So anyone got any guesses about how the USA will collapse or what will happen after

Posted by skyward_diamond@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 64 comments

I’m just curious what people think and speculate how the good old US of A will go down and what will happen to states or we just stay as we are just more Smokey just curious and here are my three theories.

Honestly h5n1 or it name bird flue will become a pandemic and a very bad one due to rfk probably being over the cdc and anti vax.

Good old war we might just got to war with Canada or the whole of South America talking about how we want Panama Canal back or we might go to war with Canada let see where the night takes us .

Solar flare we’re going to have a solar maximum this July so who knows if the light will stay on or not .

Knowing all my guess I want to hear yours see if we are sharing the shame Brain cell.