Are we here to bear witness?
Posted by unbreakablekango@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 98 comments
I spent the bulk of last year dwelling inside of my own head and going through the 5 stages of grief relative to climate change. Over the course of the last several years, I went from being a climate skeptic to being fully collapse aware.
One thing that keeps bugging me is the desire to do something about it, either make a difference, or help open somebody else's eyes, but nothing seems sufficient. I am wracked with impotent rage about my inability to do anything of consequence about our current predicament. Being so powerless and unable to help actually causes my soul and spirit a significant amount of pain.
I realized late last night that maybe our job here is to simply bear witness. To observe and record our decay so that future historians might be able to make sense of what happened to us. I saw a funny Tiktok this week that had the caption "We are at the point in history books when readers ask themselves "Why didn't anybody do anything to stop it?" We are the citizens of post WWI Germany rallying behind a young, charismatic Hitler, we are the Native Americans shaking hands with newly arrived colonists, we are Roman citizens eating bread and watching circuses.
There is honor and value in simply existing at this point in history and bearing witness to the absurd atrocities of our times. Does anybody else feel this way? What is everyone doing to record their snippet of the zeitgeist? Do people journal, or blog, or craft interpretative pottery? I would like to be able to leave my perspective for some future historian to find so they can help make sense of what became of us.
"~~God grant me the~~ Use my serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
Edited, because I don't think God exists.
God help me to change the things I cannot accept , the wisdom to know the difference between the truth and the lies, and the courage to bring it into the light.
Phew good thing you edited that!
To keep this crazy industrial machine functioning we use about 200 million tons of fertilizer annually. Nitrogen fertilizer is made from about 60% natural gas, without it the vast majority of our croplands would be infertile.
Here is the kicker, half of corn production is used for ethanol and more for sugarcane ( I couldn’t find the actual amount). It’s debatable if production of either is EROI positive. It’s just converting one form of energy into another.
Ethanol production requires lots of water, land, fertilizer, fuel and government subsidies. Most countries that produce ethanol are looking to expand and increase their production, none that I can see want to decrease.
It looks very much like we’re going to continue ploughing our future until we hit a rock too big to move. It has been said that we eat fossil fuels and we worship at the feet of liquid energy.
We are painted into a corner by having relied on artificial fertilizer and using it to produce food and the energy that we need to produce food. A circle of life that is much more fragile than most care to realize.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
Don't get me started on fuel Ethanol. That has to be the stupidest game of doom-spiral circle-jerking plaguing the modern world. Convert carbon fuel to fertilizer, use synthetic fertilizer to convert crappy land into farmable land, grow food, convert food into carbon fuel. We would save ourselves a lot of trouble if we just use the fuel that we used to make the fertilizer in the first place!!!
More ammonia and methanol fuels are coming. The trick is to produce them green. Which is easier said than done. Net-zero by 2050 is a dream. I'd say maybe 2075 if politics align.
The things a single person can do are very limited. I for example, work in independent policy research. Meaning we are experts in some topics, and we are doing research in some areas to make the rules and regulations more climate friendly. My topic is international shipping. It amounts to 2.5% of global co2e emissions. Decarbonizing shipping is a tremendous challenge, tackled at the united nations, with regional efforts like the EU, US and UK following suit. Even if we succeed, we will have mitigated 2.5% at most, for the cost of 30 years worth of work. I know that the collapse is coming. But i'd be damned before I accept or embrace it. I will fight it no matter how small my contribution is.
"Bear witness to the next great collapse of the human mind Logic has been lost, hunted down at all cost This is the new beginning Induce the cancellation"
Kublai Khan TX
You are not just witnessing it. You are actively participating in it.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
I was under the impression that witnessing is a form of participation. An observed crime has three main participants, victim, perpetrator, and witness or bystander.
You are all three. Witness, perpetrator a d victim.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
sounds like a solo BDSM party.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
can some cuck sit in their own cuck chair while simultaneously cucking and being cucked? That is the ultimate philosophical question of our time.
