So anyone got any guesses about how the USA will collapse or what will happen after
Posted by skyward_diamond@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 64 comments
I’m just curious what people think and speculate how the good old US of A will go down and what will happen to states or we just stay as we are just more Smokey just curious and here are my three theories.
Honestly h5n1 or it name bird flue will become a pandemic and a very bad one due to rfk probably being over the cdc and anti vax.
Good old war we might just got to war with Canada or the whole of South America talking about how we want Panama Canal back or we might go to war with Canada let see where the night takes us .
Solar flare we’re going to have a solar maximum this July so who knows if the light will stay on or not .
Knowing all my guess I want to hear yours see if we are sharing the shame Brain cell.
I don't know how it starts, but it ends with balkanization
It collapsed a long time ago, but the inertia of the system continues to make the national corpse shamble around.
That created quite an interesting picture of a giant literal weird zombie in my head… thanks
Like Biden, Trump, Pelosi and the rest of the gerontocracy dinosaurs.
It's not an event. It's a process. The United States is collapsing right now and has been for decades most likely. Collapse is a stupid word.
skyward_diamond@reddit (OP)
I always thought it would be more flashy
They're going to empty the public purse right into the hands of a very few, very, very rich people around the world and their hangers on.
Nothing is going to stop them, and there will be no consequences.
They will ruin the U.S goods and services economy in order to move astronomical sums of money, much of it borrowed, from public funds to private hands.
For example, watch as the landholdings of corporate farms go mental as they buy up farms that are untenable due to lack of workers, or Property Owning Corporations that just rake it in due to owning all the property people couldn't afford to keep.
There's probably a whole chaos of things that are going to happen.
They will acquire the ravaged neighborhoods of Los Angeles at literal fire sale prices
I wonder how much has been bought up in Hawaii and North Carolina. The media coverage is severely lacking after the initial devastation
I’m in NC and god ‘n everybody has gotten calls and texts from property firms going “are you looking to sell after your house got swept away?” Even if that persons house is perfectly intact
I get sometimes 5 calls/day asking if I have any properties to sell. The address they usually ask about isn’t even a property I own. Last time they asked about my house, I told them I’d sell for $500k. The guy got all excited and said yeah they could probably do that but once he pulled up my house specs, hung up on me because it ain’t worth that much! 😂
Isn’t it funny? Americans are realizing that the Chinese and our ‘enemies’ are just average families and citizens who all want the prosperity peace and opportunity just like us.
But the media and govt portray them as evil. Just look at the red note phenomenon.
I predict, Americans will be sold out (or currently sold out) to the rich and powerful and we will be drained of every resource before it all collapses.
Oh, the chinese government is legitimately evil. Look up Tiananmen square, uighur genocide and what they did to hong kong 💀
No government is inherently evil. Only the person in charge at the time. There are plenty of examples where the government is a positive force for its constituents.
Governments are very likely always going to be evil. The people and the citizens aren’t
Glad we agree 👍
I heard a tech podcast talking about how Americans can only see about 5% of carefully moderated rednote users in China.
When it gets bad enough we’ll start murdering the worst specimens of humanity. It’s coming.
Best part is the ones who benefit will just leave for somewhere they didn’t wreck because they have no loyalty to this country, leaving all of us behind in the ruins.
Accumulating “assets” to exploit in better times which will never come.
I think it will start with some market collapse and then bailouts for the bigs. Like bailout for crypto and some other bubble bursting. Then the a combo of not enough workers for agriculture and reconstruction of various natural disasters. Tariffs and rising food prices will ruin consumer confidence. layoffs. covid will continue to spread throughout the population but without testing/reporting the public wont know the extent of the damage but critical areas like medical/dental care will continue to lose valuable members of their profession. the economic pressures will grow and foreign investors and hedge funds will buy up property. Increased unemployment w/no relief. Increased medical needs but cuts in ACA and SNAP will cause massive desperation. Protests will happen and Trump will get his wish to turn troops onto protestors and then all hell will break loose. Stock market crashes, more bailouts, inflation rises. Climate change will bring increasing disasters with insurance companies continuing to bail. Fights over FEMA funding. Trump's lack of coherent foreign policy other than to help Russia will cause world economic chaos. Putin dies and his successor wont have the same goals as Putin but will have the dirt on Trump. Trump will commit US military to a pet project and it will fail miserably causing various enemies to continually test the US --stretching our capability mostly because of incompetent appointees in the admin. Consumer confidence will continue to fall which will cause a depression as well as inflation. Unrest will cause the corporate class and oligarchs to fear for their lives and focus on terrorism will switch from foreign actors to domestic paranoia with the creation of prison camps not just for illegals but for protestors or anyone increasingly fascist local and federal and state police suspect to be a Luigi or just a so-called radical or even too woke. At this point, it's collapsed.
