Is it common in your state or area to offer people working on your property a lemonade or sweet tee, or other type of drink?
Posted by Primary_Ad_739@reddit | AskAnAmerican | View on Reddit | 328 comments
I learned to offer them bottled drinks that haven’t been opened, but not things that you would serve in a cup. It’s both more practical and safer
I'm in Wisconsin. But it can get hot. We had roofers and foundation workers that were hauling it getting work done. I showed them where the bathroom was. Told them they could take a break inside where it's air conditioned and pointed them to the mini fridge with snacks and water. I work from home so I was like let me know if you need anything it's 90+ degrees and humid.
No body took a thing or used the bathroom once. They were so nice and sweet and respectful. Like damn. Please take something. I know I'm paying you but they did awesome work super fast.
I think people are wary unfortunately. Some people suck and take advantage.
I'm a general contractor and I can express enough how some people will offer food or drink then try to use that to get money taken off the final bill.
Wow the nerve. Some people have no shame. I'm sorry they try that.
It's not your fault. No need to apologize for the others. I appreciate that you actually offer water and or food to the workers with no strings attached. People like you are a gift
Thank you. It's just you guys provide a service and work hard. Is it usually a large sum or money? Yes but we save our bonuses and budget accordingly and are grateful you have the skills and know how. Or saves us time and prevents further damage to our home. It frustrates me that trades and contractors are held to a lower regard than white collar work. And that people don't see it and can't just be nice to other humans in general.
Stay safe out there.
It’s possible they’re not allowed by the company and don’t want to get in trouble. I always offer no one has taken me up yet on the bathroom. They will usually say yes to a beer once they’re done though.
Oh fair point. I can see that being a liability and best to avoid.
I always appreciated this when I used to do real work. I always had a water bottle with me, but that cold one from your fridge was nice.
I hate it when going to a clients house. They offer me a drink and I get it in a glass. I mean, sure they look clean and have a clean house. I’d rather get an unopened bottle if I don’t know you.
Especially since unopened bottles are the standard, a person offering a drink in a glass almost feels like they’re doing it on purpose
Safer? What do you mean?
I would never drink something poured into a cup from a stranger.
What a horrifying existence.
Not really. I've seen how some of y'all live. I don't want anything you've "made," regardless of intentions. Even if youre not a murderer (obviously thay is a very very slim chance), how am I supposed to know if you washed that lemonade pitcher after your cat and his gross little litter box feet were napping in it all night, or after your toddler used it to ferry his grime-covered toys around all day? Sealed drinks/snacks are just much less awkward all around, for both parties. You don't have to worry about contamination, or hurting the offerer's feelings if you decline.
I cleaned houses for a living when I was younger. That is why I take a hard pass on most work potlucks. I've seen some NASTY kitchens.
Ditto, but because we once found a bandaid in the chili someone brought to a work potluck.
Its become quite popular these days, but thankfully not everyone is a hypochondriac.
How are. You supposed to "know" any of that if you aren't growing/killing the food and producing it yourself??
I really need to stop putting my cat’s feet in my mouth.
In fact, that's how my cat wakes me up in the morning. I love my life.
I guess. But you trust them enough to go in their basement. Have you heard of people poisoning workers?
It just seems a little paranoid. I do typically give them cans and ice just because it seems nicer a a little less gross? Like what if my kid drank out of the bottle in the fridge. Eww.
But it's no weirder (to me) than trusting shit that comes out of a kitchen at a restaurant with a bunch of teenagers working. I trust some lady in a clean house more than any restaurant.
A lot of people have filthy homes/kitchens, and workers have learned not to want to risk getting sick, or just don't like the thought of drinking out a potentially dirty glass.
For the worker. Less chance of it being drugged etc.
WTF chance is there that someone is drugging their workers? That seems wildly paranoid.
Going into a stranger's house is always risky. It's not wildly paranoid to think that a strange man might drug a woman who's working in his house.
Maybe it's because I am a man, but never crossed my mind. For years I've accepted homemade snacks like cookies, brownies, fresh lemonade and whatnot when I've worked at people's houses. I think most people are good, but I guess there are crazies out there. Maybe I should be more careful.
nah.. you're fine.
People don’t want opened stuff, even if it’s free, but if I hand you an unopened bottle, whatever else I got going on prolly doesn’t matter too much.
Esp in the land of drinks, folks always seem to think that people will be messing with them.
Then with a bottle, they can put it in their bags, pockets etc, cups are too high of a spill risk.
Oh, yeah - if I give them while they are working? But normally I just serve them at the dining table.
Wait wait so after a long workday you’re making people stay so you can offer them waters in a glass instead of putting bottles in a cooler?
I’ve never met a contracting crew that actively wanted to stick around a job site, even for beers. Most of the time I buy a 12 pack and a pizza for the crews that come through and say “feel free to eat here, in the driveway, or wherever you want”, but most crews just wanna start heading home.
What y’all forget is the job isn’t done when they leave your house, they may still have to drop off trash, buy supplies for tomorrow etc, so I try to make sure my “good deed” doesn’t force someone to stay at my house.
NOOOO -- WHen they come I just show them the dining room and bathroom. If it's nice I show them the nice places in the yard and since my pool is there I say if you wanna jump in before you go and tell them where the towels are. If they say they want lunch I leave them their lunch on the dining table with a drink and a dessert. I always offer them lunch or tell them the best places to get it. If they take me up on lunch I serve them. If they bring their own (a lot of the Central South American bring hot stuff and I offer microwave if they want it). If they bring their own lunch I just offer them drinks. When they leave I offer them a drink for the road.
This is next level! You sound really nice.
