lol
Yeah both of those claims are ludicrous. The US is one of the climate bad guys.
Compared to places like India, Pakistan, we are a drop in the bucket.
If everybody lived like in India and Pakistan we wouldnt been in so much shit. American style of life is cancerous.
what? India is 3rd in pollution. Pakistan is fourth. The United States is ranked usually around the 24th
But their emissions per capita are much lower. If everybody lived like in India our collective emissions would be much lower (emissions per capita x population size).
I always wonder how much less ours would be per capita when you take out all the private jets and billionaires huge overuse of resources.
Now check per capital emissions.
U.S. - 14.3 tons per person (also has probably the highest population of rich people with private jets and yachts so that sways it a lot)
Australia - 14.5 Tons per person
Saudi Arabia 25.6 Tons per person
Brunei - 25.6 Tons Per Person
We get blown out of the water by tons of countries smaller than us.
It would be really interesting if you took out the billionaire's C02 Emissions data and just did regular citizens of the US to see what it was. I bet that number is a very large contrast.
Now add in consumer emissions.
The USA does the same thing the UK and Europe does: outsource manufacturing and then not count that as their emissions.
Add in manufacturing emissions (no matter what country that is) to the USA, UK and Europe and you have the 3 biggest polluting groups on the planet.
Take China and - all the manufacturing they do for us, then the picture is a lot clearer.
The United States outsources massive amounts of emissions to countries that do manufacturing for them. It's the biggest consumer country in the world.
And the gun bad guys
Collapse is full MAGA now?
Yes, trump will do better!
Oh he won’t? And we’ll think back to now as the good old days? I guess we should make fun of Biden and pretend Haitians were eating transgendered cats and dogs to make the time period of random raids for “immigrants” are the good days.
Yeah seriously what the fuck did I just read? That whole paragraph I was like nope, yeah no again, didn't do that, that thing is worse now...
Preparing the legacy and shaping the narrative. So full of crap though.
His legacy is a lame duck president that gave the election to an oligarch fascist + funded and facilitated genocide.
He didn't give it away the people voted
When you run for president you have to persuade people to vote for you. He and Kamala didnt do that effectively.
Yes and no. It’s true that Trump won the election, but the outcome could have been very different if Biden hadn’t run for a second term. During the debate it was obvious how deteriorated he had become. Then Harris was chosen without a primary. People just simply weren’t excited to vote for someone they hadn’t chosen while they were still pissed about being lied to about Biden’s condition. Had Biden stepped aside at the right time, and a proper primary been conducted, then Americans could have rallied behind their choice. Biden’s ego will ultimately be his legacy.
Could have but probably not
It’s hard to say. How are humans so smart and so stupid at the same time?
Well for example, I'm twice as smart as I actually are.
Pretty much yes
That's been the energy the entire time.
I mean we lead the world in climate policy the last few years. It is true. It’s just that every year before that we’ve done almost jack shit and the next 4+ years we’ll do nothing again. So I mean sure we briefly lead the world, but in the end it seems like fossil fuel companies won.
This feels like he’s giving a thumbs up to the camera in front of the “mission accomplished” banner while ignoring the guys pouring gasoline over it behind him.
This is a typical Democrat "good cop" posing routine. What this guy really did was clear a pathway for Trump to return with his ineptitude, incompetence, and indifference. And before people talk about how great the economy has been under him, it was great for whom? The same top percentile of income eaners who reap the benefits no matter who is in charge?
Not to mention that it is not a far stretch to call him a genocidaire and war criminal because of Gaza. No matter how shitty the orange man is and will be, this guy's presidency leaves a bad taste in my mouth overall.
fuck trump but biden's presidency was objectively worse than trump's last presidency cause of the genocide. they're 2 sides of the same coin.
the fact that even people on this sub can't see that biden is arguably more evil for killing hundreds of thousands despite being nominally better is why we'll never fucking solve the world's problems.
I mean they both support genocide so had Trump been in office we’d still have the same problem in Gaza Infact he told Israel they should bomb Gaza and finish the job
told vs did. biden killed 100k+ ppl and maimed many more. trump hasnt done that yet. they're both fascist freaks.
A little fun fact; Democrats have killed, bombed, and destoryed more cities in US history than republicans can. Which is kinda funny, what with Rs always being known to be 'warmongering'. Obama did more damage in the middle east than Bush did, all Bush did was retaliate to a war.
Im going to need you to cite that. Obama did more damage than Bush? Really?
Yeah, while Obama really pushed the drone war and double tap strikes, I have a hard time understanding how he could possibly have been more destructive than the invasion of Iraq for the non existent weapons of mass destruction.
Because it's bullshit. /u/EvaUnit_03 is literally spouting up unsubstantiated bullshit that conservatives will eat up like no other.
Bush literally start the war and razed 2 countries.
Obama did drone strikes but reduced US troops presence in the Middle East.
Trump did even more drone strikes and stopped reporting casualties.
Plus, republicans HATED Obama because of the drawdown. I was there.
Ya, he's just biased and making shit up. Whole my team vs their team thinking.
Says "Fun fact" and then infactual bullshit.
Drone strikes etc increased under Obama.
They increased even more under Trump, but for some reason the people who say this stuff always neglect to mention that.
I always see this stat cited, but doesn't it make sense for drone usage to go up with time since it's a developing technology?
Because alot of this is just purposeful to attack one side without considering the entire picture.
Drone strikes increased under Trump until he decided to stop reporting casualties from drone strikes. Problem solved!
They're combining all presidents together. WWII under FDR/Truman is likely doing a lot of the heavy lifting here.
He specifically mentioned Bush and Obama, implying that his counter is mostly modern presidents.
Not to mention Obama inherited 2 wars from Bush plus an economic recession.
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I don't know about prescription prices, our (at my home) part D premiums soared, and so far our prescription proces are higher than last year, and my mom's patient assistance just went out the door with the $2,000. cap on prices. Hopefully others get a benefit out of this, but we didn't.
Kinda what happens when republicans shoot down laws that would put caps on drugs, a lot of mainline drugs did decrease in price tho, insulin for example especially if you were on Medicaid or Medicare was lowered to $35 a month which is can be up to 600 a month normally. Unfortunately like the other comment stated Trump is about to make it worse 😭 he’s already dismantled the executive order that lowered some drug prices with no replacement plan in place
Oh you aint seen nothing yet lol, just wait trump is going to reverse what little good biden did do. Add tariffs and soaring cost to everything from insurance to food , then you will know depression.
That’s funny
"Leading the world against climate change" lmao
Did far more than any President EVER in US History. I'll take that for a win.
Buck up for the Trump Disaster.
Absolutely nothing has changed for the majority of people during his tenure, he will be a footnote like all the other middle of the road presidents.
But yeah another Trump presidency isn't going to help the world
There is a LOT to be said for stabilizing a country after the trump shit show. That takes work. I will take boring and stable over chaos and plutocracy any day.
Absolutely nothing, means you're uninformed.
That's your Personal Decision.
The fact that you cannot name a single permanent act by this administration shows how much of a lame duck presidency was for the past 4 years.
