What’s the consensus on vaping? Post from an ex-smoker.
Posted by Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 386 comments
I smoked roll ups for around ten years, before deciding to give up completely in 2023. In fact, I haven’t smoked in around a year and half now. I wasn’t a 40-50 a day smoker, probably more like 10 a day, which is pretty low for a smoker. Regardless, I realised if I carried on for another ten years, it’s only going to harm me further.
One day in 2023, I decided once my packet of tobacco ran out, that’s it. I then went out and bought a vape, which I’ve previously used before. Now, I don’t want to get in to the argument of ‘is vaping even any better than smoking’, I’m of the belief we’ll sure find out in the next 10-20 years.
I don’t use a disposable one, I’m glad they’re banning those. I don’t particularly enjoy all the flavours vaping has to offer, but I was a menthol smoker. The ‘issue’ I have now is, I’m using a vape for a ‘genuine’ reason, which is not to pick up a cigarette. All I see now is clouds of smoke everywhere, in cars, in pub gardens, outside shops etc etc. and AWFUL lot of kids are using them, and now I hate assuming, but I can almost guarantee they’re using a vape because they think it’s cool and are enjoying all these funky as fuck flavours.
I’m now beginning to wonder if non-vapers/smokers, now just think ‘looks at this dude, thinking he’s the beans with that vape’. If I stopped, I know that I’ll 100% go back to smoking properly. I’m aware of stop-smoking help out there, but at the minute, I’m quite happy using my vape every now and then.
I remember a time when there were discussions surrounding whether or not vaping should be offered as a stop-smoking initiative, as another option other than patches for example. I can’t help but think, has the market of disposables, all the flavours and the demographic vaping has seemingly attracted, completely changed the view on vaping.
Anyone else feel the same as I do?
TLDR; I used to smoke, I’ve picked up vaping and haven’t touched a cigarette in a year and a half. It now seems like the ‘cool’ thing to do, and now I feel like I shouldn’t vape.
Vaping or smoking is just gross and smells bad and seems to be done by inconsiderate dickheads who smoke around others or throw cigarette butts on the ground.
There were so many times when I was pregnant that people would vape right next to me and did have to be forced to stand away from them eg at bus stops.
The main issue I have with vaping is that etiquette around them is shocking. I hate smoking but smokers tended to be quite mindful of others and seemed to be getting better at smoking out of the way a bit. You got the odd idiot who stood in a busy doorway to do it but generally, they were OK.
Vapers however just seem to do it wherever they fancy and I'm fed up of walking through a cloud of sickly-sweet vapour. It's horrible. People tend to vape inside too which is horrible.
If you want to do it, treat it like smoking and respect others is my plea!
When vapes first came in a guy at my work started vaping inside the office. Wtf. I guess he was told off that day because he didn't do it again but seriously how could he think that was okay!
vaper here who is an ex smoker. I treat it exactly the same.
I don't vape in my home, I go to the garden because of my wife and daughter, I will never vape inside public places, and if I'm walking directly infront of someone, I will refrain until they have either passed me, or we have gone separate ways.
It's basic common curtesy
It’s the ignorant plebs, that happily walk down the street, creating clouds of sweet shite behind them, with zero thought for others. I caught up with one last week and pointed out their clouds of vape. Their response was “ really sorry, I had no idea, but it’s harmless”. Hopeless.
I’m not advocating for vaping but you’re complaining about people doing it outside in the street? They’re outside. It’s allowed and legal outside just as smoking would be. Would you feel you had a leg to stand on to tell a smoker to stop smoking when they’re outside?
I’m complaining about the ignorance of walking down the street blowing shite out, that others have to breathe. Same with ciggie smokers, filthy feckers.
Good point. I don't drive so I should abuse all car drivers from now on.
Get a grip.
The entire idea around not making others breath in cigarette smoke is that it smells rank and is extremely harmful to your health. That isn't the case for vaping.
We're all forced to intake scents we don't appreciate every day - so what is it about vaping that makes it special?
Exactly, it is purely because it is relatively new to people and therefore it must be stopped!
Yeah it's also rude to be very smelly in public, particularly if you're in an enclosed space with someone.
We don't currently know the full extent of the impact on health that vaping has, we do know there is already some risk and those most sensitive to smoke can also be sensitive to vapes. Considering all that, it's perfectly appropriate to expect people to be mindful of others when vaping.
I've had people come into my house and do it, it's wild. They seem genuinely shocked when I tell them to do it in the garden, like it never occurred to them.
Same, partners friends vape a lot and they have all been doing it in my car and in my house. Really annoying and a bit arrogant tbh!
They don't even ask what you'd prefer? Holy shit.
I don't even ask, I go outside to do it until they say otherwise.
I can see you are trying, but do you ever consider vaping in your own time? Like do it when you go home, not "nip out to the back garden"
I've had that as well, it's annoying because the fumes give me a headache. When they smoked, they'd always go outside so I've no idea why they think vaping should be any different. Apparently my reason wasn't good enough because they still tried to take secretive puffs.
Well that's just shocking honestly.
I vape now, did smoke, but I always ask if I can.
Was in a car with a friend and he literally up a rolly. Still asked if I could vape whilst he was smoking.
Mate totally agree, vaping has become far more of a nuisance than smoking ever was.
Last year, I attended the funeral of a friend who had committed suicide. I'm sat in the pews of this grand cathedral with two of my other friends (we all knew the deceased, been to each other's weddings, etc), when they decided to start vaping under their jackets as we were waiting for our friend to be carried in.
I was fuming, hissing at them to pack it in and to stop being so bloody disrespectful.
With that and the vaping I'm surprised anyone could see anything
I've seen people (plural) vape on trains
The entitlement of some vapers knows no limits
I stopped using my local bus at certain times because filthy scrotes started vaping on the bus. They're inconsiderate cunts.
I vape occasionally, always go outside as if it was a cigarette. I wouldn’t want to blow baccy smoke on someone so why would I do the same?
We were sat eating at a restaurant outdoors and some selfish muppets came and stood right next to us just outside the restaurant door and started vaping and blowing it over our food. They acted like I was the most insane person ever for not wanting to have or smell their wanky smoke over me while eating.
At least smokers are mindful and stand away from the tables!
I use a vape only outside at my back door at home. I think it's rude otherwise. It stinks even for me and I'm desensitised to it. It's very horrible to do it on a train or even sat next to someone in public.
This is it from my POV.
I smoke, I know people hate it, so therefore I do it in my own space on my own time etc etc. would not dream of walking through a town centre during the day for example chuffing away, so not sure why the vapers do.
Walking through that little cloud just makes me aware I'm breathing someone else's air. I was kinda happy living in ignorance.
Dickhead vaping in sainsburys the other week, couldnt even wait to go outside the door.
There was someone vaping at my station not so long ago. Platform staff told him no, he was "oh sorry mate", then did it again 15 minutes later.
People vape on the tube and platforms a lot now, there was a guy smoking a joint on the circle line a few weeks ago (although that's the first time I've encountered it)
This. Was at a concert sat behind a guy vaping very recently. Obviously instead of confronting him directly I said to my husband just loud enough for him to hear "if I can't have a cigarette in here that prick shouldn't be vaping." 😆
I was at a gig last year and security jumped over the barrier to grab a vape out of someone's hand. He acted all surprised like there weren't signs saying no smoking or vaping
I work in retail and the amount of people who vape in shops is astounding
I had someone vaping inside the waiting room at a train station who justified it with "it's not tobacco so it's fine"
No dickhead, it's still bad for my lungs
The best part is they probably thought it was a solid argument.
Side note. Is your username related to the game?
Unfortunately not, no! I've not played it yet
I have seen people (thankfully only on reddit) swear blind that there is no possible way that vapes could be setting asthma off we are all over dramatic, it's psychosomatic it's not smoke so it's inpossible they can vape whereever they want as we should just shut up complaining about it.
Had the same argument!
I went to a wedding last year and shared a room with a friend. She vaped in bed for hours. As soon as she woke up, she started again. It was disgusting.
I vape but I must admit I find the ones the produce enough cloud to block out the sun at just stupid, especially in public. I do use my normal one in public but I'm so mindful that if people are around then I'll bore the smoke directly upwards. It might make me look a bit daft but I'd rather that then be disrespectful and people having to walk through it.
I completely agree with the fact that it's no different to smoking when it comes to others. I still go outside when I'm at home so my wife and kids don't have to put up with it.
I must have some sensitivity to it as if someone is vaping near me and it's not a highly scented one, the first thing I will notice is my throat closing up, my eyes watering and my head pounding then I start sneezing.
There's a bloke who hides his vaping in the office - must be ducking his head under the desk and releasing it really slowly. I often only realise he's on shift when I get those symptoms due to reacting to what he's releasing into the office.
My pub has also refused to ban vaping so there have been times where I've been having a quiet pint with a mate then suddenly starting struggling to swallow and end up having to move to a different room because someone behind me had started puffing into the air around us.
I work in education and it's a nightmare trying to police it in classes, corridors, toilets etc. At least with tabs you could smell them a mile off and the smoke hung around a bit so it was easy to catch people but now they can hit the vape whenever and its back in the pocket before anyone notices. The vapour also dissipates faster as well so its really hard to stop people doing it.
I'm also an ex-smoker who quit before vapes and I find the behaviour around vaping far more obnoxious - smokers are generally fairly respectful of the law and the adult students I have that smoke cigarettes tend to be good about waiting for breaks, going outside etc. It's really worrying the number of vapers that seem incapable of hanging on half an hour or even a few minutes to get out of the building. Plus, as others have mentioned, the kids that never smoked before worry me, they're taking on a possibly lifelong addiction for nothing. I know vaping is healthier, but I remember what it was like to be addicted and I hated it. Glad I quit before this all came along.
Had some girl vape on the Greater Anglia train near London. Just wild.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
I completely agree with you. I personally try and treat it as if I’m smoking. Always go to smoking shelters, I’ll always ask in people’s houses if they’re okay with it, rather than assuming and the same in cars as well.
I also do not want to be walking in to clouds of smoke 😂
Yeah, I tend to look before pulling at my vape, and will hold it in if someone suddenly comes by, but yes, the behaviour I see from other vapers is definitely inconsiderate or down right not caring.
It's been a few years since I went, but I enjoy cricket and the last few times I went, people had started bringing their vapes and puffing away whilst the game was underway. Just stupid and annoying because these little clouds of vape would appear, which if anyone is a cricket fan knows, spectator etiquette 101 is avoiding obstructing anyone's view during an over.
Exactly this for me. I’m asthmatic and people who vape generally (yes not all) seem to think on it’s only vaping it doesn’t effect anyone. Was around a load of vapers last summer, like an insane amount, got laryngitis and was pumping inhalers like candy for 2 weeks.
True, I don't ever remember seeing someone smoke in an indoor area or the tube but people seem to be vaping wherever, whenever.
It's simply because vaping can be more discreet. If smokers could get away with being as discreet in public places as vapers are, they'd do it too.
I'm still a dirty smoker and agree completely.
I smoked from the age of 14 till I was 46, I gave up on January 1st 2020, went cold turkey, luckily before covid and lockdown. I cannot stand the smell of vapes, I find myself constantly walking through clouds of blueberry cheesecake or vimto lollypop or whatever the hell they're called, it makes me physically sick. The worst is when travelling on public transport and people seem to think its the norm to vape. They look like overgrown toddlers with dummies.
I vape I dont chuck voids of smoke and I’m respectfully of others and spaces just saying
As an ex smoker who tried everything to give up and fail, vaping got me off the cancer sticks, then it took another 8 years to get off the vape.
Vaping has its own issues, but my health improved dramatically making the switch especially my chest.
I am now 2 years vape free & it’s been 11 years since I last touched a cigarette.
The trouble I find with vaping is unlike a cigarette there is no end to it unless the battery dies. I can literally sit using it all day and I’m no scientist or doctor but I can’t imagine that being any healthier than my smoking consumption when I was smoking.