I'm a stay at home mom and my husband works from home. I left my career just to have a peaceful home for my kids (my house was a stressed out shit show growing up) so I am just here cleaning up breakfast dishes and making my husband lunch and getting supper ready for tonight. I have to be here when the work guys are here in case they need any thing so it's not like I am going out of my way or anything.
You invite the folks working on your property in for dinner?
Unless it's family, that's weird
I offer lunch to guys working for me. When they accept, I invite them in to eat in my house where it’s air conditioned. It doesn’t seem very hospitable to make them eat outside on the lawn or in the back of a truck, especially if it’s hot.
To put it more plainly, if I am in somebody's house and I think they are unhygienic and don't wash their dishes to my satisfaction then I am going to decline any drink that uses one of their toilet clean cups. But if it is an unopened bottle of water then I do not have to worry about hygiene.
It's not necessarily being worried about them deliberately fucking with the beverage if it's in their house; I just don't know how well they wash their glasses lol.
Even if it's not a roofiecolada, might be spit in there.
I used to do in-house computer repair stuff and always refused anything offered in a glass. Not that I'm trying to be a judgmental asshole or anything... But I don't know how you brew your tea, what goes into your lemonade, or when you washed that glass. And some of the houses I was visiting were genuinely nasty. Plus - I really didn't want an open glass next to the computer.
I'd accept stuff in a reclosable bottle since I knew it was probably safe, I could close the bottle to avoid spills, and I could take it with me when I was done.
Agreed. I wouldn’t feel comfortable accepting a glass/cup from someone, not knowing if it’s clean or tainted in any way. Bottled drinks are the safest choice.
Sometimes I have offered them drinks, usually water, in cups. But otherwise, I got for bottled drinks.
Yea, pretty much. Where i live it's very hot and humid so if they're working outside I'll insist on them taking at least a bottle of water (if they don't have their own). If they're working inside I'll offer but won't be insistent
We do this for our lawn guys in the summer. if I am baking cookies I will bring them a bag to take home. They have been doing our lawn for years so they know I am not going to poison them. (And I am a pretty good baker)
I do this as well. I'm in the south so I'll have cold bottled water, cokes, and other canned or bottled drinks. I also usually have some individual snacks like fruit gummies or packs of crackers. Just a little something for whoever is doing work.
Floridian here too. Most people bring their own, but if not, I insist they accept bottled water. I don't want them passing out in high heat/humidity. Especially if they moved recently from somewhere else and don't understand the danger.
Yeah pretty much this.
Coffee or bottled water.
It is just the polite thing to do.
Where is OP from and do you?
I usually offer water, Gatorade, or a beer.
I usually offer contained / sealed drinks if I have them
Absolutely. On hot summer days when I see the garbage men in our neighborhood, I wait and give them cold water bottles from the garage refrigerator. Yes, we have an extra refrigerator in the garage.
It is common in my state to offer workers bottled water, bottled juice, or Gatorades. Sometimes bagged snacks or granola bars. They are left out for delivery drivers, next to the front door. It's not everyone, but it's not uncommon, and people like that are venerated.
Something open, like fresh coffee, tea or lemonade is less common, because the person providing it would have to be home, and it's just not as mobile. But if a worker were there all day (like a roofer or a carpenter) and the homeowner were also there, there's a good chance of an offer of some kind.
I don't know if it's common in Nevada, but I really hope so, considering how hot it gets here.
I always make sure they have something to drink regardless, but especially in the summer.
Yes I do ice water in the largest glasses I have.
Colorado- no. A bottle of water maybe
I offer them bottled water. I dunno what’s common.
when we had roofers redoing our roof, I bought large coolers full of sodas, bottled water, and juices.. as well as morning snacks every single day they were there. It was probably a few hundred in beverages and when it was all done, I sent them home with the largest case of beer I could find.
I do or bottles
We keep bottled water for the postal carrier.
Oddly enough, no. That is not normal where I live.
I'm from Minnesota. Generally, we'll give you our shirts and the back to go with it. But you need to ask.
I figure, you can see where the hose tap is and you're welcome, as are all, if you're thirsty. If you're hungry, I assume you have food with you. If you don't, come in and feel free to root through the fridge. It's all good. Everyone knows how to operate a kitchen.
If you need something, just ask and you shall receive. No worries. Do you need me to pick up your kid from school? No problem. Do you need me to donate a few pints of blood, I'll take care of it. Are you AB- ? Just asking because that's what I am. Maybe I can trade my blood for someone else's blood and we'll work it out. You'd like a pie? Do you want apple? I have apples. Frankly, I prefer making apple crisp. If you haven't had my apple crisp you haven't lived. I'll get going on it. Does 2 O'clock work for you for you?
If you don't ask, I assume you have your own business well in hand.
To be fair, I've done day labor in MN when I was younger and it wasn't uncommon for the home owner to offer us a sandwich or some lemonade if it was around noon time.
Short answer... It depends. When I had my roof done, I helped the crew with cleanup and asked if they needed anything throughout the day but I didn't make a point of offering things that they didn't ask for.
I don't know, it depends, I suppose, I mean, a lot of guys might just let people be about their own business but, each to their own. I mean, we all have opinions and positions, and who can say who's opinion is better or worse. I'm not saying, but I'm saying, you know, who can say?
We don't like to make a fuss because everyone has their opinion and I'm not saying that your opinion is wrong by any means because you know we wall have different opinions. Heck, I might be totally wrong but a lotta guys might, you know, do what they think is best but other guys might not but it's not my business...
Isn't Minnesotan fun? I can literally do MN waffling forever and never get bored.
Depends on the neighborhood.