Covid is still here
Inflation is still here
Nato is still failing
Trade wars are still ramping up
Energy crisis is still here
Housing shortage is still here
Immigration is still a mess
Courts are still packed with republican judges
Public education is still under attack
Trans rights are being reversed
Minimum abortion protection was reversed
Social media is still astroturfed by foreign actors
Infanstructure is still decaying faster than it can be repaired
Red states are growing in population and power
GenZ is leaning more to the right
Weed is still federally illegal
Homelessness is still on the rise
Fema and other secondary offices have begun to fail due to budget constrains
Debt gov & personal is still increasing faster than ever
Democratic leadership has started alienated minority voters
Colleges are still running at exorbitant costs barring higher education to the lower and middle classes
Welcome to r/collapse bruh, both sides functionally the same even if one side has better optics in your eyes.
I mean technically you can be doing next to nothing and also still be leading the world if everyone else is also doing next to nothing or nothing. From a certain perspective, I suppose this is a valid claim. We are certainly spending more money on climate change initiatives than almost anyone else. I think it's fair to say we are leading the world in combatting climate change while simultaneously leading it in causing it.
Biden, however spent Billions on Climate Solutions.
That's not nothing, it's actually a RECORD for any US president.
Secondly, are you in an EV yet?
We ALL have to do something to stop burning everything.
To be fair he did do a lot more than any other US president. But, he needed to do a lot more in order to make a real difference.
The Inflation Reduction Act was good. We need more, but it’s insane for people to act like that wasn’t a step in the right direction. 783b for climate change and energy security and people act like it never happened lol
It was a good step, but people on this sub ignore and/or downvote good news.
"Leading the world in climate change"
The U.S. military is the number one contributor to C02 (and now probably uranium from bombs too) world wide as far as extensions of state government. Did he mention what he did to rein that in?
That is not true. You can bet China is still the largest contributor to global warming.
World’s Top Emitters Interactive Chart I World Resources Institute
Not per capita and not historically
I dont care about per capita, raw pumping of Co2 means more overall. Per capita is a sham to make the western world feel bad , our total output if much lower than theirs. Per capita is folly and leads to misinformation on who is putting out the most damage to the planet.
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Per capita is the only thing that matters. Countries aren't people.
No! Tonnage matters! If I dump a five gallon bucket on you full of water, and someone dumps a 1 gallon bucket on you full of water. Who dumped the most water? because thats exactly what we are talking about. Per capita is so very misleading, the most is the most, period.
If 5 people dump a 5 gallon bucket and 1 person dumped a 2 gallon bucket, which person dumped the most?
Idiocy ,the data is there on what nations put out the most co2 . But keep self flagellating western world bad , just us no one else.
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I never said China wasn't bad. It's worse than much of the world, but not the US and several other countries. And the US isn't as bad as countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
You can compare them all here:
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But Chai-na
Yes, and let's not forget that obamna founded isis
Obama bin Ladin ?
I’m referring to “government entities” not countries or states themselves. Yes, China is a horrible polluter as well. But I’m not sure Mr leads the world in fighting climate change could do much about China or India’s pollution so my point was if you claim that as a pres you may want to first address your own world police if you want it to be credible
No, you see he qualified his statement by adding "as extensions of government". That entitles him to ignore the fact that all energy produced by coal in CN is an "extension" of the government that owns everything there. It's OK because they said they would use less coal (before they started using more of it) and they wouldn't lie about that right?
He gave Israel all the money in the world to warm the planet while it blows babies into 4,678 pieces.
He slept through the important parts!
Because we have the most stuff on fire?
record oil production. drill baby drill.
Oh crap thanks for correcting me
They sure are though. Leading the world into climate change
Leading the planet towards climate change*
Just a small typo and it’s totally correct.
He really is senile after all.
Or did he even write this himself? He just had a great grandchild. Not a thought spared for the kid’s future?
So, I’ve been a Democrat my entire adult life. That’s a long time to see my party come and go. And despite what I’m about to say, I want to make clear that I don’t think “both sides are the same”.
However, I have come to realize (and perhaps I’m a slow learner) that neither party cares about us. That’s obvious among the Republican Party, but the Democrats?! I believe at one time, there was hope for this country… that the Democrats could finally get something together to help the American people.
But there’s a reason they’re called “do nothing Democrats”, even among my Democratic family. I used to believe it was simply due to the fact that they wanted to “play nice” and/or “go by the book” while the Republicans played dirty… but that’s not the case any longer.
They don’t give a flying fuck about anybody, really. There are a few exceptions, but the vast majority are money and power grabbing little shits just like the Republicans, and we citizens are basically on our own.
Do we have a better chance with a Democrat in office? Yes. Will there ever be another Democrat in office? I doubt it. I think this is the last farewell address of any US president.
Bittersweet. And we all know the shit the address is saying is bunk. We know it’s all down from here. It’s a last ditch effort to gaslight the American people, and while it might work for some, I think we’re reaching a point where eyes are opening and Luigi people are going to start kicking it into gear, causing slight relief during the dark times ahead.
Oh… and Long Covid has fucked up my health completely, so GTFO.
While I won’t be a “Luigi people” myself, I would never find them guilty. I’d be rooting for them.
This place, this country, this whole f**king world is a joke. I really don’t know what to do besides just give up. Trying to care, or think about just hurts, and I’m so so tired…
I understand how you feel. Every word.
Ending 50 years of protection of reproductive healthcare for women.
He forgot that. Bastards.
Well they had 50 years to codify it and they didnt! 50 years! this is what kicking the can down the rad gets you.
Supposedly, the ERA is law according to ERA expert, Kate Kelly.
Kinda but not really, it was never added as the 28th Amendment to the constitution. If that dont happen it can be repealed. You should really read this. I too thought it was law but, only 38 states allow it.
Legal scholars say the deadlines are arbitrary and aren't supported by the US Constitution. Laurence Tribe writes about that in his substack. He taught constitutional law at Harvard Law for 50 years.
They didn't protect America from Trump.
At some point you can’t protect the populous from themselves. We are a broken nation.
Eh, trump only got in because our economy as a whole isn't working for most of us. The neoliberal economic experiment is breaking nations across the western world.
It's really similar to the pattern that happened in the warly 1900s. Unfettered capitalism squeezing as much as it can from every working class member (which includes the vast majority of office workers too).
Back then the US had FDR pull us from the brink and institute massive systemic changes.
Had biden instituted massive systemic changes or even just championed them, then harris would've won.
The US population has been desperate for a change to the status quo since 2008.
Trump does represent some change. The burning down the system kind of change.
It's why we keep switching leadership and parties over and over again. Trying to find someone in the political leadership that will actually change how this country works.
The democrats really messed up, there should have been an open primary and an actual choice as to the candidate. Democrats did the with Hilary and lost then as well. They could have had nearly a year of press coverage on the primary candidates instead of what we got.
Thats the rights talking point, you let them influence you. She was part of the incumbency, you understand that right? Even if they had primaried someone else or harris they still would have lost because people were swayed to believe the economy the economy was bad because of the dems. This is why americans are politically illiterate.
No, democrats should have spent the last 4 years bringing up the next generation, but they didn't. A primary process would have highlighted up and coming candidates. Primaries ought to be a good thing if we are to have a democracy. Party dictated candidates aren't a winning formula
4 years of being yelled at by the media and internet libs that biden is totally not addled and it's just a stutter guys, then the last minute panic swerve into one of the least popular recent candidates destroyed any remaining good will towards or credibility of the dnc/media machine
the dnc is a political party that can be defined with a single word. ...whatinthefuckaretheydoingandwhobelievesthisshitanymore
A lot of people voted for Trump because he is a grenade that will blow up the entire system. They don’t care is the country collapse. They just want this rotten corrupt system falls apart out of spite and anger against the elites.
