Groomers and the GOP: Is it their statist tendencies or the religious right influence?
Posted by Fantastic-Welder-589@reddit | Libertarian | View on Reddit | 32 comments
If your feed pops up with political and political adjacent people who have gotten caught with children then you notice it almost always seems to be someone within that coalition. Not to mention the, let’s just say, questionable behaviors from actual politicians in the actual party who have actually won elections.
I don’t think it is their statist tendencies, because they aren’t any more statist than their center-left counterparts who aren’t nearly as tied to that horrible depraved crime. At least not with actual arrests or scandals involving entities within their coalition. Many would say the GOP is less statist than their counterparts. So I think it’s the fact that they include the religious right in their coalition. Thoughts?
Fantastic-Welder-589@reddit (OP)
I know about him. I just alluded to him in a previous comment that’s not available anymore. In the same comment, i alluded to a LGBTQ activist who was caught diddling children.
Then the entire premise of your thread is pretty silly isnt it?
Fantastic-Welder-589@reddit (OP)
How so?
I can come back to you with an entire list of Democrat politicians that have done this, the same way there is an entire list of Republicans.
To act like this is an issue of political afilliation instead of an issue of sick human beings is silly in the extreme and is entirely lacking in critical thought.
Fantastic-Welder-589@reddit (OP)
You can? I literally only know of two. Yet every month I see an example of some within the GOP coalition getting arrested.
Every month? Ya ok buddy. Some people arent self aware enough to follow politics with anything approaching rational thought. These are the type of conclusions I'd expect to see from a high school kid.
As someone who grew up in the catholic church, I assure you the kid diddling leads towards the right. Even the pope was covering for the diddlers.
Another uncritical statement. About 40%-50% of Republicans AND Democrats identify as Catholic.
Are you claiming that both the right and the left are equally religious?
If this is the conclusion you got from my last statement then I have nothing further to say to you.
Well it's either that or you essentially said something like both me and Elon musk are worth 400 billion combined. So which is it?
If you agree that Republicans are more religious then what exactly are you saying
LOL what?! Do you even know WTF you're talking about? Have a good day.
Solid argument
You must first have a rational thought for me to address
You just didnt understand the Elon thing. It made perfect sense. Do you think every catholic is the same? There are different levels to any religion and the more die hard Catholics are definitely on the right. Liberal values dont really agree with much of catholic values yet liberal people can still call themselves catholic.
"More diehard catholics are definitely on the right"
I'm sure you have an objective way to measure that instead of vibes.
Are you claiming that’s not true? Do you really believe that? You’d have to be pretty ignorant to think conservatives and liberals are equally religious. Conservatives are trying to push their religion into government. Liberals are not
Yo, who are basing your point on feels and nothing objective whatsoever calls me ignorant. The jokes write themselves.
It's rather obvious by this sub thread who's ignorant here.
So it’s just my feeling that conservatives are imposing their religious beliefs on government?
And now you move the goal posts lol. I knew I should have stopped talking to you once you showed you're not bright enough to understand obvious points. In fact, I'll just do so now
What goal posts were moved? You asked for evidence of the right being more religious. Inserting their religion into government is an example of them being more religious.
Your whole premise isn’t even accurate. Republicans are more religious
That's an opinion piece LMAO
A poll is an opinion piece? wtf are you talking about
YOUR feed is littered with it because YOU interact with those posts and forums. The NUMBER 1 way to maintain user engagement on social media platforms is to show users posts that invoke outrage.
This is a YOU problem.
Fantastic-Welder-589@reddit (OP)
I know. I’m fair I did ask for some examples so my feed would change. It seems the story of every pastor or militia member that gets caught ends up on my feed. But I guess you’re saying there is an equal number of people in leftist circles who get caught and I don’t hear about them.
And the right thinks the exact same thing about the left. Just substitute lack of religion as the cause,
Fantastic-Welder-589@reddit (OP)
Except a lack of religion isn’t why the Catholics and allegedly the southern Baptist’s and LDS did what they did. Then there’s the independent rural pastor getting arrested once a month or so. Lack of religion doesn’t seem to be a good explanation.
This is going to sound crazy but it's actually neither of those exactly, it's actually the dirtiest and most transgressive buzzword of them all: patriarchy.
Patriarchy is not just men = bad, okay, but it's actually a way in which people view each other as either dominators or as weak and permissible to be dominated (men and women can fill either role, depending on the circumstances). This is why everyone in the world will say that rape is bad, but A LOT of people will also find themselves defending rapists, because they subconsciously believe in the right of the strong to dominate the weak.
So in many traditional, "conservative values" groups, sexual violence is in some ways permissible. In some ways it's even encouraged ("boys will be boys"). It's a natural consequence of orienting ourselves towards this perspective of domination.
It's important to say that even in a society without patriarchy, obviously there would still be sexual violence because some people's brains just won't work right, but to the degree that we can blame certain things on our culture, a lot of it does come down to these internalized concepts of domination and patriarchy, imo.
Fantastic-Welder-589@reddit (OP)
You can? I literally only know of two. Yet every month I see an example of some within the GOP coalition getting arrested.
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