I submit to you, wife’s hard boiled eggs
Posted by LeTr4p0@reddit | shittyfoodporn | View on Reddit | 62 comments

The salt and pepper should make up for the lack of egg white.
Posted by LeTr4p0@reddit | shittyfoodporn | View on Reddit | 62 comments
The salt and pepper should make up for the lack of egg white.
Hard boiled? In what lava?
Shes doesnt like the white and the salt os white enough
Kenji’s method, along with the data to back it up:
Everyone has their secret, and I’ve tried them all: cold start, ice bath, pricking, vinegar, steaming, pressure cooking, baking, new eggs, old eggs.
NOTHING has produced consistent easily peeling (I’d say 98% of the time) than Kenji’s hot start. In fact, the cold start, as Kenji explains, which I had been doing for years, seems practically guaranteed to bond the membrane to shell and egg.
… and wait until to learn cracking eggs on a flat surface isn’t the best method, either. :-)
I only post these for those of you who have tried all the tricks and are still having trouble. Give this a try. I did and I’ve been amazed at the results. I don’t even need an ice bath, just stop the cooking by pouring out the hot water and running cold tap water over them until cool enough to handle.
Those of you who find the other methods, keep doing what works for you.
Every single time I cold start, my eggs are fucked. Tried a hot start once (nothing else special) and they were SO PERFECT IT BLEW MY MIND. Also it takes my water 45 min to heat up with cold eggs in it. By the time the water boils, they've been cooked for a long time! I always thought that was pretty silly.
Seconding this. Any time someone else is hard boiling eggs for egg salad or whatever I have to stop myself from telling them they're doing it wrong. Kenji is always right!
I just started doing this, and as usual he's right!
Never overcooked, easy peel. I feel like I was misled by the cold water method for so long!
Thank you for this. I don't boil eggs super often, but enough that the peeling was starting to get frustrating. I've always done the cold start method.
I'll definitely be trying Kenji's method next time, which I'm sure is far superior, if his other content is any indicator.
I found that store bought eggs are "easier" to boil than my fresh free roaming chicken eggs.
That could be a freshness thing, store bought eggs are normally older than your fresh eggs so fill the shell more, as eggs age you start to get an air gap which is why older eggs float and very fresh eggs lie flat in water.
Run fast and far. You will not eat them. They will eat you.
Boil water with salt and vinegar, drop eggs in with spoon. Cook to desired temp then remove with slotted spoon directly into ice water. Then crack with spoon.
Where’d the other half of the egg go?
What are these, eggs for ants?
Did she drop them in while boiling? The right egg looks like it cracked and leaked its white out. I find that lowering them in one at a time works best. It'd be far easier/faster if I owned one of those open wire fryer scoop thingies.
Better yet: put the eggs in cold water and bring to a boil with the eggs in the water. Once boiling, take off the heat and time for your perfect consistency
This is the way.
Place eggs in cold water with 1 inch of water level above them.
Turn heat on high until water reaches a boil
Put lid on, turn off heat, and set timer for 11 minutes
This is the way I always do it. Then afterwards I put them in a bowl under cold running water & let it sit for a few minutes before peeling. Always cooked perfectly.
You can just put em in running cold water and swish em around as you're doing so and you won't have to wait 10 minutes until they cool.
Nah it takes 10 min for them to cool completely regardless. If you rush it, you lose egg
move it off the heat too or leave it?
Leave it
Damn 11 minutes? I do like 6-7 and the yolks come out perfect every time.
What’s your elevation?
This is how I’ve always boiled eggs
Don't forget to return the eggs to cold water and let cool completely for at least 10 min, for a better peeling experience
This is the best way to boil eggs
I gently let them in with a ladle
LeTr4p0@reddit (OP)
Yeah thats usually my mistake when boiling eggs.
Why did she have to torture them before boiling them to death.
I just put them in cold water and let them heat up with the water, then time it when they boil. 7 minutes - hard boiled, 5 minutes soft boiled. They rarely ever split.
Do you start the time when its a rolling boil or when the bubbles start going to the top?
My method is to put eggs in cold water, put heat on high. Let water come to a rolling boil, then take the pot off the heat and put a cover on and wait about 10 minutes. You get set whites but super rich golden yolks. If I could embed images without going through dumb Imgur I’d show you eggs I made yesterday doing exactly that!
How violent is your rolling boil?
…I don’t know how to answer that?
Lol, sorry! I have been struggling my entire adult life to create perfect hardboiled eggs. The term “rolling boil” is kind of confusing.
Sorry? I’m just gonna have to give you the infuriating grandma response of “you know it when you see it” because it’s 7 am and I’m too tired.
Appreciate the help! Im sure youtube has a video
They look medium boiled, not hard.
Wow. Impressive. 👀😂
I don’t remember off the top of my head how to do it perfectly, but if you just google it, you can get perfect boiled eggs in like 10 minutes lol
I’m having the best look steaming eggs. They peel so much easier.
Welp they look solid and they are boiled so I guess she succeeded. That’s the thing about eggs - they tend to taste the same until you add cheese or whatevs
Where's the rest of it?
I have more consistent results steaming them (13 minutes only). The thing is boiling methods let the membrane and white lock together making it really difficult to peel the shell off. Steaming appears to heat the egg faster than this locking action can happen.
At least they look clean and peeled.
You should try chicken eggs instead of your wife's eggs, tbh
are those boiled quail eggs
Try an instant pot. It steams instead of boils, and the shell cracks right in half.
You think this is a yoke?
Well maybe she should try easy boiled eggs, start off slow
The eggs should start out with cold water and heated with the water and then boiled for 10 minutes or more, depending on the size of the the egg. This is very basic. When I've had an egg crack open during boiling and all of the white come out, I made soup out of the water, as in Chinese egg drop soup.
These should be repealed
I vote to impeach
I think at this point, it’s just hard boiled yolks
The pepper really ties the plate together.
I noticed the trick that works for me is dropping them in when the water is boiling. Then I dump them into cold water.
Vinegar in the boiling water
LeTr4p0@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the tip!