Half his cabinet are billionaires and the richest person in the world will literally have his very own office in the White House, there will certainly be no capitalism system blowing up, that's for sure.
I think the play they're going for is to let it "blow up" like a parasite overfed. Let them billionaires do as they will and see what happens when unfettered capitalism comes to its logical conclusion.
The play they're going for is that they're morons who think Trump is on their side.
First time we'll see Fault Injection applied in society. I don't know what the end result would be though.
Not under this system, though.
I don't think those voters' goal is improvement under this system.
I think their goal is that the system gets so bad that the system is no longer able to perpetuate itself.
The Trump voters I know had not "goal". They are ignorant ("he'll stop inflation!" "Tariffs punish furriners!") and racist, and the men I've run across tend to be extremely misogynistic.MAGAts aren't some monolithic voting bloc. Frankly, IMO, they're fucking idiots.
Yep. And that's a pattern through history. If the status quo isn't working for the majority of people eventually they'll push for either extreme reformers like gracchi brothers, FDR, communist groups etc; or they'll just try and burn everything down to start over.
Don't forget Julius Caesar.
Normal people do not start or lead revolutions. Petite Bourgeois do. Educated, wealthy men are the ones who start the fires of rebellion and revolution. Most other people are just present for the activities.
Gracchi brothers, I see someone knows their history. Warms my heart
And instead they will get fascism and oligarchs and even more of what they hate. So sad.
Against the elites?? Who the hell do you think makes up his cabinet? They are by far the richest incoming administration ever. They benefit from the rot. They champion the corruption. I'll never understand how a bunch of billionaires fooled working class people and the poor that they were on their side in the first place.
Oh I don't know maybe the fact the public schools don't teach anybody anything for the past 30 years. And the media present zero information disguised as all the information. And the online echo chambers convince people that moronic view points are correct.
It's been a long time since either Party made a big difference for the regular people. So you're gonna shit on anybody who doesn't know which way to turn and falls to the propaganda ?
I'm not happy with it. But I'm certainly not gonna criticize half of the fucking country and tell them that they're pieces of shit because of the way they voted when honestly both of them are a slow burn of corruption. Pelosi is a fucking horrible bat of a person And Trump is a ravenous greedy shit bag. And it's been that way since I can remember and always slowly going to a worse consolidation of wealth at the top and us at the bottom.
The hatred I hear in everybody's description of these other people who are our countrymates. Hard-working people who are just fucking stupid and don't know which way to turn for change . Hard-working people who have seen homelessness skyrocketing for 30 years now. For wages falling behind for politicians lying out the side of their face at every turn.
Trump is not some phenomenon. He's just the worst of a bunch so far. Are the other guys better because their lies weren't quite so transparent or hollow ? Was Al Gore better because he was getting rich on carbon credits and soaking the system for a good cause? He was still doing it for himself. And all the insider trading from both parties. It's just a fucking disgusting cesspool.
I don't hate people for picking Trump I can't think of any democratic or republican candidates that we could've elected that wouldn't make things worse and give in to greed and self benefit from day one.
Bullshit, they voted for him because they're fucking stupid. Dumbasses in AOC's district split their fucking vote. They voted for her and Trump, despite them being literal ideological opposites. Why? Because they think they are both genuine. Somehow, to their retard brains (I am not disparaging the developmentally impaired or differently abled) Trump is more genuine than Harris. They for some fucking reason, think he cares about people despite the evidence available. They live in an entirely different reality that only exists in the minds of people who are stupid, racist, and sexist.
To me Trump seems stupid and desperate to be liked. Says anything and is insincere. But everything about Kamala seem to be fake to me. And calculated.., giggling like a silly teenage girl. I don't have a ton of allegiance to any party because I think partisan politics fuck up the country but it was tough for a lot of people to choose between those two fucking idiots.
I remember when Ron Paul was asked what he thought about Trump possibly mediating the presidential debate .
I can't remember the exact quote but Ron Paul basically said that decision would cheapen the debates, reducing them to spectacle and he simply wouldn't participate if that were the case.
He wouldn't even consider letting Trump moderate the debate. And now he's our fucking president a second time
This. 1000% times this.
I'm fairly convinced that when Trumpers hear "neoliberal", they think it means Democrats. There are plenty of neoliberal Dems for sure, but Trump and the tech bros are 100% neoliberals. They're so conditioned to start foaming at the mouth when they hear the word liberal.
Studies have shown that republicans actually love liberal policies like universal healthcare, except when the policy or the politician supporting it are called "liberal." Fox news has conditioned them to reflexively reject anything labeled "liberal."
Yeah Obama care was just a repackaged republican bill for healthcare. Romney care. But we can't vote for it if your guy is carrying it forward
Hmm..not all of them. My in laws laughed at Jan 6th. They believe they themselves are elites. They dont think the system is rotten or corrupt ( well only the lefties), they dont understand why young people cant work within the system to help themselves. Young people are crybabies that care about the "bad weather" and want boys to be girls. They think Trump's destructive behavior and chaos is "funny". They are boomers and they just want to watch the country fail before they die. Literally, they just want things to break so they get to watch before they go. Seriously. They love Musk and Trumps other imps. Yeah they have plenty of spite and anger but it isn't directed at the elites....it's directed at you. ( by you I mean all normal people with half a brain)
I agree with all that but I feel like the media fuels it. The media as well as algorithms are so good at targeting.
And personally I don't run into anybody who's thrilled about Democrats or Republicans. Or who Trump has chosen. Nobody is shitting themselves with happiness over Elon Musk or Trump.
Even people I know who are fairly intelligent politically and had supported Trump had nothing to say after that debate where he claimed people were eating cats. I asked how they thought he did and they realized he was a total moron. But then on the other side of the coin was a former cop and prosecutor.
So choose between a billionaire and a former cop prosecutor ? One of them takes advantage of the people. And the other one reinforces the system by abusing poor people and minorities.
For the most part, prosecutors and cops are horrible people. They care about convictions not guilt. And you can buy your way out out of it if you're one of them.
What a terrible place our politics have gone to. The parties act as guard rails on either side of a very narrow road. And we're supposed to walk right down the middle carrying money and obedience to them
And honestly, if people are blowing up the country as preferable to whatever tf they’re doing now, then it deserves to be blown up. Obviously I’m not a Trump fan, but indefinitely pushing centrist neoliberalism is not on the table as a reasonable solution but it’s the only thing that keeps being offered by the nominal “left” in this country.
I didn't vote for Trump but I kinda felt this way. Voting Dem (voting period) just feels more and more hopeless with time. My only respite is that maybe with Trump we'll get a "quick death" instead of marching toward a slow and painful doom with the Diet Republicans.
Yeah. I've always leaned towards Democratic but that shit they pulled by giving Bernie the bum rush and putting Hillary up there made me think they're all douche bags
That’s how I feel too. I didn’t vote for Trump but to be honest, during his previous term, I got the sense that things were getting so chaotic that there was a window for actual, real change to happen on multiple fronts. I did not have that feeling during the Biden administration-it felt very much like a blind return to normalcy.
