ULPT unethical way or technique you made loads of money
Posted by Parking-Chef9175@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 100 comments
Posted by Parking-Chef9175@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 100 comments
scamming old people
Pelosi taught me this one simple trick that federal insider trading investigators don't want you to know. Click here.
Parking-Chef9175@reddit (OP)
Tells us my man
I learned how to twist balloon animals. I charged about $4 to 500 a party for 2-3 hours and 90% of the time, the first thing I made was the thing that all the other kids wanted. I would always start with a balloon sword which is an easy thing to make. The kids would just fight each other with them until it popped and then I'd just make them another one. It's so much fun for me and the kids, but I felt like I was robbing these people. Great side hustle.
How is this unethical? You were a clown for hire, that's just a job.
Who said I was a clown? I wore street clothes. It felt unethical to me because my advertising showed crazy complicated balloon art, but then I gave them balloon swords.
I guess that’s just business, and the ethical part is a matter of perspective.
I mean, that sounds really close to clown work. Idk. I juggle and sometimes involve other props so in my mind it's just clowning really. I don't get paid tho.
Okay the false advertising is slightly shady lol grifter clown
It does sound like “clown work” I guess so much as security guard work sounds like the FBI.
I tend to think of clowns as wearing full makeup and costumes. Some clowns do twist balloons too, but most don’t.
I only ever did balloon twisting so I never considered myself a full fledged clown.
I was certainly capable of more complex balloon art, but I would steer the children to wanting balloon swords because they’re easier to make. That’s the unethical part.
I don’t know why people are replying to you trying to force the idea that you were a clown or babysitter 😂 it’s really fucking bizarre.
I’m an average member of the public, I also consider a clown to be in full makeup and costume. Literally type in the word clown into google images, they all look like Ronald Mcdonald. Don’t they usually do a variety of performance acts too? Babysitters generally don’t have hundreds of balloons in their bags.. and also the parents are not usually 1 meter away from their babysitter the whole time, that would defeat the purpose of paying for a babysitter. People are stupid as fuck.
IDK either. Most people like you get it though. I was a “balloon twister”. Being a clown is really, really hard and I could never do that. I just don’t have it in me.
You were definitely just a balloon twister. But it’s likely just insecurity on their part, makes them feel better to try make you feel “embarrassed” about what you used to do for a living. Like “haha you were a clown who does that for a job”. Or “haha you were a babysitter like a teenager”. Usually people like this are actually embarrassed about what THEY do for a living so they project this insecurity onto others.
You were a babysitter. Those cost a lot of money.
Babysitters are responsible for the children they watch. All I did was make balloons.
I think you're right, just a job. It is however unethical to have a boner while you're entertaining kids
Hey, maybe the balloons were stolen. That’s unethical
Are you located in a somewhat affluent area?
Yes, New Jersey.
That’s not unethical
$14k abusing sports betting app promos. One site I was able to use the same promo in like 10 states.
Ripping off gambling agencies is very ethical.
Not only ethical recommended
Can you give an example? On like fanduel or something? Are the promos still active? Lol
Only attempt it if you have some money to risk, have a basic understanding of EV, and you're able to delete the app after you've cleared the bonus. Sports betting will break you if you have gambling issues.
I did all the major sites, all betting random games and parlays. I ignored the smaller shady looking sites.
Most promos involve you getting free play tickets after your first bet. With one you bet $5, get $200 in bets. So just bet $5, then use the tickets. The longer the odds the better your EV, so I was doing 4 different 5 to 1 long shots. On average I should win 1 of them to get $200.
In others, if you lose your first bet you get a free bet for equal value. You can either bet long shots and hope to win one, or if you don't want to lose you can bet both sides of an even odds bet on different sites. So you bet $1k for the Lakers to win on BetMGM, $1k for them to lose on Caesars. You'll win one of those bets to get about $1950 back, and get a $1k free play on the other.
Less common is deposit matching. You deposit X amount, they match it.
Make sure you read the rules. Some states don't allow promos, and sometimes there's a playthrough requirement. Like they match your deposit but you have to bet it 5 times before you withdraw. Casino games and fantasy sports usually have this. Don't do it if it's more than 1x playthrough.