It is less harmful because, for example, smoking generates about 100 carcinogens. Vapes, if they're not black market, are going to have... 0. That's because nicotine is addictive but not a carcinogen. In fact, studies show that nicotine by itself is pretty harmless, aside from the addiction factor. You'll be consuming a whole lot more of a pretty harmless substance, versus the 100 (or more, it's hard to tell for sure) carcinogens from smoking.
Carcinogens are found in vape fluid.
Name them.
Many contain formaldehyde,acetaldehyde, acrolein. Next…
Where do you get that from?
It's approx 90% less harmful than cigs according to NHS. That's not because vaping is fine, that's because smoking tobacco is so fucking terrible for you.
People need to stop talking bollocks. It's at least 95% less harmful according to the NHS. "At least" because there may be some small harm we don't fully recognise yet. But there's very little evidence that vaping causes much long term damage at all.
Define long term damage when they've not even been around for ten years?
They have been around since 2005 in the UK. I know I felt rough a a smoker and feel fine as a vaper
Vaping has been around for about 20 years.
they're massively studied.
What? Vapes have even around for decades and most of the ingredients in eliquids have been common in consumer products for 50+ years.
Please stop being glib and equating "using deodorant" to how much and how often people today are vaping. We have exactly zero long term studies on the effects of that.
People are going to pay for blithely using vapes and accepting how "much better" they are
They aren't anywhere near as "better" as anyone says, especially the NHS.
We will just have to wait and see but there's going to be some horror shows akin to what regular tobacco smoking over decades does
If you like for like the consumption of a vape vs cigarette yes.
But I think above is referring to many who use the vape way more frequently than when they smoked.
No, it's because of much less chemicals in vapes, as opposed to tobacco, even if you use a vape more often
So if someone smokes 10 cigarettes a day but drags on a vape 200 times instead they are still better off?
That doesn’t quite stack up..
yes it does
it's like how rubbing baby oil on your hands isn't as bad for them as rubbing steel wool on them. The injury one causes is leagues beyond the injuries the other one causes. There's no catching up.
To use your analogy it would be more like living full time in a bath of baby oil vs occasionally rubbing your hands in it though wouldn’t it.
no because the cigarette is nothing like baby oil in my analogy
I'd at least change baby oil to a fabric scrubber. Vaping doesn't exactly nourish your lungs.
Exactly, it’s like
Let’s have 10 or 20 cigarettes a day. Little bit of steel wool each time.
Or 14 hours of constantly scrubbing brush. I’m not sure if there is much difference.
Some people I know every hour of the day are vaping constantly from when the wake up to late at night. That is not good for you, and I’d be surprised if it’s better than 5 or 10 cigs a day.
Even that constant vaping is not as harmful as smoking. What part of the thousands less chemicals in vapes as opposed to tobacco don't you understand?
No tar in a vape.
Don’t know what you are on about, there ARE thousands of chemicals in vapes. They are nothing but artificial chemicals.
Constantly going is absolutely as harmful as smoking a little. People end up hospitalised from vapes
There is vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavours, not thousands like in cigarettes.
Why are you trying to make out that vaping is as bad for you as smoking is? It is not.
It's not great, not smoking or vaping is best, but out of smoking and vaping, vaping is much less harmful.
Flavours are thousands of chemicals, you know that right? And they are going into your lungs? Not the stomach acid where they will be broken down.
yeah, it is more like sucking on Satan's dick and having optional razorblades in the jizz
A more recent study has suggested it's 99% less harmful. The scientists involved also went through a lot of the old studies to see if they're still accurate and found most of the previous negative findings can now be shown to be incorrect.
most of the old studies threw massive amount of voltage through a coil and burned them to get the harmful effects.
if you've ever had a "dry hit" on a vape you know to stop because it tastes fuckin' awful.
It’s way less harmful. People for some reason dramatically overestimate how harmful vapes are. For the vast majority of people the only thing vapes harm is their wallets.
The thing is, you usually have a puff or two on a vape each time, you have 30 on each cigarette
it's just hard to conceptualise exactly how bad for your lungs tobacco smoke is. Breathing normally is like drinking water, a vape is like drinking orange squash, and smoking is like drinking Windex
When I changed to vaping, I still treated as if I smoked. So only went outside every so often for a vape etc etc. When I reduced the nicotine I'd have a few weeks of puffing on it a bit more but then would get used to it and cut down a bit. Not easy for everyone but my partner didn't smoke so it was relatively easy for me.
I was the same, switched to the heated tobacco vapes and the difference in my chest and just walking up stairs is drastically better. Now I'm trying to work off the vape
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Congrats! I also hope to get off the vapes ☺️
My Wife was the same her morning cough disappeared after about a month of replacing vapes over cigarettes & she is less reliant on her inhaler now.
That’s really good I bet that has given her all the encouragement she needs to stay off the fags.
When I smoked I used to wake up gasping for air. That soon went once I made the switch to vaping.
I truly believe vaping saved my life, my chest is still shit & that will never change but vaping drastically improved my quality of life & now I am vape free it is even better.
Conversation I had with Public Health the other day - vaping isn't great if you're a non smoker to start, but it's brilliant if you're a smoker and it means you no longer smoke cigarettes. Harm reduction and all that. Ignore everyone else, and carry on what you're doing!
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Thanks, much appreciated. I’m sure more and more studies will come out within the next decade or so, but the way I see it at the minute is, at least I’ve cut the tar out of my life. Sure, I’m still inhaling nicotine, but surely that’s got to be better than the stuff in cigarettes.
I agree with you. I smoked for over 30 years and just decided on a whim to give up and try vaping. I didn't even finish all the cigs/rollies/baccy I already had in the house! I started with buy a electronic cig, then moved to a basic "starter" non disposable, vape, then a nicer little vape. It's been about 4 years now and even any time I've had to speak to a health professional, they have all been (so far) happier that I am vaping instead of smoking and have never once mentioned the need for me to quit that too.
I would like to add that I consider myself to be a courteous person. I never do it in doors, even in other people's houses. I stand away from doorways and wait until people have passed before I do it. I ask people if they mind even when I'm iny own house, if they do mind I either don't or I pop out into my garden. And my little machine isn't a volcanic cloud type either and my puffs aren't noxious fruit flavours.
One thing no one seems to talk about is how addictive vaping is compared to smoking.. I smoked 10-20 a day for idk around 13 years from age 15, quit smoking a few times was never easy but never too hard. Took up vaping a couple years ago to get off the fags, now I absolutely cannot quit vaping. If I don’t have it all I think about is vaping which I never had to the same extent with smoking. I’ve heard a few people say the same. I think cos you tend to do it SO MUCH MORE, especially when you quit the cigarettes and the nicotine content is typically v high in them, I really really struggle to get away from it. Add to that it doesn’t make you feel like shit the same as smoking does there’s less incentive to leave.. tbh I really recommend most people unless they’ve tried for years with no luck at all kicking smoking, it’s better just to suffer through cold turkey than to pick up vaping regardless of how much healthier it is, and I really doubt that if you can’t kick smoking you’ll be able to kick vaping
I find this more so with the disposables. I've got a little refillable pod vape that I use with 6% nic salts and I'm fine with it.
One day though my vape died at work and I grabbed a disposable from the shop. Not only was it insanely strong I found myself puffing on it constantly and buying about 8 more before I stopped. They're bloody horrible.
That's a you thing. I can go 4 hours without vaping, I was struggling after 2 without a cigarette. Different for everyone I guess
That’s convenience first and foremost I’d say. If you took “breaks” or went outside to vape then usage wouldn’t go up that much. Problem is the convenience adds more bad habit to an already bad habit.
When I vapes it was just too easy. Only taking a few puffs at a time but I went from smoking 4 or 5 cigs a day to realizing I was probably taking in about 20 cigs worth of nicotine from just regularly taking little hits all through the day. I mostly use mints now, 2mg nicotine and I can tuck it into my cheek or hold it under my tongue for nearly an hour. Still not healthy but it's broken that regular habit of taking a quick puff. Lidl sells packs of 40 for a few quid so works out very cheap also.
What is this product called out of interest?
I get these. Nicorette do some "nicer" ones but they're 2-3x the price and these ones not having any sugar or sweetness to them means I get less craving I think.
Sounded like you had really quit those cigarettes
I find the language here really interesting. You say you quit smoking a couple of times but then you switched to vaping to stop smoking. What’s the definition of quitting here because it sounds like to me that you didn’t quit smoking either because you went back to it every time.
I smoked from 14-28 and then vaped until I was 32. In that four year vaping period I dropped down from 18mg to 3mg and now been nicotine free for over 5 years.
I couldn’t quit cigarettes, but I did quit vaping. In my experience cigarettes were much harder to quit.
Interesting thanks for your insight, you’re the first vaper (or ex-vaper) I’ve heard say they found cigarettes easier to quit..
For me with some struggle I could quit for several months but would always go back usually in a pub garden on a nice day, vaping I can’t even get past 3 days.. going to a country where vaping is illegal soon, so hopefully there I might be able to kick it proper
I found that with vaping trying to change how much vape wasn’t very easy, but every time I dropped the strength of nicotine I would initially start vaping more to account for the change but then I would eventually go back down to the baseline.
I was using the same amount of liquid, but the liquid had less nicotine in it.
Once I got used to the new level of nicotine, I then lowered it again repeating that cycle so after four years I ended up vaping the same amount, but using five times less nicotine. From that point jumping off completely was much easier.
So I quit in stages using the ability to change how much nicotine was in my vape which I couldn’t do with cigarettes because they have a fixed amount of nicotine in each one.
It worked for me and now I can spend a sunny afternoon in the beer garden and it’s not a problem ;)
a very smart method, well done!
Did you make a typo? I said vaping is easier to quit
Haha yes you’re right I’m not well today lol
People make the same mistake every time, myself included. I went between smoking and vaping for a couple of years.
You need to use the vape exactly like a cigarette, 6 months of doing that, along with reducing the nic % and once it got cold this winter it was less and less frequent, till the thought of going out in the cold and wet was less appealing than having a vape.
It is hard though to not let yourself just toot on it constantly, but I really think that is most people's problem.
I’ve smoked for years and was always fine at waiting until I got home from work before having my first one. Started vaping recently and not long after starting the vape was coming in the car to work with me, and the other day i found myself craving it during lunch break and went to my car to get it. Definitely feel more addicted than I ever did previously.
I do still think it’s overall much better than smoking, but as you say the variety in strengths which aren’t always immediately clear, the ‘fun’ flavours and appeal to younger people, and simply the ease with which you can use one are definitely very problematic.
In the disposable ones, for sure, but you can get low/zero nicotine juice for refillable ones and you can gradually wean yourself off the nicotine.
I know tonnes of people who went smoking > vaping > nothing, but this was largely before the disposable ones became much more commonplace, most of them were using lower nicotine levels.
I had to use nicotine patches to quit vaping. When I tried low nic juice I'd just vape even more to make up the difference.
I had to do this as well, then the patches started doing my head in so I stopped and powered through the seriously intense withdrawal symptoms. They were so much worse than every time I stopped tabs because I was vaping so much.
Pure sweaty and angry for a few days there
I’ve done it both ways. First time cold Turkey and then I got back into vaping after a trip to Amsterdam.
This time I used patches as I just couldn’t seem to summon the willpower again.
For quitting vaping, i found the best move was to slowly whittle down the nicotine content in my liquids, still just letting myself take a draw when i wanted. The habit of it was so powerful i was actually vaping nicotine free liquids for about a month before i fully kicked it though.
A friend of mine who has been an on-again-off-again smoker since he was about 14 was talking to me about this a while back. He found that vaping was just so easy, because he didn't have to go outside his flat to do it, and he didn't have to faff with a lighter or whatever. He ended up having far more nicotine from vaping than he ever did smoking.
I honestly think that many people who vape where they shouldn't are just struggling with the muscle memory of it because it's so easy to do.
Someone I knew - with absolute iron willpower and discipline - managed to use their vape like the real thing.
You go outside. You put the vape in your mouth, cup your hands over the end and flick your thumb to pretend you're using a lighter. Then take a puff. Vape dangles by your side for a few moments. Take another puff.