Yeah, activism was at its peak during trump's first term. And the the pandemic, at least at the beginning, opened up a world of possibility. The expanded benefits, incl Healthcare, eviction moratouriums, hazard pay, guaranteed sick leave, and much more, could have been the beginning of universal health care/M4A, UBI, and things like the new sick leave policies could have been made permanent. But then, after the vaccine rollout, in summer/fall 2021, Biden started the "back to work" campaign and started rolling back all the benefits, and that pissed off a lot of people. There were TONS of bots pushing the "back to work" and "covid is over" crap. And i knew right then, that the democratic party had fucking doomed itself.
I feel like vastly more folks are saying I don’t like the cost of eggs or illegal immigrants or insert social wedge issue here rather then I voted to literally have the U.S. collapse into some kind of armed conflict.
I know some of these people. It's paranoia about "migrant gangs" and transgenders that's driving them. They're very simple people, not smart at all, so they fall for the social media astroturf campaigns really easily.
If by "simple" you mean "fucking idiots", I agree with you.
Yup. They're just very simple minded people. They're not thoughtful or deep thinkers.
And they're not really as stupid or as evil as everybody thinks. That's the kind of discourse that makes it impossible to fix anything. These people are brainwashed by television. And TPTB has been perfecting that television brainwashing for 75 years now.
So they brainwash you, make you hate anyone not like you and then put you in an online echo chamber where everyone tells you you're right and any other ideas are completely wrong .
Actors on Fox News pretending to be newscasters grimacing to show their chagrin over whatever the Democrats have done this week .
Everyone in the game becomes a caricature. Every single action or quality magnified until you're both a monster and a hero depending on the angle of the camera.
Thank God we didn't let Bernie Sanders run the country. He's so crazy !! He's an insane libertarian!! we heard that on every form of media out there. With the echo chambers and the constant spin and fake issues I feel like they can manipulate the election way more than we realize.
Did you see Howard Dean scream with excitement over his campaign success? What passion and enthusiasm!! we better use that to crush his campaign into nothingness.
Do you want a crazy screaming president? I didn't think so bye-bye Howard
Thanks for the laugh :)
We don't want a laugh. We need a harrumph!
I didn't get a harrumph out of that guy
Just so full of hate. Overflowing with heat. I can't figure out if I hate the millennials or the illegal aliens more. But I hate my neighbor because she had an abortion. And don't get me started on those homo's! I don't have anything in common with any of them. And the only thing they have in common with me is that I hate them all and since I voted for a different guy than they did, that hatred is mutual and lifelong, there's no reason to try to bridge the gap and find common ground.
The media is so divisive. They've been able to put families split in half, lifelong friendships destroyed. And the vitriol is so intense I think it may be permanent .
The way these people of each party curse on each other. All reinforced by the echo chambers.
Whether someone had an abortion or is gay or has a gun or voted differently than you. Take a deep breath because they have more in common with you than you have in common with the billionaires.
Solidarity !
He’s a snake oil salesman. His circus comes to town saying he’ll topple the applecart and his buffoonery is a distraction for his cronies, toadies and thugs to accelerate a corporate takeover of our system. Though he sells himself as an outsider, never has such a band of corporate raiders taken the reigns of our government.
Well every time he drains the swamp it turns out there's another swamp underneath that swamp. So he keeps draining them.
I think we're gonna see that it is swamps all the way down.
I know someone who voted for Trump who did it because he thinks "they" expect him to vote for the lesser poison. He says he's been drinking poison so long the weaker doses aren't doing anything.
So yeah I think some people did vote for Trump not because they're in the cult but because they just want to see the cart fly off the tracks
He is an elite and always has been and he’s not going to destroy anything except the constitution and our alliances.
I hate Trump but I would love it if he burned it all down. I don’t think he will though-he’s just going to take the rails off of capitalism. Things are going to get real shitty for everyone who is not rich.
Because each one believes they will reign king of the ashes.
...while they just elected elites. When the oppressed vote in the oppressors we are truly fucked.
This is a really good way to put it, thank you. While I'm about as against the orange conman as it gets, he at least acknowledged that people are struggling economically, as opposed to the Democrats gaslighting everyone because "Biden created jobs and the stock market is up so the economy is great!"
Unfortunately Trump just used it as leverage to lie and manipulate, he never intended to lower grocery bills. But I get why people fell for it. Everyone is stressed out and desperate.
Yeah man we've got a bridge the gap. Hating the Democrats hating the Republicans. That's what they want us to do.
I'm not angry that people out in Minnesota or fucking Wisconsin voted for Trump . All they know is lies that the system has told them and propaganda steered them towards a demagogue. That's what people do in a shit show.
Everyone shits on the people who voted Trump when Biden is walking around like a zombie and the Democrats are like oh yeah he's good!!!
. I threw my vote away by writing in a candidate. Because I wouldn't vote for either one of those embarrassing assholes
I didn't but I also didn't blame anyone who did the same. The whole situation is a mess. I spent a lot more time thinking about my local election.
This is the correct answer. However, Biden did more for US labor than the last 4 presidents.
It wasn't enough. The democrats don't have the guts that the republicans have when it comes to instituting change.
Of course it doesn't help that the democrats are filled with a bunch of con artist neo conservative ass hats masquerading as progressive saviors.
Same as the “biggest climate change initiative ever”. Okay, too little too late is still not nearly enough. I’m going to be frank- my economic quality of life did not get better under Biden at all and Trump admin did not make it worse. If the average person feels absolutely no effect of policy when we’re living in the end times, it’s ridiculous to brag about how much they did.
Public investment takes years and sometimes decades to have a noticeable effect. Some of the things Biden did we haven't been able to see yet. But I agree he didn't go far enough, but that's partly because of republican obstructionism.
If we see the positive effects of bidens policies in the next few years, republicans will try to take credit like they always do.
I call bullshit. There are mechanisms to override the lengthy process and Republican capitulation required to take emergency actions. We are in an emergency situation. Biden didn’t treat it as such. It’s amazing how the republicans are capable of getting their entire platform accomplished every four years yet the democrats basically sit on their hands and mope about how they aren’t allowed to do anything meaningful because of the system and processes as if executive orders don’t exist. And if they ran half decent campaigns or instituted election reforms, they’d never lose an election again. They don’t want to do that and they aren’t paid to do that. They’re paid to play the sap in our WWE version of politics. If they wanted to actually do any of their campaign promises, they easily could. They just don’t want to do them.
Tearing down is easier than building remember that...
Yeah like when federal minimum wage came up when they had power in 2021. They kept using that "but the parliamentarian" excuse. Why hadn't I ever heard of the parliamentarian until then? Obama managed to raise minimumim wage back during his first term when they had power then, so why not now? It's bullshit.
Fettermans. They're all a bunch of Fettermans. Goddamn philistines
Instead of tearing down republicans like they do to democrats, Biden from the beginning of his term insisted on "bipartisanship" like it's still the fucking 1960s. Like no, come on, that doesn't work anymore.
Sure he did. That was still only band aids. We need far more than tweaks to reform the economic system since that wasn't fundamentally changed. The wealthy still aren't restricted like they were following FDR.