How much wood would a wood cuck cuck if a wood cuck could cuck wood?
"I'm not sure but sounds like my kind of party!! 🎉 🥳" - Elon Musk probably
Yeah, yeah, write that down. The historians need to know what we pondered as the oceans rose.
It is active mindfulness amid adaptive inattention. I thank Dowd for that last bit of that sentence. It is bearing witness because if one is being carefully attentive and really actually seeing this, they are bearing witness. Also, our participation and culpability is not optional. That is a feature of this collapse.
Climate change makes hypocrites of us all.
What makes you think there will be any future historians?
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
I read enough sci-fi that I operated under the assumption that there will eventually be a future historian. It might take a few thousand years but eventually they will come.
I think you are not yet at the acceptance stage. That said, the question is what form of historian will there be?
The historian may not be a DNA based life form.
Or maybe it will be because our space ships accidentally contaminated Ganymede's oceans or some shit.
I've seen headlines recently that octopuses may be the next ascendant species once humans die off. They're intelligent, dexterous, and curious as fuck, so as long as some pockets of the oceans stay hospitable to marine life, they'll have several hundred thousand years to evolve while the planet cleans up our mess. I just wish I could come back afterwards and see what they do with the place.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
I am about halfway through acceptance, at least I think I am. In my mind, the future historian is a human being 500-5000 years from now that, after our population collapse, they have drug themselves back up to their own industrial revolution and they are starting to get very curious again after many centuries of base survival and ignorance. That or it is a collection of space traveling aliens adventuring around the universe, like from a TV show.
Hate to say it but oil is a fully non-renewable resource, and without it future generations are likely to never reach an industrial age again. If we can't fully switch over to renewables now we'll never get the chance to again.
As a sci-fi fan myself I've entertained the thought of coming up with some way to build an eon-proof bunker for the xenos to find, or proposing to some space program a solar powered radio emitter on the moon just to communicate who we were and what happened. But in none of my delusional fantasies are we still around.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
I know where you are coming with the whole 'if we don't get off this rock now, we never will, oil is a one-shot technology" doom hypothesis but I don't buy it. The problem with your imagination is that you can only imagine what you can imagine. There are countless scenarios available that are so far outside our own imagination that we can't even consider them.
My though is to build my own mini-bunker and fill it with text laser printed on ceramic tiles. That should last for 5000 years or so which is far enough out to satisfy my needs to leave some type of legacy.
1.) Kessler Syndrome
2.) The levels of heating that are expected to be possible over the next several hundred years (potentially up to 10⁰C over pre-industrial in the worst case) are capable of sterilizing almost all forms of multicellular life on the surface of the earth. Only box jellyfish, pyrosomes and some forms of subterranean life or extremeophiles are found to be favorable to this scenario.
3.) The other poster mentioned oil because we have eradicated every source of easily harvestable energy from the face of the earth. It is now a prerequisite to have industry to harvest energy in the first place. 5,000 years isn't even long enough for the carbon cycle to allow for Holocene era temperatures again, let alone for easily reachable forms of combustible fuel sources to accumulate again. I'm not sure why this point escapes you, as it's pretty much the biggest nail in the coffin. We deforested most of the planet and eradicated most of the species, what is your future historian supposed to use as an energy source to drive their industrialization?
4.) In enough time, any bunker you build could very well be under a new ocean which would erode it into nothingness. It is very likely that the greatest source of evidence which survives to prove we ever existed will simply be the obscene levels of plastic particles that will remain detectable in this layer of the earth's crust for eons to come
With all due respect it sounds like you are a long ways away from acceptance. The problem with your imagination is that it is limiting you from truly understanding the weight of fully loaded catastrophe this freight train is carrying in its carriages.
