What are the Pros/Cons of these two different styles and which is better for CQB?
Posted by I17eed2change@reddit | Firearms | View on Reddit | 23 comments
You spelled Red Dot wrong
Red dots are nice, but backups are always important.
Not anymore with how far red dot tech and reliability has come
Someone’s never used a red dot in a snowy environment. Can’t see shit
Don’t focus on the dot.
Absolutely you can. Don’t buy a cheap airsoft optic
it's not just a case of reliability. if your optic takes a significant impact, say, from a bullet, that shit isn't gonna work anymore
you should always have backup iron sights. they weigh fuck all and add so much to your rifle.
Nah. More and more are going without irons. Modern day optics like Aimpoint’s are bomb proof.
fuck TROY!
What do you need optics for in “cqb”?
One other difference between the two that I haven't seen mentioned here is that the ears on the HK style (one on the left) are slightly longer than the M4 style (one on the right). This means that when they are folded down, the HK style front sight takes up one or two more rail slots on the handguard.
I17eed2change@reddit (OP)
good point. didn't think about that
they also give a better sight picture
Left one is bad all around. It's trying to be an HK style iron without being HK style adjustable.
On an HK rifle, the front sight post is fixed so it is in the center of the ring around the front sight. It is non adjustable. It is designed like this to assist you in rapidly centering the front sight post inside the rear sight aperture. It's easy, because all you have to do is put the rear sight aperture over the front sight ring and the post will be centered - putting the circle over the circle rather than trying to center a post inside a circle.
On an HK rifle, only the rear sight is adjustable. The system doesn't work if you adjust the front sight post because it would no longer be centered in the ring around the front sight. On this sight, the front sight post is adjustable for elevation which ruins the whole concept. if you adjust the post, you will have to offset the ring in the rear aperture which will actually work against you.
the HK style is much quicker to acquire but if you use these particular irons, you will be working against yourself. Use a red dot.
Guess im doing it wrong using the hooded front post… OP author, Works and zero’s fine. I just went with the some of the HK “style” Troy on some of my rifles because of the looks and also they offer the “micro” (made specifically for the hk416/ and on my MR556) for some of my higher bore axis like my ARX. The hood does allow for quicker sight acquisition.
The one on the right is more M16 style. If you are used to shooting old Iron sights, it may be better for you. I think it is just familiarization. I will also say that some people have a hard time making out the side vs. the post and have missed in the twilight/dawn shooting off the side and not the post.
The one on the left is more like the Mauser sights. You can sight on the post. You can sight at the top/over at night. You can know that if a person is inside the circle the range is.... IMHO, it is more functional, but ... less light makes it to the post.
In today's world, these being BUISs, I don't think you will get much use out of them when we can do scope and offset RD.
What is your plan for a rear BUIS?
And make sure if you are getting a rail mounted or front sight replacement. I have seen people screw up both ways.
I17eed2change@reddit (OP)
Hey, thanks for the detailed breakdown—really appreciate it! I’m more familiar with the M16-style setup, so I was initially leaning toward the sight on the right and planning to pair it with Troy DOA rear backups (UPC: 812699011232). But now you’ve got me thinking there might be some merit in checking out the left sight to see if it could end up being more useful for me.
Since you seem pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, I’ve got another question: when it comes to rear sights, what are the pros and cons of DOA sights (like the one I mentioned earlier) versus flat tops e.g., UPC: 812699010709? Would be great to hear your take!
I am by no means an expert, just old. The last BUIS I bought was years ago.
I had a couple sets of Arms brand that I used for years and I think I finally destroyed one. They laid very flat so they worked for my purpose, I needed them UNDER the scope.
I think I bought a set of magpul steel ones first gen. They were ok. I know I bought them but don't remember shooting with the.
I bought a rear MaTech. This is a mixed bag of good and bad. It is not flat enough to fit under a scope, but it allows me to adjust for range. I was also told by a Ranger armorer that the Rangers kill them. Where I planned on using them on a dedicated iron sight setup, the rangers flick the post up hard and that kills them. They are not robust when someone drops the rifle and they are up. So, great for my purpose, but ...
I have since move to a scope and then a offset reddot. This works for my primary setups, SPR with BIG scope and my other AR with a 1-8 scope.
As far as the current TROY. I don't know why they are doing the diamond, but assume there is a reason for it.
I17eed2change@reddit (OP)
thanks for your input... also scope and off set red dot is supreme
I dont know why, perhaps because I never had someone teach me how to use dog ear irons, but I really struggle to get them placed consistently in my rear aperture.
I much prefer partial or complete circle post front sights over traditional dog ear front sights if my rear sight is an aperture.
The one on the left has more space to acquire the target. Is that good or bad? That's for you to decide
Its literally just visual preference pick which one looks cooler to you