Give yourself the rough burn time of the real thing, then stop and go back inside.
This is true. I knew someone personally who "only" smoked 5 a day, but he switched to vape (before vapes were a big thing) and he was suckling on that bloody thing all day every day.
I switched back to smoking so that I could quit, the vape had no regular impulses to overcome, just random sudden urges as my arm would twitch to reach for it, horrible, smoked a couple pouches n dropped it before it rooted too deeply.
Exactly! Smoking is so, so bad for you - it kills 1 in 2 people who don't quit. If you smoke, vaping is far far safer than smoking, and it a really good way to quit. If you don't smoke, don't vape. Nicotine is not harmful (that's why there are patches etc!) so a good way to wean off cigs.
About 95% less harmful.
I dispute that. The smokers I know can go more than 2 minutes without needing to smoke, people who vape cannot.
We actually don't know what the long term effects of vaping are though? So how do we know it reduces harm?
They've been around for 20 years. That's fairly long term. Of course there may be some side effect that only starts after vaping for say 50 years but I don't think it's massively likely.
They've been around for longer than 20 years, and most of the ingredients used in eliquids have been used in various products for 50+ years.
"We don't know how harmful they are!" is total fucking bollocks pushed by tabloids.
I was a non smoker who started vaping, purely for mental health reasons. I was suicidal and there was a toss up of alcohol, excessive food binges, self harm or vaping. I discussed it, at length, with various psychiatric nurses and came to the conclusion that it's the least damaging way I can harm myself.
I feel the most horrendous guilt for doing it. But it could be worse. I only vape at home, very very rarely out and about and I'm mindful of others around me.
We all cope in different ways.
Agree with this. I think in Australia you can get vapes on prescription as an aid to stop smoking.
In Australia you can only get them on prescription. They're otherwise illegal.
Bet there's a massive black market for them though, right?
If it's anything like the countries I've visited where they're illegal, then yea absolutely. Almost pervasive.
You can get a free vape and a months worth of vape juice here in the UK off the NHS to get you started at least.
That’s how I gave up
Harm reduction would be an excellent point if 99% of vapers didn’t continue smoking tobacco. They tend to either continue to smoke alongside or end up returning to it at some point because they are still hopelessly addicted.
I'm not sure I've ever met somebody who vaped and smoked tobacco at the same time.
They do sadly.
Damn you’ve just described me. I quit smoking for 2 months at the end of last year using a vape and I have since regressed back due to my own stupidity and addiction.
I wish I could fucking bin the lot
Keep going! The vast majority of people who successfully quit takes them multiple attempts. Including me! Countless attempts but I’m now at 5 years!
I also vape. Have done for maybe 7 or 8 years. I despise the clouds!! I don’t do disposals either, and I don’t vape flavoured stuff either.
I don’t vape where I wouldn’t smoke, and I always ask if I’m in someone’s house or car, but I prefer to vape outside tbh.
Reddit tends to skew anti vape. As a former heavyish (25) a day smoker, I’m so glad I took up vaping. I have asthma and when I smoked, I was using my reliever 8 times or so a day. Now I never use it. It’s also less smelly.
I’m under no illusion that it’s GOOD for me. But i definitely think it’s better than smoking. I do however think it’s more addictive. Mine is like a dummy when I’m at home. I do want to get it off it.. I’m down from the 18mg to the 3mg, but I think it’ll be extremely hard, moreso than smoking.
I'm not sure they're anti-vape in a pro-smoking way. No-one is under any illusion that vaping isn't much better than smoking, even for the rest of us that do neither. But clouds of sweet vapour can still be annoying even if a cloud of acrid smoke would be worse.
I’ve seen a load of posts on the UK subs of people acting like second hand vapour will make them keel over from cancer.
Car emissions are annoying, so are factory emissions. And harmful. I’m not excusing the people who vape indoors and on public transport etc. But people who complain about it outdoors can get fucked tbh.
You'll get people who'll stand right next to you outside then complain about the vape. I'm outside mate nobody is making you stand there
You're lucky not to have met the people who will go on about 'popcorn lung' and insist that vaping is far worse for you!
always love this one.
did eliquid at one point contain a chemical that COULD cause it? yes.
was it removed? also yes.
was there any actual eliquid based "popcorn lung" events? non that i've ever found.
I think the anti vape sentiment comes from people who pick it up who have never smoked tobacco. I know many and see kids doing it all the time
There’s a lot of US based anti vaping on Reddit.
David Nutt (who is famous for wanting a review of a lot of drugs) summed it up well.
Written by Professor David Nutt: Vaping of nicotine plus or minus flavours is potentially one of the most important health advances in the history of medicine because cigarette smoking is the largest preventable cause of premature death worldwide. For this reason the UK, led by PHE, truly leads the world in using vaping to help smokers quit and to help minimise young people becoming hooked on cigarettes.
Perversely most of the rest of the world, and the WHO, take the opposite view. These new products severely criticised and demonised. The reasons for this are a complex mixture of politics, self-interest from anti-tobacco lobby groups and puritanical absolutist hatred of recreational nicotine, even when it is of little harm as when vaped. There is also some suggestion that the pharmaceutical companies that profit from selling medicines to aid quitting cigarettes see vaping as a commercial threat. And at the back of all this is the unfounded rather paranoid belief that vaping is a “big tobacco” invention to increase tobacco use, which has been falling in recent decades. In fact most vaping supplies come from small producers and it is the success of these that have attracted some big tobacco companies e.g. Altria into the vaping market.
The ultimate absurdity of the anti-vaping position is the US decision to classify all vaping products as tobacco even when they contain zero tobacco or nicotine. This serves to distort the data on youth smoking in the USA so that the major vaping-induced declines in youth cigarette use are hidden.
What is worse is the way many so-called scientists, medical experts and journal editors, have deliberately distorted the evidence of harms of these new products to the benefit of cigarette sales and to the detriment of smokers health. This subversion of the scientific process has had the effect of scaring many smokers away from potential life-saving alternative products and in some countries has already led to their being banned even though cigarettes are sold openly.
Remember a lot of international reports include all sorts of vapes with aren’t sold in the EU/UK.
MYTH 1 - E-cigarettes give you ‘popcorn lung’
One of the most commonly held concerns is that e-cigarettes might cause ‘popcorn lung’. This came about because some flavourings used in e-liquids to provide a buttery flavour contain the chemical diacetyl, which at very high levels of exposure has been associated with the serious lung disease bronchiolitis obliterans.
The condition gained its popular name because it was initially observed among workers in a popcorn factory.
However, diacetyl is banned as an ingredient from e-cigarettes and e-liquids in the UK. It had been detected in some e-liquid flavourings in the past, but at levels hundreds of times lower than in cigarette smoke. Even at these levels, smoking is not a major risk factor for this rare disease.
MYTH 2 - E-cigarettes aren’t regulated and we don’t know what’s in them
The UK has some of the strictest regulation for e-cigarettes in the world. Under the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016, e-cigarette products are subject to minimum standards of quality and safety, as well as packaging and labelling requirements to provide consumers with the information they need to make informed choices.
All products must be notified by manufacturers to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), with detailed information including the listing of all ingredient
No consensus, but I like the laws in California where smoking and vaping are considered the same. Then make the flavours illegal.
After that, ban outdoor smoking. Then legalise weed.
I mean, as an adult, don't base your vaping choices on whether you or other people percieve it as cool, for better or worse. It's a health thing and only you can make that decision.
It smells horrible though - not as bad as ciggie smoke but sweet and cloying and not nice to be around.
It seems to make the surfaces inside their houses sort of oil-y. Not sure I'd love too much of that in my lungs tbh.
Gotta consider the different environments though. The house isn't a biological thing that can break down the juice, the lungs/body is. Any legitimate juice is using food grade ingredients that body shouldn't have an issue breaking down as well. Anything left behind will most likely be cleared by muscus, otherwise, it's dealt with by the body.
Not to say it's perfectly fine and healthy, but nothing of substance (I.E evidence focusing on legitimate juices) seems to be pointing out that it's causing much in the way of problems as of yet.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
I tend to try and stay away from people when using it, unless I’m at a smoking shelter or something. I am always conscious about not blowing smoke into people’s faces. Although, I made sure I stayed away from people when I smoke proper cigarettes, so I guess I’ve carried that ‘etiquette’ over.
I find people who vape don’t think rules apply to them, they’ll vape anywhere even if they’re not allowed, and it’s annoying having to breathe in their fat clouds.
I have seen people vaping:
At an indoor gig On the tram At the football On buses.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a smoker do that.
People who vape, the vast majority, seem to just think they can vape anywhere / anytime.
They also do it constantly legit they cannot keep their vapes away from their gobs, it’s fascinating to watch (not in a good way).
It’s like babies having a dummy, they’ve become a crutch and I’d say the ones who were ex-smokers are so much more less of a percentage than those who do it because it’s cool.
It is not at all the vast majority - use your brain, you can't see the ones who aren't doing it can you? Although people vaping all over others are dickheads, it is not a like for like comparison considering that cigarettes are toxic and vapes aren't, and vapes cannot set fire to a train carriage. Now go and finish that Daily Mail article before you run out of thoughts
Saw someone on the front row at the football a couple of weeks ago, brazen as anything, puffing away on a vape. Then got pissy when security asked him to stop. So obnoxious.
As a non-smoker I loved, when vaping became a thing. Now when I walk past a smoker, I get hit by a light fruity smell instead of disgusting smoke that comes from normal cigarette.
I hate the smell of vape more than cigarettes. It smells like fruit and dog piss.
Nothing in the world smells worse than cigarettes. I say this as someone who once had a job that included cleaning up a dropped stoma bag. Still smelled better than the smokers coming in from their break.
Lived in a dorm where someone left half a cabbage in the kitchen over the summer and everyone else was too busy throwing up, so I had to clean it up. Smelled better than smokers.
I have cleaned poop, puke, bin juice, rotten meat, stale water - and I have been to - and cleaned up after - numerous surströmming-parties when I lived in Sweden.
The only thing thing that can make me boak is a habitual cigarette smoker
You are so overqualified to prove this point. Respect, I can't pick up my dog's poo without retching
Totally understand smikers using vapes as a way of possibly reducing harm to them.
Unfortunately vapes have just become the new smoking for kids that have never smoked. My nephew started vaping having never smoked, it utterly bizarre.
Exactly this. I tried smoking once as a kid, thought it was fucking awful and never did it again. Same story goes for a good chunk of the cohort I grew up with. It wasn’t “cool” for us to smoke so there was no reason to keep trying! But vaping is objectively a lot less unpleasant and it’s “cool” to boot.
Is it cool?? I associate it with white van drivers
I really don't get this argument. All the kids taking up vaping these days are the kids that took up smoking 20 years ago. It's not like they'd all be goody two shoes if only those nasty corner shopkeepers didn't sell them vapes.
It's because it's BS and people will literally say anything if they don't like a trend or change in society. The changes coming in for vapes are purely to justify taxing it more and we all know it.
No, I agree with that, I said it is bizarre to me.
It’s not bizarre if you think about it. Vaping makes more sense to do when you’re under age… you don’t stink of smoke so less likely to get caught, believed to be less bad for your health, interesting flavours and colours… and it’s WAY easier to consume. With roll ups you need the tobacco, papers, filters and a lighter… not massively easy to keep all of those things stocked up when it’s illegal for you to buy them.
I can imagine being passed a vape at a house party and trying a sneaky puff. With cigarettes you’d have to consciously go outside and be out of sight of someone who could tell on you.
Vaping makes way more sense to a young person. From an adults point of view it’s the step down from smoking. From a kids point of view it’s a new thing to try.
Also, kids just used to smoke behind their parents backs, people conveniently forget this.
Maybe not bizarre to you, but it is to me. All these people sucking on their robot cocks.
Never tried a fag at a house party or with your mates when you were younger?
Teenagers rebel, unfortunately that rebellion often leads to nicotine addiction. Vapes are much less damaging to long term health than tobacco.
No, my Grandad was a big smoker so I knew it was something I didn't want to do.
