Brake lights that light up more intensely in proportion to how hard you’re braking
Posted by Berkamin@reddit | CrazyIdeas | View on Reddit | 45 comments
Does this exist? If not, someone should make this happen. This shouldn’t be hard to do, and would probably reduce accidents.
There is also a thing called flashing you brake lights by pumping them to get people's attention. Its even in the driver manual in the state I live in. It really works great! If you're gonna have to stop or slow quickly (and have time) pump the brakes like 3 times then hold than start holding the pedal down.
A brightness thing like you suggest would NEVER work because every single car has a different normal brightness to ALL of their lights.
I'd rather have additional bars light up with intensity over it becoming brighter.
I’d like an external visual indicator of being in cruise control. If the CC light is on, stop tailgating me, moron.
My guess on why this isn’t a thing is because it introduces complexity. An on/off switch is stupid but safe. I could see it becoming a thing if it was somehow wired in a way to mechanically default to on/off in case whatever sensor is being used to measure the brake intensity fails. Kind of like how flashers are wired to blink twice as fast if one side fails to notify the driver.
You could design a row of vertical bar shaped lights across the back bumper.
When you press the brakes, the bars towards the center light up last depending on how hard you are braking. You can have the far left and far right bars light up no matter what like a traditional brake light, and the center lights can be wired up to the new pressure switch.
That way, if the pressure sensor breaks, the brake lights function as normal.
Considered this myself many times.
I'm not sure if the principle would apply to brakes, but with other notifications, gradual increases/decreases are much easier to ignore and postpone action. Drivers would probabaly not want to postpone action (braking) when they are driving.
In this case, binary is probably better. I'd like to see some testing, tho, I could be wrong.
The center brake light would be could start with one bar for a light tap and go up to 10 bars (or whatever) for the "oh shit" brakes
Max oh shit it should be blinking
If the light goes off, it could be interpreted as you released your brake...if fractions of seconds matter, I'd rather not have any confusion
I think bigger or brighter lights would be better for what you have in mind.
Brake lights already flash for harder stops in most newer cars
Coming soon: LED tail lights! Just as bright as your headlights!
I like the "more bars" for harder braking over scaling the brightness.
Sometimes tail lights get dusty, or grimy in winter, or get mud, or maybe it's foggy, raining super hard etc... point being, just there are things that can affect the actual and perceived brightness of the light other than the intended braking pressure.
Honestly both are bad options because the brake lights only work if they are visible. Both options reduce visibility. The current option maximizes visibility. It’s an issue of do you want nuance in your message or do you want to make sure the message is delivered? When the message is “I am braking, don’t fucking hit me,” you want it loud.
I don't think having to determine how hard someone is using the brakes is a good idea
Berkamin@reddit (OP)
Precisely. By having the lights indicate how hard they're braking, it removes the need to determine how hard they're braking.
Except when you have to decide if you should brake at 5 blinks, because the car in front of you is at 7 blinks. If anything this just increases traffic
A variation that was tried was having the lights blink, slowly for slow stops, rapidly for quick ones. The problem was that people could see the light off between blinks. The obvious fix is to have one half the light stay on and the other half encode the deceleration rate through blinking.
Either that, or have it alternate between two lights
Fuck that we need brake lights in the front.
We need a small green light on the front that only works when you press a button on the dashboard while fully pressing the brake, to let pedestrians and other drivers know you're not going anywhere. Perfect for parking lots, crosswalks, and 4-way stops
So that your last thought would be “at least he is breaking”.
They should blink with varying frequency based on how hard the break is applied not .
Berkamin@reddit (OP)
This is actually a better idea. I like it.
Imagine a sensor reading this chain of flashes and in turn, communicating that velocity with the car behind and so on. It would cancel out the pulse detonation wave affect automatically from a stop at a red light for example; all the cars rolling simultaneously would allow for more throughput
BMW has done this for nearly thirty years.
a lot of cars have had this for years
Crazier idea: give enough distance between you and the car in front of you to accommodate “oh shit” breaking
Some newer cars flash the brake lights intensely when full braking.
It does already exist, at least in Europe.
I've rented many cars and can tell you the brakes feel different on most of them. I can't imagine the technical hurdles to ensure they were all calibrated to feel the same proportionally to how hard they are pressed and indicated by brightness or some kind of brake progress bar.
Every time I've been rear-ended it was while I was at a dead stop.
I want giant rear flashing lights that activate using a rear facing collision sensor.
Mandatory auto braking would be nice too.
I just added a trailer hitch with a step that acts as an extra bumper.
I would be happy to have brakes with a strobe which flashes when you press the pedal all the way down - and maybe also when ABS is on.
I have seen some card do this. I think it was a skoda?
In the US there are kits to add this to many cars. So they teenagers can pretend their Elantra is off to an F1 race.
Saw this on a Mercedes(I think?) while driving in the past year, a second set of brake lights came on between the standard pair when they had to break hard. It really should be the standard, makes too much sense.
Yeah. BMW's had this as an option, not sure if it's still the case though.
This is a thing, I've seen many newer SUVs doing this for years now
How about a bar light?
Please don't give people more ideas for how to make non-standard brake lights. I was behind some purple ones yesterday.
I've been saying this for YEARS.
But my idea was more like Mustang tail lights how it has 3 sections. It starts in the inner more one for barely slowing down, and then the inner and middle for heavier braking, and the all 3 sections for panic breaking.
At least one year of Mustang actually did this.
NICE. good idea.