Which means those gains biden did can be easily undone by trump.
huge over simplification. the economy is a piece of the pie, but one of many.
All of these groups overlap, substantially. You can't distill this down to just "economy"
But he is not burning down the system becauses he is fucking robin hood and wants to do the right thing. He is burning it down because he is a narcissist who wants that power. He wants to install all his (incompetent, unqualified, bigoted etc,) friends into these positions. Is it good that we are shattering "the establishment" ? sure - but the cost of that is we are transitioning from "the old way" to an actual oligarchy. So we traded one shitty situation for another - and one would argue it is even worse. Because these individuals are not acting in the interest of the nation, they are acting to keep a hold of the teet feeding them, to remain in the good graces of the omnipotent supreme leader, etc... does any of this sound familiar?!?!
Not sure what the national debt has to do with the size of the government...
use your brain bro
Yeah. I agree. The economy has been fucked since 2007, none of this shit is new but people are acting like it is because of the constant bombardment of cable and social media propaganda campaigns.
Everyone i know who is sympathetic to trump/the far right hates trans, gays, and non-white immigrants.
If TikTok is bought by Musk... there will be blood, and lots of it. Some of it will be mine.
The judge that denied any kind of justice for Jan 6th WILL be on the Supreme Court when there's a vacancy. SCOTUS = Corrupt in a Mafia-owned/chaebol-owned/USSR kind of way.
You deserve an award for this comment. Especially for your first point. Christian Nationalism, and religious extremism more generally, is a massive issue. It serves no other purpose but to sew division in the working class so that "in-group" demographics can band together to turn "outgroup" demographics (currently trans people and immigrants) into mythological super villains. Zealots are the perfect tools of the upper class. This issue isn't given nearly enough attention in the US, but with everything else going on, that isn't at all surprising.
It's really not a huge over simplification. Hell Roman and Chinese emperors figured it out millenia ago. Keep the population fed, sheltered with access to cleanish water/beer/wine, give them cheap entertainment and the population will be generally happy and productive.
Fuck with that formula too much and massive civil wars plus revolutions hit countries like wrecking balls.
We've been gutting the living standards of working class people for decades in this country. And now the government starting to ban entertainment too (tiktok and effective porn bans in several states).
Add on historical wealth instability and it's a recipe for complete chaos.
Trump won because 10 million people didn’t vote either by complacency, lack of interest, or out of defiance.
He won because Americans are politically illiterate. Civics courses should be mandatory, People should be taught how to sort through legislation in congress see how they voted whats in the bills. But instead Americans prefer to get their misinformation from social media. Living in the age of social media is what has ruined society and individualistic thought. It has also ruined actual social interaction face to face.
I know someone who didn't vote. They hated trump, so I was surprised they didn't vote. When they found out trump won, they were shocked, and said "oh really he won??!!"
indeed. dems lost more voters than trump. it's not trump gaining more voters. most cause palestine and the general fuckery of the neolib rule
Yup by the time the counting was actually done she was just shy of 4 million short and that was even with the lowered turnout.
Well go back in time, bill Clinton was that. For the first time everything was balanced the budget, and we had a surplus. Had we followed his plan we would have been debt free by 2012.
Ok that’s great and all but voting for Trump is the most brain dead response and will only make things worse. Yeah politicians can suck but that doesn’t change that the average voter is dumb as rocks.
Yeah they're so stupid. I will never ever have anything to do with a Trump voter again. They went to public schools and fell prey to propaganda. Those fucking idiots. Immoral pieces of shit every last one of them.
So let's fix the country but we have to do it in a way that alienates everyone who voted for Trump . Keep them out of the mix so we can keep insulting them.
Having deep seated hatred and discussed with half of the country will help us get through this . It's definitely not going to fragment us even more.
My dad voted Trump he's such an idiot I'm not even gonna help him with his firewood this year. I don't know if he's even still alive. . Fuck him he's a douche bag he voted for Trump. Just a mouth breathing piece of shit like every other Trump voter. God I hate them
Yeah your dads stupid
Yep they are but the only way to fix it is to acknowledge it. Ignoring that just leads to ruin.
The economy is as good as it's been in decades with insignificant exceptions but people feel worse than ever. Anyone with more than two brain cells could see Kamala was a huge change from Biden. No way she was so similar that it justified ending democracy.
Biden's impossibly bipartisan bills are having massively positive effects on the economy and there's not a single pundit or economist that we'd get through his term without a recession. Yet left and right hate "corporate Dems."
Fems failed to make massive social changes. Lying to the public is fraud, fraud is illegal, but they let Fox have babies (OAN, etc.). They didn't push values like respecting workers and vilifying oligarchs. Calling tech bros welfare queens. Getting people to think about how they're paying for capitalism's externalities. A culture focused on optimism rather than fear, where public service is expected and required, where socialization on anti-social screens is illegal or regulated heavily and only for losers who can't breathe fresh air. Government is the solution when it has good Dem values. Etc
Republicans win on social issues. They always destroy the economy but keep winning. Ask yourself why. They will give absolutely everything to control the culture and the narrative. They preach small gov but want one that tracks & controls your thoughts and actions. Dems think they're doing us a favor letting us do it on our own. Well, instead, half of us just drank the Republican koolaid and here we are
Somewhere in the USA there exists a city (c) in which the value of the following expression is minimum:
Let's look at this city and then determine the following:
Now, let's track the following against time since 1990:
Do you think this graph would trend upward or downward?
Sure, by neoliberal economics standards, it's doing good.
Wealth inequality keeps skyrocketing (let's just ignore that historically this causes insane political instability), so that means a trillionaire is gonna exist soon!
Housing keeps gaining value nearly everywhere in the US (let's just ignore an 18 percent increase in homelessness in the US in 2024 and severe rent and housing prices getting out of control),
Productivity keeps going up (let's just ignore wages when adjusted for inflation has been stagnant for decades).
Healthcare costs keep skyrocketing, but that's great for those who own healthcare stocks (we will just ignore medical bankruptcy continuing to be a major factor in entire families collapsing economically)
Climate change is getting far worse, but it's cool we will just keep CO2 emissions increasing for never-ending economic growth on a finite world. I'm sure that won't have any serious problems.
If you have a majority of your wealth in assets and stock market and do not need to work the economy is doing just fine
Unfettered corporatism*
Harris would would have continued the dems failed policies.
Burn it down and turn it into a psychotic, Christian Nationalist, imperialistic autocracy, maybe. We're just going from one system of oppression to another here...we need a new regime that champions labor rights, egalitarianism, and climate solutions.
Unlike in the 1930s, the world economic system is much more interdependent and much more complex now. Massive systemic changes would take a long time to implement, and would undoubtedly result in a lot of years of extra hardship. This isn’t something that could be done from one day to the next.
Even if Biden had the power to do that, and would have done it on day one, despite that being the height of the pandemic, the positives would probably still not have taken shape.
So in other words, if Biden had done that, Trump would have won even more clearly.
Sure that's always the excuse and why we are going to collapse into horrible chaos before things get better.
Trade wars are already gearing up thanks to trump liking tariffs. And economic systems in multiple major nations aren't working anymore.
Radical change is the only way out that doesn't involve the worst wars and genocide pur species has ever seen.