You can have one account per adult in your household, and you used to be able to do one Caesars account per state but I don't know if that still works.
Would you register under your same name in a a different state for the same betting website? Did a VPN work or would you physically have to be in that state or use a separate device?
You have to physically be in the state when you place the bet. They ping your phone's location.
Caesars has a different site for each state. I would just create a new login each time I visited a new state. I did get a message at one point saying they unified the logins so that may mean you can't use the same promo in multiple states any more. 2 years ago when I did this you could.
Sports betting responses always get people in this sub going 👀👀👀👀
If you don't have money to risk, it isn't for you lol
There's a reason they offer such good sign up bonuses. They know enough people will get hooked.
Very, very few people actually make money betting straight up. Get in, get the bonus, delete the app.
I'm trying to remember the sub that follows all the different promotions of banks and their promotions for opening accounts that people follow to do essentially the same thing. That can be tracked though and you can be denied eventually for opening to many account but as for sports betting, shit, try your luck and do it as much as you can if they let you lol
You got my attention.. in a good sense
Crypto exchange logs ez money
Oh sounds fun. I too wouldn’t mind if you could elaborate. Thanks!
I have a free method posted on my profile and i recruit for a cut too:) ur welcome
I’ll check it out! Thanks!
Can you elaborate?
Friend and i drove people home after university parties for a min flat rate plus w.e.they wanted to give. We made so much money it was ridiculous! started doing the same thing for hosted parties and events. Stopped when our real job hours started getting in the way
Donated a bunch of other people's plasma.
How did you get it
how do you preserve unethically obtained plasma? and how do you trick an agency into accepting street plasma?
I didn't say I sold/donated it to an agency. More of a "direct to consumer" scenario, cutting out any issues with preservation or agencies.
lol were you selling it to fetishists or witches?
There's a mutual unspoken agreement of not asking questions. I'm just your friendly neighborhood plasma procurer, they are just your run of the mill recreational plasma consumers.
extra unethical points if you just sold them bags of dehydrated pee? because whooo weee
this is a great one
You can do the same with semen.
Yeah but the extraction process is a lot harder...or at least you want it to be.
Friends and I found a bug in a retail stores POS system. Abused it for six figures worth and then it got patched.
Won’t go into too much detail but here goes:
We worked at a big box retail store. Employee discount was something insane so certain items we sold for $100 cost us $5 with discount. Friend discovered that when you returned something at customer service there was a 15-20 min window where the transaction was in limbo and the system didn’t see the receipt item as returned. So here’s what we did:
Buy 3 items with discount for a total of $15. Buy same item without discount for $100.
Total out of pocket: $115.
Friend 1 would go to store location 1 Friend 2 would go to store location 2 Friend 3 would go to store location 3 Friend 4 would go to store location 4
We all had to be in sync and at the stores at the same time.
Friend 1 would use the receipt of the item at full price to do a return. As soon as return processed message was sent to initiate returns.
Friend 2-4 had copy of the same receipt for full price item and was given full refunds each. So all said in done, friend 1 got full refund of $100. Friend 2-4 each got $100 refund. When it was said and done we would end the day with $400 in cash that cost us $115. Profit: $285.
Rinse. Repeat. We then scaled it up. Instead of one item it was a few items. We started profiting $400-500 a day and did this for years.
For legal purposes this is a hypothetical story.
how did their LP or hell their accounting not catch this? they consolidate returns. stores have kept customer accounts the sure as hell can keep employee ones
They kept intense records. The key was the same number of items were remaining in inventory, nothing was ever stolen. The bug was employee discounted items were being returned against a single receipt for a regularly priced item.
sorry, let me rephrase -- stores have been keeping accounts on customer returns and flagging customers who return too many things etc for over 20 years. So using that one receipt 4 times, while it works during your sting window, whenever the system polled, those allllll go together and should have flagged an audit. I do not understand how it didn't, because it would reference the og transaction and show it was used across locations. Even if you used cash most stores required id so I just do not see how that store did not fold because what I describe is old world tech lol
Yeah I’m not sure how it worked but eventually it got patched. Friend in location 2 tried and POS system said item already returned. It never worked after that day.
For legal purposes it's they/them, not we/us.
