What would you buy if you thought you’d soon lose access to buying it?
Posted by PolarisFallen2@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 321 comments
Regardless of your read on current events or what you’re prepping for, I think this is an interesting question to consider. While the ideal answer is that we all have everything we need already, most of us don’t have unlimited funds and probably have things we’d hope to get (or get more of) before we would need them.
Before getting bogged down on the issue of why you may not be able to get something in the future, here are some examples: - Panic buying or low availability. - Price of the item expected to skyrocket. - Concern about the item no longer being sold. - Infrastructure issues in general or changes in relationships with countries where the item or its components are sourced.
What would you prioritize getting your hands on quickly if you became concerned that soon it would be very difficult or impossible to purchase?
Wow you guys are so responsible. My first thought was Tom Ford Cherry Smoke. My favorite perfume by far:DDD
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
See, I buy seeds every year as if I have twice as much time and garden space as I really do. One of my favorite hobbies is not gardening so much as planning the gardening.
With some of those species that aren't customarily started from seed, seeds are still available if you want them. I always recommend at least a few packets of true potato seed, in case something happens to your supply of seed potatoes. https://www.cultivariable.com/ is an excellent source for both seeds and information on that.
Strawberry seeds are even easier to find. I think roughly half the seed catalogs I get have at least one variety of strawberry seed for sale.
Onions are complicated. Not only are they biennials, they are also highly vulnerable to inbreeding depression, and the seeds only have a very short shelf life. It might be more practical to look for something like "Potato Onions" and have a patch established. The bulbs multiply by themselves, forming clusters.
(Plant-breeder here. This is my obsession.)
How long are the potato seeds viable for?
It varies a bit depending on storage conditions, but 20 years wouldn't be unthinkable.
Thanks I am going to grab some. I am in the middle of potato country but going to give it a shot.
Onion seeds don’t store well, so if you already have some seeds that are a few years old, it may be worth getting more.
I’m starting to see some fruit plants at the big box stores, so they may have bare root strawberries in your local nursery.
I would really recommend learning how to save seeds. Each plant is a little different, but how prepared are you if you’re relying on a catalog or hardware store to supply your plants for you?
You should look into landrace gardening, it's about adapting seeds to your specific context
Freedom seeds. Especially the 22lr variety
I’ve been intending to order some from Burpees this year and save the leftovers in the freezer. I understand they last a long time if stored in glass jars.
A lot of Burpees seeds are hybrids and don’t produce viable seeds. Some do but a lot don’t. Check out Baker Creek Seeds. The owner only does heirlooms and their prices are reasonable. I have been harvesting seeds from beans we started a decade ago and every year they are solid producers.
Good to know. Thanks
Grow heirlooms and learn how to save the seed. Yes, it’s good to have a backup stash, but we save more than we could ever plant every year. I like to joke with my wife that we’ll be able to plant the whole neighborhood if things ever collapse.
Going through this in Canada right now. Guns, never thought I would say it but the government has been slowly banning guns since 2020.
Hopefully y'all fix that soon. Hard to be free without them
Hopefully, early election in May!
Hope Singh doesn't back out.
My boots.
I'm a boot wearing guy. And I'm kinda picky. When I find what I like, I wear the shit out of them. There was one model that I wore daily, and they stopped making them. In hindsight, I'd buy as many pairs as I could to last me the rest of my life.
I have 12 pairs of the same boots 😂 they are not made any more but come up on eBay from time to time and I scoop them up.
Damn, I thought I was a gangster rolling in with 5 pairs. I get a pair of work bolts every year but I'm not hard on them so I put them away when I get the new ones.
I’ve been going on eBay too
My last fave, I had 2 pair. Different color
We stocked up on Tevas. We’re in Florida and go thru so any. We bought extra underwear 😂 I bought an extra iPad.
Literally was like fuck I wanna get some extra boots cuz the ones I like are getting half way there. Fucking discontinued.
Once I find a new pair I’m going to have two usable ones for sure! lol
For anyone reading shoes can deteriorate from sitting unworn. I’d assume boots could have issues as well. Obviously vintage sneakers exist so there has to be a solution. Just research before stocking up. 👍
My sneaker head students (they buy,sell, and collect sneakers- Air Jordan for example) are finding out that sneakers deteriorate even if you never wear them and keep them in a box in their closet. Ooof.
It would take a while. I still wear boots I had in high school 15 years ago. Only a few times a year, but they are still fine
It depends on the materials and storage conditions
Its hard too because you don’t know how their durability or longevity until you wear them for a year, to know if you want more pairs.
Yea. True. Guess I have to work 2x as hard now to find out sooner….
Not a perfect solution, but I keep shoegoo on hand. It’s kept several pairs of shoes or boots going longer.