Same here, it has never appealed to me so I've never tried one.
You are enlightened and quite frankly a better person than the rest of us
A better person? wtf
I’m not condoning it but what I said makes logical sense. Fair enough if you think vaping in the first place is bizarre, but you’d be hard pressed to say it’s more bizarre for a teen to vape compared to smoke.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Yup, I saw someone on my socials who got a vape as a ‘stocking filler’. They’ve never smoked in their life. I found it so fucking odd that purchasing an Elf Bar for a 17/18 year old for a stocking filler, actually crossed a parents mind.
And sadly, there are reports of these new vapers graduating to the real thing. Absolutely not what was ever intended.
I find big vape clouds annoying but not the small ones. I also find it so weird people complaining about this stuff when there are so many people driving solo in Range Rovers pumping out clouds of toxic fumes, when they used to be rare and vape clouds are much less stinky, toxic an faster to disperse than cigarette smoke.
Check out the UK cancer research study on this. Dont quote me, but I think they said vaping ten thousand times better than smoking, however you shouldnt really do either.
Im in a very similar position to you.
Smoked rollies for 25 years, around 15-20 a day. Just moved over to the vape. I've got kids and don't want to die young from lung cancer essentially.
I have a plan though. I bought several bottles, 18mg, 12mg, 9mg, 6, 3, 0 with the intention that when I've used a bottle, move one to a lesser nicotine content. It's going ok so far, im on the 6mg now. Not gonna lie, i miss a proper tab!
It's very much a tool to give up entirely. Wean off the physical addiction, hopefully the habit will then be easier.
In answer to your question, yeah i hate vapes and i look down on vapers! I always thought of them as fake smokers! 🤣. All the batteries, chemical and plastic cant be good for the planet either.
Can't wait until im not reliant on either! Good luck mate, you can do it!
For me vaping falls into the same category as energy drinks, both are pretty embarrassing for grown adults to be consuming in public.
If I see an adult vaping, I can’t help but think, “grow up, are you thirteen years old?”
That said I guess if it is less harmful than smoking and helping people to give up, it’s a good thing.
not quite as bad a cigarettes, but still stink
Going to have a bit of a sober take here.
They’re not completely safe, like just breathing air, but they’re a damn site better than rollies or cigs and I would advocate for anything struggling to kick those to give it a go.
I have seen significant improvement when under the weather and coughing a lot, or after the dentist. Cigs would make those situations infinitely worse and vaping doesn’t seem to affect them.
I will say though, probably like a lot of people, vaping is way more convenient and so you’ll probably find yourself vaping a lot more than you smoked. Which isn’t good.
Vaping is a bit noncey, hard to respect anyone who does it
I've heard from friends that excessively vaping in the evening makes you wake up with a sort of hangover.
Also, being so convenient people who vape seem to vape more than people who smoke. Its harder to keep tabs on how much you have had, and there's no process of rolling and lighting up which makes you conscious of how much you are doing.
The problem I found with vaping is that because it never “ended” like a cigarette, my nicotine addiction became so much stronger. When I caved and went back to smoking I was up from 5-10 to 20-30 a day. Just had to stop the lot in the end.
I used to smoke...I vape...
You smoke bro
I was a 40-60 a day smoker, about 13 years ago, i bought a vape on a whim, haven't touched a ciggy since. After a couple of years i decided to make my own vape juice and then started to reduce the nicotine in it. Eventually i was on zero nicotine. I no longer felt the urge to vape, i still did but only because i enjoyed it. I don't vape when i leave my house anymore and at home i take maybe one or 2 puffs an hour. Im on the last of my premade juice and my mod is on its last legs, whatever ends first is when im gonna stop vaping.
Vaping is a better? alternative to smoking imo. However it needs to be much better regulated tos top kids accessing it.
Nicotine consumption will increase by about 300%
Vaping should be a stop smoking tool my dad started smoking when he was 9 never thought he would quit he tried but couldn't get it to stick so he switched to vaping then he started lowering the amount of nicotine till he only had nitroglycerin in his vape and now he doesn't even need it.
First up congratulations on a year and a half smoke free!
For me personally I'm not a fan of vapers. Smokers know cigarettes reek, they also know that non-smokers tend to find the smell offensive so they typically do there thing out of the way, not bothering anyone.
Vapers have no such consideration because they're of the school of thought 'it's strawberries and cream, who doesn't like strawberries and cream' and their right, nothing wrong with the smell. It is highly unpleasant to get a face full of smoke while waiting to cross the road.
Few of those a day when I'm working and I don't even think of smoking though...
I called out a guy sucking on a vape in the fucking SAUNA... like, really .. I used to vape but became too conscious of the plumes of sweet vape clouds I was producing and it was pretty obnoxious ... Smokers are a bit more discreet .. have you tried snus? Prob terrible for the mouth / gums but keeps me off the tobacco quite effectively.. till I have a beer... I have a snus in my gob now on a long coach trip and nobody is aware ..
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Is Snus the pouches that you whack up in your gums?
If so, no, I haven’t. But my friends Mrs uses them, and was telling me how strong they are. My mate tried one and said he felt like he was on drugs, the nicotine rush was that strong!
Thems the ones. They have dots on to show the strength .. anything above 2 dots is too much, make me fucking hiccup... As a smoker I don't feel high as such but I gave one to a mate who doesn't smoke and he said he got buzzed off it.. and then felt quite sick... Daft thing is most shops seem to have strong ones 4 or 5 dots so I have to shop around for the weaker ones to avoid increasing my addiction and hiccups lol
It's nuanced.
Vaping is a better alternative to smoking based on the evidence that we currently hold.
The evidence that we currently hold isn't comprehensive and is limited in its accuracy, applicability and longevity.
Vaping is worse than not smoking or vaping - many vapers would not have taken up smoking at all or would have quit smoking entirely.
Vaping is more routinely done inside, in enclosed areas or in close proximity to others than smoking is. Vapers, in general, are less considerate of non-vapers/non-smokers than smokers.
Child are more inclined to vape than smoke.
Vapes, particularly those provided to children, often contain illegal and incredibly harmful substances because they aren't manufactured with the same scrutiny as cigarettes.
Vaping is not healthy or harmless but many people believe that it is. This is part of the cause of 4 and 5.
Many people vape a lot more than they would have smoked because of the convenience of it and not needing it to be a whole cigarette.
Vaping was intended as a stop smoking aid for the patient to then also quit vaping - it was transitive, not an alternative. It's supposed to go cigarettes then vapes then nothing, not cigarettes to vapes and stopping. This is important because of points 2, 3, 7 and 8.
I agree it's nuanced but some of these points require more nuance, in particular:
But many now non-smokers would still be smoking if it weren't for vaping, and there are very few never-smokers who start vaping and then go to smoking
And youth smoking rates are at an all-time low, which is great
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "particularly those provided to children", but the aerosol of e-cigarettes contains many fewer chemicals (harmful or otherwise) than that of combusted tobacco.
Quite the opposite - all the evidence points to the fact that most people think vaping is as harmful or more harmful than cigarettes
Whilst the pattern of consumption tends to be different, on average, daily intake of nicotine is similar for smokers and e-cigarette users
Intended by whom?
I feel like your response is oddly argumentative for no apparent reason.
John Hopkins disagrees: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/does-vaping-lead-to-smoking
"which is great" - that depends. It might be great, it might not be. If 10% of people smoke and the overall harm of a person smoking is 80% harm (however that's calculated) and you compare that to 50% of people vaping with an overall harm of 50% then even though vaping is less harmful than smoking, the overall harm being done is higher because the incidence is higher. There's no true way to know right now the comparative levels of harm between vaping and smoking or to know how many would be smoking if vaping weren't a concept - so, we simply don't know if it's "great" or not.
I mean this: https://www.bath.ac.uk/announcements/english-school-children-unwittingly-smoking-spice-spiked-vapes-finds-university-of-bath/
https://www.aafp.org/news/health-of-the-public/20191023ascovapesurvey.html The statistics disagree with you. All I could find that was similar to what you're saying is that studies show that smokers think vaping is as bad as smoking - which would make sense considering that they're trying to justify still being a smoker.
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6651627/#:\~:text=5.,cigarette%20use%20should%20be%20monitored. Wrong again.
The NHS, the government, public health bodies...
It’s the only thing that’s managed to keep me off rollies after about 20 years of smoking, but im approaching a decade of vaping now and even though I feel much healthier it still feels like an annoying habit and I’d like to get off it.
I think quitting vaping after getting into the habit of chain vaping while working from home is going to be even harder than quitting smoking though.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Haha mate, I feel you with the working from home problem. I’ll sit at my desk puffing away. But if I’m in the office, I have to go outside and only have like 2-3 smoke breaks a day.
I reallyyyyyyy need to get in to the habit of going outside for a vape, rather than just sitting anywhere in the house having a go on it. That’s the worst part about it, in my opinion!
It just depends on who you are. Older guy puffing on a non-disposable? You're probably an ex smoker. Guy in his 20s with a neon coloured disposable? I'm just going to think you're a total melon.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Haha, yeah… I’m definitely the ‘older’ guy with a non-disposable. Few of us in the office actually who are doing it for the same reasons as I am. In fact, there’s more vapers than smokers who stand at our smoking shelter. Times have changed.
Why do you care about what other people think? If you're gonna vape, vape. There's a lot of shaming on here from and tbh it's not gonna do you any favours having that on your mind every time you decide to have one.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Perhaps my post came across that I’m more precious about it than I actually am.
I guess, it’s just the fact that vaping is now very common and popular amongst the younger generation. Many, if not all of them have never smoked in their life and it’s just a ‘cool thing to do’.
I guess I’m also trying to get across that there are many (including myself) who aren’t vaping to be cool, it’s actually to stop smoking cigarettes.
But yeah, I shouldn’t care!
I got smoking related cancer and vaping saved my life. I have weened myself down to zero nicotine and when my current batch of juice is used up I will just stop.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
I’m glad to hear you’re still here! Congrats on beating cancer ☺️
Vaping saved me what I imagine will be a lot of years I would have lost due to smoking 20 a day. I think if you’re serious about quitting they are fantastic so long as you know what you’re doing. Don’t go buying as high a strength of nicotine you can to replace the cigarettes, go for a lower dose and higher frequency if you need to, then you can reduce the strength down to eventually zero.
As for my opinion on it in society? Some people are absolute losers for doing it, the amount of times I see someone take in a massive puff and just exhale it all to make a big vapour cloud is ridiculous. They do it everywhere, even in clinical settings, just because they think it’s harmless. If you want a nice flavour get some gum or something
I understand they banned vaping in Australia, you can only get them on prescription as a tool to stop you smoking which is right imo. Happy to be corrected if I’ve got that wrong.
Never been a smoker but my wife was for over 20 years. Her last cigarette was last October & she has now been vaping in that time.
She uses the disposable ones & I have tried to talk her into the unit but she is adamant that it isn't the same even though she will be forced into this shortly.
Imo vaping is the less of 2 evils but one thing I can't understand is they banned menthol cigarettes as they felt they were aimed at kids yet there are hundreds of flavours that kids would most likely be keen to try. My 19 year old son vapes as does my 16 year old nephew none of these 2 would have ever considered smoking cigarettes,
I feel vaping is going to end up becoming a really big problem & one of the things I have noticed is vaping in supermarkets & other indoor places where smoking has been banned again none of these people vaping would consider lighting a cigarette & walking through a supermarket smoking it.
Yeah vaping has its own problems, like with cigarettes there's a beginning and an end, you go out for a cigarette, it takes five minutes and then you're back in for the next few hours, and you go out for that cigarette as smoking indoors is socially unacceptable in most places and I feel like a lot of smokers are apologetic about it as a habit.
Vaping is different, there's no beginning and end so they're puffing away every few minutes, and it's not got the same stigma so they're more likely to do it inside.
I think it's a worse habit to have, I think smoking is worse for you but the habit forming with vaping will be far harder to break
Too true. I quit smoking a long time ago but a friend of mine vapes. Naturally I wanted to try it to see what it was like. Now I'm vaping more than I ever smoked. Been vaping a lot for the last 3 months despite quitting smoking 8/9 years ago. I just can't stop sucking this stupid fucking thing.