I completely agree. The point I’m arguing against is that this is how you keep people like Trump from winning elections. Radical change is needed. But the trouble is that this is likely to make the election of people like Trump more likely, rather than less.
Somebody needs to make a principal skinner meme where he's the DNC.
"Could it be that we've failed the working class? No, the voters are wrong."
At some point the individual has to take responsibility for their actions and deeds, instead of saying the devil/capitalism/insert boogeyman here---> made me do it!
The last 30 years has seen the rise of the ...its not my fault! society.
Yes, but Trump is disqualified from federal office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment as an oathbreaking insurrectionist, if we're still following the Constitution.
Beyond that, the corporate media won't cover either that or all the problems with this past election, in part because they're on board with living under a brutal corporate oligarchy.
Just as with colonialism and slavery, the populace is playing a rigged game against legalized corruption and systemic brutality.
Well said and at this point we deserve everything we get from here on out.
No, liberals are ok on social issues but enable corporate power all the same and do incremental changes that dont affect the ruling class much. And that is not enough.
They are also extreme pieces of shit regarding Gaza and refuse to run an actually economic populist candidate because "muh donors". Its all them, Bernie could have won but instead you got two corporate drones with charisma of a sea sponge.
Broken nation yes. The thing about truly powerful nations and empires, is it is really only themselves that are a threat to them.
They tried and we didnt protect ourselves. They cant vote for us. Only republicans can.
Democracy comprises us.
Sure…the politicians seem fine
Blaming voters for a broken electoral system and the democratic party refusing to run a good candidate or campaign is not it
That was a Russian election. Why do you think there were no recounts or congressional challenges? That hasn't happened since the 80s
*Que Idiocracy driving off crumbled overpass scene.
Thats because fools protest voted against biden lol , enjoy hell on earth.
My favorite part about the dems currently is how they literally believe Donald Trump will install fascism and end democracy, yet are also bragging about how easy and nonviolently they will pass over power to him (because we aren’t “savages” like those January 6th rioters), like if you literally believe that’s what Trump will do, then maybe giving away everything to Trump like Hindenburg in ‘33 is not actually something to brag about doing? It’s unreal. Either they don’t actually believe Trump is that bad and it’s a fundraising tool, or else they care more about their perceived moral superiority than the end of the United States. Neither reflects well on them.
Or there could be something else going on, that we are being kept in the dark about, or they have information they are keeping from us. I wonder if they are being blackmailed or something even.
The democrats base does not think this. I have contacted Biden and my representatives saying what you just said, that he's acting like hindenburg. And to use the electoral college to block him. I keep saying that 2000 and 2016 were widely and correctly seen as stolen/compromised elections. The people that are saying this election was legitimate are very small minority of people.
I doubt that, I think they’re just cowards. To try to push for not allowing the transfer of power would lead to confrontation, and they don’t want to be seen as the instigators of violence no matter what, so they’d rather hand over everything to the bullies and then say “see? We were the good guys and they did all that bad stuff!” At any rate the violence will erupt sooner or later, but it would be nice if we at least put up a nominal fight. But here we are- we aren’t even peacefully protesting anymore, so it seems like a hopeless cause.
Peaceful protest is a waste of time and energy.
Same with trying to run with Biden, half animated corpse, against the biggest threat against american democracy. So incompetent, its now apparent how Hitler got in power - liberals and soc dems will always enable fascism because leftist policies would affect the capitalists. Wont anybody think of the capitalists?!
It goes further than “trying to run”, they fully undermined democracy and rigged a primary to ensure he won somehow even though literally no one wanted him. At a certain point you have to assume malevolence because there’s no way they could actually be that incompetent repeatedly over time.
Yes, it really seems like they are some sort of controlled opposition.
With the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling Biden could have Gitmo’ed the entire MAGA leadership and Top Jan 6 actors as domestic terrorists acting on behalf of a foreign adversary on our soil and forced the cases against Trump to be adjudicated prior to him being allowed to run… as official acts.
And f the Supreme Court shit him down he should have been making hundreds of similar decrees to harass and bag down the MAGA leadership and their stacked courts with examples to the American people of just how insane these new laws are and just how corrupt these courts have become.
I like Joe well enough, but his pathetic capitulation, and that of his party, to the total destruction of our democracy is what I’m gonna do everything in my power to ensure we never forget as a nation. He/they sold us down this river right along with the GOP and MAGA. Neo-liberalism is the more evil of the two conservative ideologies that define our pathetic two party system because it cloaks its evil behind virtue-signaling, lofty platitudes and heart emojis.
Being honest about bidens senility before primaries woupd have helped.
He couldn’t fix stupid
The greatest threat of our lifetimes
Why would the controlled opposition save people it gets nothing from?
They're all in positions of power and get "lobbied" into letting democracy die so America can be totally controlled by corporations.
Like if Trump was such a "risk" to democracy, why not do the moral thing and bar him from even running?
The majority in charge are crooks selling you a broken system. Stop believing that it's a left vs right thing when it's a rich vs poor. The rich NEVER want a democracy because it would actually give the poor (the vast majority) power over them.
Or the pandemic. Or the climate. Or the "oligarchy", something that Biden suddenly learned about last week for some reason!
Would you be willing to describe how the line between good and evil happens to fall between Trump and Harris? Because as I see it, Harris is 8% of what's needed, and Trump is 4%. That's 100% better! But also, I don't care.
"Once in a century pandemic."
> Avian Flu has entered the chat.
good thing they have had vaccines for that for over a decade
Vaccines people aren't going to take because they're "woke," "part of the agenda," and "make you magnetic."
Why are you so concerned with keeping the population alive? Let nature take its course. I swear human animals having thinking and pondering brains was a error.
Pretty sure it was someone else who said having vaccines for Avian Flu was a "good thing." I'm pointing out that a lot of people aren't going to take them. And I'm correct.
I never post, but it has not been the U.S.A since Citizens United..it is the U.C.S.A.
The United Crop. States of America.
Maybe next too related to the OP subject, just on my mind.
Biden is straight out of the corporatist tradition that paved the way for the end of the republic, so I’d say it’s certainly relevant. He’ll be remembered for his unlimited support for genocide and fracking, but his work in the senate was far more directly influential on the collapse of the american empire.
How did he support genocide? Genuinely confused
Were you asleep for all of 2024? I don't know how a person couldn't know about the money and weapons Biden approved sending to Israel which then used them for slaughtering the people in Gaza. Is this really the first time you've heard if this?
Not American. So yes.
You don't have to be American to understand that "Most powerful and obnoxious country in the world is funding genocide" is actually global news.
There are faster ways to learn on the internet besides going deep into the comments on a niche subreddit to learn the basics of global current events
Sorry, I can't help you here. Whether it's the american support for the zionist program of colonization, or how sending a record number of bombs to israel in the year of their largest mass murder might relate, your confusion is not something I can fix with facts.
If you don't trust the UN, the ICC, or Amnesty International, you should absolutely not trust me.
“Ending a once-in-a-century pandemic” 😂
The pandemic did end and they handled it quite well.
Biden is a delusional moron.
Lmao this whole letter reads like he’s living in an entirely different reality. Granted it sounds like a better reality but it’s as good as fantasy to those of us living in the real world.
He IS living in a different reality
Did I miss a few of those things?
I love joe
immrw24@reddit (OP)
A letter full of copium.