When I was working in Black neighborhoods (I'm caucasian), once the neighborhood got the A-OK from one residents and he vouched for me super hard while I was doing work, I got invited in for a beverage, homemade lunches and dinners, or offered gifts all the time. Just today an old lady gave me and my guys some absolutely wonderful homegrown pot nugs, sativa with tons of little orange hairs, great trichomes, beautifully dried. One nug for everybody.
Personally, I always offer any service worker in my home a chance to cool off or warm up, a beverage, a beer, food, time to smoke, and I tell them to take breaks and take their sweet time.
I definitely offer a cold beverage, even a beer. But I don’t have enough sweet tees to give away.😩🤷♀️
I’m in Southern California. It can get pretty hot here in the summer. I usually offer the gardener or contractors a cold bottle of water from the fridge.
Don’t know if it’s common but I do it
Live in Wisconsin now, but have always done this!
California here and yes.
Absolutely! It’s good manners to offer to anyone.
Yes. Two summers ago we had fixed up the outside of our house. New roof, siding, gutters, fence, ripped up the yard and reseeded. The whole works. We had a cooler with drinks and baskets with snacks available for the workers every day they worked.
Lemonade not really but SOMETHING yes.
Raised in Michigan, living in Illinois. Yes, when we had our roof redone we had a huge cooler full of water, Gatorade, and snacks for everyone. A happy crew will go the extra to make sure it’s done right.
Always offer something
I had a couple guys who were in my house over a long period of time doing a big project. They would politely refuse drinks (they always had their own) but I learned they wouldn’t turn down cookies, donuts, and other treats
When I was younger (now middle aged) it was more common to do something like lemonade or sweet tea for workers or visitors, but that was a tiny small town where you already knew everyone and bottled water wasn’t really common yet. My grandmothers always kept glass pitchers of sweet tea in the fridge and one made massive lunches daily for the farm hands. Now days I live in a city and I can’t imagine anyone accepting anything from me that wasn’t factory sealed. Cans and individual bottles are way more common now (I can’t remember the last time I saw a 2-liter that wasn’t at a work pizza party).
I always put out a cooler full of bottled water for people who are working on my house or yard in tthe summer. I've lived all over the place, I have no idea if this is a state thing or not. I just think it's a nice thing to do for people who have to work outside when it's nasty hot out.
Not customary, per se (I am in the Northeast) but I usually do, to me it's just common courtesy!
No, not a thing where I live (Northeastern WY)
We don't drink sweet tea in my state.
Minnesota here. Yeah everyone trusts each other here
Southern Appalachia, yes
It's common for me to offer drinks. This past summer, I regularly gave my mailman a cold sports drink bottle, because it was so hot.
I don’t know how common it is but in the summer of 2023 I offered some movers bottled water as I was moving apartments on a hot day. They seemed to be glad for it. Of course I tipped them well too
If I hire a business to do work at my home, I pay them the amount of money they charge.. No more. No less.
If I’m outside when a delivery comes or if they knock on the door, I always offer a cold water or a soft drink if we have any.
It’s 50/50 on people accepting. Young people are more likely to accept for some reason.
I’ll offer bottled drinks to people working around my house. I also will leave individually wrapped snacks and/or bottled drinks on the stoop in a cooler for delivery people in the warmer weather. It only seems polite..? Is this not a thing?!
I'll offer water or tea. West Texas gets HOT!
We have an extra fridge in the garage that we keep stocked with water and other soft drinks for the workers to enjoy. We also let them use the downstairs powder room and set up a couple of chairs and a card table in the garage for them to eat their lunch at. Not sure if this is common in the area, but it’s certainly common decency.
Cold water or whatever you have in your fridge- tea, lemonade, even beer. My mom always gives them cookies :)
i always give water and sodas, in individual bottles, in a cooler with ice. (MD)
We have a poolside kitchen/entertainment everyone that works for us in the yard knows they are welcome to help themselves. Then the entire thing was being built, with full crews on site, coffee, donuts and muffins were always available, being swapped out in the afternoon with assorted whole fresh fruit.
When it was only the two "finish" masons, we even made lunch for them everyday.
I was a Billiards Mechanic for 18 years. I traveled all over for work. I was most often times in people's homes. It was extremely rare for us to ever get offered any form of refreshment. We usually had to ask.
Usually a 16 oz bottle of water.
I was taught to have bottles of water for anyone coming to do work at my home, especially on a hot summer day.
It’s not a state thing, it’s a human decency thing.
We always offer something. Water. coffee or a soft drink.
People doing work at my house? Absolutely yes. When o had work being done I kept a cooler of water/gatorade out for the laborers and typically bought them lunch if I was home.
At the end of the project we all shared some beers together too.
Anyone who doesn't i want to know what your major malfunction is.
Yeah that’s the kind of thing we do. What state are you in, if you don’t mind me asking?
not uncommon in MA. I did it when people were working on my house
Southern New Jersey….most folks I know around here act the same way.
It doesn’t seem common in my area… but if they ask for water we gladly offer any beverage at the ready. They’re being paid for their job, so i don’t feel compelled to offer anything but i always say “just let me know if you need anything while you’re working”.
It’s a curtesy. Especially in the heat of summer.
Water or a coke usually. I don’t keep tea or lemonade already made on hand but yes. My grandparents would almost always order the sanitation workers a water or coke or leave snacks out for the mailman. They would even bake him a loaf of bread for the holidays.
Whenever I've had anyone working on my property, I've ALWAYS offered them something to drink, including a beer.
A small gesture like that is really appreciated, especially if they're working outside during the summer.
Bottled or canned beverages are more common. But yeah, it’s a nice thing to do. Especially if it’s hot out, which it is in the summers here.
We had workmen in our house for a month. Sometimes we would order pizza for them for lunch.
I always offer at least bottled water.
I offered dry clothes to an electrician recently because his clothing got soaked. He accepted!
