Do you think drinking alcohol should/will go the same route as smoking has?

Posted by woolyweasel@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 85 comments

As we all know, there's been loads of research done about how cigarettes are bad for your health and subsequently we've all seen a big rise in vapes, which is meant to be better (time will tell).

I read a few reports saying that no amount of alcohol is good for you and that they did a study and the old 'a glass of red wine a day is good for you' isnt true. So, I'm surprised how the claims that alcohol is essentially a poison and no amount is good for you, isnt being promoted by the msm, like smoking has, to try and cut alcohol related deaths, illnesses and make people healthier.

Do you think more of these 'alcohol is bad' reports and stories will be pushed by the media and the NHS? Can you see alcohol being demonised in a similar way that smoking has?