IMO if it’s out doors it’s fine .. if your indoors you ask anyone in the space if they mind unless there’s a no vaping policy then you don’t vape .. however if there’s a no vaping sign and no one else there I am bad I know so I will still vape the bare minimum to take my craving away.. I will say tho that my device doesn’t make clouds .. it actually produces v little output when I exhale as I hate cloud chuckers and think they are obnoxious.. would like to say I’m asthmatic and since swapping to vaping my lungs are soooo much healthier
I vape pretty much everywhere, I mix my own liquid, it doesn’t produce a huge cloud, it’s doesn’t have an obnoxious smell, if you were really paying attention you might see a tiny bit of opaque vapour. I’m not rude about it, I don’t do it in peoples faces, and I’m courteous about it. It keeps my ADHD and nicotine addiction at bay.
The real issue with vaping is... Regulations! That might sound strange, but it's true. Hear me out.
So I used to smoke since 13-15, until my late 20s. I then switched to vaping around ten years ago or so. And vaping scene was completely different back then. Vapes were only sold at specialised shops (not your average "vape shop" today, which also sells mobile phone cases and other rubbish), kids were completely banned from them by the owners without any regulations, most vapes were rebuildables, disposables did not exist, but most importantly juice manufacturers did care about their customers.
Back then it was recommended to use 8-12mg nicotine juices if you're a smoker and then transition to 6mg, then 3mg and then maybe even quit. Today disposables come with 20mg nicotine as a standard, that's fucking bonkers. I vape for 10 years and I would die if I try this shit.
Flavouring manufacturers like FlavourArt did some actual studies on effects of their products on lung health and removed dozens of flavours from their portfolio on their own free will. Today flavourings in disposables are made by god knows who without any tests and certifications, flavouring concentrations are so high that they burn your mouth and kill your sense of smell. Again - bloody ridiculous.
So how did that happen? When vaping started to grow big worldwide, tobacco companies started hard lobbying. The end result is that we have regulations which destroyed every single independent vaping business and allowed tobacco companies to overtake the brands and start selling you extremely addictive shit.
Thank god I still have a freezer full of nicotine so I can continue making my own liquids. Fuck regulations! Fuck tobacco companies! And don't vape what your can buy in your local supermarket - that shit will kill you. Because it is designed to kill you.
Sucking a USB stick looks so utterly pathetic and grim.
The stench doesn't help matters either.
It's not a USB stick, it's called a Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System. And they're sucking on it.
As a non smoker/vaper the clouds of vape annoy me, even if you can’t see it the taste and smell walking behind someone who is vaping is grim. Smoking isn’t any better, both intrude on my ability to breathe clean air. If I don’t know you I don’t make a mental judgement whether or not you think you’re cool, that’s not a concern of mine. I do judge people I know who managed to go through the peer pressure of smoking in school without starting but for some reason picked up vaping in their 30s, again not because of some perceived coolness but I just think it’s a daft decision to make.
A hobby aimed at kids to make money for the ex tobacco companies
So, my big problem is there's already research out there that shows vaping is pretty harmful. Is it as bad as smoking? I don't know, but it's definitely quite bad, with many of the same risks (to greater or lesser degrees) as smoking. So... why isn't it regulated like smoking? I know many people call for an outright ban, I'm not sure that's right. My gut feeling is that if managed properly they could be valuable to help people quit smoking, which is certainly a good reason for allowing them, but we really don't want non smokers picking them up, that's just harmful and there's no reason for it nor benefit to it. Definitely should not be in the hands of anyone under 18.
I used to smoke cigarettes but gave up 20 years ago. I started vaping recently and prefer it over cigarettes any day.
I find tobacco smoke off putting.
Dickhead vapers puffing it everywhere is annoying as hell.
Somehow because it isn't a cigarette the morons think it's ok to do it anywhere. I've seen it in almost everywhere, public transport, various indoor venues. I'd imagine kids do it constantly in school these days.
Although amusingly we had a colleague at work we named Darth Vader behind his back. As he literally vaped everywhere. We were driving down the road one day and he was in the back seat constantly huffing from it like when Vader is fighting Luke Skywalker in Empire Strikes Back and he's breathing a bit heavily. We also lost him in a forest once and found him via the plume of smoke he was leaving. His vape was a huge rechargeable thing and he used to have to top it up with more juice part way through the day.
Half expected to come into work one day to see him with the vape strapped to his chest and a breather mask hooked up to his face.
You all stink
Comment from a non-smoker and non-vaper
I really hate vaping for a few reasons:
People who vape seem to think that it's better than smoking, and will therefore take the piss. I've been in my climbing gym, my office and various other indoor places where you shouldn't smoke or vape, but people do it anyway "because it's not smoking"
The bright colours and flavours appeal to children and I don't think that's 100% by accident
The vape liquid contains a much higher concentration of nicotine than cigarettes do, so it's much more addictive. See point 2 for why that's a problem, but also vaping was supposed to help people quit smoking. How is that achieved when people are vaping the equivalent of 40 cigarettes in a day?
This last one is me being judgemental and I'll admit it. Vaping is to smoking as alco-pops are to drinking. I don't like the taste of beer/spirits so I'll have a bacardi breezer because I still wanna be cool and drink alcohol. I don't like the taste of tobacco so I'll vape this cotton candy bullshit
My personal experience with people vaping is that they can't put the damn thing down for long either. Every half an hour, gotta take a pull on it or they get antsy. It's like a dummy/pacifier for adults
On point 3 the average is more like 20. But it's important to keep in mind that nicotine is not the particularly harmful thing in cigarettes. Nicotine, by itself, seems addictive but fairly harmless.
It really depends on the strength of the liquid and how much you vape it.
It has been suggested in some articles that because vaping is flavoured, intake is increased beyond the use of cigarettes. This would correlate to a higher nicotine intake, especially in illegal vapes.
And nicotine is not harmless. The whole reason it exists is because the tobacco plant evolved to develop nicotine as a defence against insects. This is also why we have neonicotinoid insecticides.
Regardless of whether nicotine is harmful to humans or not, it is the main draw in smoking and vaping, which the scientific consensus states are both harmful to health. If you vape, you're merely choosing the lesser of two evils
Humans are not, in fact, insects. Nicotine is not harmless, but it isn't the most dangerous thing in tobacco preparations by far. It's not carcinogenic as far as we can tell. By itself, it doesn't have destructive impacts on the cardiovascular system.
'By itself' is the obvious thing I would point out, but you will note that it isn't my main problem with vaping.
Everything in life is a trade off. Not much is completely healthy. Plenty of people adopt healthy diets and oops, kidney stones!
Yep, true.
The question was about vaping though, and I'm just giving my opinion. Which seems unpopular, but hey ho
With their space bong Robo dicks or the disposable vape environmental terrorists?
Not sure
I've quit nicotine using a vape, but now I need to quit the vape (tomorrow is the day!). I started on high mg and just slowly reduced it over several months. I've always used a reusable one, and stick to one flavour because the others tend to feel different when you pull.
I can't actually remember which day I stopped using nicotine but because I was only on 3mg anyway, I didn't get grumpy and irritable like when I tried to quit cigarettes. I also obviously still have the actual habit.
I've always been polite with it - blowing it away from others, not standing too close to anyone etc. I do think reusables should be banned and I think they should be treated just like other nicotine products, and only kept behind the counter in boring packaging. I don't understand why it is legal to sell them on the shop floor in bright colours, when the whole point of changing the packaging of tobacco and cigarettes was to dissuade people from getting addicted to a harmful substance.
I don’t mind people vaping, but when you’re doing it in an enclosed room and using the excuse “it’s just Vapor” then you’re a dumbass. Vapor doesn’t just linger in the air like that. Have you ever seen sunlight come through a window and hit it? It just sticks there in mid air, it’s horrid.
Awful but nowhere near as bad as smoking
Gimp biz
I think people forget kids picking up smoking just like they do now with vaping. When I was in school 15-ish years ago they were huddled by the fence or in the bathrooms sharing ciggies.
At least vapes don’t have the lingering smokers scent or yellowing teeth associated with them.
From someone who does neither I much prefer people vaping than smoking
I absolutely loathe cigarettes, and I always have. My father was a heavy smoker and quit when i was a small child. I was so disheartened every time one of my friends started smoking in our teens. In my mind we were 1990s babies, there was absolutely no excuse for something so utterly self-destructive and pointless.
I'm a little more sympathetic now, having had my own wobbles with alcohol, but I could never understand my peers smoking when they knew the risks. I really hate vaping to a similar extent and the attitude that the under 25s have towards it. It's obnoxious at best and a future health crisis at worse.
I think it encourages people to smoke who wouldn’t usually. My FiL is a long term smoker who made a healthy choice in swapping to a vape. My sister was a social smoker who now can’t seem to go an hour without smoking a sickly sweet vape. She said herself that if her choice was cigarettes or nothing she probably wouldn’t smoke at all.
When I look at all the teenagers now addicted to nicotine I shake my head in despair that we are here with people inhaling chemicals that are possibly harmful and are addictive.
People who vape seem to be inhaling more than people who smoke.
Just quit smoking by not smoking and save your money and lungs.
I'm an ex-smoker from before vaping was a thing, but I had many friends who still smoked. When ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES became a thing, I strongly encouraged my smoker friends to switch. Remember those? They look like cigarettes but they aren't flavoured and are rechargeable. Great success! Unfortunately, VAPES are a different thing altogether. They aren't intended as a way to help people get of the cigs, more to get teens onto nicotine. Plus, there's the whole disposable issue, too. Vapes suck.
I don't like vapes..I hate the clouds of smoke (regardless of how it smells) and it mostly.remomds me of kids sooking on a dummy or bottle.
And don't get me started on all these customised refillable ones that are fucking huge. I look at those and laugh. Compensating much?
People vaping on busses do my head jn
Vaping was (and is) a great way for smokers who have struggled to quit to instead swap to a healthier (but still not perfect) alternative. It's better than continuing to smoke.
I find people who take up vaping without having previously smoked baffling. Especially kids/teens. I guess it became "cool" at some point, and it's more accessible than cigarettes with all the cutesy sweet flavours.
As a non-smoker, I vastly prefer people vaping than smoking. Cigarette smoke smells disgusting and makes me cough. While it might be mildly annoying to get engulfed in a cloud of vanilla cinnamon pudding vape from a guy walking ahead of me on the pavement, it's nowhere near as unpleasant.
Is it any more baffling than people taking up smoking though? Because it's crazy when you think about the fact people just decide they're going to give this thing ago, even though we know it kills people, then just continue to do it?
Seems less weird to me to take up vaping when you get the nicotine boost but with an illusion of safety.
I started smoking when I was 11 or so. It was definitely because it seemed cool. It definitely was known to be harmful. I did it anyway. Same with kids and vaping today, surely.
Yeah that's exactly what I mean, it's not any different to how people take up smoking - they think it's cool and they try it, then the nicotine addiction gets them.
Makes total sense to me that kids are doing it without ever smoking.
As ever with anything smoking related in the third millennium: butwhy.gif
I still smoke so bear that in mind for biases; i don't like tapes because of the waste they leave. I smoke with a cardboard roach instead of a filter and when I'm done with it the remains are biodegradable.
But with a vape the disposal has to deal with a battery and all the other electronics. Even if everyone put then in bins properly (which, atleast where i live is not the experience) is a ton of electronic waste. I know you can get reusable ones but most people don't buy them.
Other than that, I'm sorta concerned with how many people I knew who didn't smoke who started vaping and with the amount of kids I see vaping, but at the same point I was smoking as a teenager and don't wanna be a hypocrite lmao.
Vaping is a low IQ activity.
I vape so that I don't go back to tobacco.
I smoked for over 30 years. It is a harm reduction tool for me.