And frankly, the way that Trump was elected, the rise of the oligarchs in buying an election, the responses by the right to the disaster in Los Angeles, shows us the collapse has already started.
Yep! 👆
This absolutely
At this rate my (lack of money) is on an economic collapse. Climate change to me is an existential real threat that will be an apocalyptic level collapse based on our current rates of green house gas emissions. However, even at 2c, even 4c! we're looking at a "gradual" collapse over the next 50ish years.
Conversely the US could collapse economically within the decade. I am in my mid 30s and I feel like I was one of the last ones to "make it". I check tuition at my college every now and then, it's about 3x what I paid a decade ago. I also know new hires at my company make maybe \~30% more than what I started at. To be fair I think the starting pay has risen roughly in line with inflation, but those new grads presumably have 3x the debt I had. All of this is for smart college educated folks playing by the rules. I feel like the job opportunities for high school grads are basically a death sentence.
Nuclear 9/11 and the American defense systems will be "away on exercises" followed by atrocities of mass murder. This is what all the post-apocalyptic fiction is culturally conditioning the US population to accept as a natural progression.
Martial law within four years
I picture the dystopian world in Margaret Atwood's Mad Adams Series where mega corporate control communities, resources, and lives, while the masses live in neglected, lawless regions. These same corporations also engineer designer diseases for profit, creating pandemics that decimate populations.
Like everything else in the USA, it will have more to do with money than any other cause.
Yeah, collapse always starts with economics. That's usually what halfway keeps order in a society. Everything else quickly follows after.
I tend to think ‘economics’ is a measure of underlying systems. If we look at large-scale migrations and conflicts over the last 20 years, the underlying cause is not just oil or religion - it’s climate shocks (Syria).
Observe what the Soviet Union was like 1960-Collapse. We are them in maybe the early 70s so however it was living there as a commoner you can pick some pieces out of that to get a picture
It has collapsed. Do you think a country that allows a creature like Trump to have supreme executive authority is a fully functioning society? Collapse is death by a thousand cuts.
Exactly we are like frogs in boiling water
Why speculate when the inauguration of a convicted felon is only a few days away? You get to experience collapse in real time! Exciting ( until you run out of food)!
Political polarization keeps going and even more extreme ideologies will emerge. I think conservative extremists will go nuts with religion. Infrastructure decay keeps going on. No more bread and circus to keep the population domesticated, then a bloody civil war which will be the end of the US and balkanization with high hostility as a result.
Everyone has his/her guess from civil war to nuclear war. No one knows for sure. Anyone saying otherwise is lying.
OP asked specifically for guesses, thanks for your contribution!
Well, i did say "civil war" and "nuclear war". Those are two guesses. You are welcome!
Will will probably go to a war last ditch effort for economic growth
Honestly, wont the US collapse last? It won’t be overrun by millions of climate refugees. Killbots at the border can deal with that. Food production would have to fall by like 80% to have famine.
Basically the fall of the Soviet Union but American style. people are gonna be stealing your car batteries or you’re going to steal them kinda up to what ever your luck is. I’m not sure where it goes from there.
I don’t know. I don’t feel like it’s very close of a parallel. The USA isn’t the loser of a 70-year-long siege and spy war and series of non-stop proxy wars. The USA’s internal dynamics like Cold War liberals vs. neoconservatives vs. Christofascists are entirely internal, not the products of foreign subversion like Yeltsin et al. The beneficence of the USSR as a project was radically different from a crass rebellion of slaveholders seceding from the Kingdom of Great Britain (as it was then known) to forestall the abolition of slavery, claw back land the colonies’ local plutocrats speculated on that got ceded to the indigenous by the crown, and otherwise just plain dodge taxes. And that all the while staging sham plebiscites to defuse opposition to plutocratic oppression, and laughably calling it „freedom” while carrying out mass imprisonment so extreme its only historical competition is WWII mass internment of civilians that at any point in time imprisons more than ГУЛаг did during its entire history. You get the idea.
