The World has Reached Peak Plutocracy
Posted by Rz7777@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 37 comments
Article from 2015 - not mine, but just thought that it has aged pretty well.
Posted by Rz7777@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 37 comments
Article from 2015 - not mine, but just thought that it has aged pretty well.
Balls... wait until they leverage AI to fuck us royally
Rich folk: I haven't begun to peak. When I do peak the whole world is gonna feel it.
LMAO peak plutocracy SO FAR....
As long as there are prostitute police to defend it, nothing will change
"The world has reached peak war," -the world (1917)
"The world has reached peak technology," the world (1876)
It can always get worse.....
"...humans live to serve the economy" says it all.
From the time we wake up to the time we crawl into bed, we're making someone else richer, landlords or banks where we live, the cars we fuel, companies we work for, the goods we feather our nests with, the food we eat, the screens we stare at, the taxes we pay on everything, the clothes, the subscriptions, the the the.........
Humans are just a resource being harvested.
We're not ACTUALLY making those people richer.
The symbols on a bank statement or balance sheet are just a "$" sign accompanied by some digits, commas and a period.
Those symbols, when arranged in a certain order, are something we've all been brainwashed over time to believe represent something real.
Real wealth is a stable supply of food, water and protection from the environment as well as a stable society full of other people who have the same.
Those rich people have brains and sex organs loaded with microplastics. They live in a world which is pivoting into a declining food and water supply and a working class which is now so desperate that they want to replace US democracy with a dictator.
They believe they are wealthy and you believe they are wealthy. Its all a mirage.
In other words, we're all on the same sinking ship, and the only difference is that there's a handful of us in more luxurious cabins who think throwing the rest of us overboard - engineering staff included - will keep it afloat.
People with money don't think. They are just animals who are acting upon instinct. Constantly fortifying their personal nest and trying to enhance their attractiveness to potential mates.
Humans are biological animals with big brains which have given themselves incredible tool building sophistication. But all of that sophistication doesn't change the fact that we're animals operating on autopilot.
Citigroup wrote a handy internal memo on how to cash in on the plutonomy - back in 2005 . How could it be any other way.
Yep. The Plutonomy Report.
And it was duly ignored by... everyone. In fact, they tried to scrub it from the Internet once they realized the gaffe they had made. I first read it in its PDF form.
Of course they had no idea HOW the Internet works, so of course the evidence is still around.
edit: effinf typos 🤣
Back then, naive me thought I got my hands on something special. Yes. almost nobody cared.
The logical conclusion of capitalism is one guy owning everything and the rest of humanity as his slaves. Unless collapse happens first thats where it must end. With another century of wealth consolidation there could be one person who dominates the global oligarchy as much as they dominate everyone else. If you think Musk is bad he`ll seem like an angel compared to whats to come.
In the end, there can be only one.
🎶Who wants to live forever?🎶
Kleptocracy. Run by the kakistocracy.
We haven’t reached peak Elysium yet.
Rz7777@reddit (OP)
Submission statement: The World has Reached Peak Plutocracy - an article from 2015 focussing on Humanitarian crises around the world largely brought upon people by their own government corruption allowing companies to essentially use them for slave labour - these same people are usually so in need that they cannot move elsewhere for better work and so must endure the continuance of what is essentially slavery.
From 2015!
Oh you sweet sweet summer child...
We're going to get forcibly Neuralinked by God-Emperor Elon dude.
Obi Wan:"Oh, I don't think so"
Peak plutocracy so far!
We can do better.
We believe in you America... take it to the next level! ALL HAIL GOD EMPEROR MUSKRAT
Just wait till Musk becomes the world’s first trillionaire.
Iirc on the current trajectory it’ll be by 2033
I’m willing to bet that it happens faster than that.
Just saw another post that said every centibillionaire except bill gates got there after 2017. So we are probably just getting started on the super oligarch era.
LOL perfect meme.
Can only confirm its Peak Plutocracy when Plutocracy starts to go down, as far as i know it can get worse
No it hasn't. Not yet. The author lacks imagination, but they'll soon be educated.
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Rz7777:
Submission statement: The World has Reached Peak Plutocracy - an article from 2015 focussing on Humanitarian crises around the world largely brought upon people by their own government corruption allowing companies to essentially use them for slave labour - these same people are usually so in need that they cannot move elsewhere for better work and so must endure the continuance of what is essentially slavery.
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It’s going to get a lot worse and there’s no guarantee it will get better.
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