How many bin bags do you go through before bin day?
Posted by Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 85 comments
My bin is basically full the day after bins get collected, I think i go through about 4 and a half bins a week
Is this normal?!? I live in a flat now and we have to leave bin bags outside a public bin for them to get collected early monday morning.
we don’t have any communal place to send them, so I have to harbour all my mid-week trashbags and secretly send them to a private bin in the middle of the night like a criminal ninja
Check if your council do nappy collection? Ours are seperate (purple bags collected once a week and most times I see them the bag is about a third full)
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
I haven’t heard of nappy collection in my life, checked my council website and they don’t have much in terms of getting waste management services around here
Looking at replies this has to be a troll
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
I am not trolling ? I genuinely use around 4 rubbish bags a week I don’t know how it’s hard to fathom
Family of four. One bin bag per week. The rest is in the recycling. Most of our waste is cardboard to be honest. 4 and a half does seem a lot. What is most of the waste?
I’m probably an insufferable middle class twat now I think about it…
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Costco water bottles, baby nappies.. milk, takeaway bags and packages, leftover food….. we don’t seperate our recycling though so it all goes in one bin
What the fuck stop buying water bottles and takeaways... and stop wasting so much food! What the hell!
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
I don’t like to drink my tap water as it tastes bad and i have a baby so i can’t cook every day, are we supposed to starve and dehydrate??!
You think your only two options are stare or takeaway, and dehydrate or bottled water?
Fuck me how thick are you.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Someone woke up with a stick in their ass
Honestly the amount of **** that comes out of babies this isn’t that much. We went up to three bin bags of literal shit when ours were little.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Not to mention theres probably a rotten nappy hidden under the crevices of my sofa that I don’t know about too hahahahaha
There are cheaper and less wasteful ways to get better water. Ignoring the shouting something like Brita would do the same job for less cash and less plastic.
Get a Brita water filter? My bf doesn’t like the taste of our tap water but is happy with that.
Op will be buying a new Brita every week, just wait and see.
Why does having a baby mean you can't cook? Must cost you a fortune
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
We own a restaurant so partner brings food from there most nights, or fast food if we crave it
You can try a water filter if the water really is that bad. But most water in the UK is very potable.
You absolutely can cook every day, even with a baby. I know from experience. You also have a partner who I'm sure can help to cook too.
There's also making larger portions so you have extra for another day, reducing the number of times you cook each week.
At least recycle the stuff you can
There's your answer then
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
I assumed 4 bags a week was the normal until now
I think it was a fair question to ask and you may be getting a somewhat unfair roasting.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
I think so too
I’m solo in my flat, and I don’t make any efforts to reduce my waste though I do recycle everything I can except food waste (I don’t like using the food bins). I have a small bin that is 22L and I genuinely fill only one of those per week. On collection day (bi-weekly), my black bin is less than 1/3 full. I do however have two full recycling boxes that get collected every week.
With a baby and a partner your wastage will be much more but you clearly need to start recycling everything you possibly can. If not for your own inconvenience of not having the bin space, then for the environment!
I'd look into just starting recycling, it really is something that everyone should do.
I do soft plastic recycling also & that cuts it down even more for general bins.
I was about to write exactly this (the whole thing, not just the twat bit)
That's a lot!
I forgot to put the bins out over new year, so they will go next week. We have black bags collections once every three weeks. I will have 2 black bags to go out. I might fill 1 in a 3 week period, but rarely do.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
I can’t fathom it, i always have rubbish but to be fair my partner is always ordering takeaway since im too busy with my baby to cook meals
All the takeaway packaging here is recyclable. Everything that possibly can get washed and recycled does. I only black bag soft plastic and tissues really.
My and my bf and we fill a black bag every 4-6 weeks. We do put out plastic, cardboard, food and glass in separate bins in between. Do you recycle?
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
No i don’t recycle unfortunately, i did it when i lived in a proper house but where i live now its just not feasible
Sounds like it's not feasible for you to not recycle TBH.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
I just can’t… i cant get a recycling bin into my kitchen, nor my hallway, outside of my flat im the first house infront of the stairway so i cant even leave anything outside my door, theres no bins for the residents either we literally just have to put our black bin bags out for binmen once a week. If i put all our cardboard outside on sunday night for the binmen the next day, it’d have flown out into the main road anyway
Our flat is too small for recycling bins inside. We use plastic bags for life for our recycling and take them out when we do the other bin once a week. We put command hooks on the wall to hang them from so they don't take up as much space. My in-laws collect their recycling under their sink. You may need to get a bit creative.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
No space under sink or any compartment in my kitchen, i do put cardboards in plastic bags occasionally but my partner ends up throwing it in with the other bins so
Absolutely baffling the landlords/building owners don’t have communal bins especially recycling at this point
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
We live above businesses.. restaurants shops etc so below and behind us is their property, I honestly have no idea the situation with recycling, all i know is that everyone puts their bin bags on the street as nobody has wheelie bins and recycling
Are there recycling bins at your flats. Like down stairs? Or just ones for your black bags? I have a friend with a tiny flat and she still manages to do it.
Two adults, one baby;
Militant with recycling. I break down all cardboard and store it in one of the bigger food packaging boxes (like a cereal box for example-stuff it with all the thin cardboard) separate my plastics etc, I flatten huge milk bottles. We don't buy many bottles aside from big milk so it's mainly sauce bottles etc.
Black bin waste; this is how I get further; all food packaging bags etc I roll up and tie into knots to reduce the size (also I hate to think of some critter getting trapped in a discarded veg bag for example). I put used poo nappies into bread bags for example tied in a knot so no smell. Fruit nets get tied into as many knots as possible.
