Yes. The NYT Strands labelled us as "Generation Gap".
Posted by RattledMind@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 106 comments
Console yourselves here.
Posted by RattledMind@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 106 comments
Console yourselves here.
Good for them. How about Generation Fuck Off? I feel like it's more appropriate but probably not printable.
I told a co-worker yesterday that IF I'm ever single in the future, I'm going to hole up in my house with my cats and have a big sign saying F@#$ Off on the door.
My doormat says "go away"
Generation Fick Off should be a flair.
Did it work? You can edit the flairs.
Sure did!
Lookin’ good
I vote we stick with this henceforth.
for real.
Generation Gap was the subject. They just didn’t include us.
Honestly, it makes sense. They can’t just have a random X in there, and they can’t have the word generation twice.
But I’m kind of a tough Gen Xer, so maybe I’m just not inclined to whine about something as small as this.
Besides, everyone would think they were talking about the twitter.
To me, one of musk’s biggest self-owns: we all still qualify X with (formerly Twitter) so everyone knows what the hell we’re talking about.
I refer to it as Xitter - pronounced shitter.!
😄👍💪😁 And now, so do I!
I was looking for genx as answer.
The thing that bothers me about it is that we’re always hearing about Boomers being retired and “taking everything” and Millennials being screwed over as the “next” generation to retire. So Gen X can just get EXTRA screwed over when it comes to any laws made around Medicare and Social Security (in the US, of course) because no one will even keep us in mind a little bit.
All political posts must be in the moderator designated threads only.
This is just a word puzzle.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
Yep that was the spanogram, not a name for X
Right. Kind of feels like OP isn’t a regular Strands player.
I tried to post about GenX being forgotten in Strands, and the mods banned my post. Still don't know why
This is untrue. Removal reasons are posted in the removed thread.
Well, it could be I didn't know where to find the reason. It just had a circle with a slash through it that said removed by genx moderators. But it's all good. Whatever, right,?
Im more than happy to be forgotten, I don't know what everyone is whining about.
Right? My wife wrote a letter of complaint to the NYT. I just laughed and to myself said, Whatever man.
It’s the running joke for us to be invisible. We are the John Cena generation and I’m on board with it.
I mean, really. They can’t have a random X floating around in the board. It wouldn’t work.
Being forgotten is kinda the point. Other gens need to be less mirror-gazing, more outward-looking.
We're the gap generation, meaning we were skipped over. Not gap generation, as in a stupid mall store brand
That was the theme. Gen X wasn't an answer. Neither was Gen Z.
Gen Z was Zoomers
I didn't find this post until I bitched about the same thing.
No, it's worse -- they left us off entirely!
The one that spans the whole puzzle is the cutesy name/description of the puzzle, not one of the elements.
They included every living generation except ours.
Silent generation (the one between Greatest and Boomer) was left off as well.
Good catch!
I always confuse them with Greatest, thinking it's all one huge generation with two different names.
I also used to confuse them -- similar how we get lumped in with Boomers? (Love your username, btw. Great show!)
Oof. But but but -- that's because Greatest/Silent are two really old generations that nobody really cares about anymore.
That's not like us and the Boomers, right? Right??
As an avid denialist myself, I’d love to agree with you, but no one *ever* really cared about Gen X. And now that we’re old, we’ve spiraled further into irrelevance. Given that we’re X, it’s likely that we’ll be uncared about to a degree unmatched by previous generations. The bright side of all this is that once we reach “peak irrelevance” our generation will collapse into a void of nothingness, and we will finally achieve Nirvana. In the meantime, we can always fall back on “whatever.”
Who? What?
Whatever. nevermind
Happy cake day!
It's a NY Times word game. The theme was generations and the words to find were - Zoomer, Boomer, Alpha, Millennial, Greatest, and then the theme word(s) to find were Generation Gap. Since it listed almost all other generations that people talk about, I guess we're considered the generation gap.
