How do I make deep friendships in the uk?

Posted by Guilty_Steak_6624@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 2 comments

Some context:

So I've basically spent my entire life moving around and living in different cultures. Having westernised friends and then immigrant parents and then changing countries so frequently growing up.

I'm in uni and I've made a few decent friends from uni but I feel like I can't really relate to most of the kids at university other than the fact that I'm also a student but I've found even that isn't enough for me to form a deep bond which is anchored in something strong.

Asides from university life, I found a nice local community made up of British POCs and some internationals who run local community programs so I get involved there every week which is cool since it's a really diverse group.

I've done all the traditional advice like going to society events, clubs, hobbies etc however what I've noticed is that the interactions feel very superficial/surface level to me.

, despite the connections I have, I'm still longing to feel understood or validated by someone? Is this something that gets amplified as you move around especially in ur mid 20s??

My personality feels dispersed/fragmented. Sometimes I'm irish, other times I'm an international, or just a minority depending on who I interact with. I feel like an outsider looking in, at alot of social circles. The good friends that I've made, I've noticed are like from different backgrounds and I noticed my personality shifts to be more like them.

What I've noticed is that I tend to get along the most with people who grew up like me either in the sense that they had immigrant parents or moved to England at a later stage in life and were born somewhere else.

Anyone else feel like this aswell? Or some advice on how to deal with this internal crises? Thanks