How long do you go for 'a walk?'
Posted by EggRavager@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 82 comments
You're not walking anyway in particular just walking, having 'a walk'. How long do you walk for? Im under the assumption its over an hour at least but been told I'm rather mad.
Depends on what I’m doing that day, if it’s a quick one at lunch maybe 20 minutes, on weekends if I can walk further/ to a location like a nice coffee shop maybe an hour or more
I've a lot of free time on my hands atm. I walk a lot. 196 miles in December.
Walking is a great exercise and if you can find a nice route, great for mental health too.
I went for a walk yesterday, i was out nearly 2 hours but i did stop for a chat a dog walker and with some horses who were in a field they aren’t usually in
Depends on my state of mind or if I want to go to the fancy bakery to find cardamom buns, which is also connected to my state of mind.
Twice as long as it takes to walk far enough to go "shag this" and turn around
I suspect dog owners have a rather different perspective on this.
When my dog was young, a walk was 2-3 hours long. Every day. Now he's middle aged and mildly arthritic it's more like an hour, but that will still include a fit of the zoomies, grey squirrel chasing and other equally energetic activities.
Jack Russell cross, in case you're wondering. They're like the duracell bunnies of the dog world, with their endless energy.
How did you get anything done in your life?
My social life certainly took a hit, though it helped that I was in the middle of a particularly traumatic break up when he came into my life. The distraction did me good.
Back then it was work 9 to 5, tube home and back by 5:30, get the dog out basically immediately, get back about 8ish, eat, do life admin and laundry, bed.
The worse bit wasn't the amount of hours spent walking, it was having to walk him in the dark in winter which was a big personal safety issue, as a woman. Helpfully, he's a barky little twat when he wants to be, and there's been a few occasions where he's barked at someone I hadn't noticed, and when I looked I agreed they looked dodgy too.
By walking your already high energy dog for 2-3 hours at a time, you were just building their stamina to make 2-3 hours "normal".
My regular dog walks are 1.5 hours max. If I'm going on a long ramble for 3-4 hours with her, then I won't give my dog a walk the next day.
The brain work was on top of that, and within it.
I'db say I probably own about 70% of the Nina Ottosson range.
We also have plenty of time for sniffing, squirrel hunting, parkour and obedience training within the walk. By far the most effective way to tire him out? Find a well-matched dog who was keen for a bit of rough and tumble play. Invariably a dog twice his size.
I'd say 30 mins at least, say if I wanted a stroll to clear my head. But it depends what or where. Going out to the country and a large woods or mountainous area, you'd want more like 2-3 hours.
I try to walk 5 miles every day.
Warm weather I’ll walk about get a coffee for a few hours
Cold I’ll walk the dog 20 mins be back
2x60 minutes and 1x30 minute walks with the dog at the moment which with the stop start nature of the walk amounts to about seven miles per day. It'll increase by another hour or so a day when the better weather arrives.
I have a regular ~4 mile circular route which typically takes me about 75 minutes, with a variety of additional pathways I can add on if time & weather allows which can increase the distance up to as much as 10 miles, but mostly still lets me cut off & return home fairly quickly if the need arises.
It offers varied walking surfaces & wonderful scenery, with some parts sheltered & others very open to the elements, so plenty of options open.
A minimum of thirty minutes. I try to factor it into my day where I can - walking to my destination instead of getting the train or tube. Or walking to the supermarket which is 15 mins away rather than the closest one. But on nice days, I might go for a two hour walk.
5-10 miles. My dog needs a lot of exercise. If it was up to me, my longest walk would be from my door to the car.
Finally, someone on my wavelength - the second part of your comment that is, not the bit about the dog.
Whilst I will go out for a walk at lunchtime at work that is primarily to have a private chat (whinge) with one of my colleagues away from prying ears. Other than that I'd pretty much never bother 'going for a walk', such a mundane activity.
1) How much time do I have? 2) Is it my lunch break at work?