I always offer
Depends on the work if I offer but I got bottles of water and Gatorade I can offer if they are working while it is hot.
I always offer
I live in the south...
I loathe the sweet tea they drink here
I think water is customary.
As MardiGras is getting closer we offer beer near the Big Easy
I offer everyone spending more than a few mins at my place refreshments, even Mormons and cops. Southerner here.
Idk if it's common but I always offer contractors a drink (or meal if it's mealtime), and I always let them know where the bathroom is. I have contractors in my family that say they're treated like shit, like people don't even want them to use their bathroom. Despicable, imo.
Bottle of water
I always offer water to anyone working inside or outside of my home. If it’s cold, I’ll offer coffee or tea.
I do. We had a crew putting in a foundation. I noticed that they liked orange Fanta so the next day I had a cooler full of cold drinks including Fanta for them. At the very least I offer cold water
Bottled water is the polite thing to offer nowadays.
It's common to offer people something to drink. Water, coffee, or whatever is around.
And if you have iced tea or lemonade it is common to offer that to people whatever reason they might be there for.
So it just crosses over.
I had people deliver a couch and I offered them water, espresso and food
In Nee England, we’d offer bottled water or a soda.
We have always water for the landscapers, the house staff help themselves to food when looking after the kids. Any extra work we always provide a cooler with sodas, water and beer at the end of the day. We also ask them and order pizza.
At the end of the day the guys doing to the are paid very little and making this a preferred job means they do a better job.
Bottles of water, if I have them. Normally I don't waste money on bottled water.
I also gave the guys working on my fence in the TX summer bowls of cold cut up watermelon.
In my area? I don't know. I certainly do. When they come in I show them my bathroom, the dining room so they know they can have lunch and I offer them lunch. In the summer I offer them a nice spot in the yard and say they can dip in the pool before they head out if they want.
Once I saw this cute Venezuelan guy take a picture of the lunches and desserts I made them. I was thinking he was either like, look at this weird food here in the US or thought it was nice. He spoke no English so I dont know.
Once I babysat one of their kids for the week. He was like 8 year-10 years old and spoke no English but I think he had fun!
Has anyone gone for a swim?
Never! I wish they would. I'd be so thrilled. For a decades I wanted a pool so bad, now I'm an adult and wanna share it with anyone that would appreciate it and I KNOW don't have that option. But I have served lots of meals.
I’ll offer a cold soda if someone is working on my property on a hot day. Also ask if they’d like iced water. I never thought about it but, as a custom, it may go back to America’s agricultural past when hired help were fed and otherwise provided for.
If they are working outside in the heat, I make sure they have cold water and some shade to take a break in.
I also leave a small cooler of water and Gatorade on my porch during the hottest days of summer for the mailman and delivery drivers.
No. We lock the doors snd make sure they don’t go anywhere near the house.
I’ve made sandwiches for workers who were at my house at lunch time. I always offer at least water.
Yes. Or at least water.
Yes. Here in Texas. I do it all the time. Now on the same hand my father was having a house built and too a 12 pack to the job site the end of each day and they built in a gun cabinet in his study for him. 😆
Yes it's common to offer any guest in your house a drink here
Yes, among a certain age group. I worked HVAC in Colorado, older retirees would often offer water or something else to drink. Younger people often didn't think to, but I don't think it was rudeness. Often it would be the wife that stayed around while I worked, and many gave me an "uncomfortable with a strange man in my house" vibe, which I always tried to respect, and others just saw I had my own supply of water.
No but, I do offer
Water and ice if they ask. They can use the first floor bathroom too. I don't really get giving them juice and snacks, they are grown adults who can take care of themselves. They get paid plenty and I show my gratitude for fast/quality work with tips in the end.
Yes. When I set out a pitcher of lemonade, I always serve myself a glass in front of them to put them at ease.
If I know they're coming in advance, I try to have sealed water bottles on hand.
Yes. Anyone who comes to my house is offered food and drink.
Usually bottled water/gatorade but I've also given someone a glass of sweet tea once (and gave the daughter of a friend who fixed my car in my driveway an ice cream)
Growing up in Arkansas we ALWAYS offered cold drinks during hot weather. Now I keep bottled water in the house if we have people working, but back then we’d offer sweet tea, water, lemonade, etc.
Yes. Usually bottled water, but tea is available if they like.
Southeast. Common and borderline expected.
I usually offer water, coffee, or an energy drink.
Usually offer water bc I don’t have much soda at home. Have offered coffee and even beer on occasions (end of the day, they worked really hard).
mostly in the suburbs but not really.
I don’t know if it’s normal but I’ll always lay out spread of cold drinks and snacks and order lunch for anyone working on my house.
And I do it for completely self-centered reason, in the hopes the minor investment in good will makes them less likely to cut corners on the project.
Yeah water is definitely the obvious choice (and in a bottle).
I think people that post in this sub watch a movie or show and think whatever someone does applies to the entire country. I do not know anyone that drinks sweet tea.
Yes, I don't know anyone who drinks sweet tea either. It's a foreign substance to me. I get iced tea in a restaurant, unsweetened.
Haha yeah same and I think this is the norm in most places.
I know folks from VA that drink sweet tea but nobody I know from up north.
I'm from Alabama, visiting my gf's family in Colorado I think I broke their brains by mentioning how to make sweet tea. Like, it was a completely alien concept to them
It is an alien concept to us.
From what I've seen there's practically more sugar than water in there!
I use a half cup to three quarters for a gallon of tea, and my family/ most people I know are out here using two cups! gawd damn
You have to think of it like a Coke or Pepsi more than like tea. Sweet tea is delicious, but you don’t want to drink only sweet tea.
I’m a northerner serving exile down south and even before I moved I was drinking tea like it was about to get dumped into the harbor.