This shit is gonna look like a Hieronymus Bosch mural with extra stank on it
Aside from the energy considerations the other commenter mentioned, historiography and archaeology as we know them are fairly recent inventions. There are some earlier antecedents, but they really came about during the Enlightenment (itself spurred by the use of this energy)--a mere 300 years ago. The development and widespread adoption of the historical and archaeological methods is even more recent, maybe more like 100 years. So even if it does get reinvented, who knows how long it will take. And that's not even considering the fragility of paper and even worse, digital information.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
This alludes perfectly to the popular theory that very advanced civilizations have already risen and died on our very own planet, they just didn't leave any evidence of their existence. Thank of the unfathomable amount of information we have stored on the internet. But when the electricity is gone, and thousands of years of corrosion have eaten away at the cheaply built data centers and the delicate internal components of the servers, the only thing left will be a bunch of plastic boxes. Future historians will believe that we worshipped black plastic boxes and performed ritualistic services infront of other plastic boxes. There will be no evidence of the world wide web when it is gone. It will be like a ghost or a memory.
Here is my new working theory, we have already had dozens of enlightenments and industrial revolutions on earth, but as soon as we get sufficiently advanced, we either destroy ourselves, or a group of intelligent extraterrestrials comes and takes the brightest amongst us onto their massive space ships to join an intergalactic federation. These cycles occur every 20,000 years or so, long enough for the archeological evidence to be destroyed.
I always believed this is the answer to Fermi, quite simply it is rare for species to reach interstellar travel if at all without an insane amount of resources AND mutual cooperation without a profit motif. Otherwise, civilizations dismantle themselves. We are at the dismantling part
There is a book called Acceptance, by Jeff Vandermeer as part of the Southern Reach Trilogy and is a book with an ecological slant. It has little bearing on this discussion, but thought it was relevant because of the word, Acceptance. That is all.
Well, if we look at the Roman collapse, the bronze age collapse, it takes 500 year to begin to path things up. However, we are in the early stages of a climate shift. That will greatly impact this. It might be camp fire historians for a long time.
A superintelligent shade of blue.
There aren't going to be future historians, I don't think. There are more than 450 nuclear power plants and additional waste storage facilities with at least 1200 pools of hot, radioactive rods in the world, primarily in the northern hemisphere. They all need constant power and cooling to keep from melting down. Fukushima had three reactor cores melt down after three days when power and cooling were cut there because of the tsunami.
Chernobyl's sarcophagus is expected to require full replacement within 100 years of being built, because it will deteriorate. They've been wrong about so much in connection with nuclear power, it might deteriorate sooner. Maybe we will see, and maybe we won't.
If population levels fall enough, or enough engineers without knowledge are lost no matter how many people remain, or the ability to provide power because of grid failures occurs for any reason, and I believe all of those will occur, humans are not going to survive more than 450 nuclear power plant plus storage facility melt downs. Life itself might not survive it. Some scientists think we could fry the atmosphere, and it's why some people talk about Venus, which has a surface temperature of about 846F.
Look at how thin our atmosphere is
Some alien probes, on a mission to find the meaning of life for their distant creators.
I sure hope those probes' creators don't get traumatized by what they will see happening to us.
At least for our alien friends?
They came here with a deadly armada to conquer us. However, the vast distances of interstellar travel meant we time to self annihilate before they ever arrived.
The Alien Admiral was very dissapointed he wouldn't get a medal for conquering us, just a Earth Campaign participation ribbon.
Can I use this in my apocalypse punk rock opera album?
You have my blessing.
If any of them made it past the great filter
I think that’s about the best you can do. I got a job where I nominally deal with natural resource preservation and land management thinking I’d be doing something good for climate. Maybe I am still, I don’t know. I do know that the way we do things is not meeting the severity of the times we’re living in. We are just now getting a climate adaptation plan going. We’ve realized our existing climate data was insufficient so it’s impossible to say if we’re reducing emissions or not. Our emissions have seemingly remained the same or gone up year over year. There is some order in the state that we have net zero emissions by 2040- to meet our goals we’re basically assuming that we’ll have magical technology to have zero emissions by then, even though we’re 15 years out and no such technology exists yet, nonetheless implementing it. We’re just trying to understand what climate change would mean for us, yet continue building new things for some reason.
