Laid off 6 months ago
Posted by Extension_Set2704@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 18 comments
Was laid off and have a family so I needed to immediately take what I could get, which unfortunately was a tier 2 support job with a large pay reduction.
Problem is, I either had a gap in my resume (leaving out my current job). Or I present it accurately, but the first thing recruiters see will be it specialist/support II.
Which would you do?
All this technology talk, lol I work with my hands; sorry, I fucked up your shit. You got all the video passwords, I did ask for Clarification. I guess we are done here before I even started lol
current role: Consultant (or whatever you prefer)
This. Any job you go for will embellish so be like them
I think this is fair. Make the current role seem bigger than it is. Or since it sounds like this was for a short period of time use it as an angle that you’re looking cause the job hasn’t been as advertised when you were hired.
If I was hiring. I would rather see the job instead of unemployed. At least you can explain, I took a job as a stop gap but Im really looking for a job as xyz better in alignment with my career aspirations and qualifications.
I haven't had any of my "filler" jobs on there in ages. They do more harm than good.
Just take any specialized skills you picked up and shove them into a better job.
Just lie!
Are you doing any inter-personal networking?
Whatever you do don’t show that you had a job gap. I was in a similar situation and it’s all interviewers wanted to talk about as if I had control over being laid off.
I would leave the current gig on the resume but undersell it. Make your resume and cover letter scream that you have the specific skills the new job wants. Do not make a non-technical HR person or a hitting manager guess that you have the qualifications.
Next, I don't know your circumstances but look for gigs in "unusual" locations like colleges, universities, national labs, etc. The money might not be stellar but usually the health benefits and work/life balance is very good
Want to add to this, as someone who has been the hiring manager.
Put your job history out order. It doesn't HAVE to be chronological, but be honest on the dates.
The gaps in employment question is lead for knowing 2 things about you. If you weren't working, what were you doing (got some certs, recovered some burnout, have a family crisis, medical issue...?) or did you just slack off and play games until this opportunity came? Cuz there's a lot of fake bullshit in the interview. Don't make me guess when the comparative candidate shows no gaps.
If you were working and you don't want to mention that job, I need to guess at how did it end? Did you drop a nasty email bomb on everyone on your last day as a FU to management? Maybe management earned it, but you might view me like that in the future and I don't want to deal with your childish behavior. Or is it that you f'd up so bad they let you go? Was it just a layoff cuz META is dropping 5% or whatever. I gotta guess or are you gonna put something in that gap?
I would not care if someone had to take a lower position/pay because of financial hardship between sysadmin jobs. Your willingness to suck it up in the face of adversity is no shame. Also, you stayed in IT, your skills have not atrophied like if you moved to another field.
That's not good advice. It's just going to call attention to it. Just update your current role with details that align for the role you're applying for.
Any chance of working up to a role similar to what you had?
I would rather show continuous work history than gaps. Being laid off is becoming more common. Working in the field is better than a clearly "only thing I could get" job.
Change from a chronological resume to a functional resume. In the current job climate, nobody is going to penalize you for doing whatever needs doing to get the family fed and the rent paid.
A recruiter will want to put you in the highest paying job they can so they can make more money off of you. Talk to them and explain the time, they'll get it. A couple of new certifications wouldn't hurt either.
My resume is a one to one and a half sheeter. I list the jobs and experience relevant to the job, even if it looks like big gaps in employment, but I list at the top of each page “relevant work experience” and at the bottom of each page “more work history available upon request”.
This is the way.
I modify my CV format based on the role I'm going for. When I recruit, I'm interested in relevance, aptitude and attitude.
I also agree that the CV should be a page or two and no more. The cover note should also be succinct, short and to the point.
Any recruiter who is worth your time will at least look at the second job on your resume in addition to the most current one. Hopefully they'll ask about the "reduction" in job description, and you can explain the layoff.
Again, any recruiter who's actually good should totally understand that layoffs happen and you gotta provide for the people you love, which sometimes requires taking a "lesser" position in the short-term.