I’m in the same position as you OP. Menthol roll-ups for 25yrs, switched to a vape eight months ago. Never looked back. Try the s-elf Blackjack juice, pretty good match for the menthol kick IMHO
I gave up smking a long time ago now but my view is the same as it is for fruit tea. If I wanted to drink a fruit drink, I'd dring a fruit drink not tea weakly flavoured with a fruit. If I wanted to smoke (vape) candyfloss I'd have smoked candyfloss
They are great for short term cravings and to help people kick cigarettes
Not a vaper but a friend who's addicted has bought a ripple. It's a nicotine free vape with nothing but air and flavourings in it. It's for those wanting to quit but need the hand to mouth action.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
I don’t like making assumptions, but feel like this was a valid one to make. Not sure what the issue is here.
10 a day is low? nah bro
I've always found smoking to be more chemically obnoxious, but vaping more socially nasty.
Cigarettes are vile and the smoke smell gets everywhere (I don't smoke, but I lived with a bunch of family who smoked and people at work thought I smoked because the smell was following me). But with a few notable exceptions, most smokers are aware of it and they tend to adhere to the increasing restrictions as to where and when you can do it.
But vaping? All too often it comes across as people deciding to vape where they wouldn't be allowed to smoke (buses, shopping centres, etc) and responding with "it's perfectly safe shut up ra ra ra".
If you're an ex-smoker using these instead. Great, hoping it's just a step in your journey to quitting. But even if this is just a replacement it's a much healthier and less disgusting one than smoking.
If you're a poncy prick who took it up as a fashion fad. You don't look cool, you look like an annoying poncy prick.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Nope, I can confirm it is indeed to stop smoking cigs 😂😂.
I also don’t understand why you’d want to become addicted to nicotine, when you haven’t smoked one cig in your life.
I think people are forgetting that these cherry cola fizz lemonade cotton candy liquids contain an addictive substance (at least, if you purchase one with nicotine in it).
I would love not to be addicted to nicotine.
To be cool? To fit in?
Smokes 10 a day maybe and thinks they're a smoker lol
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Weird take. I guessed as an average.
Sorry, is there a number on what it takes to transition over to a smoker from a non-smoker?
You appear to be gatekeeping what constitutes being a smoker.
Give your head a wobble
I switched to vaping from smoking. Took some trial and error to find the right device that gave the right hit more than the flavours.
I was also worried I'd be seen as "oh, vaping to be cool" people but after a while, it's just another thing and I don't get that feeling any more.
I still do my usual routine going outside to the designated smoking spot at work and use it as I would as I was smoking a cigarette. I haven't touched a cigarette in 6/7 years now.
On the plus side, I can have 2 puffs and be done with it rather than smoking an entire cigarette. The downside is that it's too easy to be puffing away on it at home.
Cigarettes reak. I don't understand the people complaining of a fruity puff cloud. I'd rather that than the smell of smoke. I don't use one of the obnoxious devices that make loads of smoke, and it is refillable. I don't like the idea of disposables.
I vape for the same reasons as OP - An alternative to smoking cigarettes/rollies. If I stopped vaping I would 100% start smoking tobacco again. Is vaping good for you? Absolutely not, but in my opinion it’s better than smoking cigs. I play football and I don’t get the tight chest or cough I did when smoking tobacco.
As for the reasons others are vaping for, I don’t really care, but I find it crazy that people who were never smokers have decided to start vaping.
As others have pointed out, vapers do it everywhere and I’m guilty of doing this as well. I vape in places that I wouldn’t dream of smoking a cigarette. Not sure what the exact reason for this is. Probably due to the fact that the smell isn’t so pungent (depending on the flavour) and it can be done a lot more discreetly.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Yup, also noticed how much better my lungs felt, just months after quitting. I climbed Snowdon, got around 75% to the top and didn’t feel out of breath at all, just felt like a nice stroll. 6 months prior to that, I was smoking, and I actually felt like death towards the top. Incredible how fast the body recovers, honestly.
I imagine they're vaping for the same reason we started smoking, which was no less crazy. Can't really judge, can we?
Yeah, that’s a good point. I do know adults who vape without previously being smokers, which is probably what I was think of. Being a dumb kid who thought smoking was cool was where most of us started, but adults should have a bit more sense than that!
Ah yeah, adults getting into it need to get a grip, I fully agree.
I’m an anti-smoker. I grew up in a household where there was smoking, and I hated it. To me, tobacco smoke is the worst odour in the world. I consider even sewage to have a preferable smell than tobacco smoke. I actively avoid tobacco smoke at all times, holding my breath and even crossing the street to avoid walking behind someone spewing out those foul fumes.
Since vaping produces odourless water vapour as an exhaust product, I’m actually very much in favour of vaping - if it helps the person doing it to wean themself off nicotine! As long as someone doesn’t take up vaping from being a total non-smoker (why would you choose to develop a nicotine addiction?).
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
One thing I noticed when quitting smoking was how strong cigarette smoke actually is. Your sense of smell comes back very quickly after quitting the cigs, so I was so much more aware of the cigarette smell, as I’m still using smoking shelters and around people who smoke. So I agree, it is actually a horrible smell. Unfortunately, when you do smoke, you almost become immune to the smell, and you never smell it on yourself.
The reason people are taking it up is because it’s more appealing than smoking an actual cigarette. You could probably get a ‘niccy rush’ whilst smoking something that tastes of cherry cola. Plus, they’re super easy to get and available everywhere.
I personally think they should also ban flavours in the vape liquids. Literally just have ‘tobacco flavour’ or ‘menthol flavour’ and that’s it.
Largely agree, but it's often not odourless. Sort of burnt sweets smell isn't the worst thing in the world but I could do without it.
Are you me? I absolutely agree with you and I am exactly the same when it comes to smoke avoidance. I avoid associating with smokers and I would not be good friends with smokers (luckily I'm in a job sector that has very few smokers). Smoking is also the only hard no when it comes to my dating preferences.
To be honest, if smoking was completely banned and enforced, I'd be happy for vaping to be freely allowed anywhere (restaurants, hospital, lecture rooms etc.).
> I remember a time when there were discussions surrounding whether or not vaping should be offered as a stop-smoking initiative, as another option other than patches for example
I remember seeing an ad for the first vape probably around 2013 and it didn't look anything like what we have now. It was promoted aesthetically as an electric cigarette and was made by an Australian company as a way to quit, not to chuff on all day perpetually. As a rollie smoker back then too, I though fuck me that sounds good I can smoke but no cancer. Result.
Anyway a few years went by and then we developed into the C4 detonator vapes we have today. I eventually quit using nicotine lozenges in 2020 and never touched a vape. All my mates who vape are consuming more nicotine now than they ever did when they smoked and even without the long term effects known yet, it's not good for the heart because of the temporary blood pressure increases.
A lot of vapers have a very poor etiquette using them in public as well.
On top of that there's the issue with the singe use disposable ones that are rarely disposed properly.
My consensus on vapes is that they started out as a good idea but have evolved into something that really isn't all that great.
You're way, way off as the first vape was developed in 1963. Vaping, in some form, has been around for decades
Well you learn something new every day. Cheers vape nerd.
Yeah I remember getting one around that time and it was all plain white packaging, you could just get tobacco or menthol flavour and it was all very “medical” looking. Now you go into a shop and there’s a wall of neon coloured watermelon kiwi ice blast goblin bars, which are quite clearly not aimed at middle-aged tobacco smokers.
After many years and many times trying to stop smoking, I succeeded with an e cig. That was about 4 years ago before all these disposable vapes flooded the market.
I don't have any problems with vaping, my issue is with how very few vapers consider anyone else. At least smokers now try to keep it to themselves and are more thoughtful in choosing where they smoke. Vapers just assume they can do it anywhere without any consideration.
Nice work getting off the cigs.
Regardless of whether someone is using vapes as an aid to quit, or whether it's a 14 year old broccoli. Whenever I see someone vaping I just think it's like a baby with their dummy.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
And this is the sort of stigma I’m worried vaping gives.
My own vape is small, not one of those large tanks. I don’t use all the funky flavours, just menthol is fine for me. But I’ve done it for myself, to get away from actually smoking. I’m sure I’ll eventually get away from the vapes, but I feel like society’s view is just strictly negative towards them now.
I was never a full smoker but would usually end up having a few (or quite a few) on a night out at the weekend. At some point I got a disposable vape. Then since "vapes aren't bad for you" I would go at the vape during the week simply because it was tasty and provided a relaxing little nicotine hit.
Fast-forward a few months and I am now 100% fully addicted, morning till night, got tons of vape fluid bottles lying around, take the vape everywhere, and have several times felt internal shame when I had a conscious "oh I'd better get my vape before doing this" thought, as if it's part of my physiology now.
Fortunately I'm a boring little hermit with a WFH job so I don't have to worry much about being a nuisance with it in public, but I do feel like I, as a 36 year old man, have pathetically fallen into exactly the same vaping addiction trap that youngsters do.
It's reaching a point where I'd rather the government just ban them entirely, because I don't seem to have the mental capacity to quit something which I have convinced myself "isn't that bad for you" (I'm a very active hiker and have never felt any adverse affects from it - unlike smoking which after a particularly cigarettey weekend would leave me feeling shit for a few days).
My opinion of people who vape (regardless of in private or public) leans toward the negative, because it shows they're weak-willed and have to have their little sweet flavoured nicotine administration device at hand to get by. I put myself in this category of people.
As a general rule, if you it would be rude to smoke there, it's rude to vape there.
Likewise, if it's okay to smoke there, it's fine to vape there as well
Both are dumb.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
Smoking to begin with was the ‘dumb’ decision. Unfortunately, it’s addictive and I can’t hide from that.
It's silly to equate them. Vaping is 90%+ less harmful than smoking according to NHS
That 90% is from ‘moderate use’ though (whatever that means as they haven’t attached a value to it, but being the NHS it will be very low use). Most people puff on these things all day long and way beyond what’d be defined as moderate. Inflammation, bronchitis-like symptoms and heart disease are shown to be caused by chronic vaping.
Going to need some receipts for that last sentence
I’ve posted a couple to another person in these comments.
Do you have a source for that? Serious question, I'm not saying you're wrong but last I checked there was nothing. That was a while ago though.
Yeah here’s a couple:
Potential for cardiovascular disease: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-funded-studies-show-damaging-effects-vaping-smoking-blood-vessels
Bronchitis-like symptoms: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/news/2020/e-cigarette-associated-increased-risk-respiratory-disease
It basically seems like chronic vaping can damage your insides at a cellular level.
So it is still expensive and bad for you, but just not as bad as some other things you could do?
It still makes it a dumb decision.
Of course, but lots of people who vape do it to get of tobacco.
Be careful with vapeing. it's supposed to be more addictive than cigarettes and can be extremely dangerous depending on what chemicals you vape.
As an ex-smoker myself, I can see why you would want to replace cigarettes. I've not smoked for a few years now, and I still get the urge now and then to smoke. It's hard at first, but after a few years, it becomes easier to handle like Oh, I fancy a burger type thing , then oh, I need a cigarette. I quit with patches, but every has different methods. I hope you find one that takes you away from them both.
It’s about 95% as disgusting as smoking. And they ALL smell awful.
Nervous_Difficulty_6@reddit (OP)
I mean, it’s your own opinion but that ‘statistic’ isn’t factual, and smell wise, entirely depends on the flavour. But I’d much rather smell cherry cola than second hand smoke.
Hence why I am saying almost as bad. Not “as bad”.
They are slightly better but not by much.
Apart from the one which smells like freshly baked cookies which I tried to find in a nearby cafe before I realised. 😭
I'd still smoke if not for vaping, simple as that. I vape 0 nicotine, it's pure physical habit.
All you need to know https://youtu.be/cHEOsKddURQ?si=KpgCUxBuli1iK9kh
I used to smoke but completely skipped vaping when I quit
I agree with what others have said, the etiquette for vaping is horrid to non existent and don't realise the majority of places it falls under the same rules as smoking, go outside.
As somebody who's in his early 40s I saw the back end of smoking and the ban, in high school I don't remember seeing many people smoke cigarettes, and it was viewed as pretty uncool and dirty. Vaping seems way more accessable and rife in the young demographics which isnt great
Again just my experience.