Black bin waste is only really nappies and food packaging tied in knots.
Food scraps go into food bags for food bin.
Takes a good week or so to fill one bin bag.
We save all delivery bags to put nappies into if we run out of bread bags.
Does help that I used to work hospitality and it was drummed into us to flatten and compress cardboard/stuff especially to save bin men costs.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Hi, wish i had your patience, i just throw everything in as is, but to be fair i think thats why it gets full so quickly.
Glad you understand me with the last part, even if i tried to recycle its just not possible where i live
What are you filling these bin bags up with?!
We have 1 or 2 bin bags in two weeks, bi-weekly collection. Household of two.
Separate food (weekly collection) and recycling collection
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Nappies, water bottles, takeaway packaging, leftover cooked food etc
There's normally 2 of us, 3 at the moment as we have a guest we do one black sack and one orange recycling a week.
Two people, two 40 ltr pedal bin bags per fortnight.
We get black bag pickup once a fortnight, maximum of three bags and we normally put out 2. That’s for a 2 person household.
We get free recycling bags for paper/metal/plastic/glass/food and it’s unlimited how many of them they’ll pick up.
It was one every 2 weeks (2 adults) that wasn't even full. Then we got 2 cats who primarily use a litter tray, so it's a lot more.
General waste barely one black bin bag a fortnight. Cardboard wheelie bin I could probably go two months without needing it emptying. Plastic/cans wheelie bin... Depends how much I've been drinking. Could be well over half full in two weeks, could be not much. Food, one small carrier bags worth a week.
Just me most of the time.
You need to grow up and start recycling its 2025.
Single with a dog, we create 2 carrier bag fulls of rubbish a week maximum, the rest is recycled. Doesn't your council provide recycling bins/tubs or bags?
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Nope, no council bins at all, just have my own bin in my kitchen, and i either chuck it into a private big bin owned by one of the businesses nearby or on Sunday nights on the street for bin men…
Well your first option there is called fly tipping, unfortunately. Which council is it? They've all got recycling targets so must be able to provide you with something.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Birmingham city council, not sure about their targets but my neighbours have to do the same as me and they’ve been living here for years and years so i don’t think there’s any other option for us
From the Birmingham city website; '
About your recycling bin
The lid of your recycling bin is blue.
If your property is not suitable for wheelie bins, you will have a recycling box.'.
Call them, ask for bins or boxes.
We fill one 50ltr bin bag over 7-10 days.
We recycle and compost everything we can.
About 3 black bin bags over the two weeks between collections. That's 2 people
Where I live we have collections every 2 weeks, it's a nightmare - introduced to try and increase recycling.
Imagine the huge backup when I forgot to drag my bins 3m to the roadside, when I usually fill the bin past bulging.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
That sounds so horrible, we always forget to take our bins out before collection anyway, thank god we have the private bins nearby LOL
Family of 4 with young kids, we tend to use about 2 bin bags a week, before the kids we wouldn't fill one in a week.
Depends on the size of your bin, obviously. What size binbags are you buying?
I have a rubbish bin and a recycling bin under the sink. The rubbish is 15l, and the recycling is 30l, and they're both full about every 36 hours.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
60L bin, we use heavy duty bin bags not sure of the size sorry
It's a lot, but not really surprising if you're doing nappies too, that's going to be about 50% of the rubbish in itself.
Apparently bin is a standard unit of measure.
How big are these bin bags? Our household of 2+1cat goes through around two 50-litre bags every 2 weeks, which is how often our black bins get collected. The rest of our waste is recyclable and recycling in coloured boxes gets collected weekly and rarely is filled up.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
Heavy duty binbags unsure of the size into a 60L bin
One big bag a week, We fill the recycling bin far quicker. We could easily go a month between normal bin collections.
45l bin in kitchen, weekly collection, household of one plus pets. I empty the dog/cat poo bin (it's one of those angelcare nappy bins and I keep it in the garden) into the kitchen bin just before putting it out and it's still not full. Reduce, reuse, recycle - in that order.
Probably average 12 full size bags per week, for a household of 4.
Interesting-Rip-9073@reddit (OP)
It makes me feel better that im not the only one generating that much rubbish 🤣
Not very many, I don't take it out as often as I should, Just let it get full until there's zero space left for anything else. Depression is a bitch.
2 people with many guests.
I consider it a bad fortnight if the black bin is more than 1/3rd full, unless you have something that came in polystyrene.
We pack it loose into the wheelie bin, not in bags.
We are allowed 3 black bags in 3 weeks since they stopped wheelie bins (recycling is still weekly)
We have two bags a week usually (5 in the house) plus a few recyybags each week
You need to review your recycling approach. That’s a ridiculous amount of refuse for one person.
Unless your binbags are the size of a crisp packet.
A bag a week? Usually not even a full one
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Black bins, about 1 bag every month. Household of 2
We have half a bag of general waste for two weeks. Instead of getting our wheelie bin out, I put it in a neighbour's bin. Our recycling wheelie is full after two weeks. Food and kitchen waste goes in our compost pile.
On average 2-3 bags every 4 weeks (2 collections) for two people.
That doesn't include cat poop bags or used litter which go straight in the wheelie bin.
Black bags? The two of us use one every two weeks! What in god's name are you doing to create that much rubbish?!
Maybe 3/4 of a bag
I've got 2 large bins and we fill both of them every fortnight, usually around 10 bin bags.
What on earth are you doing that generates that much waste?
Not normal, how do you generate so much rubbish?
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