Sell cheap Chinese goods as “America First”, “American made”, or “Make America Great Again” merch to political supporters or these movements, who think they are paying to support American jobs and economy
(Disclaimer: this wasn’t me)
this is every store now. but when walmart was first a thing, that was their whole point. then once people were hooked, they started phasing it all out and respected brands became cheap house label imported crap.
Fake invoices from companies bigger companies use for everyday stuff. Also change of address forms. Got the idea after a kid from Chicago changed the mailing address of corporate UPS to his apartment no questions asked via USPS.
Ooof 😮💨 fire
Sent myself $1996 Every couple of days using Western Union, funded from my credit card. They charged a $4 fee, and I got $28.60 back in points. In the 18 months that loophole existed I must’ve made $4k or so even after the fees.
Then I booked an amazing holiday with it due to leave on March 23 2020 so I guess karma is a thing.
How did you do that? Western Union only takes debit or cash.
I’m not in America so maybe different here. Just went their website and plugged in my details.
It was supposed to be treated as a cash advance by the bank but obviously wasn’t
You sent to urself 14k per month without any issues?
Yeah maybe a bit more than that. Twice a week usually so I guess 18k. Technically I sent it to my wife, she has quite high upkeep costs.
Guitar hero world tour Xbox 360, returning the guitar for another but they never checked if you actually returned it. That was a good rinse and repeat years ago
Hello my dear, my plane has crashed, and i need $500 in amazon gift cards to rent a car to come see you.
Your plane crashed in the Amazon??
What the fuck does math have to do with trees?
You can't fly planes. They're more like squares and spheres.
That’s right, it goes in the square hole.
When I was 17 I convinced a small company I could write software.
I’ve kept the con going for 31 years.
Sold real drugs, got tired of junkies bothering me at all hours or coming by trying to trade me random junk for drugs so I moved and got out of that shit. Feel sorry for the next people who moved there. If I didn't answer my door they'd walk around and knock on random windows of mine. Also in early 2000s we sold fake drugs at raves in other cities and pressed cold or allergy medicine to dumb teenagers locally at a skate park.
About 8-12 years ago I worked at a club three days a week and would order generic Viagra/Cialis from India for like 70-80 cents a piece and sell them to dudes on college night for $10 a piece. Several had my contact info and would just come meet me to get them as well. I had regulars as well. One guy would get 30 from me for $200 every month. I don't know if he was taking them daily or reselling them but I sold to him for 2 years every month that school was in session. He also bought 100 of them from me for $700 from me before he went back home for summer.
Usually make a few hundred a weekend at least off randoms. Also would sell them to older coworkers at my other job who probably too embarrassed to talk to their doctors like 10 at a time. I'd sell like 300 ever 4-6 weeks as a side hustle. I was still selling them to people who had my info after until covid happened and now I got about 200 expired ones in my safe still.
Why would a college guy want Viagra?
Serious question, because at that age, your pecker typically points north with ease, right?
Does it make you last longer, or cut out the refractory period?
Your haven’t lived
helps with whiskey/coke dick
So you dont cum too quick if the girl is really hot.
I keep telling my wife she’s really hot but really I’m just a premature ejaculator
Both. It gives me a headache though so I don’t mess with anymore but the few times I tried I was able to climax and immediately ready to go again. Like the next 8 hours like anything would set it off like wind hitting my pants or vibrations while driving. I didn’t have any problem finding people who wanted it. Most my customers were frat looking guys or gay men. The guy who kept getting it 30 a month was like frat gay, he kept showing me photos off dating profiles of dudes he was banging or going to meet up with later like I was going to high five him or something.
Performance enhancer / anxiety / etc
I think a Tokyo Hotel guy died because he OD off viagra, he must have been around that age
When I was in graduate school, I used to write papers and take college courses online for other students. I would write research papers and both the undergrad/graduate level and charge about $25-30/page. More or less depending on the amount of citation work needed.
I posted my business on Craigslist and I would require that whoever I worked with sent my their syllabus. I would tell them it's so I had the requirements, but really it was so I can reach out to their school or professor if I was ever stiffed.