Used to smoke when on the swally in my early 20's (43 now!) few mates smoke when having a drink in the pub but they've all moved off from vaping just due to it being so easy to nail it throughout the day. Sadly it's marketed towards kids/teenagers now, sadly my GF suspects her son is doing it, I can't say much as I still played rugby/mountain bikes when I was a weekend smoker.
The only time I was able to hie up. Smoking was by vaping.need to get back on it, cos now I'm working from home rather in the office, there is no limit to how many cogs I can have.
What do you mean a ‘genuine’ reason? Pretty much the only reason people vape is that they’re addicted to nicotine, just like you.
Can guarantee that’s the case for the vast majority of these people you see
Ex-smoker. I utilised a vape to quit. I hated looking like a choo-choo train bellend whilst smelling like a pound shop air freshener, but you do you.
I'm not a smoker, although I do vape occasionally.
I have friends who vape quite a bit, first time they were in my house they asked if it's ok to vape indoors and I appreciate that they have asked it.
I actually don't mind the vaping and it doesn't seem bad as cigarette smoke. Cigarette indoors are a big no for me.
I think we need to respect other people's private space, and always ask first, and if it's in a public space also respect the law and rules of the place you are at.
I'm sure it's difficult for the ones who are actually addicted to it.
If it's an alternative to smoking - good. I don't even care if they smell weird as long as you are not indoors.
If you are using them when you had no addiction to smoking prior then I think you are a bit of an idiot.
As someone in the same camp, my view on Vaping is just dont get a cloud machine or one of these silly bright colored things with screens or lights on them. I've just got a small black re-fill one. I also think 99% of the issue people have with them is that people dont have a filter on when to use them as "they're safe". Go to your local pub and it will be filled with people Vaping instead of going outdoors.
I will say though they do give a noticeable change in your health, I'm much better now than I was on cigs - the only issue I've come across now is being sat at home its so easy to just tank it and have well more than you would have with a cig, its almost become a mindless task.
Vaping to ease you off the fags I get...but vaping as a thing you do out of choice is weird.
The disposable ones are an absolute scourge, for several reasons. I find it difficult to believe they were ever allowed to market in thus day and age.
The old-school ones, where you can taper the nic level down as you please, are a good cessation aid.
My personal experience is that actual smoking is over a cliff. Seeing teenagers and younger people in my area smoking cigarettes is a pretty rare thing these days.
I knew people who always said "I smoke way too much" on 30 a day and one guy who lamented that his 20 a day was "a lot of cigarettes by the way". Yet you get people on 60 a day which is just unreal to me.
I'm a lifelong non-smoker, but my parents smoked when I was a kid and most of my in-laws do.
Purely from a selfish standpoint, I'd rather deal with somebody's fruity vape cloud than sit in my MIL's maisonette where, even though she smokes outside when I'm around, I can feel the air sandpapering my lungs. The smell, even third hand, clings to everything. I can tell if someone's had a cigarette in the last hour just by getting within 3 ft of them, but I can't say I have that problem with vapers
If you're vaping for any other reason than to get off smoking then you're a complete whopper.
If you're coming off smoking then good for you. Gradually reduce the nicotine content in your vapes then get off that shit too.
Be kind to your future self.
I switched out for the mints and gum instead. If I vape now I can still feel it in my chest. The disposables especially are quite harsh. I'm sure it's a million times better than smoking but I expect inhaling nicotine still inflames your airways which is a big part of producing disease long term.
Honestly people seem to be using them as dummies more than anything.
I switched to vaping when our 1st set of twins were on the way. Thought it was great to start with but roll on 3 years I was still on the vapes and more hooked on nicotine than ever. It was on my mind constantly. Could never get enough, even if I’d vaped a full tank and was feeling sick. 10 min later I’d be craving it again. I had a moment of clarity 1day and realised that this stupid little vape was the most important thing in my life. I was so disgusted with myself I completely stopped. Never looked back and that was 5 years ago. They have their use but they are dangerous
Kids doing this must have the attention span of a carrot. It must hinder their development hugely.
Vapers are on the whole more addicted that smokers. People are puffing on vapes every couple of minutes
Similar to you but switched more recently- have you noticed you've got more colds? I'm trying to be really religious about cleaning mine but I have had so many more colds this year than last and this is the main change.
I don’t mind smoking at all but I can’t stand vaping. It’s a disgusting habit. I also think that these people might as well smoke and commit fully. I’m near 100% confident that vaping will turn out to be worse than RYO
It's much, much, much less bad than smoking. There's little debate on that, just a debate about how much less bad.
A few things concern me -
a. Kids picking up vaping much easier than smoking. Smoking among teenagers and twenty somethings is very rare now, but particularly among poorer kids the attitude to vaping is much more relaxed. The disposable vape companies and all these independent vape shops setting up are partly to blame, but also government action has been slow (but much less slow than the decades it took to get to where we are today with combustibles smoking).
b. Manners - I see so much indoor vaping in the way combustible smokers just wouldn't. Vaping while driving, while cycling, on an e-scooter, pubs/bars/clubs. I've heard via family who work in universities it's completely normal in universities now as well. It's disgusting. People need to get it through their skulls that is an absolute no-no. It is illegal, rude, selfish, lazy and the venues allowing this need to clamp down as with any other anti social behaviour.
c. Whereas all combustible tobacco these days is owned by the Big 5 (Altria, Philip Morris International, BA Tobacco, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco, China has a state owned monopoly), vapes have much lower barriers to entry and I worry about companies like Elfbar coming in and completing with the established companies. The big 5 are all mature, established and accept smoking is a high risk unnecessary luxury. That debate is over. As Terry Smith says, in many ways government action on tobacco has been to the benefit of their shareholders (they don't need to advertise, there's zero brand switching, people either stick or quit, there will never be any new competition). Just look at the performance of BA and Imperial on Trustnet (the data goes back to 1995). These companies have long term shareholders, reputations, debt investors, and have been used to regulatory scrutiny for decades. Elf bar is a Chinese company that started in 2018, I don't believe they care at all. I would much rather have the UK vape market controlled by Imperial and BA than open to new entrants.
I used to smoke and personally, I don't see the logic in replacing one bad habit for another.
I smell a lot nicer since I switched.
Because it's way better for you than smoking? Replacing cigarettes with a vape is a completely logical decision.
The only thing that helped me ditch the fags was a vape. (Smoked from the age of 12 till I was 52) 7 years later I'm still on the vape reduced the nicotine content from 18 to 16 to 12 but can't get any lower. I use it mainly after a meal for half an hour ( I used to love my post meal smoke) and occasionally through the day just pick up coupe of puffs the put it down. I used to be panicky if I couldn't smoke for any reason, now it doesn't bother me ( restaurants, gigs etc). Like someone has said we will find out in future years of they are harmful all I know is in 7 years I haven't had a chest infection & I can walk a lot longer/ brisker without getting out of breath now.
Might sound a bit mean but I get a bit of second hand embarrassment seeing grown adults with bright lime green capes blowing out clouds of stale strawberry tinted clouds.
I think it's bad they are marketed like toys or sweets in bright colours and fun flavours especially given the effort to hide cigarettes in stores and making them look as unappealing as possible packaging wise.
I think this will looked back on in ten years as a massive mistake that it was allowed as these companies know they are getting away with hooking a generation of kids on these things.
Vaping is better than smoking, it's worse than not doing either.
Also, if you wouldn't smoke in that context, you shouldn't be vaping there either.
A lot of vapers seem to think the rules don't apply to them, and that they can vape in public places and discard their rubbish wherever they feel like it.
Ruins your health, ruins your money.
In what ways does vaping ruin peoples health?
People just say this with no evidence on account of the fact it seems a bit like smoking, despite there being no smoke involved and the nhs saying it's fine. It's essentially a moral panic.
Think they should be banned, but available on prescription for smokers. I gave up smoking 20-25 a day using a vape (proper one not disposable).
Tried everything else (over a period of about 5 years) and couldn’t do it; the vape was the best. Used a vape with nicotine in for 18 months, then transitioned to zero nicotine liquid, then stopped completely after a while.
Why do so many people find ‘people who haven’t smoked before taking up vaping’ baffling?
It makes perfect sense and is exactly the same as someone who has never smoked taking up cigarettes.
Vaping looks stupid to me, smoking cigarettes still looks even more stupid though.
Seeing adults vaping: Oh, he/she's probably trying to quit.
Seeing kids vaping: Oh God.
Generally, as long as you are over-18 and not blowing a huge puff of vape cloud in my face, I don't mind.
I use them to stop me going back to cigarettes. Stopped smoking indoors over 25 years ago. I vape outside. I don’t vape anywhere smoking isn’t allowed unless vaping is allowed.
Used smoke for like 15 years. Quit for 3, which was difficult but doable. Relapsed and started vaping to quit. Ended up vaping more than I ever smoked, I suppose because it doesn't feel as bad for you and it's less obnoxious. I got to the point where it was every second of every day.
Quitting vaping was actually way easier that I thought, I think I put it off thinking it was gonna be really hard. I cut down the nicotine % over time. Then I went nicotine free. There's about a week and half after that that's a bit uncomfortable in terms of cravings then it was gone. I still have a vape lying around which I save for nights out. I might puff it 4/5 times day if that.
I don't love vaping and I'm glad I'm not going through life with one permanently welded to my hand anymore.
To answer your question, yes I absolutely think that when I see someone vaping. The more elaborate the vape and the bigger the cloud of smoke, the bigger the knobhead on first impression. Other factors are also where and when - if you’re vaping in a smoking area with other smokers then fine. If you’re doing it indoors or on public transport, immediate ick, one of my colleagues does it constantly on teams calls and I think he looks like an idiot. Also I’m going to have less respect for you with a cloud of bubblegum smoke than a menthol one.
For context, I was a social smoker 10+ years ago and have vaped CBD in the past for pain relief.
As a non smoker / vaper I much prefer to be roaming the streets in vape clouds that just smell sweet than having to hold my breath as I walk past someone smoking. On top of that if you vape you won't stink of smoke afterwards.
For sure, if there is no option to not be in a cloud of someone else's stink, then vape cloud would rank above normal smoke cloud.
Ex-girlfriend vaped habitually - ended up with tongue cancer. Don't vape.
That does not seem likely
That's really odd because nicotine is not carcinogenic. Neither are propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin.
I'm all for it as an aid for cessation of cigs, but the entitled mentality of many vapers is maddening. Treat it like it should be & take it outside so others don't have to endure the 2nd hand output.
No matter how much 'better' it smells than tobacco, you're still forcing it on folk who choose not to pollute themselves unnecessarily.
I quit smoking by mixing my only liquid. There are online calculators to get the correct nicotine mg. I would decrease it by 1mg every month or two. It worked because I never noticed the decrease. After 2 years I was down to 1mg. I then found on days I forgot my vape it would annoy me as it was a psychological crutch, but I didn’t crave it. I went from a 30-40 a day cigarette smoker to a non smoker over 2 years. I honestly thought I would never be able to quit as I fucking loved smoking. What I find is most people just swap vaping for cigarettes without reducing. If I can do it this way it will work for you. I thought smoking would kill me. It’s been 5 years since I last smoked a cigarette.
I’m exactly the same as you. In my opinion, vaping should only be used as a way to stop smoking, and disposable vapes should be banned. I’ve been using a vape for 14 years, smoked around 20 cigs a day for 15 years before that.
One of the only ideas I agreed with from the previous gov was the phased smoking ban (that increased the minimum age each year). I wish I’d never started smoking - nicotine is a pointless, expensive substance that society would be better off without.
I stopped smoking cigarettes in August and couldn’t have done it without vaping. As for etiquette I treat vaping the same as I would a smoker. On Wednesday I was at a bus stop not enclosed just a shelter on my own and was vaping. A woman came and sat down next to me and I got up and moved away and she looked at me and I said just didn’t want to vape when your next to me. She said thank you
Its weird doctors will give us guidance on vaping yet apparently Redditors are more in the know than healthcare professionals
The medical community is pretty certain that since none of the constituent chemicals in regulated vapes are carcinogenic, the risk of something like cancer is going to be negligible. On top of that, nicotine by itself is pretty harmless, but of course also pretty addictive. It's the myriad things in non-vaping tobacco products that makes them as dangerous as they are. There are about 100 carcinogens in cigarettes!