Maybe generation types cycle, because the Silent Generation gets forgotten a lot, too.
yep, the Silent Gen and Gen X were both skipped. Fitting since for many of us Xers, the Silent Gen is our parents.
Yep, mine were.
Sounds like they were just using “generation gap” in its usual meaning as a term related to misunderstandings between generations, not as a replacement for Gen X. They forgot us, as usual.
Really interesting how there were no babies born from the late 1960s to early 1980s, though. Just no babies at all. You’d think that would have been big news at the time. Hmmm…
Yes, that's what they were going for. The game has one word or phrase that's the theme of the puzzle. We did indeed get forgotten again.
Meh, I've never even heard of NYT Strands so whatever.
Was going to post about this myself. Just now finished the strands game and had a good laugh about it. We truly are the forgotten generation. Smh.
No, Generation Gap was the theme. Gen X was missing.
I read it (Reddit?) as we aren’t even mentioned, “Generation Gap” being the theme, or “spangram”. And what the hell is a “Zoomer”?
How many posts did you have to remove, u/RattledMind ?
I think I saw at least five of 'em earlier, lol.
We all know irony was a thing Gen X valued and so was this song.
Fitting, right?
"We are the forgotten." Mog Stunt Team, 1996.
RattledMind@reddit (OP)
I lost count.
Not being involved in mass media culture wars is the gift that keeps on giving. Just shush and maybe can continue to slip by unnoticed...
Whatever. Belt it and cinch it I guess.
I saw that this morning and thought-whatever.
I mean we let the boomers fuck us and now the millennials are jumping into leadership roles. We got skipped
If I cared, it would be off brand.
How old was the person that wrote it?
Our generation is about to be fucked. Boomers are a huge generation. So are Millennials. We are SMALL relative to both.
Boomers have spent 30 years fucking us and the successive generations, AND refusing to retire and get out of the way for us. They're blocked all the positions we should have. By the time they go, we're going to be considered "too old" for those positions and basically passed over.
So Millennials are about to be in charge. Millennials were dealt a shitty hand by the dotcom bubble, the 08 financial crisis, Covid, and the general hollowing out of the economy started by Reagan but really turbocharged by Bill Clinton and W. They are furious at the shitty start they've had and the mess they have been left. Who do you think they're going to take it out on? Who do you think they're going to cut, cut, cut what they're willing to be pay for? Unlike Boomers who were a huge generation and could count on a large political block, we're small and won't be a large block relative to Millennials and Z.
I don’t think you are understanding what conversation is happening here.
I do, and we're about to be forgotten when Boomers finally get out of the way, and forgotten (or worse) when it comes to us getting old. We've been saddled paying for Boomers, and we're about to get hosed yet again.
It’s a word puzzle. It wouldn’t work to have an X all by itself in the word puzzle that requires at least four letters to be an answer. It also wouldn’t work to have “Generation X” because the word “generation” was already included in the spangram. This is about the logistics of constructing word puzzles. It’s pretty simple.
RattledMind@reddit (OP)
Dude, there are 65 million GenX in the US to the Boomers 71 million and Millennials 72 million. Yeah, we're smaller, but it's not like Gen X is an insignificant number. Every political point you made impacted every generation. So chill. If you want to have a political discussion about it, either go to the designated thread, or post in r/GenXPolitics.
All political posts must be in the moderator designated threads only.
GenX to the NYT:
It is what it is. For me it started back in high school. We had an assignment to write on our thoughts about the Cold War and nuclear war. I turned mine in blank with just my name. My teacher asked why and I told her I didn’t care. How were we supposed to survive a bomb under our desk as well as the fallout? I’d rather be flashed and gone than to deal with the aftermath.
That's really insulting, even for normal generational contexts.
If you want to let them know your displeasure, you can e-mail them at
Please do not go to NYT and whine about this. It’s beneath us.
It's unacceptable that the Greatest Generation, born a century+ ago, gets included and we get left out.