I was thinking about this yesterday. My favorite slip on Keens for work were out of stock so I bought an Ariat version. They have been fantastic. The soles wear well, very waterproof and comfortable. It occurred to me that I should buy a couple pairs to avoid having to find a similar boot again.
Yeah boots is a good one, I have mine custom made. That said it's not like I'd stock up on boots, but I would on boot conditioner so my boots last.
Been wearing the same tennis shoes (same model, new pairs) for like 8 years and am now at the end of my stock after they discontinued them about 2 years ago.
I feel your pain.
Oh yes.
I have chronic pain from a wreck. I can only wear certain shoes without extreme pain.
Give us the boot details
Well I wear Redwings now, (which sucked in terms of breaking in), but I wore Danner Acadias for a long time (which were friggin' great) but the boots were the Pro-Warrington 6006. Best boots I've ever worn and protected my feet from everything. Then they were bought out by Honeywell, who eventually dropped the model.
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
Good one. I’ve definitely bought duplicates of shoes before when I really liked them. Even without such a specific situation, having a backup pair of sturdy shoes on hand is a big one.
Coffee, candy, sriracha
Coffee is my top one. I probably need to start stockpiling it, as something that has to come from the tropics and has a relatively small area where it grows, I could easily see it becoming unavailable or too expensive in the relatively near future. And I am desperately addicted so I won’t last long post collapse without it.
Heh. My hoard of Café Bustelo bricks. Walmart has them cheapest here so I buy two every time I go.
What does the expiration date say?
Does it matter? When there is no coffee to be had these are vacuum packed on Mylar.
I’m just curious that is all
According to this site it has a 720 day shelf life.
I’m doing that right now.
Wonder if people who live close enough to the Canadian border will be hopping over it to buy things like coffee in the near future.
Coffee is not in good shape right now. They have been in a drought since last year plus fires.
Yes indeed. I’m learning to roast them now. When Costco has my favorite beans on sale I stock up. They just did so I bought a six month supply. The beans are whole. I pick through to find the ones that are rightly vacuum sealed and store them in the freezer.
Unfortunately it's likely to be things like prescription medications.
Just an interesting aside: If you live in North America, Yaupon Holly has caffeine in the leaves and makes a good tea. It grows wild, even weedy, in the southeast, and is widely available in the horticultural trade
During the Depression my great aunt drank chicory. It’s wild on the sides of the road.
Interesting, looks like it really only grows in the southeast though.
I roast coffee, so my advice would be to play with learning to roast. Lots of low tech ways to do it. The green coffee beans have a longer shelf life, and probably longer when stored under mylar and vacuum. Check out Coffee Bean Corral. $5-8/lb is typical. Fresh roast is awesome. Don’t forget that coffee ground are excellent in gardens and compost bins.
The problem with coffee is it's hard to stockpile. The oils are very susceptible to ratification.
If you roast your own green coffee it can be stored for longer because it's more stable than it is after roasting.
I worry about coffee the most. I keep several months of beans, and a brick or two of Lavazza. I also have a bunch of #10 cans of instant coffee as a super emergency backup. Things have to get really bad for me to drink instant coffee, but I'm ready just in case.
I subscribe and save my coffee in bulk off of Amazon and the usual $28 is now $38 and then when unavailable for the first time in like 5 years. So yeah, I'm glad I have about 3-4 months worth of beans in my pantry.
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
Honestly the morale snacks have to be high on the list
Brownie mix is just something that I always have a backstock of. It would suck to not have a brownie when I wanted one.
Make sure you have eggs and oil
I have a barter system with my neighbor. I grow potatoes, he raises chickens; i trade eggs for potatoes. I don’t have the time for livestock and he loves them. He doesn’t have the gumption to grow things. It’s perfect.
Would be Tabasco for me 🤤
Smokes 😫
Okay a slightly different take on this.
First having gone through the 1994-2004 AW Ban, I would stock up on ammunition and magazines. You should already have the firearms. Have a spare for your primary. You don’t need 50 guns, but enough ammunition and mags to last are important. $12 mags selling for $120? No thanks, done that already.
Now, take a look at Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Cuba over the last couple of decades. What are they missing? What are the things that they desperately want and need? Life doesn’t stop just because something bad happens.
OTC meds, small spare parts, fishing gear, etc.
Sounds silly but as an example, string trimmer parts and supplies. Depending on what happens, it may not be the SHTF, but an economic war with the east. And what happens to the cheap parts and materials that keep the thing running? Do you want to be out there with a pair of clippers and doing this by hand? You may not have a yard, but the concept is the same for everything.
Power supplies, how can you keep “dirty power” from ruining your freezer and fridge?
Your favorite toothpaste, coats $5 now, but how much later? Get yourself a years supply now at the sale price compared to the price later. Use half as much and you have a 2 year supply.
What does it take to keep your vehicle running? Not just fuel but filters, oil, grease, tools. My truck uses a special wiper blade, only put them on one year and went back to the conventional type. I keep a couple pairs on hand.