Smoker here and I despise the things.
I'm trying to quit them because I vape far more than I ever smoked. I never smoked in the house or car, but I found myself vaping continuously there. It gives me an awful cough. I managed to give up a few months ago, actually thanks to a Reddit post with videos of a guy miming to songs and vaping in a "sexy" manner (he looked so cringe I felt I was cringe too). Then I fell off the wagon in the lead up to Christmas. Third day vape free, and I want to kill someone, but the payoff has to be worth it.
I’m 43 and smoked cigarettes from 15-35 ish. Swapped to a vape. Caught myself in a mirror a couple of years ago and just thought how stupid I looked. I’ve now switched to snuss, probably not any better but I’ve definitely reduced the amount of nicotine I’m consuming over a day.
I vaped for about 6 months to help me quit smoking. Then I lowered the nicotine content in my vapes gradually and eventually once I hit zero nicotine, I quit altogether. Both are nasty habbits and there's nothing cool about them. On the contrary, I think they are both very uncool. I haven't touched either in years and quite frankly I'd be embarassed to do so.
i think the funny thing is the zoomers that started vaping without smoking prior are now switching to smoking as a way to quit vaping because its less nice to do
They are fine in themselves but the addicts using them think it's fine to just vape indoors constantly.
I find people-really-into-vaping very annoying but it's almost undoubtably better than smoking. 95% of issues with vaping is nicotine addition which, while not glamorous, is just not that harmful if at all
I'm an ex-smoker, i had a 40 a day habit, I quit in 2008, never event been tempted to smoke again. I am very wary of vapes, I just feel inhaling water vapour into your lungs is not a good idea, it's like you are trying to drown yourself on purpose. I have not done any research on the matter and will hold my hands up if I am wrong.
The NHS has a section on its website about this: https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/ready-to-quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/vaping-myths-and-the-facts/
It’s frowned upon greatly. If it genuinely helps you quit tobacco for good, then that’s one thing, but literally everyone I know who vapes nicotine still smokes cigarettes. They now just consume more nicotine than they otherwise would do, because now they will do it inside the pub, on the tube, any basically anywhere it is an inconvenience to other people as they think “it’s not that bad”.
Ex social smoker till 2016 and picked up a vape last year to prevent relapsing onto proper cigarettes for various reasons.
Went cold turkey from vaping a month ago as I was getting crackling sounds in my lungs which is now slowly going away.
I switched to vaping from roll ups too, just as a cost cutting measure and I've definitely noticed a difference in how I feel. I don't try to hack up a lung each morning now, so that's an improvement.
I'm also genuinely getting closer to quitting completely, and its proving to be nowhere near the battle it was to even cut down on roll ups. I've been reducing the strength of the liquid i use over time and am now on very low strength and losing the urge to constantly find ways to sneak off for a crafty smoke.
I quit smoking cigarettes 10 years ago and have never looked back. I can see how vapes would be a good alternative to current smokers although I'm not sure, in the long term, if they are any better for you. My friend works for CRUK and some of the emerging research is troubling.
I hate the lack of etiquette they seem to bring. Kids, and even some adults, seem to think it's fine to blow popcorn scented nonsense clouds inside shops, pubs, restaurants etc... very annoying and triggers my partner's asthma
Vapes were initially meant as an aid, they've since spiraled into disposable toys for children with more nicotine in than actual cigarettes. I started vaping the same reason as you, I now haven't had a cigarette in about 4 years (although I do mix tobacco with other stuff)
So you have changed from one mechanism of satisfying your addiction to another but feel self conscious because you think you look uncool? I'm sorry, I don't know what to say to you. I gave up 25/day filters 20 years ago, before vapes were a thing. Personally I would not consider moving to vape 'giving up'. It's a bit like saying you gave up snorting coke and only freebase now.
Lucky his lungs aren't such condescending pricks and will be grateful for the change.
I just find it wild how vaping went from being seriously uncool in the mid-2010s (I remember those 'cringe vaping compilation' videos) to being something that almost everyone does.
It's also embarrassing how people can't go meals without vaping during it, vaping on flights, freaking out because they've lost their vape. My brother was a crack addict and wasn't this obsessive, even during the height of his addiction. But you're this obsessed over tropical fruit flavoured air????
The disposable vapes are definitely aimed at kids. I smoke a rechargeable but I have been out and it's gone flat so I have bought a disposable. They are basically vaporised sweets with a high dose of nicotine. They are much higher nicotine dosage than the average too.
Stopped smoking in 2022 and started vaping. Slowly tapered down the nicotine level so I barely noticed it happening. Got down to zero at the end of summer 2024, and put the vape in a drawer three weeks ago. I've struggled to quit for 20-odd years, so I'm a massive fan.
I think it’s funny that, since so few people smoke now, that smokers actually look cool. The easily lead, sucking on some cheap Cinese, plastic kid’s-toy-looking contraption look like bell-ends.
All vaping has done is make smoking look cool.
Both smoking and vaping is horrible and bad for you. Get off them both.
I used to smoke a little, probably every time I went to the pub which was 5 or 6 nights a week and occasionally in the day. I reduced this quite a bit when smoking inside pubs was banned and gave up all together about 10 years ago. I tried a vape of a friend's, it's so easy to inhale and I could easily see my self getting addicted to it very easily. My eldest started vaping even though she never smoked and now tells me she's needs it to keep her calm when she stressed (complete BS) it's just so much easier to take up than smoking and very addictive. I think they should only be allowed to sell tobacco or similar unattractive flavours to deter all the kids getting hooked.
Vaping nicotine is the new silk cut or malboro lights. You're still smoking and inhaling nicotine it's just fashionable and we're ignoring the fact that vape juice is massively unregulated. Just quit mate you'll be fine
I quit smoking in 2013 and used a vape since. I don't vape near other people if I'm outside. I do try to keep in mind about others but I'd rather have a vape cloud in my face than cigarette smoke.
The only other thing that pisses me off is the endless stories around vaping. I really don't agree with kids doing it or smoking but that's parental responsibility not mine. I either vape or smoke either is probably just as bad as the other but out of either, I'm sticking with vaping. I've never used the disposable ones as they are too high.
Also they should increase the cost of alcohol, I don't drink and never have but it's always smokers and vapers that get it. Try picking on the alcoholics and drinkers. Put the price of it up to match cigarettes or vaping increases and match it at ever budget.
I am (was, hopefully) a heavy smoker that also vapes. Vaping helped me cut down down on the roll-ups a bit, but I was never able to stop smoking completely. I had that horrible viral fever thing that was doing the rounds over Xmas and didn't smoke or vape for a week then and since then I've got the smokes down from 20+ a day to 3 or 4 and am using my vapes more.
I don't think vaping is particularly cool, or smoking for that matter and I've regretted starting to smoke every day for the last twenty or so years. I tried a few disposable vapes when they were first getting popular but with the amount I was huffing on them, they were no cheaper than smoking. I use a somewhat cloudy sub-ohm pod at home, mostly because it was free. I have a little MTL pod that doesn't make much vapour for when I'm out of the house because I'm over 50 and don't think looking like the Flying Scotsman going full chat down the east-coast mainline is very cool and I'm aware that other members of the public probably don't want a face full of Strawberry-Mango-Ice flavour steam.
Do they help to stop smoking? Not in my case, but I know they've worked for others and I definitely feel less coughy and weezy than I did before Xmas. I'll also probably be well on my way to my deathbed before we find out they give you ear cancer or something.
If I could go back to 1989, I'd find myself, kick me in the balls and tell me just how much money that ciggy at the sixth form social is going to end up costing me.
I smoked for 15 years starting at age 11. So quitting was just not something I found easy after smoking for so long so young. I quit because I ended up out of work for a few months and couldn’t afford to. I chose to vape instead. Now, after getting a job and being able to afford it again I never once caved and bought a pack. But because I was forced into quitting through money, rather than wanting to, I’ve found it very hard to step away from the vape even 5 years later. I too don’t use disposable one, but use a cheap vape kit and liquid which cost me nowhere near the money I was spending on ciggies. If they were banned tomorrow I would buy a pack of ciggies. So for me, right now, it’s the only thing stopping me smoking. And yes I know they are not great but I also know they are not anywhere near as bad as the shite I was inhaling for 15 years.
It's identical to smoking, it's all about how you are perceived.
Smoking has an almost 0% uptake (new smokers) after 26. Because it was about being cool. It's to do with the psychology of adults being more risk averse and no longer needing to "fit in".
As for whether it's changed, vaping may have started as a solution made by someone genuinely trying to help, but the companies that make them were never in it to help, they were never aiming to build a business that aimed to make itself redundant. They need new customers and the people to target (because of the fact above) are under 26 years old... teens and young adults who need to feel rebellious and fit in with their peers.
Am I surprised, not at all, does it make me sad, a little. Because they now have a badge of safety which makes naive young people more likely to pick it up and get addicted.
Whle your vaping, start cutting down the nicotine in it. Thats the addictive bit in cigarettes. I know loads of people who have quit smoking cutting the nicotine down slowly with vapes. Theyre not that bad if youre using them to stop smoking.
But Ive noticed more kids doing the m to be cool. I just think it looks daft on them.
And as for rhe disposable vapes. Im pleased theyrw getting banned as the lithium batteries laying around is dangerous
I stopped smoking just over a year ago, I was quite a heavy smoker as in I’d take 30 roll ups to work with me and most likely run out as I was getting home.
I swapped to a vape and quit fairly easily. Downside is I’m now stuck on a vape.
I generally follow the same rules I did when I smoked. I’ll only vape in the kitchen with the window open, generally away from people unless I’m walking somewhere, definitely not in someone’s house or other building.
I work in healthcare and I’ve seen a 20 year old who’d never smoked an actual cigarette end up with emphysema from honking on an illegal vape almost constantly. But I also remember even up until about 6 months ago, vaping being said to be less harmful than smoking on the health adverts in the a&e waiting room.
My advice: Fuck what people think about you, it’s your decision.
Vaping looks more ridiculous than smoking.
I definitely judge those that do it for their poor intelligence and judgement 🤣
Honestly, as a non smoker and non vaper, there's a bit of me which hates vaping even more than smoking.
I hate smoking too, but because of the smell. I hate vaping because, somehow, there has been a culture built around the practice which I just cannot fathom
My opinion is. Either be a man and smoke, or don't. Vapes are for children that want to play being a grown up. I had those candy stick ciggies as a kid before I grew up and smoked proper for 20 years before finally quitting for good. It was one of the best decisions I've made but whenever I see someone vaping I just think back to kids pretending to play grown ups.
I did the same as you mate. After about a year on the vape, I ate a 1000mg thc cookie. Not intending anything except a ride in space, but I woke up after almost two days and never touched my vape again either.
I’m a welder so you can’t do both and live for long. Uncle died of copd so I didn’t wanna go the same way. Best thing I ever did. I recently had a few honks on a friend’s disposable and was rendered into a human coughing fit for ten minutes. Them things are poison, nothing you can say will change my mind about that.
Soon as the statute of limitations on poisoning runs out, we’ll be told, surely.
Ask Paul Danan...
Vaping seems like what candy cigarettes used to be, made to pigeon hole a generation of people in to smoking.
Except instead of cigarettes, the vaping is the smoking.
As a cigarette smoker, a friend of mine once gave me a pink vape that tasted like cherries but I got no joy from it at all.
Will just eventually stop smoking altogether in the next year or two, or potentially only smoke 1-2 a day (on a normal day I'm only smoking 5) and just ensure my cardio is good to I guess counteract it's effects.
Anyone getting themselves addicted to drugs because it is "the cool thing to do" is frankly a fucking moron.
Vaping is less annoying and disgusting to be around than smoking but that's not really saying much.
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