RattledMind@reddit (OP)
Go find a mirror in your house, and ask yourself if this is the hill you want to die on today.
Whining about this is legitimately the least Gen X thing ever, especially considering the whole mythos is we're not supposed to care.
I think you're greatly over-estimating the size of this hill. We're talking about a 30-second e-mail to a generalized inbox.
I don't need you to validate my place in my generation, and nobody asked or gave you the role to do so.
Although FWIW, we're also independent and against conformity of opinion, so me bending to your browbeating would also be incredibly non-GenX.
RattledMind@reddit (OP)
You're greatly making a mountain out of molehill.
Asking you to reflect is in no way browbeating you. Knock it off with the victim complex. It's a NYT game, not an inquisition. If you can't take a moment to chill out, then I can help you out with that.
Why don't you adopt the refined indifference you're trying to preach at me and move along.
RattledMind@reddit (OP)
You literally came in here, in a huff, and asked people to brigade the NYT. Chill out.
Although if you want to browbeat on people "whining" about this, there's other examples right here in this thread you could try jumping on.
To be fair, genx is not a word, nor even is generationx, so they really didn't have much to work with.
That's on society for continuing to fail to give us a meaningful name that isn't a recycled term originally used for Baby Boomers. I feel enough time has passed that we can be called the Computer Generation or the Atari Generation. Think we're the lazy generation? Everyone else still refers to us as a placeholder.
No complaints but stop mentioning us.
Sorry, but I love being invisible. Lol
Don't bring unnecessary attention to us!
I’ll take it.
Should rename from X to Whatever.
Works better in puzzles.
They didn't label us that -- they left us out.
I'm so gap, wtf is NYT Strands?
I never wore anything from the gap
Lol I posted the same, I didn't take it as them calling us the generation gap, but maybe you're right.
RattledMind@reddit (OP)
It's a matter of perspective.
To be fair, we don't have a catchy nickname like Boomer or Zoomer. Our marketing stinks, lol.
Guess I’m not doing today’s puzzle now. Thanks for the spoiler.
Don’t care.
Was that not the point? Don't tell me that you're just now feeling neglected and forgotten. Better Generation: Gap than to have another Gen Z try and pick a fight for social media. I chose peace and obscurity.
We are that gap - between the generations who get all the blame and the generations doing the blaming.
We avoided Vietnam. We had a lot of freedom to dress how we wanted and listen to what we liked. Civil rights were better than before and women had gained legal equality, if not equal advantages.
True, we didn't the overwhelming advantage of the Boomers who competed against Europe and Asia when they were devastated from WW2. But we had the Internet, the web and then the first tech boom - a third of my class founded or joined a startup and there were still plenty of careers - those wanted a stable, long term job could find one.
They say the greatest generation resented the boomers for having it easy. And the boomers seemed to resent the way we could change companies or start our own... but there is a resentment gap too - why should we resent the the millennial generation or the Alphas or the Z's?
True, they have cool toys like smartphones and big TV's but so many of them have crippling debt and/or uncertainty about employment even housing. Even democracy is in great peril.
All in all, GenX got a fair enough deal.
Its OK if they call us the gap or whatever, we mainly just need to be left alone and we'll be fine.
I typed a whole reply and deleted it. Meh.
I hate my generation, I offer no apologies.
No, we just aren’t mentioned.
I noticed that too! I was like, did they just skip Gen X? Or are we the "Generation Gap"?
I got to see the Moon landing as a preschool child and Hubble as a young man and possibly a mission to Mars in my old age. Yeah, I'm just this gap.
Omg, that was my first thought playing this morning! “We’ve been forgotten again. Oh well!” 🙂
Yeah, my wife and I noticed. I think I said to her “so typical that GenX is the one generation not mentioned in this.” 😂
lol I was wondering what the heck that meant
I had this on a Frankie Relax style tee. Got asked not to wear it at work, lol.
I thought it was cute/cheeky. It plays right into our persona as a generation. 🙂