If I had my druthers, we’d be stopping all development and shifting to climate restoration and looking into concepts like food forests or other ways to make the land provide food for the crisis that is coming. To say that this is so far removed from the direction anyone else at my work is even thinking is an understatement. Their thinking is at “let’s buy a few more electric cars.”
I'm an artist, I tattoo professionally as the day job. I used to see my job as a luxury really; certainly there are and have always been deeper elements to it for personal growth, expression, connection outside the given framework of our society
but it's never been the kind of job I felt was a necessity. I'm starting to feel like it is. witnessing not only the things we talk about here, but their effects on people. everyday people of all kinds. listening to them, there are a lot of people who are very collapse aware, who are in varying stages of thought about it, emotionally impacted by it.
yes it's a somewhat pointless work in that like most people I'm powerless to be anything but participant, victim and witness to collapse as a whole. but it's meaningful as a witness to speak with people and let them speak, and really hear them. I don't bring the topic up but when people are being open (as they almost always are when getting tattooed) they bring up collapse or related topics every day, every session. every time.
and so I listen.
I work in a similar role to you and I find that most of the work we do is framed around a business as usual model - how do we continue to do what we are doing, just a little greener than before, even though it's based on an inherently unsustainable model. But what else can you really do except keep chipping away at the frayed edges and hope that the ripple effects make something happen down the line?
I personally take the Stoic approach...don't stress about what you can't change. Unless you enjoy self-castigation, just let it go. Love your family, help them if they want it. Enjoy the wonders you find each day. Just live for today. That's what I do.
As for recording what you see, who is going to read your notes. There will be no future historians, and if they do happen to be human survivors, they will ignore what you have noted anyway. We as a species learn nothing from history.
Like I for the moment, because this moment is your life. Actually, Omar Khayyam said it. I just live it.
Take care.
The surest way to save knowledge just might be etching stone or maybe metals, with some sort of symbology that makes deciphering it easier. Over thousands of years, paper will rot. In a much shorter span of time, electronics will cease to work. But we've learned much about the ancients through stone tablets, like the Rosetta stone. I'm not saying I firmly believe an apocalyptic scenario will occur, although it probably will, but hypothetically if this planet became uninhabitable to our species, I believe etches in hard enduring materials might just be the only medium that could possibly last through the ages. There have got to be some nerds out there who would want to do this as a hobby, preserving as much of our lore as they can on these mediums. If you're out there, make sure to save the Lord of the Rings books. And a bit of history would put a post Anthropocene wasteland into perspective, although hypothetically, should some alien race discover a wasteland Earth in the next few millenia, they would probably have figured out immediately that we'd allowed our rulers to scorch the total environment stupidly. They might think of us like an advanced ant colony with severe neuroses, constructing our collective hive by self destructive means. But a final thought on the subject, there have always been those who did not willingly go along with the highly destructive technics of our present society, most people can't practically live now outside of a toxic consumerism and fossil feul based economy. I insist it's a phallacy to say WE did this to ourselves. The powerful as they always have done before our time, designed the broader society in their own personal interests. And because the strongest militarists tend to dominate everything, it has been brought on our collective species by a small minority of the powerful.
I went down your path a few years ago. I am now fully accepting of what's coming and am looking to find inner peace. So, I simplified and put my focus on things that make me happy. I have tried to do many of the things that collectively would have made a difference, but individually only makes a difference to the individual. Gardening, wasting nothing, not consuming, downsizing, getting to know nature, playing with my dogs. I no longer care what the rest of the humans do. I care about what makes me sleep soundly at night. Maybe enough of us like minded people see the other side of collapse and try something new. Probably not, but the only way to find out is to keep going forward. I'm here to bear witness with popcorn in hand. Whatever happens, happens. I have no control and therefore will not worry about it.