• Ending a pandemic (even though there’s record rates of those on disability & workers taking sick leave…unprecedented rates of Flu/pneumonia/etc as a direct result of COVID’s immune dysregulation. I myself am disabled with long covid)
• Reducing gun violence (yet the nation still leads the charts on mass shootings compared to other countries. We started the year off with a terrorist attack in New Orleans. Following the LM shooting, we had another school shooting by a female student)
• Leading the world against climate change (lol.. I don’t think I need to explain why this is BS. Venus by Tuesday y’all)
And that’s as far as I can get, because COVID may “be over”, but it’s still ravaging my body. I’m in the middle of a crash, and I feel dizzy and nauseous just typing this. Thanks for getting this far
Beacon of Light. Fuck that
The reports are that COVID cases are matching all-time highs, and that’s just the acute phase, because the feds are still spearheading long COVID denial no matter how apocalyptic the mass disabling gets.
Not only did they bury their heads in the sand and say mission complete when our country still has millions of new suffering from long Covid or who will face long term health consequences because of the damage Covid causes, but they also are ignoring response to H5N1. We could have had a fighting chance, now that's probably flushed down the toilet with the new administration, but the next pandemic will certainly have been fueled because of inaction by the current administration.
How normal is it to end an unrelated letter with a non-sequitur "may God protect out Troops"?
Sweet God help us. Cruel God protect us.
I mean, what would you have him write instead? A large part of leadership is to, at least try to, inspire hope.
Ending a pandemic is a wild thing to say as we’re 5 years in, it’s still going, and there’s possibilities of other pandemics in the near future
How is this collapse related?
Because here they are pretending they made a difference when they did nothing at all.
Now now it's always a balance surely you can see that they made some positive gains in the category and much better policies than the other teams policy it's not a zero net game we all lose. It's just how long it takes to losr
Climate change you can believe in!
Well everything he did will be undone in a month.
Yeah people dont get it, everything gets wiped by the next president lol
I'm so sick of the media trying to turn Biden into a great president I'm sick of hearing about his legacy. Had he done what he said he would....being a bridge president, I would have at least entertained the argument. But let's be real, he only won under perfect circumstances. The establishment rallied behind him because that filthy socialist Bernie was promising to help the poors. We could be celebrating the end of his right year run today. He won because his name was not Trump. Most of us would have voted for a pile of dog shot over Trump in 2020.
Then the hits kept coming. He decided to run again, telling us how great the economy is. Once he realized he was going to get destroyed by Trump, he handed the ass kicking to Harris. Again, we did not get to pick a candidate. How noble of Biden to let her end her career.
He had one job that would define his legacy...Keep the fascist out of power for four more years. He failed, miserably. Please do not tell me of all the great policies he made because even if it's true, they will be undone next week.
Fuck Biden for letting us go down without a fight.
Child the world dont work that way. You want biden to do something to trump , thats not how elections work. We get to vote in who we want, this is what they wanted.
YES! Too many people though see the world as pure black and white. So if you bashed Biden for anything...then folks automatically assumed you were backing the GOP. Like it's literally not possible to hate both sides.
It's not that... it's just like the trans issue.... we literally cannot have an honest conversation about many different things because the repubes will take advantage of literally everything they can to use against us. It is more like self censorship.
Like a page out of the UK Conservative party handbook, "Politicians are Ponces". Damn book has gone worldwide.
A perfectly fine and decent letter. I'd quibble over, "leading the world against climate change" and "beacon of light to the world." But I'm a sap that generally believes government does the boring but critical work of keeping society going.
I talk about society being a big machine. Some folks thinks that the people who turn the crank on it are superfluous. Some people think it should crank forever without maintenance or improvement. Some people think it's slowly poisoning the world (it is!) and should be changed.
Personally, if government workers were told to crack down on carbon emissions, I believe they'd do it. If they were told to sanction a US ally performing war crimes half a world away, I believe they'd do it. And I believe they'll be doing some rather less noble things in the years to come.
I'm grateful that folks do that boring work. They deserve better leadership, from the people we elect and from us. But if all I can give them is gratitude, I can give that.
I appreciate your perspective. I've been a federal employee, and I worked very hard at my job (fighting Medicare/Medicaid fraud, waste, and abuse) and cared greatly about the work and my colleagues, most of whom put in serious energy and devotion into the work. Being a cog in that particular machine felt worthwhile, as much as anything in this life is worthwhile.
Oh boy you get to have Dr Oz as your boss!
We need the boring work to function.
Indeed, laughable.
#genocide Biden
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“Once in a Century Pandemic” Its almost as if the Spanish Flu that wiped out millions of Americans was planned to depopulate the country just like Covid. They tell on themselves every time.
At least he has class and appreciation.
Imagine if Trump wrote it. I kind of don't have to imagine it because it'd be what my boss would write.
If you (or your party) doesn't get elected for a second term, you are, by definition, a failed leader.
OK, he saved us from consecutive Trump terms, so give him a gold star for that, but it shouldn't have been as difficult as it was.
Delusional Pedo Joe, typical!
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He’s barely cognitively there, I doubt he even wrote this.
Sure thing Grandpa. Was just too feeble and part of status quo to do more...
He's on some high shit with this.
Wow… And here I thought trump was good at lying. Well, trump is a bad liar, but he does it a lot.
"You couldve chosen anything to do with your talents, but you chose public service" is such a spit in the face
Regardless of the message, his signature is pretty awesome.
For all the federal workers out there, white knuckling on the job every damn day, praying with all hope against all odds that they aren’t about to abruptly lose their jobs and healthcare and retirement/pensions/savings, this letter is a masterpiece of an inability to read the fucking room Biden. What a massive fuck you to all those people.
Yeah I was looking for something, anything that alluded to that. I would have only written about how a lot will lose their jobs, and should start actively seeking new paths forward.
Yeah like he has the authority to give me the day off. That would have been considerate
"In four short years, we have done the dishes and put windshield wiper fluid in the Camry. It has been my honor to serve as your President and prove that there is nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together."
Biden did bring the US out of the pandemic better than any other comparable country
He did reduce gun violence. Yes, it’s still way too high, but it is lower than it was in 2020.
Biden made more climate investments than anyone has ever done in history. He’s had by far the best track record with regards to climate change of any US president. Yes, of course it’s way too little, but let’s not pretend that this didn’t happen.
He did have quite a few achievements. It was too little too late, but it was something. The main problem is however that none of them will be lasting, because Trump will just undo everything and make everything worse.
While approving more drilling permits than Trump did.
His legacy will the genocide in Gaza. Historian will not be kind to him for his capitulation to rabid Israeli fascist in Tel Aviv.
No his legacy will be ending the war. Something he worked tirelessly for, and ultimately achieved
Dementia addled buffoon
Jesus, most of you in here are fucking tools
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Well at least we have a competent federal workforce right now. After a few months of the next admin its quite possible that we won’t.
as i read this, i imagined the looney tunes soundtrack playing in the background. what a joke
Couldn't look past the double spaces after the periods.
Yikes tough crowd for a copyeditor.
What a dumb reason to get your panties all twisted up.
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I can't say federal workforce and laugh about anything. Elon and Evik are going to terminate so many federal jobs and destroy those people's lives by doing that and make our dealings with federal anything that much longer and harder. The federal workers are already short staffed.
