Anyone else get massively outraged by the "Oh while you're here" guy?

Posted by GhostNode@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 211 comments

/me: budgets 30 minutes for something that should take 12-15. Calls the user, accomplishes the goal in 15 minutes. Cool, I've got time to refill my coffee and make that 9:30 meeting in 10 minutes.
"Oh, while I've got you, why does ____ happen all the time? Oh hey, yeah, also, could you help me change my outlook signature? Ah hey, thanks, yeah and, well, you see that green thing? yeah its more lime green than bright green now, is that normal?"

I know I'm kind of being a wound-up IT guy, but if you ask me to assist with a thing, I'm preparing and budgeting time for, that thing. Respect my time and either submit a comprehensive list of tasks or issues initially, or follow up and reschedule with additional items.