I wrote about 5 papers per week (averaging 3-10 pgs). I made about $15K one year. I definitely helped a few people earn their degrees (they were clients for several years)
A friend of mine realised the atm in their building at work had the $50 notes stocked in the $20 stack. So for that week, there were a lot of people from the workplace consistently withdrawing $60 increments. Most people were conservative, just incase the independent atm company wanted their money back, but a couple people basically emptied their savings.
There were no repercussions. It was the one of the happiest weeks in the workplace.
These were all in the past 25 years or so, but good hustles:
“black boxes” for cable: Back in the late 90s early 2000’s when cable tv was big all of the channels used be sent down to the box and they were decrypted at the box and it was pretty basic. There were boxes that you dropped in between the coax feed and the cable box. When programmed for the box/service the channels would be decrypted. So you could order the most basic cable package and get every channel. I started off getting them for $100 each and selling them for $300 each, but I had to do the installs and tech support. I was able to find a guy from china on eBay that would sell them in bulk outside of eBay and started to get them for $30 each buying 20 or more at a time. Switched from selling them to end users to selling them to middle men, who would then sell them. I easily made over 20 grand and half of my 3 mile square town was getting every channel for the price of basic. Great hustle.
console preorders: When a new console would come out (Xbox 360, ps3 era) you only needed 20.00 to reserve it. Me and a few buddies would get as many preorders as we could across multiple stores like GameStop, toys r us, sears, etc. Accessories and games only needed $5.00 each to reserve so we would do that too. We would create our own bundles and scalp them hard on eBay. The only money we had to put upfront was the deposits. We would auction them before the release dates, get payment and then when we went to pick everything up, we picked it up with the buyer’s money, package and ship. We were making like 10-15k between us profit, depending on how many preorders we could get.
Stole porn from other websites and made our own. Back in the Wild West days when no one gave a shit about copyright, we would pay for a trial at porn sites, download everything, then cancel. We then took those images (not much bandwidth for videos at that time) create a new pay site with the shittiest HTML you could imagine and sold subs for dirt cheap. We spammed the shit out of forums, chats and anywhere we could. Didn’t make too much there, maybe 1-2k over a year, but still fun experience.
Created Search Engine Optimisation Spam pages that directed the traffic to Porn, Gambling and Pet Supplies affiliate sites. Back 20 years ago. Awesome.
Could you do it again nowadays?
Nah! I was working as an SEO tech at the time so i had all the skills, all the knowledge and all the tools. Nowadays, I moonlight as a Remote Virtual CTO / CIO
Selling cocaine
A friend of mine worked at a popular card games distributor in town and got the bright idea to take a bunch of boxes of these card depicting a certain president. He didn't know how to work the internet so friend of mine helped him list and resell them. They were going for 60 dollars each online. So after taking the first two boxes, he actually just bought a few cases afterwards at around 8 dollars each via management approval and resold them for consistent profit for almost two months. If it wasn't for the fact he was a gambling addict, there's absolutely no telling how much money he really made. But he was buying multiple cases, every other day.
Back when jailbreaking those first iPod touches and iPhone was a thing, I learned how to do it and started providing this service for my school friends. Back then was good money for a 13 y/o kid.
Made and sold custom piss disks to select clientele
Work hard
In 94-96’ I was one of the largest cocaine distributors in morris county, nj. They formed a task force to catch me. They did not. Rented cars, switch-ups, decoy cars, counter intelligence, you name it I did it. It costs a lot to sell drugs the right way.
Karma gifted me with a drug-addicted brother so I guess you could say I didn’t get away.
In Pulp Fiction the boss's wife Mia overdoses on heroin, and one theory says that the reason she thought the H was cocaine is because it was in a plastic baggie. When Vince bought that H the dealer says he's out of balloons, and if a baggie is ok.
Is that realistic you think?
Can you tell us now because of statute of limitations or because story is bullshit?
What do you want to know? The story is not bullshit.
They want to know how/why you feel safe telling this story in a public way.
Because SOL is up by decades.
I mean this is Reddit so I'm going to say on social media. I know you guys all hate that! That must make it unethical LMAO
Exploited a duplication bug in the old MMORPG EverQuest and made 12 scepters of destruction. Sold them online for about 500 bucks each
My uncle was coke dealing partners with a guy who firebombed a dea building in Florida.
Sold drugs in a college town before weed was legal 💰💰💰💰