Think of daily life first.
Bandaids, boots, bras. 😄
I'm actually serious
Rx meds. I take several. Maybe some broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Land with access to oil in Texas
I’d recommend a menstrual cup over tampons. Less waste
Yes! Menstrual cups/disks and period panties are a game changer!
Definitely buy out the store!
Its the simple things that keep your marriage alive.
Morale is so important! Everyone becomes unraveled and restless without some comforts.
I remember backpacking in the Grand Canyon and we ate the same stuff day and night. One night one of our guides busted out one of those jello instant cherry cheesecake things and omg, nothing tasted better in my life! You definitely need those treats every so often.
I’ve stocked up on chocolate and hard candy.
Yeah, I think chocolate is an underrated choice.
Medications, both prescription and over the counter. Pet foods. Fabric and sewing notions. Clothing (ever try to sew a bra?). Hobby materials that come from overseas, like inks and embroidery thread. Bicycles and parts, particularly tires.
Listen, when SHTF I will happily give up my bra and never look back.
I already did & have been a lot happier!
I haven’t worn a bra in like two years. Never felt better
I am so jealous. I wish I could give up my bras but my back pain says otherwise.
Me: throws shit at fan
I have made my own bras before. The best ones I made used the pattern for a ren-faire bodice, but with the bottom 3 inches cut off.
I suggest along with your sewing supplies and fabric, look for a book on how to make your own sewing patterns.
Thank you so much for the suggestion! I've made my own patterns, but the ones for bras were a spectacular failure (or maybe just a spectacle :)
I'm going to try the bodice mod idea as soon as I can. Modern elastic filled bras should be outlawed.
Tires AND tubes. Tubeless bike tires are not going to be sustainable in a pinch.
Other wear parts like cables and brake pads are an ok idea, but far less important.
Lube and chain cleaner.
Other parts that wear out eventually, especially derailleurs, are less important.
Anyone serious about it should find a bike compatible with the most parts currently in existence on bikes. Salvage would be big.
Agree, thanks!
Bike parts - smart! And we always already have too much printer ink and paper, but never enough calligraphy ink and origami or scrapbook paper. Or Velcro, which I count as a sewing notion.
I'm ashamed to say I just thought of the bike parts tonight when I was considering if other nations get annoyed enough at us, we could end up with another oil embargo and then - back to the bicycle. Parts for which, especially tires, come from elsewhere.
I get my embroidery thread from a place in France. I think our world is about to get much smaller for a while. Best wishes.
If it helps, the U.S. has been a net exporter of oil since 2022. We make more than we use now.
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
Ooh getting a bike to begin with needs to go on my list.
Coffee. Not for myself, but because I live with someone who is very unpleasant without their morning cup lol.
For myself it would probably be ibuprofen, which I already buy in huge bottles from Costco.
Teeth. A whole two racks of em
Primers, powder, boolets and brass.
Prioritizing powder and primer. Freedom seeds can be made and brass reused.
I prioritize em all. You'll never get a lead freedom seed to consistantly group near as well as one that is jacketed.
My passport
Many many lbs of green coffee beans. Specific prescription meds. A lifetime supply of naproxen.
Glasses / contacts&solution in various worsening strengths to last a while
Diet Dr. Pepper
My man. I keep wanting to order a 5 gallon bag of the syrup.
This has been on my mind this week. I’m going through my supply closet and BOB to organize. Probably do a Costco run to stock up on essentials before the price hikes. Probably stock up on pharmacy supplies. Then just focus on saving as much as possible. I just got my car serviced too. I’d love to buy a gun before summer, just depends on cash flow. I’m lowkey hoping my grandma will gift me one from my grandpa’s collection. He has a ton of prepper gear/supplies.
Want to save more move in with grandma lol
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
Costco run and pharmacy supplies are on my list for the weekend too.
Extra reading glasses
Seeds and salt
Hookers and Blow
Maybe not. Cocaine has been used for almost 200 years for it's properties as anesthetic, vasoconstrictior, stimulant.
Many years ago I worked as a dental assistant with a dental surgeon who had one of the last DEA permits to use cocaine in his practice.
We had a young kid who came in one night when we were on call - he'd planted face first on the sidewalk when he fell off his bike. Nose broken, multiple teeth and front jaw smashed up - bloody mess. But the kid was in pain and scared and fighting us, so the nursing aides were gonna strap him down to a backboard to work on the kid, which would have been traumatizing in it's own right.
So my boss thought a few seconds and asked us if he could borrow our make-up kits out of our purses. A few minutes later, the "Fairy God-Mother" appeared and told the kid that she had a magic wand that would take away all his pain. Bonus points if you guessed it was q-tip with a little distilled water and a pinch of cocaine. Handed the kid the magic wand and told him to just touch the tip to the places it hurt and all the pain would go away. And Yep, worked like a charm.