These are the same for me. Even dog walk varies, if it is a trot (on the lead walk) or play (throwing stuff for dog to fetch) or a walk around the grounds of our local National Trust place(with dog). She is a guardian breed so doesn’t need much exercise, although can do multiple walks with a rest in between.
My dog will chase the ball on the beach until he drops, little sod won’t walk on a lead much further than half a mile before he starts pulling to turn around and go home
Usually around an hour. I love in The Lake District so there's some good hiking tracks around. You can just get lost in the beauty of the country.
I've done 5 minutes and I've done 8 hours, walk for however long you want
Well usually just a few minutes. I'd be red raw from an hour.
...oh sorry you said walk. Misread the title.
If everything is pleasant; no aching joints, no treacherous weather etc then I like to do 6 or 7 miles for a 'proper' walk which takes me 90 mins at a brisk pace but if I have time I'll include some bird watching and photography as well.
If I'm going out "for a walk", it means I'm off through fields and woodlands. I'm usually gone for 3-4 hours at least.
A walk that is one where I’ve driven somewhere specifically to go for a walk then yeah I’d expect at least an hour unless I was with someone who would find that difficult. But if I need to stretch my legs/clear my head I might fit for a 10 min walk from my front door… and I’d still say i popped out for a walk then.
Usually 45-90 mins, but depends what time I'm out.
I have heart failure, so walking exercise is important, but at the same time difficult due to exhaustion and shortage of breath, I try to do a 3o minute walk every day. On top of that, I buy my food shopping daily so 10 minutes to shop, same again return plus the few minutes going round the aisles. That is in addition to my "exercise walk"
With the dogs 20 - 30 usually to give them a stretch
But on nice days and i have the time, it can be anywhere between 2 -3 hours of just wandering parks, woods and neighbourhoods.
Totally depends on why I’m going for a walk. If it is just to get some fresh air, maybe 20 minutes to half an hour. If I’m going for a walk because I am bored, then it could be hours. I pack a bag with some weed and water and just wonder for hours, usually end up in a field somewhere overlooking the town. Lovely
I go from 30 minutes to 3 hours if i have a bottle of water and my headphones on me
It depends on the situation.
Cooped up inside all day? An hour to ninety mins.
Clearing my head from work? Ten or fifteen minutes around the block.
Walking to the high street? Twenty five minutes each way.
Dedicated walk/hike? Five to eight hours.
An hour a day - half an hour in one direction and then back again as general everyday exercise.
Usually about an hour or so. I whack on Confessions podcast or listen to music and pretend I'm in the music video for it.
30 mins for a 'walk'. At least once a year I like to do a big 8 hour walk, though.
30 minutes, if i've got more time than that i'd plan a bit more and do a route for a reason (which might just be because I've not been that way before)
30-45 mins before work normally a few times a week.
1-4 hours on a weekend day, a few weekends a month.
I live in the countryside, and it's hilly. Still, at no point do I call this a hike. Shudder.
Probably 35000 steps or 15 miles is is an average walk for my wife and I.
30 minutes if it’s a lunch break walk. Probably around 2 hours if it’s an evening stroll
I have 2 alternate routes that both loop back to my house. One is 1 hour, the other takes about 2.
Definitely depends on if you have a dog and the age/breed
Anywhere between 20 min and 2h.
I hate walking for the sake of it, so when my husband drags me out, it's for an hour tops.
My FIL however, went for a walk on holiday and was gone so long we considered reporting him missing.
You’re not mad. I walk an hour or two each day.
How do you find the time?
Either after work or long lunch. I work flexible hours.
It all depends.
Sometimes I’ll just do a quick lap around the block to blow the cobwebs out.
Once or twice a week I’ll rack up a 7-10 mile walk over 2 or three hours.
My longest walk was a couple of years ago. I finished an entire audiobook. I walked about 26 miles.
Usually an hour and a half. Me and my husband walk most evenings.
Totally depends....but about an hr....I drink a lot of fluids during the day so I need to pee!!
I have a large scent hound, so I take him out for two hours or so in the mornings (when my foot's not torn up), covering roughly 5-6 miles. Most people say that I'm excessive, but that's our normal, and I love it.