I think it's big all over the south and even partially out West like here in Texas where every restaurant will have it.
Makes sense. Yeah I probably know people from the South as well that drink it. I have never seen it consumed around me in either the Northeast or the Midwest unless we are talking Brisk or Lipton processed tea in a bottle.
I love me some sweet tea
Yes, or coffee if it’s cold.
It's not unusual to offer a bottle of water or a Gatorade to whoever is working in the Florida heat
Last time people were working in my house we offered them coffee and pressed sandwiches which they gladly accepted.
I'm not offering any of my sweet tees. My collection took a while to build.
But I'll give them a glass of sweet tea, sure.
If they are doing lots of hard labor outside, I would offer them a bottled water or a bottled soda. I typically don't have lemonade on hand, and I'm a northerner so my iced tea is not sweet.
If they are doing something indoors that isn't terribly strenuous, I might or might not offer it, just depends.
This is what plastic cups or even bottled water is for. I use a Brita pitcher and plastic cups of someone is working on my apartment in the summer. They are my complex's maintenance people - would be kind of dumb to even think about poisoning them :D
I usually offer them a beer. But I suppose lemonade would play
It’s common to offer, but most professional crews are well stocked and tend to decline.
The more rural the community is, the more common that kind of thing (less professional, everyone knows everyone).
Sweet tea is super regional, it’s mostly exclusive to the south (east). Lemonade is more a universal.
Had our house reroofed in the heat of the Summer last year, and I left a cooler outside full of bottled water.
Bottled water or soda. I tend to put a variety in a cooler with ice for them to grab as needed if there is a crew working, if an individual I just offer singles.
Never lemonade or sweet tea, just unopened bottles of water or Gatorade. We don't even buy packs of water bottles, so before someone comes over to do work on our property, we usually go out to get some water bottles to give to the workers.
It's hot here. I always offer ice water, because that's what I would drink in the heat. I offer it to the poor Mormons going door-to-door, too. I don't want what they're selling, and I don't let them really chat with me. But I feel bad that they're out in the 105 degree heat for what amounts to a great big con.
If I have anyone at my house doing work for me, I definitely always offer them refreshment drinks.
all the time, it can get really hot here, how about offering them to use the bathroom, that would be another question.
No - not unless they ask for something.
I grew up in Michigan and usually we'd offer a bottle of water or a can of soda.
Yes, we always do. Sometimes we also buy them lunch!
Yes! Depending on how heavy or long the job is, I’ll buy them lunch too.
When I was a kid I used to but as an adult I only show hospitality for the guys working that I hired. I usually let them hook up to the electric, show them where the bathroom is, and coffee pot.
We also have a garage fridge and microwave so if they’re working outside they’re welcome to those as well
Yes, it's expected to both offer and if it's very hot actually bring them a cold drink without asking. No one hates you if you don't, but you will come off as having bad manners.
Even if it wasn’t I still offer bottled drinks. Either ice cold or room temp depending on their preference.
Not lemonade or soda, but water
I even give the UPS guy (shout out to Hernan) water or coke and sometimes cookies
My neighbor freezes two bottles of water and leaves them by his trash can during the summer.
Hernan deserves it!
I always offer water. I live in Florida so it’s always appreciated.
I always do. It's just nice to do.
I offer water personally. Usually bottled and sealed. I never have lemonade or sweet tea on hand since we don’t drink it.
I would hope this isn’t a regional thing and is much more of a basic human kindness thing?
The paid gardeners noticed I had a flat tire once and insisted on changing it to my spare.
That felt above and beyond. I really quick grilled them burgers as a thanks. And took condiment requests.
In the summer I usually have too many hot peppers and I know my Hispanic gardener appreciates them. I always snip him some for a take home.
Canadian here, depending on the season, I will offer cold drinks in bottles, and or coffee/tea, and always point to the bathroom if needed. It’s a small nicety that makes the folks working lives a bit better.
Not universal, but somewhat common, yes. I do it.
I have no idea how common it is in my state, but I'll offer a beverage and it's usually the closed and sealed bottle of waters or Gatorade that are more well received.
I guess I will be unusual here and say I have never offered hired people doing work at my home a drink.
I don’t know what other people do in the area.
I’ll offer them bottled water
It's fairly common in the rural area that I grew up in, but it's also an area where you know those people and/or you know their family.
Yes. Bottled drinks, maybe even snacks. If it's someone I actually know, not just a random company doing the work, I might order them pizza.
Definitely. Or, in the case of my mother, full meals. Or fresh baked cookies, or even meals to go.
Yes, very common. And at the end of the day, offering beer is totally acceptable.
Sure, not the tea, but lemonade or a Coke out of the fridge.
For OP: The reason tea (and coffee) are not as commonly offered in Utah is because members of the predominant religion here are told not to drink them or even keep them in the house.
Personally, I drink them and enjoy them (and the health benefits!), but I’ll offer a range of options, in case the worker isn’t a tea or coffee drinker.
Yeah, we will have drinks of different kinds in a cooler for them. Sometimes donuts or something too
I just offer them water, which I’ll offer to anyone who visits. I’ll offer a bottle of water, or water from the Brita.
I have worked on hundreds of homes over the years and it’s probably about 25% of home owners that offer you anything. I can tell you the offer even if it’s not excepted is much appreciated and will definitely reflect on how well things are cleaned up at the end of job.
I don’t think it’s either common or not common…if it’s a hot day I’ll say would you like a bottle of water or Gatorade or Pepsi or something?
But I’ll also offer solicitors a bottle of water on roasting hot days.
Its common in my state to spell it Tea instead of Tee, not sure if that answers your question
Yes, I always offer something bottled or canned. Coffee in the morning though. Southwest USA.