Great comment I'm saving this
This is exactly where I'm at. I'm just going to take it easy. Make some music. Make art. Try to work less since there is nothing to save for.
It's my own personal end of the world party. Fuck it. Might as well smoke em if you got em.
What keeps me going is the dim hope that someone, someday, will be saved by my writings of devastating events happening all around me. It can be some kids a few decades from now, or it can be alien archaeologists a few million years from now poking around on a dead planet.
Remember us. Remember that we once lived.
These is nothing special or eternal about existence.
That goes double four humans specifically.
Everything ends, the sun will scorch the earth nothing will be left and many manny eons after that the universe will be left in an essentially eternal darkness.
Go outside
Laugh a little.
Do some drugs and get laid.
Pet a puppy.
You’re gonna be fine.
Imagine Sisyphus is happy.
He will be, in a very very long time;)
I luv u, very very long time. Is it cool if Albert Camus joins? He promised it would be very weird.
None of us will be fine, isn’t that the conclusion of collapse awareness?
No. The none of us will be fine bit is part of the entry into collapse awareness. The conclusion could be said by this quote....
Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
The destination is not the point, and we have lives to live. As long as we are here we have decisions to make. I went from having no meny and fretting about collapse, to thinking, ok I will just live my best life and try to help others. I now have 50 employees and paid 800k tax last year. I have saved lives. Im chopping my fkn wood and carrying my fkn water.
My son asked yesterday about how to process where the world is heading. I reminded him that it is not about where we go, but how we walked.
The universe doesn't require the existence of humanity. Everything will be fine.
We are the universe.
We are a very small part of the universe. It's incomprehensible just how small we are, it really can't be put into words to make somebody understand. We are specks - a tiny fraction of the mass of the planet's crust, which is an unfathomable small fraction of the planet, and compared to just our sun it's all nothing. And there are hundreds of billions of galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars each (on average.) Its hard to look at that and think that humans could ever truly matter, especially since it's obvious at this point that we will never become even an interplanetary species, much less interstellar. Eventually it'll be as if we were never here - and not even that long compared to how old all this already is.
If you have some way of bridging this gap, I'd love to hear it. Seriously, I'd love to believe it, but I just can't lie to myself when our cosmic circumstance objectively says we will have absolutely no influence on anything besides our planet and a few probes (which is still objectively very little.)
I'm completely fine with this temporary human form being an almost infinitesimally small speck compared to the vastness of the observable universe.
I am not convinced that our perception of time is anything more than an accident of our particular evolutionary circumstance.
The earth will carry on without us.
When I die I directly become the Earth.
Consciousness, that middle finger to thermodynamics, is (AFAWK) the rarest and therefore most special thing in the universe. To assign it the value of the inanimate universe is the biggest failure I have ever witnessed.
It is why we can recommend going outside, laughing, drugs, sex, and petting puppies. Things the lifeless cannot do. It could be the greatest travesty in this massive universe if such things are never again done. And worth fighting for.
There is plenty of consciousness outside of humanity. The universe is infinite, we know that mathematically. Which means of course there is consciousness other than our species. I think the original comment stands. Humans are not necessary for the universe or consciousness to exist. Although I do agree, all loss of life is a tragedy, but not the end of the known universe. Idk, I'm just going to enjoy my ride on the space rock and try not to hurt it and be at peace with my part of the whole.
The idea that humanity is in any way special, is the cause of every aspect of collapse.
We are not animals.
We are conscious.
Even more arrogantly, only we are conscious.
You don’t matter.
I mean I think you’re the bees knees, but I don’t matter either, so take that for what it’s worth.
"An MIT physicist has proposed the provocative idea that life exists because the law of increasing entropy drives matter to acquire lifelike physical properties."
It's a comfort to me that I am possibly just the Universe's way of "hurrying up" collapse (a way to view entropy) to begin with, so no harm, no foul.