2-3 hours.
30 mins to 2 hours depending on how I feel.
Mid week walks in winter are around the 45/4km mark
No particular length, but though I don't particularly buy into faddy ideas generally, the 10,000 steps a day marker does work very well in making sure you get enough walking in your day.
30,45, an hour? Depends on how busy my day is but at least 30
There is no set time or distance. I might go for a 10 minute walk to clear my head or I might go for a 3-4 hour walk on a long Summer evening.
Assuming it has any set time is rather silly.
You’re wrong. The word “walk” is derived from the Latin word “walkius” which was used to describe the distance between a persons house and their nearest Roman strip bar. It’s well documented that romans lived in a giant ring, with one strip bar in the centre, always 1 mile away. People walk at average 4 miles per hour meaning a walk as always 15 minutes. Get educated.
I've started going for a walk everyday since the start of the year. If I do my workout in the morning then I'll go for a 90 minute walk in the afternoon/evening. If I have a day off working out then I'll walk for about 2-3 hours, sometimes in 1 go or split in to 2 walks depending on work
I have a toddler, so it totally depends on her! If she’s in her ‘independent’ mood then 15 minutes tops (if she’s refusing to sit in the pushchair) as she’ll want carried when she gets tired/bored.
If she’s feeling compliant, and there’s interesting things to look at, an hour before she’s begging to get out of the pushchair (and I will have bribed her to stay in as long as possible). She’s almost 3, so her stamina is increasing, but we’ve got some way to go yet. It’s rare I get out for a walk by myself anymore, but it used to be an hour or so
30 mins at lunchtime to clear my head. Anywhere from 1-10 hours if it's a proper walk which is a major activity.
depends who’s at the pub
I walk to the shop several times a week takes about 30mins an hour if I do abit of a loop through town. Last summer I started doing really long walks if I had a day with absolutely nothing to do. There's a big long route of footpaths and bridleways near my house that go in a big loop, which takes about 5 or 6 hours to walk the whole thing.
However long I want to?
Some weird arse questions on this sub sometimes.
Hour, hour and a half during my lunchtime.
Generally around an hour in the evening. It can be more when it's drier as I'm fairly rural so it gets impassable quickly in some places.
Lunchtime walk during WFH is usually about 20 mins so I can get home and make some lunch before going back to work. Weekend leisurely walk is usually a couple of hours
I start my evening walk with a fat joint, normally takes an hour or so depending on what side quests I stumble upon
If it's at lunch time, 15-20 minutes.
If it's at the weekend, 1-2 hours.
If I've travelled to a place specifically to do a walk, 3-4 hours with a lunch break.
I tend to find I can't be bothered leaving the house if it will be less than an hour, sort of like it isn't worth it, so tends to range from an hour to a couple of hours, but more often just an hour unless I'm going somewhere specifically away from home for the walk.
How long is a piece of string?
1-2 hours, I try to go for a walk every day and I try to complete 5 miles.
90 minutes most days for me, I'd rather walk in the open air than be in a gym
Depends where I am, with who, and how much time I have. Usually at least 30 mins. Over an hour or two isn't strange for a weekend.
During work half an hour, in my own time about an hour.
I work from home but found that doing a “walk home” helps to decompress a bit and give a better separation between working at home and living at home. At the moment I’m only doing about 20 minutes, but when the weather is nice I can happily be out for 60-90 minutes.
If it's just an unplanned "I want to get out of the house" kind of walk then for me it's 30 mins to an hour.
Anything more than that is a more formally planned route which I'm probably driving somewhere to do. The former would just be from my house.
Depends, during the week it’s 2x 30 mins a day, weekend could be anything I do tend to do a 1 hour and 30 mins on a Sat or Sun.
Depends when. A lunch time walk will be less than an hour, a weekend walk will be the morning or afternoon. Anything over half a day I'd class as a hike but if I'm walking for a day then it's not around town, I'm up a hill or round a loch.
20 - 30 mins
2 hours
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