I am struggling so much lately

Posted by thesunseaandsky79@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 191 comments

I’m 45. I have a great life with my husband and stepdaughter. But oh my god, I’m just so SAD. It’s not anything to do with them at all, I love them so much ..but Maybe I’m having a midlife crisis.

I just can’t get past all of the time I’ll never get back bc I was a train wreck in my late teens and through my 20’s. I made some really bad choices due to mental heath and substance abuse issues. It was..bad. But im still around and better on that end these days .

Honestly though ..I’m really struggling very hard with all of the wasted time I’ll never get back. I wish I could go back and tell the family members that were still alive when I was being an ass how much I love them.

It’s like I woke up one day and I was 45. I blinked and now my parents are old. If I’m lucky I’ll have a few more “good years” with them. I cry constantly when I think of them becoming ill and dying . What am I going to do?? I don’t know if I will be able to get through losing them. In my minds eye, I still see them as they were when they were in their 30’s with all the time in the world.

They never say it to me, but I know I have disappointed them in like every way. I just have so many regrets in my life that I feel like I’m drowning in them. I’m so scared of the future. Has anyone else been there? How do you come to terms with being older and watching everyone get old and die?