144hz Monitor is capped at 60hz issue.
Posted by TaurusHeart@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 16 comments
So my monitor that used to give me 144 hz easily, now only gives me 60hz. When I try increasing it to 120 or 144, the bottom 1/4th of my screen is just black and the image compresses.
Other info:
1. I do have and have been using a display cable since I got this monitor 2 years ago.
2. I have 2nd monitor connected and Its 60 hz max. Tried unplugging it to see if it would resolve the 1st monitor's issues. It did not.
3. What I noticed is that in the NVIDIA system display settings AND the NVIDIA control panel, it says for some reason my monitor is set to "1080p, 1920x1080 (native)." That selection only goes up to 60hz. This is under Ultra HD, HD, SD.
4. If i change it to PC 1920x1080 instead, that goes up to 144, but then I start having the bottom of my screen become black.
5. This is a ASUS VP249QGR.
6. I have a 3060TI.
I just don't know what the issue is and 3-4 months ago, it was just fine. Could someone please help me?
Have you tried to replace the cable
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
Update, Instead of replacing cable, I actually changed out my monitor.
My display cable works on other monitor. :(
maybe its the monitor.
Well that’s more expensive. :(
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
Man...Luckily I had that spare a friend gave me, but i'm kind sad about that. Now i really do have to buy a new one.
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
I haven't, Ill get a new one and see if it resolves
Swap the cables between the 2 monitors and see what happens. If fixed, need new cable. Not fixed, well, it's the monitor.
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
Ya thanks, i appreciate this, because its definitely the monitor. The cable is working just fine
Can you change the refresh rate in the monitors settings. My monitor allows me to adjust what frame rate I want.
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
I don't actually see where to do that. I checked through the OSD and theres no option to do it sadly
Easiest and cheapest first step is to buy a new hdmi/displayport cable and try it (of course first just try plugging and unplugging your existing one both on the pc and monitor).
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
True, I plugged in my Display port cable into a new monitor and it seems to work just fine. The new monitor goes up to 240hz. Its just one i had lying around.
Could either be a faulty cable or monitor. Replace the cable and retry first.
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
Update: Instead of replacing cable, I actually changed out my monitor.
My display cable works on other monitor. And the "new" monitor goes up to 240. Dang...Its the monitor itself then?
TaurusHeart@reddit (OP)
Okay let me get a new one and follow up later!
Display port or HDMI?
I would guess it's the cable using an older standard that can't get past 60hz.