I have kept contractors provisioned with drinks and snacks, but not pitchers and cups if that's what you're imagining.
I don’t care where you live you should be offering. I have literally made dinner for a guy hooking up our internet and when I brought him a plate of food at 6pm he told me it was the first thing he ate that day.
If we have workers in the house I always have a space with snacks and various drinks. Treat your workers well.
Wow. If I was working in someone's house I'd be really weirded out if they cooked me a dinner. Wasn't that how Dahmler lured his victims?
The guy was working nonstop at our house for 6 hours. I kinda felt like he didn’t have lunch and offered him a plate that he happily accepted. He ate it in my laundry room where he was working. It was just spaghetti and sausage but I was already cooking for the family
Then you worded your own story wrong because you didn't make him dinner, you made you/your family dinner and then just offered him some of it.
That's very different than making dinner for him which is what you said.
I made enough for another person because he was in my house. Adding an extra portion to a recipe isn’t hard.
It's a rural country thing. But it's not uncommon in Texas cities.
My parents live in a small town. When they wanted to remodel their bathroom, they hired a guy from town. He was known for having quality work, but had recently struggled with the death of some family members and also with short, he was going through a rough patch.
He worked at my parents' home for weeks, and every day, they made him a hot lunch. Sometimes on a Friday, my parents would make extra food for him to take home for the weekend. He was so, so grateful for their kindness.
My parents now have a beautiful renovated bathroom, they helped out this man during a dark period of his life, and now they are friends. He is still invited to my parents' home now and then for companionship and food. Good ending for all!
Yeah, I always offer beer, and then usually a soda and or water bottled in a cooler.
Often I'll offer snacks and or weed/ my bong if they want to use that.
I also put my cat away however, I do ask people if they want to meet her since a surprising amount of people do want to meet my cat before they start working or when they're done haha
Used to when was younger. People still offer water and often bottled/canned drinks. Basically bottled/canned/sealed things people don't have to worry about having been contaminated or anything.
But yeah, it still is where I live in Texas.
Yes. And water from the faucet if you are on well water. And coffee. And booze after the job is mostly done.
I refill their containers with water when asked. Most of the workers I see have multiple large water containers in the back of the truck.
Last year a tree took out the power line behind my house. My mom was making the men working on it quesadillas and tacos for lunch, I put some cans of coke out for them too.
Yeah, it's seen as the polite thing to do. Last year some contractors were working to repair my roof. It was mostly during the day while I was at work but I'd brew them a pot of coffee before I left in the morning and left a case of beer on their final day.
I always offer the guys working for me water, or even a beer if it is the end of the day.
I always offer them something.
I’ve offered the guys delivering a fridge a loaf of jalapeño cheese bread before
I always offer bottled water at least.
My in-laws do this. They even give the garbage guys bottled water.
I think offering water is most common by me.
I've had to hire a tree service on a few different occasions to take down some dying trees on my property. I always put out a water jug of ice water with plastic cups, and a cooler with some sodas, plus a basket of some assorted granola bars. One time I made them fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies. I see no reason to not offer a little kindness to these hard-working people.
YES. I live in Texas. When it’s 105F and the electrician is crawling thru my attic, I definitely giving him a couple bottles of water.
We had a bad storm last year that took out lots of trees. Brush trucks were running for months after that. All day everyday during the heat wave that followed. Most these guys came down from up north and were struggling. One drove down my street and was beet red and looked like he was about to stroke out. I yelled at him to come over here, grabbed a few waters from my garage fridge for him and the guys on his truck, and some homemade pickles and pickle juice to keep them from passing out.
Couple years ago the cable company sent a guy out during the icepocalypse that shit down Texas. It was 0F with a negative teens windchill. You bet your ass I sent him on his way with a hot drink. And I fixed him a bowl of hot soup, that we had just finished cooking.
Southern hospitality won’t die in my household, dadgummit.
It's common in my state for contractors to make sure they bring their own beverages. It's a courtesy for folks that hire you to offer you refreshments.
Yep. We leave some snacks/water/gatorade/energy drinks out for delivery drivers as well.
It's polite to do. Most will turn it down for safety reasons. Bottled water is the best as it's safe for them and you if you have it. Some companies have policies against their workers accepting stuff to be safe while others it's just the persons preference.
I'm in West Tennessee, and it regularly gets over 100F in the summer. We have a second refrigerator in the garage that we store drinks in. If I have someone here working, I always offer water, Gatorade, etc, but always in a bottle, not just in a glass.
We offer bottles or cans of drink.
Yes, I always make sure to have a bottle of water to offer anyone who comes to my apartment to work. They never take me up on it, but I make sure to pick one up every time.
Yes, its also common to leave drinks and snacks out for delivery workers.
If I have people coming to work outside, I make sure I have a few different bottled beverages-water, soda, sports drinks, and a juice or two. My husband has a fridge out in his bbq area, so I just show them where it is & let them help themselves (my regular FedEx lady knows, too, and occasionally grabs a water)
I offer a bottle of water ot a coke. Florida here....folks need to stay hydrated.
Usually Gatorade and maybe lunch (their choice of burrito/tacos from mexican restaurant).
I usually offer a bottle of water when they’re done, but it’s refused more often than not.
Yes. I'm from Alabama.
Sodas, Gatorade, cold water- we even invite people inside to eat.
Doing construction for years yes it's very common. Not really so much the handmade drinks But drinks like soda and stuff is probably 80% of homeowners would offer.
I offer them bottled water. I wouldn't give them anything out of a glass...if I were working, I don't think I'd accept anything out of a glass.
We do. We have a fridge in the garage, it has bottled water, gatorade, etc. Very hot here in the summer, always offer cold drinks to anyone working here.