It's amazing to have ever been alive at all.
This is what they call the "acceptance" stage of grief.
A while back I read a book called "Shake Hands with the Devil" by the Canadian general Romeo Dallaire. In the book, Dallaire ran the U.N.'s peacekeeping mission to Rwanda during the 1994 genocide. Basically, his hands were tied and the international community not only would not back up his mission once the genocide started, but abandoned it entirely out of moral cowardice and indifference. At that point, all he could do was bear witness to the genocide unfolding and try to save as many people as he still could while hundreds of thousands were being systematically slaughtered on a daily basis.
Only in fairy tales does good always triumph over evil. In reality, human beings have to create and make justice, and often times they fall far short of the mark. Some never even try.
This is where we are at. We can't do anything to stop this ship from sinking, but we can bear witness and hope that our observations will be of some kind of use to any future generations that may survive. We can only do what is within our own power to do as individuals.
I've got a plan. I just don't have the energy to significantly change the western world by myself.
So if you know some folks who might be able to help, hit me up.
Or not. It's a seriously half-baked plan.
Not having kids is a start
I’m at the embarrassment stage. I’m just embarrassed by humanity; for humanity. How could we do this to ourselves, and for what?
I'm at the point of "Doing anything is better than doing nothing even when we know resistance is futile." And I refuse to move from that. If everybody did what they could we wouldn't have problems at all.
For some "doing what you can" means using less water, getting rid of the car, not eating meat, not buying plastic, never flying, shopping local or buying less crap etc.
For others it means protesting, screaming at/fighting the police, joining a political group, starting a farm or small/local/green community, or even really extremist: going full Luigi on some rich dipshit.
Even if all you can manage is to not flush the toilet every time you pee or not buy the thing you don't need, you might as well pray to any and all God(esse)s, we really need all the friggin help we can get, that's all good. It's definitely better than sticking your head in the sand pretending everything is fine and we can keep on keeping on and everything will magically solve itself, like most people.
I agree with this sentiment. The fact of the matter is that we are impotent. There are very few people that could make a change, and even if they did they would likely be murdered.
The truth of the matter is that civilization is a giant death spiral that comes sooner or later. We’re just approaching a really big one that has never been seen before. I truly believe that it is impossible to have “the civilized world” and maintain a healthy ecosystem or society for us to function in, sociologically and psychologically speaking. The human being is an animal with animal needs that are presently not being met for a large portion of us.
On the other hand, we are an invasive species. Human beings are indigenous only to a small portion of Africa, yet we have carved out niches for ourselves on the majority of the globe. Overpopulated, and with ever dwindling resources. Even in very ancient days we would decimate the megafauna with spears and other rudimentary weapons in hand. There is evidence that once man moved into Australia there were great mass extinctions in the hundreds of years that followed.
We are a nuisance. I suppose achieving agriculture, civilization, metalworking, gunpowder, and later advanced technologies was a bit of luck and a bit of fate. But we are the most destructive creature to probably live on this planet since possibly the Cyanobacteria of the Great Oxidation Event.
This won’t be fixed. We’ll continue on this march toward death until it falls apart. Then we’ll probably turn in each other. And I pity whatever is left, but certainly something will be.
There is so much more going on under the hood of this 3D world. We are here to witness, observe, and participate in this great collapse. It probably won't be the last one either. I believe we are in a great reset. More global civilizations will come and go in time. We may even get invited back for another one thousands of years from now. Conciousness is key in a dead society. There's more going on.
I am a gardener, and it's both my livelihood and hobby. The butterflies, birds, snakes, and other creatures give me joy. I will continue to support them and give them comfort as I watch them die out. I don't do it alone, and get my clients and neighbors to also help protect them. I will probably kill myself when I no longer hear bird/frog/cricket song. Maybe I should start making recordings to sell to people... they won't hear birds when they go outside anymore, but at least they can download it while surrounding themselves with plastic flowers!