Hey, I'm not saying go into the coke business - remember this guy had a special license, bought it from the government, and certainly didn't have enough if it to deal.
But if your kid has a serious facial lac that needs serious stitch work and you remember that your good-for-nothing cousin might have left a little something-something in the garage - it might be useful knowledge to have.
Why not just use lidocaine or novacaine. I actually purchased a bottle of lidocaine last year online just in case SHTF.
And lets face it - lidocaine or nonvacaine are gonna be the most accessible option for us law abiding citizens. Sure, works best if injected - and if that kid had been in a shtf situation, they would have just held him down and injected him.
But one of the problems with the war on drugs has been throwing out all the useful meds that do work for a whole host of issues cause "illegal."
If I had a way to safely store it, gasoline and possibly propane.
How do you store gasoline or propane?
I've seen industrial elevated tanks in places such as trucking companies. That's not for me, but if money weren't an issue I'd consider it. Otherwise no clue. Never looked into it.
Coffee, chocolate, flour, yeast, salt, sugar, olive oil, dental floss, Castile soap, diapers.
Dental floss - I bought a large amount for very cheap. It had to come direct from China (Ali).
it was $5 for 10 rolls, 50m/roll (164 ft). You need to keep larger dispensers and reload. Its not the ribbon stuff, just plain ordinary floss.
According to dentists, you should use about 120 yards per year per person (I googled it). So those 10 rolls represent a 5 year supply for 1 person. $1/year.
Floss is important and underrated. Best of luck fellow prepper.
That dental floss is gonna be spying on your teeth
At least the lead makes it taste sweet!
You might want old fashioned baby diapers. I never used them but we were just talking about that.
Like cloth diapers? We have some as a back up for emergencies but I dread the idea of having to clean them.
I already have a good stock of these but I could use more!
Right now I’d probably buy bulk eggs/milk/chicken. I think h5n1 could be another covid, and even if it doesn’t affect people, the way it’s hurting cows milk production and having to cull chickens it will have an impact on the economy.
I'm seriously looking at aviaries so I can raise quail indoors.
Why not just chickens or turkey?
I have chickens. I'm thinking of moving those indoors too. One of them is indoors already because she's recovering from an injury. She's a little smelly, but not nearly as smelly as I expected, which is where this whole "move the flock indoors" train of thought started. That, and I'm going to need to move again soon, and I've noticed that "birds as house-pets" seem more acceptable to landlords than "birds in the coop outside".
But I think quail would be better suited to indoor life. And when raising them for meat, quail have a shorter turnaround time.
If I had my house built, I would be adding turkeys to the mix, and a bunch more chickens. But I'm not even at the point yet where I can start construction, so that's on hold.
If you have a covered run and don’t let them scavenge in the yard, it’s far less likely for them to get sick outdoors.
At this point, bird flu is a secondary concern. Finding a way to keep them with me while moving to a different rental is a bigger deal. I just barely found this one after almost 7 months of searching, and it's a short-term lease. I have to move out by the end of March.
I would love to keep them outside. They would definitely prefer that, too. But I'm facing the very real possibility that turning my chickens into "house pets" might be the only way I can bring them with me.
It sucks. But that's the situation.
I’ve had to move every few years for work so I’m stuck renting too but at least it’s a house not an apartment or condo. My dogs need a yard to run.
Thankfully this one has its own pool so having that much water is noce
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
I’ve been wondering about that one too. Not sure of a good way to store eggs or milk long term though.
We have powdered whole eggs in a #10 can and powdered whole milk lasts longer than non fat.
Not only can eggs be frozen up to a year (ok for scrambled eggs but won’t make delicate egg dishes like poached) but although expensive, a good dehydrator can process eggs which when ground into a powder and stored well can last longer. I wish I could drop like 1500+ on a dehydrator.
You can get both in #10 cans. Eggs are expensive though! Milk is around $20 and eggs are like $55.
I bought 15 dozen eggs from Sam’s club and they lasted us a little over 2 months in the fridge. So 2 months worth of fresh eggs is nice at least.
I’d like to get a harvest right so I can freeze dry my own eggs.
You can freeze eggs for up to one year. Lots of ways, but I wisk them and put in "cube like" freezer trays and then pop out and put in freezer bags.
#10 cans - they can be expensive. Since the last shortage (2020/2021 I think) I have watched the sales of major FD #10 cans and bought on deep sales. 25 year shelf life helps with this approach.
I’m glad that other people said coffee. lol
And AR50. With incendiary ammo. And some bunnies.
What the bunny wabbits for?
You better order some “pandemic” supplies.
Seeds and fruit/nut trees and shrubs and vines would be number one.
Number 2 would be breeding stock for whatever livestock I could handle on my current property under my current circumstances, even if that's just rabbits and quail.