Yes, I offer drinks, toilet facilities, bug repellant, sometimes a cooler filled with ice and wet towels if it's hot to workers at my home. I live in the boonies back in the woods and have a tree service and a handy man service I depend upon for repairs and storm cleanups. They're small businesses. When I call them I want then to have good feelings about the work they did prior on our property, and be eager to come back because they know they will be treated right. I also pay cash, and tip enough they can get a nice lunch on me.
In the summer, yes. We don't use bottled water in our family (we have an RO system), but I always buy a case in the summer and keep several bottles in the fridge. I offer cold water to literally anyone coming to or even nearby our house. Amazon driver, door to door solicitors, etc. I even grab bottles when I drive in case I see anyone outside that needs one. Heat exhaustion/stroke and dehydration literally kills people here, so if I have water, I'll offer it to anyone in need.
In the winter, I don't usually stock bottles, so if I have a contractor over, I'll offer them a glass. It's usually turned down though.
I'd offer them a bottled water or a soda - something sealed, not a concoction I mixed up myself.
cold orange soda in a bucket of ice. gatorade or tang, also iced, and tea or soft drinks
I usually keep a pticher of Tang in the fridge when Astronauts are coming to install a new roof.
We just have one dude who does everything around here. He’ll just walk into my house if he needs water or the bathroom. We’re beyond needing to ask/offer. I will offer if I’m ordering a pizza or making coffee or recently baked cookies.
It kind of sounds like I’m referring to a husband here, so just to be clear, I’m not talking about a hen-picked husband lol.
Gatorade or Mountain Dew.
I normally just offer bottled water to anyone working on my house. No snacks or anything.
Water and Gatorade. I live on the coast and keeping hydrated during spring and summer is a big deal.
Bottle water is better. Someone might be diabetic, etc. I personally don’t drink sweet drinks at all as well as many people I know.
No, not common. People bring their own.
It’s just courtesy. I’m from up north so no sweet tea but bottled water, drinks and snacks, and use of my bathroom are always offered to the contractors doing work on my house.
I know people who refuse to let workers use their bathroom or even give them water. And some bosses tell their employees to not to use the homeowner’s bathroom. In that case, I let them know where the nearest convenience store or fast food restaurant is located.
Depends on how long they’ll be there. Someone delivering something or doing a small, short project, probably not, but if they’ll be there a while, absolutely.
Absolutely. I offer bottled drinks.
My mom always offered whatever pitcher we had made. Iced tea, lemonade, koolaide on occasion.
I had a crew of three guys working on the house for a week. I kept a well stocked cooler full of water, Gatorade, sodas, ice and beer. And I got them lunch everyday. Whatever they wanted. Screenshot your order on DoorDash and I’ll go get it for you. Those dudes busted their asses for me.
I'll typically offer them a bottle of water or soda or something. Something prepackaged/reclosable. Nothing home-brewed. Nothing in an open glass.
I used to do in-house computer repair stuff and always refused anything offered in a glass. Not that I'm trying to be a judgmental asshole or anything... But I don't know how you brew your tea, what goes into your lemonade, or when you washed that glass. And some of the houses I was visiting were genuinely nasty. Plus - I really didn't want an open glass next to the computer.
I'd accept stuff in a reclosable bottle since I knew it was probably safe, I could close the bottle to avoid spills, and I could take it with me when I was done.
Coke or water bottle.
I might offer them water or iced tea. Especially if it's hot out and they seem to be working hard.
I do. Usually bottles of water. If I happen to catch the UPS driver I always offer him a bottle of cold water because it gets stupid hot here in NC and those trucks are not air conditioned.
I do. I see many saying only bottled drinks but I don't often buy individually bottled drinks. I will offer a pitcher of lemonade, Gatorade, or a pot of coffee. Water too, of course, either a cup or they can fill up their bottle.
No it is not common. If someone offered me a sweetened drink, I would politely decline. I can not handle that much sugar. Unsweetened tea, coffee, or water is more common.
Yes, if they’re there fixing something for a long period of time it’s a polite thing to do to offer a drink.
We live in Florida- We bought our roofers ice pops and ice cream bars.
Yes. Usually water.
Water, but if we hire movers I'll buy some gatorades or bottled water. Those people work their asses off.
indiana - mixed.
where i grew up, you always offered a drink to someone visiting your home for any reason. not neccessarily someone just delivering info at your door, but if they stay on your property to work or enter your home to work, we offer a drink.
i don't know if collectively it's so common anymore...i've noticed that when i visit people socially, sometimes they neglect to offer something to drink.
i can only speak for myself, but i always offer drinks to people working on my property. that's how i was raised.
Not really, I always offer up bottled water to people working on my house when I have enough.
Of course.
We offer sweet tea, water, and we will bbq hot dogs or hamburgers at lunch and sometimes we will go to the bakery and buy an assortment of cookies
When I was growing up, it was water or tea that we served in our own glasses. Now it's bottled drinks.
The bottled drinks are better both for the fact they know it doesn't have something in it that they may be allergic to, plus they don't have to worry about making sure they don't break or lose the customer's container.
Last time we had work done on the house, I offered them beers on Friday afternoon.
Florida, especially in the summer, you bet we keep bottled water and Gatorade on hand for outdoor workers. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are real.
I had a neighbor in Ill that would leave 2 bottled waters in his garbage can for the trash collectors.
Primary_Ad_739@reddit (OP)
I would yes, it's how I was raised
Growing up my folks would order pizza and coke for the guys working on our house, when I have people come by my apartment I usually offer them bottled drinks
Xenia dictates you should at least offer a drink.
The guys who used to cut my lawn always made sure I was their last job of the day, as I used to leave them a cold six-pack of beer in lieu of a tip.