I recommend growing a garden and focusing on local resiliency and community building. These things give me purpose and keep me out of my own head. Also, getting out of the city makes a big difference.
Don’t just be a passive observer. That’s a big cop out . Act locally. Find something going wrong in your own community and address it. It doesn’t even have to be directly related to collapse. Better though if you can affect the consumption of FF locally, prevent pollution, keep communities healthy.
I'm sorry, I tried —
For all we know, humanity will be able to adapt and keep Business As Usual for another generation or three. We might just normalize this current madness. Heck, they might look back at the current chaos with rose-coloured glasses.
I’m probably not going to live long enough to see the worst of things to come (I’m 50 with serious and chronic health issues), but for those under 30, yeah, I’d be very worried right now.
We have no control over the things that are going down.
I have friends torturing themselves mentally,not having children,adopting lifestyle choices they think will help, protesting against all the bad things.
But the destruction of our world is driven by capitalism,and no one escapes from the need for money and a place to live.
And I live in the same world as everyone else.
So I witness,with compassion and equanimity.If I could change things,I would.
Bearing witness is an important task in dealing with collapse or fascism both. Archiving and leaving a record is critically important. Surviving to be a living witness better, of course.
If there were no collapse, would you grade life by your inability to individually change the entire world for some other reason?
No, you'd probably just focus on doing right by yourself and others within your sphere of influence.
As the whole superman thing is a hypothetical either way, might as well get on with living the best life you can. You weren't getting out alive anyway.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
I want to focus on how well I can prepare my kids for their own futures. I want to set them up with the knowledge and resources that they will need to succeed. I feel impotent towards that task because I am not sure what to teach them or what resources will be valuable in 10-20 years. I am teaching them good values, resiliency, and as many practical skills as I can. It doesn't feel like I am doing a very good job though.
lmao we - as in you or I or /r/collapse or reddit - are not that important.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
I'm important to me.
Here's the thing. You think making a difference means something more than feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the destitute, being graceful to the man having a nervous breakdown in traffic, etc.
Why does your difference made need to save humanity? Isn't goodness good for its own sake, or is it about what you get out of it?
See the raging narcissistic people here? This is what happens when a person who doesn't know what is good for its own sake has their entitlement canceled.
"Go have sex and do drugs." Hollow, and encouraging you to be just as hollow. Nothing matters, didn't you get the memo?
"What makes you think there will be a future?" Only corrections, never connections. Basically a statement about how much smarter they think they are then you. Give my sense of superiority validation, stranger!
"Alcoholics Anonymous quote" Pretty okay, except the whole thing is rigged to say, Look at me! I don't believe in God. Thanks. Didn't ask.
"Attack the do gooders." I have no sense of purpose anymore, so I derive my sense of value from how much better I think I am than everybody else.
And then, at the very bottom, two people who actually thought about you responded. Interesting that they don't have social credit scores on their comments. I need to figure out how to do that.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
Thanks Captain, you make some good points. Everytime I try to post something to this sub I get a combination of the replies that you summarized. I am just looking for a little human connection on this terrible platform and I am usually just assaulted by these nihilistic and hedonistic responses.
Kango remains unbroken! Long live Kango!
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
bent, but not yet broken, never broken.
Well, somebody has to be here when humanity loses its last chip gambling. May as well be us...
I'm trying to bear witness, live in alignment with my values, and help cushion the landing a little for other humans and beings of all kinds to the best of my ability. It may not reverse the tide in the ultimate sense, but I'll be able to die knowing I lived with integrity (to the best of my ability).
No. We are here because of evolution. There is no higher purpose. The universe would not care less whether there are witnesses or not.
Us caring IS the universe caring.
unbreakablekango@reddit (OP)
yes to this. I care about it which means that at least part of the universe cares about it.
yep, it's an idea that gives me some amount of peace.
I am Elrond
I've believed this for some time too.
Some are here to offer their faith based version of a savior such as Net Zero or Veganism.