Number 3 would be solar panels. There are tons of ways to work around energy storage, but generating the energy in the first place is really valuable.
Coffee, chocolate, sugar, flour, seeds, the usual stuff.
I would do the same, and I've done it (seeds and coffee especially and Idk but flour too). I have also in panic bought extra meat (big meat eaters in our house). If I see the meat go down in the freezer I feel compelled to order a half a cow (although we don't have the room - it's always the what if - (if it's gone, if this happens, what if we don't have the funds when we need it or there are no cows ready ECT). It boils down to me being able to provide food for the family.
I keep cows out in the back pasture.
One day, my dream/wish is to be like this too ...
I hope you make it. Home made cheese, milk, and butter from a grass fed cow is amazing. I'm biased, but still.
Blood pressure pills, weed & coffee.
Unsure if you've heard of this but dollarweed has been shown to reduce blood pressure. Not say to drop your meds for it but could save your life in many SHTF scenarios
Also hibiscus! https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6621350/
Also motherwort
Motherwort grows on my property and I love harvesting it. My husband thinks my bp goes down because we infuse it with vodka.
Try to adapt but it would suck
Personal massager with rechargeable battery
Ugh — this occurred to me. I may need to buy a backup for when the ones I have inevitably crash.
Considering Project 2025 already has the gov trying to get rid of League of Legends, I would get on that soon. Open and sexy toys are next
Get creative with your gas generator and it becomes a personal massager that recharges other batteries.
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
Check and check 😎
And a portable solar panel. Gotta jerk off in style when shtf.
Guitar strings!
Ooof — my fiancé is a professional musician, and this hadn’t occurred to me. We’ll stock up this weekend.
Ho. Lee. Shizz. Balls.
How l have I never thought to stash some away before now?
Do it yourself! Learn about catgut! /s
Yep and I put new strings on my acoustic before this past election. Extra strings on hand. Acoustic instruments to pass the time if the grid goes down!
Yes. Thank you for reminder. And to buy acoustic as well lol
Good means to stop suffering.😍
Seeds Spices Salt
Plastic tanks, barrels, buckets.
Hauling, moving, storing, treating water requires containers.
Plastic is hugely useful. Probably some basic valves, connectors, flux or glue depending upon bits and pieces.
People underestimate the fragility of their water supply and the amount they need. Ashville is a very good example of how hard it was to get enough water to everyone.
I'd buy AR-15
I’ve got a 357 revolver but I’m getting older, the kick might break my wrist 😅
Just use .38s they work without the recoil
Anything related to birth control: Plan B, abortion pills, birth control pills, IUD if you choose that route.
Honey. Stores well, and can be traded.
Works as an antiseptic for cuts too
Well rice, as an Asian eating rice twice a day I don't know how long I'd last without it.
I went with rice and dried beans. Your right,
Breeder rabbits. I already grow their feed and I need about a rabbit a day to feed my dogs.
Frying oil. I don’t deep fry at home so I don’t keep it around, but I would occasionally in that scenario. Sometimes people just need a potato chip. Fats in general. The shelf-life is so short and I only store what we use in a few months. Probably can a bunch of meat to put olive oil in its place in the freezers.
Rabbits is one I didn’t think of.
What do you do to clean used oil so you can reuse it? Thanks for the instructions!
Strain through a coffee filter. Cone filters work better.
A rabbit a day to feed your dogs?
Farm dogs. They are on a half raw diet already. Not counting the voles and baby rabbits they catch when they are working with us.
but you're killing a meat rabbit a day to feed the dogs? I'm very curious. I was thinking about raising rabbits but I read that one of the roughest parts of raising them is how many you have to kill, and how often, because like you said, they don't make a ton of meat.
But I was surprised that you're killing one rabbit a day and feeding it to the dogs. Then again, I know next to nothing about farm life.
If refrigeration is working, we’d do them in batches. Make bone broth, eat some ourselves. The meat breeds will have as much meat as a chicken, if you want to get a rough idea. Dogs need 2-2.5% of their body weight in raw food. Mine are busy working dogs so on the higher end. They weigh 80 lbs each, so 4 lbs of raw meat a day if kibble/canned food weren’t available.
We’ve had and eaten all the barnyard fowl at various times. DH has raised rabbits, I haven’t. We need animals we can feed without going to the feed store, and that’s geese or rabbits. But now is not the time to be introducing poultry back to the farm. So in the rhetorical question, it’s rabbits. If this avian flu situation gets worse, finding breeding pairs may not be easy.
Harvesting animals isn’t work I look forward to. But if you eat meat, and I do, it is honest work with some satisfaction for doing it as humanely and hygienically as possible. YouTube is not the place to learn. Find a friend that will let you help. But first get a tetanus shot and learn to sharpen your knives!
you've missed the entire point of the discussion... grabbing a bunch of stuff "quickly" because I "became concerned that soon it would be very difficult of impossible to purchase" IS panic buying and not prepping.