If it's someone who routinely does work at/on our house, I'll offer them beverages in cups and perhaps sandwiches or snacks I've made. We have a team of lawn maintenance guys, a duo that cleans our pool every week in the summer, an exterminator, and a plumber who visit on the regular.
If it's someone who has never worked here before or a delivery person I've never met, and the weather is hot, I offer a bottle of cold water or some other cold, non-alcoholic drink in a sealed bottle, because they don't know me and I want them to feel completely confident that what I'm offering them is safe.
Anyone who comes to the house that I interact with gets the option of a drink, whether they're a repair person, construction worker, mail carrier, ect. It's always a bottle of water or a can of soda of some kind. Of course, if someone asked for a glass of water and I was out of bottled, I'd offer it to them from the tap, but very rarely do people ask.
I once opened the fridge to grab bottled water for the guys who delivered some furniture for us and we were out so I offered them a beer. They were very appreciative. :)
I’m in a Mountain West state and offered a guy working on our furnace a piece of quiche I just took out of the oven and he seemed appreciative! My husband is an arborist and loves when people offer him food or drinks on the job.
I always offer water, especially on a hot day. The way I was brought up (in Hawaii) it is never wrong to be kind.
If it’s hot you offer then lemonade or something, if it’s cold you offer them coffee
I offer everyone who comes to work in our home something to drink. If it’s the morning I will offer coffee, we always have ice water, and we usually have some canned/bottled drinks in the fridge too. I don’t think it’s a state thing for me, I’m a native Californian and have also lived in New England. I just think it’s a nice thing to do. My husband is a landscaper so I like to put that good karma out into the world for him to get the same treatment.
If it's for an extended period of time that results in them sweating, I'll offer cold bottles of water.
When I was having my kitchen renovated I also bought the contractors subs for lunch from the good sub place on their last day as a thank you.
I don't know if it's common in my area or not, but I've always offered something-cold or hot drinks and if it's a long day, a small snack. I've done this in the several states I've lived.
I'm from the northeast. We gag on sweet tea. I usually offer water and gatorade to people working outdoors. I tell people working indoors to help themselves.
We have a fridge stocked with soda, water, snapple, and red bull in the family room.
On the hot summer day my roof was replaced, I offered the roofers each a cup of Italian Ice from our local place. There was a collective cheer "Helado!!" and they came down those ladders quick.
Sweet what? lol.
You, roll the things you put golf balls on in some sugar.
You're silly. We all know he meant the drink that soaks into a tee shirt and then squeezed into the cup
Would still taste better than Pepsi.
Yes very much so.
When I moved I loaded my new places with cold drinks and a basket of cookies. The movers were getting there before I was so I let them know in advance plus I left signs for them to help themselves.
It is common courtesy
Unopened bottle drinks and the toilet/fridge.
I'll grab a couple of cold soda cans for anyone working at the neighbors if I'm out mowing the lawn.
I am from Virginia and I have done this and will continue to do so. I think that it is polite to offer beverages, especially if they are working there for multiple days. I have even given plates of food that I made for dinner before.
Sweet tea is mainly a Southern drink. But, I offer people water or coffee if they are working at my house. At my job, we always offer bottled water. Once we had two guys doing outside work and it was sweltering. We brought them each three waters and told them to come in and sit as often as they needed to so they could cool off.
Yeah, I think that would be fairly common occurrance (Western PA). My mom has definitely offered cookies and stuff to workers too.
I always offer a soft drink, Gatorade, or the like. When my roof was redone, I put a cooler out with various drinks. They were all gone, which is great. It’s an easy way to extend kindness
Bottled water for sure.
I always offer bottled water or a can of soda.
It's pretty much just tap water or Diet Coke at my house, but yes if they are there for more than an hour or so, or if it's a very warm day and/or they seem hot.
I'd offer water. I have a lemon tree and make lemonade pretty often in the summer so I probably have offered that to someone but idk. sweet tea? no, I'm not a Southerner.
Its not necessarily common or uncommon.
If I have someone doing physical outdoor labor at my house, particularly on a hot day, it would be polite to offer them water or Gatorade or something similar. But it is by no means expected.
This is more common for more informal work than for professional / technical services.
Making a pitcher of sweet tea is (/ used to be?) common in the South, so I could see that being more of a thing there than elsewhere.
I offer, but rarely have seen it accepted. They always have their own
I do if they are here for a good amount of the day.
Water, and yes, at least in the area I live in. I've been doing that since the 90s.
I live in New Orleans, it's usually hot as hell here. I typically try to offer water or a sports drink in the summer. My Very British Husband always offers tea or coffee.
I do ask them if they want something cold to drink, I work outdoors and appreciate when others ask me
I think you meant sweet tea, and no one around here drinks that. Lemonade is mostly for children.
As far as contractors, movers or anyone else being paid to do work, we will offer them a bottle or can of water, seltzer, coconut water or something similar. Would never serve anyone lemonade or sweet tea.
If it’s hot, I’ll offer water, but generally if it’s hot those people know it and have a cooler full of Gatorade or something because if they didn’t people would literally die. The heat kills people here.
I usually put a case of water our for them.
I usually offer “can I get you a bottle of water or something” and have brought out a cooler full of those little Gatorade bottles when there was a lot of work outside on a hot day
I usually offer them water
Common enough
I usually put out a cooler of water and sports drinks. Absolutely the norm.
Not really. I mean I will offered bottled water, but not anything that’s not in a sealed container.
If someone is doing work for you the least you can offer is a cold drink. If its a big job they will probably get food after its done.
I don't think so. I don't really have "property" in this sense, but people who work outside usually bring their own beverages.
I always offer workers a drink, or fridge space, or even the bathroom if they need it.