We’ve got serious USSR in 1986 vibes going on
It will implode from it's own corruption as the wealth gets concentrated ever more and it becomes more like Putin's Russia. The people will be more and more stomped down on, cowed into submission, and the divisive conflicting misinformation designed to keep everyone unaware of anything real, enabling yet more kleptocracy.
The infrastructure will get worse and worse, just like Russia, until you are all living in squalor and drinking heavily to numb the senses.
Those in charge will continue to lash out at 'enemies of the state' - journalists, brown people, poverty and desperation-caused criminals, women, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, random nations that have little to nothing to do with the US own downfall, like Canada or Mexico or Greenland etc., they will rail against NATO... all the perceived grievances on what has not "made America great".
These exact same tactics were used before. In another regime. 90 years ago. We saw how it ended.
This time, you get to be the baddies.
The LA rebuild will give you insight on the health of the USA.
Multiple forces moving at different velocities colliding with various impacts, some head on and some deflecting and colliding with several other forces. No single country will be able to hold up alone, and America will be sorely weakened - not a refuge for citizens or immigrants.
This is how our current narratives let us down. It's not just one Godzilla or one cruise ship capsizing or one asteroid ator one economy imploding or one pandemic or one cascading nuclear space junk. It's a lot of these happening at the same time. Meantime, millions of tragedies are already felt on small scales and few are able to meaningfully help.
Sleep well while you can.
Likely the bottom will fall out, but unlike the Great Depression, it is unlikely we’ll have a FDR to implement another New Deal or other competent policy for that matter. The current oligarchs are so shortsighted and greedy that corporatization of society will eventually hit a critical mass where regular people can’t afford to consume anymore and the whole house of cards crashes down.
The mighty great white shark can’t survive if all the krill gets wiped out. The elite can’t hold on if no one can afford anything and a wave of collapse propagates upwards. Like the shark, they’ll eventually resort to eating each other when the economy ceases to function at all. What exactly happens in this kind of collapse is anyone’s guess.
This trade war with canada will be the spark. We will stop sending oil and gas down there.
Balkanization for sure. Not sure what will he the thing that does it, but my bet is some sort of economic collapse that cause states to stopping recgonizing federal authority+ the federal government not having the means to enforce that authority. Either that or we end up in a war we were finally get invaded and our shit kicked in. I refuse to rule out a Greenland invasion
My money is on christofacists starting wars to bring about the end times. Starting and then escalating until the mushroom clouds rise everywhere.
My various connexions have been screaming bloody murder that the real crazies have taken over. A fair amount of the logic underpinning how strenuous my efforts to flee are is defending myself against their domestic agenda because the end of the world is subject to logical conundrums that motivate ignoring it altogether in the absence of any way to prevent it.
Watch the movie "Book of Eli"
skyward_diamond@reddit (OP)
Who a little collapse movie night
Collapse isn't an event, it's a process and it's already in motion. It's going to have periods of acceleration, like COVID or the fires and calmer moments. It won't ever really be done, as such.
It is happening, only little by little.
City hall could be on fire and people still gonna ask this very question.
Look around.
Ummm it’s happening right now..
Mommy, Why Did America Collapse?: A Bedtime Story
I think, as the old saying goes, it's going to happen 'slowly at first and then all at once.' There will be a decline as the effects of pollution and climate change and just general decay slowly grind us down until at some point something breaks. Then the economy falls apart and the government collapses in such a way that it will never reform again and the United States is pretty much over and done with. There may be *something* that takes its place but it will be a ghost of its former self at best.
When it breaks down into multiple sovereign states
Next midterm election, when it becomes possible that the GOP will not maintain control of the House, they will try to ensure, by hook or by crook, and clear cut violations of law, that they remain in charge. Using their henchmen in Texas and Florida and elsewhere as needed. May well be the last real election for the foreseeable future.
External pressures like you've listed OP don't typically bring down empires with the geographic advantages of the USA. The two main ways we'll see the formal end of the republic in our lifetimes:
Note that I don't really like using future tense in terms of the collapse of the USA given that we've seen how badly material conditions have deteriorated just in the past 20 years, and we're about to swear in a would-be autocrat for the second time in 12 years, but I get that processes are less sexy than dramatic singular events.
I don't know about collapse but the great depression that the orange abomination deliberately causes to be able to create a massive fire sale for his mates and the global impact of that is my main concern. The horrifying stuff that he's going to do like use the military on US citizens will just be a local impact that we will mostly hear about years afterwards. There's also the possibility of a hot war that involves Europe.
Another pandemic seems tame right now.