When is the last time you tested your backups?
Posted by usa_reddit@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 70 comments
Posted by usa_reddit@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 70 comments
Cove tests it for me
Today when a user deleted a file from a share yet again
File shares. How very 1999.
We are slaves to crappy software that runs our entire business. Not my team though so not my problem.
They're still relevant in some situations.
Yes, no longer common with clickops!
I use a feature in VEEAM that automatically boots backups into a test environment and runs a script to detect that things are running. I love this feature.
That exists?
Yep, for several years now. Works well.
Agreed, it works well for me as well. Veeam can handle it.
Like, I think surebackup has been in it for a decade now
Yeah, I’m not a beardy UNIX guy but I’ve been at this a while.
Yep. Even has a virtual router that does 1:1 nat for all the test VMs so you can access them all and test yourself, and/or run automated testing scripts to access files and services and compare to production. Crazy powerful
Datto also has had similar built in feature for years now.
Yes, it does. Datto RMM feature for managing backups is really good and helpful.
I still don't trust it. It's nice, but manually logging into a restored VM always makes me feel better
But you can do that with that Veeam feature too.
It’s a great starting point, but that’s the purpose. From there you run your own scripts etc to access the servers and compare against production. The surebackup stuff also runs a network gateway to 1:1 nat the restore environment so you can just RDP etc yourself while it’s booted. And it’s just one button / powershell command to start a restore lab to test agaibst
I'm curious. Explain
It is a standard feature. Comes with built in scripts or you can add your own custom.
Really wish Veeam for Azure had this functionality. Would be really nice. Far as I can tell it doesnt.
Yep, I love this!
It's called sure backup. It starts up the vms in a test environment then checks that services are running. But it doesn't mean a whole lot for data integrity. So you still have to do those kinds of checks.
Also not a bad practice to restore your backups every once in a while using whatever recovery plan you have.
Many moons ago I had a small script that dumped a dated file onto the various key backup locations daily so that when restoring I could check those files to confirm the restoration was really pulling restoring readable data. Is the sure backup system able to do simple checks like that as a (not perfect but nice to have) extra sanity check?
We have a script that looks in production for files that were last modified between the most recent backup time and the previous one before it, then pulls those files, and the same files from the backup test lab, and hashes them to check they match, puts both copies in a specific share for review, and emails us a report. Then we just go in and check ourselves if we want, otherwise we empty the folder out.
Wonderful. I didn't know this existed, was looking for a way to test backups if it's almost automated, where I don't forget.
With enough effort it can be fully automated including emailing you screen shots of the VMs and copies of files picked up from the machines to verify. You can also get it to compare files against production
Not who you asked but likely the below.
SureBackup for Hyper-V too:
A hwat now?
They misspelled production
they both mean the same thing in the majority of companies, gogogo
Sunday, it's automated every week.
Nicely, did you use backup software for this?
What are you using for this?
I test them all the time because our users are constantly deleting files and then asking for them back
Every 5 weeks on a Friday so that different media is used to test the restore. Tape drive for the the ultimate in air-gapped backups with 8 total Friday tapes.
How often do small teams check their backups and test their recovery plan?
I do this a few times a year but I can see this being a once a year thing.
About a months ago when a guy deleted the boot partition so they could extend a drive.
many companies:
Two days after they got ransomwared.
Every week. Recurring task to thechelpdesk.
Every day. Because I break stuff on daily basis :)
Management are stupid and take a very reactionary stance when presented with potential future issues, they'd rather save money now and not worry about saving more further down the line, regardless of my protests.
I enjoy it when shit hits the fan though, provided I'm not the cause of course, so when it does eventually go all tits up I'll be telling them I told them so and trying to hide the big smile on my face.
Earlier this week
I can tell you that I deal with a lot of IT departments who a) never test their backups and b) never monitor their backups to see if they are even running as expected. It is a depressingly large quantity of both.
"You dont have backups if you've never tested restores" right....scary how many people do not understand this and just assume because they got a notification that "backups were successful" that every is fine
The number of people who don't even bother setting up notifications and just assume they're running is just as bad. I've had people yell because their backups haven't ran in a year like it is somehow our fault.
Never, as god intended.
On-prem - last week. Remote? Next week.
Checking the logs and emailed reports etc of backups have run and the backup system is healthy is not a valid backup test. You must have a proper plan for testing the system using data and machine recovery, not just adhoc stuff that users request.
Using user requests for data restores is not a valid backup test. This is often cited as being valid business test. Competent IT auditors will flag this as being unacceptable.
The article regarding Wexford County.
When prod RHEL upgrades failed and relied on Ami backup.
Monthly, at the very least. It’s a requirement of our auditors.
Today, and by test.. I mean a developer who demanded access to a server that I fought them on getting and somehow got accepted by our security and management team, destroyed a server to an unrecoverable state.
Monthly, at the very least. It’s a requirement of our auditors.
All backups are checked daily when exported for errors by scripts and auto checks ensure that the files are backed up to s3, and of expected size etc, and a daily manual check of the output of these automations is checked daily (takes 10 seconds as its either a big green post saying everything good or red and something afoot at circle K)
Backups are then visually confirmed every Monday (which tests that the scripts are still doing what we expect), and monlty 1 random file from each dc is restored from something we have punted to s3
Daily checks takes about 10 seconds, weekly checks takes about 10 mins and monthly ch3cks takes about 10 mins
Data integrity of the backup source is confirmed every 5 minutes as its replicated drom production to backup and if any of that fails then we are instantly alerted.
Everytime we have needed backups we know 100% that they are OK and that feeling is wonderful
Sorry, but that is not a real check for backups. Data recovery is a true test.
It’s better to have a good DR plan than one that actually works. - Someone somewhere
Use Veeam SureBackup and you'll never have to worry if your backups are valid or not. If you need more than the built-in tests, you can create custom roles and define your own scripts that will run inside the isolated restored machine as well.
If you never test it it never doesn't work
We automatically generate a ticket for backup testing and other tasks on a schedule. Great reminder to do stuff and creates an audit trail.
County government… I recently had to setup a bunch of AppLocker rules and make sure IE mode worked for county title/deed searches. Remember .Net click to run apps?
Every 6 months
Ummm. Yea. Testing. Ummm well...
Tested (deployed) some of mine yesterday.
1 Week ago.
I test them monthly on critical servers and quarterly on production servers.
Every year full DR exercise and smaller ones quarterly.
everyday, We have to restore files or a VM everyday. So the backups get tested all the time.
We test end of month, every month.
Every week from onsite, quarterly from off-site.
Testing? Backups?
What are these mystical things you mention?