I really don't get how stuff like this keeps jumping into the discussion here. The point of prepping (one of them anyway) is so you don't have to run to the store when everyone else is mob rushing it.
I don't do this with life essentials. I got enough rice and bagged meat and noodles and other stuff to keep life sustainable for a minute without panicking (barely missed a beat with covid and I really don't have that much crap, I'm just humble and I can get by on simple things).
That happens every hurricane!
Girl scout cookies. Thin mints to be more specific.
They’re selling them now
Aldi has knockoffs that are almost identical.
Nicotine but I’m a degen
Honestly was thinking about cigarettes.
I don’t smoke anymore but in the blizzard of 1979 I was trading food for cigarettes with my neighbors. Make sure you get some patches so if you do run out ooooh it’s brutal
The one thing I can't seem to keep around. Good old Copenhagen.
I mean how long will sealed zynns last?
In theory they should be good for years and years, even if dry you can just put a couple drops of water into a tin and rehydrate them if you really needed too
At least 6 months, at least based on manufacture’s expiration. Probably closer to 2-3 years in actuality though.
I honestly couldn't tell you. But you could rotate your stock until you couldn't. I guess SHTF is a good time to quit tobacco. Or at least until somebody grows some and figures out how to make it into wintergreen.
I hope I never have to find out. I switched from a 20 year Copenhagen habit to Zyn (or equivalent) almost 2 years ago.
Green chartreuse
Omg I have a friend who educated me on the whole shortage lol.
It’s 😢sad. When you think of how intertwined everything thing is
What is the reason for that? I've only ever seen it used in a specific cocktail (Last Word, fantastic drink). Does it have medicinal properties?
No it’s just delicious. I’d use everclear if I wanted to disinfect a wound.
Oh haha, that makes sense for the question. I just thought my cocktails might somehow be useful, in addition to delicious.
Amen. That's hard to find in my market to begin with.
Paper books.
I am buying so many good used books and saved magazines.
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
Such a good one, I just saw a post about this
I just recovered from RSV so inhalers, cough syrup, drops, tissues, and throat coat tea.
Us too, I’ve stocked up on every known thing to do with breathing and staying comfortable.
I agree with this 100%. I keep a small extra stash in my preps but not enough to last forever.
That shit is rough. Good idea on soft tissues for the sore nose.
Coffee ❤️
It’s like when a hurricane is approaching Florida, we fill our gas tank up. We have food. It is so strange so many people wait to get food and gas until the water and TP is flying off the shelf along with long gas lines.
coffee, chocolate, fruit cocktail (if fresh fruit was unavailable), OTC medicine.
Sugar and salt. Both extremely useful for food preservation and, in the case of salt especially, difficult to sub out for something else.
Seeds would be my first choice if I didn’t already I have a really good supply as I have learned how to save seeds of everything I grow. I’m doing the landrace thing, so not super concerned about cross pollination (I have already taken out any cytoplasmic male sterile lines).
Preferred brand of feminine products. I don’t want to deal with tampons that aren’t the best for my body.
Guns 🤷♂️
During Covid, i bought ivermectin, capers, tobasco, hand sanitizer, and clorox wipes when those products experienced shortages.
Bleach or seeds. Bleach can purify water and sanitize things, seeds for obvious reasons. Growing your own food I think will be a staple of survivability (though our forefathers hunted / gathered for centuries).
Books. Non fiction I would need, especially.
I have a pile of DVDs from before the Streaming times… so I should probably at LEAST look for $5 versions of some of my newer favorites.
I have a sewing machine, various fibers and threads.
We have multiple decks of cards, and all kinds of board games. But some trivial pursuit would be great!
I really wish I had gotten a whole house dehumidifier back in 2018 when we replaced the HVAC. At the time I thought "we just spent $8000 on the HVAC and the dehumidifier is another $2000. I'll hold off on that."
Fast forward to last summer. I thought, "Let's do the dehumidifier now." Called the HVAC company and the price went up from $2000 to $5000!
Prescription drugs. My prescriptions that help me live a healthy normal life.
Medicines, as many as possible.
A jar or packets of instant yeast. I remember during COVID I wanted to make bread because I was bored but the stores were out of them everywhere because so many people wanted the same thing.
But let’s go with a more common scenario. Winter storm coming through and I want a last minute thing before hunkering down: fruit and milk. My house runs on those two things and, yes, we could live on beans and rice and etc preps, but a last minute fruit run before they go off the shelves would be nice. In an extended situation, you’re not going to have those things for a while. Luckily I’m able to power a small fridge so they’ll stay good until they’re on the shelves again. It’s kinda like eating all the ice cream in the freezer during a long power outage, just gotta enjoy it before it’s gone for a while. It’ll be back on the shelves eventually but you just gotta make it last.
