Building a PC that will be better for Minecraft, EU4, HOI4, Tarkov on a budget.

Posted by Burgermiester8@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 12 comments

Howdy! I'm doing some research as I'm soon building a new PC, since my current one has lasted over 8 years without any problems. My current pc has been running an I7-8700K 3.7GHz with a GTX 1060 6GB on an ASRock B360 Pro4 motherboard with 24 GB of DDR4 RAM and I have had 0 heat/reliability issues since I built it long ago. I'm currently running 2 MASSIVE 165HZ 2560x1440 LG32AG55x monitors which I intend on using for the new build.

I mostly play Minecraft, EU4, HOI4, games that don't rely on having insane graphics performance but rely instead on large amounts of processing power, especially with the rise of Minecraft mods that heavily increase CPU loads like Distant Horizons and Chunky. The only outlier that I like to play is Escape from Tarkov, which is the only FPS game I play, but even that is more CPU intensive than many other FPS games. I also plan on casually streaming Minecraft on Twitch/YT as a hobby.

After watching this video: No One Wants Intel Anymore…. I bought it and now I see why and seeing how the productivity of the Intel CPU is around 50% better than it's AMD counterpart, would it be safe to assume that, minus the downsides of higher temps and motherboard upgradability, an Intel CPU would be better for processing-heavy applications in my scenario, given my interests?

I should clarify that even if I end up getting an Intel CPU, I will not be buying a 13th or 14th gen because of the widespread degradation/power issues. I'm currently eyeing up the Intel I9-12900K, and on the AMD side, I'm looking at the Ryzen 7 7700X.

Or am I just overthinking it and I should go with the AMD CPU/Motherboard equivalent regardless?

My budget is around 1400$ for the new PC, any build suggestions will be a great help, especially ones that I can build at my local Microcenter.