Part of the tragedy of our world is that otherwise decent people (which I believe Joe is one) are forced into acts of dishonesty and worse, because people who lack decency might gain power and... well let's see where this goes.
In the end: too little too late, Joe.
Biden a decent man while allowing Israel slaughtering Palestinians in the genocide of our time? He is a rabid Zionist who does not care about Palestinians because they are Arab. His legacy will be the genocide in Gaza. He gave the right wing fascist in Tel Aviv everything while ignoring his political base of young people who wanted a ceasefire and armed embargo on Israel. Biden is not a decent man. Genocide is his forever legacy.
is it possible to be decent and overtly racist at the same time?
There's no tragedy here. Biden has always been a racist, segregationist, misogynistic ubercapitalist. He spent his career trying to gut Social Security and Medicare. He believes the US government should have a say in every woman's pregnancy. He's the reason you can't discharge student loans in bankruptcy, he's the reason credit card rates have never been capped. He's the reason two generations of Black men have been imprisoned.
There's not a goddamned shred of decency about him. He is one of the architects of the world we live in now. Passing a few weak sauce countermeasures on the way out will not save his rotten soul.
Biden was remarkably incompetent and given how the U.S is in general, that's really saying something.
Leading the 21st century's genocide is more like it. Fuck Biden/Harris
Oh, yeah, Trump's friendship with & support of Bibi, who practically did 10/7 himself, is so much better. Your fucks are oddly targeted
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Multiple things can be true. I’m sure Trump is just fine with genocide, and we watched Biden actively and knowingly participate in one for over a year after taking many, many millions from AIPAC. There is no ally loophole for participating in genocide. He broke international law and should be prosecuted.
dude legit typed “gaslight the american people” into chat gpt.
Also what does this mean: “the promise of America for all Americans”??
We finally beat Medicare!
He didn't write this, he just signed it.
The only good thing Biden's presidency has done for the country is to drive a stake through the heart of Neo-Liberalism. The left and moderates have walked away and will no longer accept some useless "lesser of two evil" narrative. The Democrats now have to wake up and change or die. Maybe after Trump gets done fucking over his base, they'll wake up too, if we survive four more years.
Biden is an enigma. He actually did get more solid and good legislation passed than almost all his predecessors combined. The economy ‘is’ strong considering the state of the world.
Nobody is perfect. Yes he is responsible for the horrors of Gaza. Yes he did not do anywhere near enough to fight climate change. He didn’t call it an emergency when it certainly is.
He screwed us elders and sick people with his Covid nonsense. It is nowhere near over for us. And long covid continues to affect our quality of life as a nation.
The pentagon is ‘still’ over 50% unaudited.
But Biden is going to go down as one of the most consequential presidents in history for getting so so so much legislation passed even with all the division.
The media we watch likes to downplay that but history will show this to be true.
President Biden has signed over 350 bills into law during his first four years, including several landmark pieces of legislation. His legislative accomplishments span a wide range of priorities, including pandemic relief, infrastructure investment, gun safety, and climate action. Key examples include: 1. American Rescue Plan (2021): A $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package providing direct payments, extended unemployment benefits, and funding for vaccine distribution. 2. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (2021): A $1.2 trillion bipartisan bill for modernizing transportation, broadband, and energy infrastructure. 3. Inflation Reduction Act (2022): Focused on climate initiatives, lowering prescription drug costs, and reforming corporate tax structures. 4. CHIPS and Science Act (2022): A $280 billion initiative to strengthen semiconductor manufacturing and R&D. 5. Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (2022): Addressed gun safety through enhanced background checks and funding for mental health and school security.
This record reflects Biden’s ability to pass both partisan and bipartisan measures during his presidency  .
AI comment
I was going to say Buttigieg has a lot of stuff coming down the pike soon but Trump will get all the credit.
Ew, is this AI?
And didn't even give us a 59er.
He threw the election, throwing america towards fascism. Genocide Joe.
I read the signature as Joseph Stalin.
loE ßeden
I don't know why this deserves a laugh. He did try to enact policy around all of these issues. Also what is he supposed to say - it's a farewell and thank you for your service letter. The sad thing is we will all miss these last 4 years. Things were stable. These upcoming 4 years will be volatile and ugly.
The words "president" and "nation" shouldn't be capitalized even in this context. There's no way he wrote this himself anyways.
Well he did all the difficult things. What do the rest of us have to work on?
100% virtua signaling with no action being taken
This dude and his entire live in the smallest goddamn bubble I have ever seen. This country is shitting itself and he insists to this day that America has never been better.
Every politician is incompetent. No wonder we're about to lose what little we have left.
Biden is going to be a very forgettable president
He's going to be one of the ones that trips people up in quizzes in like a hundred years
the protect our troops thing and the end of every address he makes is/was weird as fuck to me
the wildly out of touch shit like this that has me entirely convinced dnc is only there to prevent sanders types & lose to republicans
This reads like “I’m so sorry you’re about to be fired, but thanks for the assist!”
This is a very well written letter. Of course he isn’t going to focus on the bad, he wants to leave on a high note and motivate the federal workers who are probably at an all time low morale right now.
I’ve had long covid since March 2020. Covid is most definitely not over for me and millions like me. Research budgets have been slashed and the NIH is fucking useless.
what kinda fantasy world did this guy live in, lmao
I dunno man, what is a letter like this supposed to say? About zero percent chance Biden even wrote it, and even if he did ngl 80+ year olds are probably not the most reliable source for... anything. Can't believe we got ANOTHER one in office and the new one wasn't even competent in his prime.
America is a beacon of light to the world? It used to be a city upon a hill during Reagan's time.
Dude is smoking something if he really thinks America is a beacon of light. If it is only hyperbole then it is fine. Politicians have the privilege to indulge in hyperbole.
I'm assuming the goal here was to pat himself on the back with such force he'd die from the impact. Live with your failures Jack, the rest of us will have to.
Its joever
It’s definitely laughable to say that they ended a pandemic when covid is still running rampant
You gotta love Genocide Joe
As opposed to Dumbass Don? Please
Bro passed a spending bill and thinks he "revolutionized" the country. JFC 99% of those projects have not even started.
Some of you may get fired, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
You all did a wonderful job. Thank you for your sacrifice. I'm sorry that Trump is probably going to fire most of you or cause you to quit.
You getting paid in Rubles for this?
Do I laugh… or cry?
The following submission statement was provided by /u/immrw24:
A letter full of copium.
• Ending a pandemic (even though there’s record rates of those on disability & workers taking sick leave…unprecedented rates of Flu/pneumonia/etc as a direct result of COVID’s immune dysregulation. I myself am disabled with long covid)
• Reducing gun violence (yet the nation still leads the charts on mass shootings compared to other countries. We started the year off with a terrorist attack in New Orleans. Following the LM shooting, we had another school shooting by a female student)
• Leading the world against climate change (lol.. I don’t think I need to explain why this is BS. Venus by Tuesday y’all)
And that’s as far as I can get, because COVID may “be over”, but it’s still ravaging my body. I’m in the middle of a crash, and I feel dizzy and nauseous just typing this. Thanks for getting this far
Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1i3l3ax/if_anyones_down_for_a_laugh_bidens_letter_to_the/m7noys9/
Go home, Biden. You're drunk.
He literally is