Also something that I’ve learned is lactose free milk is ultra pasteurized and can last an interestingly long time if you don’t open it, some even at room temperature. Some cartons are like a month or two when I first get them. Those are definitely a high frequency cycle-through item for me.
Coffee, honey, chocolate and Metamucil.
Abortion pills
Murder pills you mean you sick fuck
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You’re the sick fuck you murderer
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Says the guy on a pepper sub. I bet you got at least one box of bullets packed away, don't you? So it seems like you're ok with murdering REAL people, just not a clump of cells that haven't developed yet. Hypocrite.
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Google Plan C! There are places you can get it now, before it is needed.
And vinegar!
Eye drops - always my go to for the desert island game
Fuel and ammo
Plastic straws. Early in 2021 i believed they would get banned so i bought 6,000 plastic straws. That’s just over 16 years worth if i use 1 a day.
High nicotine content cigarettes. That is the next short-term investment that will pay off.
Ammo and fishing supplies.
Guns and ammo
Fire arms and ammunition
Chocolate & candy!
Coffee, water, my medicine, inhaler.
1100-gallon water tanks. 55-gallon blue or black barrels.
There is almost nothing a prepper can find an alternate method for (not including guns and ammo in this), but storing water is one of the most important.
Dog food I guess? I just started prepping months ago but always think about what the quickest way to get my dog out and keep him alive... seeing the fires in CA and all those poor animals has got me thinking about it even more now...
Cherry Blossom candy.
Well every election it’s been guns and ammo, for the whole country.
Platypus 4L water purification system. It’s been great! A backup filter if you’re feeling rich lol! Hand hotties. Thermal layers. Multi charging cables (all-in-one) and a solar charger. Bleach. Beanssssss! A secondhand backpacking pack! A Peri bottle as a bidet! Batteries, of all sorts. Just throw them all in the cart lol (not Duracell, those corrode).
lol, I’ve prepped for so many years for one of our two homes, that these are the items I would purchase tomorrow for our low-prepped second home.
Yea to peri bottles! Especially the one with the angled nozzle. I never had a fancy one like that postpartum, but I wish I had!
Tea, sweeteners and coffee. I have a caffeine addiction. I’m glad I don’t have a nicotine addiction 😅😳
I buy loose leaf tea in one pound bags, and actually rotate my stash (unlike the canned veggies and soups i never eat). So far my oldest bag was maybe a year and half old, taste just the same.
PolarisFallen2@reddit (OP)
This one. I have a few instant coffee and tea bags and then caffeine pills for if things really get rough.. no caffeine withdrawal in the middle of a natural disaster or something, thank you.
I’m also growing tea (camilla sinensis) this is what caffeinated teas are made from. Keep this on the downlow though. Growing your own tea and coffee is illegal.
Coffee doesn’t store we’ll, but nodoz and similar caffeine tablets last a long time. Caffeine is part of my first aid kit; in the fifties, amphetamine sulfate tabs was a part of merchant marine first aid kits: a little alertness can help sometimes.
25-30 year freeze dried coffee is available. I have a bucket (720 servings) in my SHTF supplies
Food and fuel for chainsaws.
The grid could go down but I'd be fed and warm.
Until the boogeyman comes
I’ve pretty well have had everything since January 2020. I did add extra wiper blades this time around last week. Going to have to up date anything expired this year.
Coffee and good chocolate
Fuel. I have a good amount. But if it became scarce, I would want a lot more. If for nothing else then to resell
One of my vices is soda, and in a SHTF scenario, idk what I'd do to sustain it. I can stockpile it, but that's only gonna last me a short while.
If I have coffee drinkers in my community, I'd also stockpile that if I thought it'd be difficult to get later.
What about a soda stream flavoring? I thought they had versions of most sodas although not sure how economical it is to stock up on.
So I suggest you invest in a carboy, sugar, yeast, and books on identifying local plants and making sodas? Root beer or Sarsaparilla soda are still brewable and delicious.
Yeah, my quick GPT search mentioned root beer, and I'm not opposed to the idea. I remember drinking some when I was up in Kirkland/Bellevue, WA for a quick one week meet-and-greet of the team, and I loved the local root beers I'd get at the restaurants up there. (I don't live in WA; I was just visiting for the week.)
Coffee. Chocolate. Dried peppers & seeds.
Ammo... always ammo
Fruit that’s grown outside my region. So basically all citrus, honey crisp apples, kiwis, pineapple, bananas
I bought a thermal optic because I'm concerned it'll be tougher to get the chips for them soon.
I just bought a quart of my favorite hotel sauce.
Habanero Heaven, it's so good. Inexplicably it's made in Maine.
