All this crap, and not meeting any DOT reflective requirements
Posted by MiguelSTG@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 21 comments

Posted by MiguelSTG@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 21 comments
Drivers like to decorate their trucks.
Some use chrome, while others use Kinko’s.
MiguelSTG@reddit (OP)
Decorating is great, usually shows you take pride in your vehicle. But you still need to meet the requirements.
Apparently the scales houses and inspectors don't have a problem with it.
MiguelSTG@reddit (OP)
True. How often do you see cars go down the road with illegal tint?
Why do you?
They have most of a DoT bumper and some DoT tape.
What else is missin’?
MiguelSTG@reddit (OP)
Red and White alternating across the ICC bumper and bottom of door, at least 50%. 12 inch white inverted "L" in the top left and right corner.
His bumper and door aren't alternating, and the inverted L is interrupted by red reflective.
It's like the guys with the chicken lights/California light kit. You can have 80 marker lights down the sides of your trailer, but if one is out it's a violation.
You need to brush up on your regs. And there is an inverted L on the trailer, it's just not very reflecty right now.
MiguelSTG@reddit (OP)
§ 393.13 Retroreflective sheeting and reflex reflectors
(3) Upper rear area. Two pairs of white strips of retroreflective sheeting, each pair consisting of strips 300 mm (12 inches) long, must be positioned horizontally and vertically on the right and left upper corners of the rear of the body of each trailer and semitrailer, as close as practicable to the top of the trailer and as far apart as practicable. If the perimeter of the body, as viewed from the rear, is not square or rectangular, the strips may be applied along the perimeter, as close as practicable to the uppermost and outermost areas of the rear of the body on the left and right sides.
The reflective tape that this driver is using is not white and 12" from the top corners. The driver has the 12" interrupted on both corners by red reflective tape.
Looks like I knew my regs.
Then open your eyes, there's retroreflective tape on that trailer.
MiguelSTG@reddit (OP)
And it's 12 inches of white from starting from the corners, or is it red first then white?
That's not even true. Go pick up a green book and read it. All lamps required by this subpart shall be capable of being operated at all times. This paragraph shall not be construed to require that any auxiliary or additional lamp be capable of operating at all times
Indians love a bit of bling
I like it when they decorate their truck and trailers like this. Makes it easier to know to watch out for their crappy driving and shitty parking.
I’m considering driving a wiener mobile decorated with American flags and full-sized images of Rocky Balboa and Donald J. Trump through South Asia next year to see how many friends I can make.
They actually might like that lol
They probably would. If you had a miniature minivan with Stallone and Rocky Balboa crap plastered all over it they'd probably chuckle and smile and point.
Some of them are a little upset that Trump wants to tighten up visa and immigration standards but at the same time there's a lot of them that are still supportive of him.
That's just tacky. Don't do it. Just because others are tacky and offensive, doesn't mean you should "strive" to be just as tacky and offensive.
You might get into a bigger trouble driving it through US.
Yeah, I'm sure it's the lack of reflective tape you have a problem with.
That looks pretty reflective to me man. Might be plastered with shit but isn't that tape near the top there? I mean reflective tape is just to help you see this guys trailer in the dark. Looks like it'd be hard to miss from where I'm standing.