Yes coffee
Solar panel charging things. Like I've got little ones but I've been hesitant to drop big money on a big one. The price will go down! The tech will get better! Oh, wait...
Coffee. Peanut butter. Hygiene products. A deck of cards.
I need to bug out cause I live in a big city and will be MDK-ed if SFHT
So a lot of Petrol.
Superhot peppers and some of the local beers
Garbage bags
Freeze dried eggs, butter, milk. Lots if it.
Shoes and socks etc in bigger sizes for the growing kid.
Fabric and sewing supplies to flexibly mend and produce clothes at home for the family.
a backup smartphone
lots of contacts and maybe an additional pair of glasses
fever medicine for kids
some christmas/birthday presents
a bike
Glam it up girl!
😆 I’m going into the apocalypse glam 😉
Pads/tampons (3 menstruating people in the house), diapers and wipes (21m old baby), candles, mini propane tanks, coffee, chocolate, and some way to make ocean water drinkable since I live by the beach but not near a fresh water source that I know of
Well, my first two thoughts are the ability to generate electrical power independently, and lots and lots of firewood, because I am lucky enough to have a wood stove that heats the whole house.
I am on a well system as far as water, and the pump that draws the water into the house of course runs on electricity, so I would probably have to replace that with one that can draw power from the Powerwalls or other large batteries where power is stored from solar or wind.
I know a lot of people will say ammunition. I am lucky enough to live in an area where I don't anticipate needing that much.
More important, I think, is all the medical concerns. I have a first aide kit, but it occurred to me one day that since I am neither a doctor nor a nurse, I don't really know what to do with most of the supplies in the kit. Apart from taking nursing classes or emergency first aide classes, having a girlfriend who is a doctor or nurse would come in very handy.
Then there is the all important communications gear. I think it is a given that you must have satellite communications gear, since the internet and LTE cannot be relied upon to remain up and running. If you're part of a group, learning to set up a MESH network is a worthwhile investment of your time. Which brings us to batteries and the ability to recharge them. I should also learn how HAM radio works.
Paper maps, since GPS will likely not be available. And mountain bikes, still, I think, the most reliable form of transport, and a stealthy one too.
And books, lots of books. And board games. Boredom, strange as it sounds, could easily become a factor when nothing is working.
Booze. Definitely Booze.
I would buy a yurt 🛖 and move into the forest. I’d definitely bring my still ..😅
medical stuff…. at least if I know it’s in short supply I can taper off some of my scripts. would suck to do it hard and fast.
All the dry beans in the store. Every store.
Solar setup. I've got an EV, so that powers my ride. Canned goods, rice, etc, and any meds needed by anyone who happens to be along for the ride. And yeast! Definitely yeast.
Cocain 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Prescription contact lenses. There's no generic version of these, unlike glasses. You can find glasses that are close to your prescription and get by, doesn't work with contacts. Theres diameter and base curve. Everyone's eyeballs are a little different.
Food water shelter
Guns & Ammunition.
This is always the answer.
A wide variety of fruit and vegetable seeds.
A large underground water cistern.
Spare solar panels.
A better solar cooker, if I can ever find one.
More beekeeping supplies.
A small tractor.
I mean if it's going to get hard to buy stuff, I might as well make the jump to homesteading.
But of those, I think only the solar panels are at all likely to become harder to get.
Coffee, tobacco, and one other thing
Epi pens for my son. He has food allergies.
Guns, Ammo, Diesel, MREs, Toilet paper
MREs. Sure, not the best, but yes. Next would be hunting gear. And candles.
E-books. Video games. Maybe light bulbs and tires?
Anything perishable I wouldn’t use. No food item would be worth it to me. If you buy a ton of coffee you’re just gonna put off having to deal without it.
Guns are that thing for me. If I was sure in my state I couldn’t buy an AR15 or large magazines I would quite literally max out my credit card to get as many as I could. They last a long time.
If I had the funds....
I would buy enough land that I wouldn't have to worry about neighbors. In a place where my neighbors didn't have to worry about neighbors.
I would have a decent sized lake and a house that is designed low maintenance and can be locked up and locked down and I don't have to worry about people getting in or fire or flood or ....
Being that I don't have that kind of money, job....
Eat what you store, store what you eat.
Buy new shoes when you start wearing the one you had in storage. On that same note, don't go out of country with old shoes. Small people outside the country.
Buy new coat when you start wearing the one you had in storage.
Buy 2 cases of ammo. When the first case is empty, buy another case. (Or maybe 10 and when you finish 1, buy 1.)
If you are a AR15 and Glock21 person, buy another AR15 and Glock21 setup just like the primaries. (Or Colt, or CZ or Sig or ... Even more important as Sig and CZ and Colt tend to not keep the same model.)
Guns, ammo, toilet paper
Guns and ammo.
DeWalt flex volt batteries and or a mountain of dark chocolate.