How do I get a part-time job as a 17 year old?
Posted by Realistic-Will-2026@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 9 comments
I don’t really use reddit that much but I am desperate af, I have been applying and applying and applying, with no results. I have edited my cv to fit specific job criteas and have even went so far to throwing in a couple lies every now and then, but still with no sucess. I have recorded how many jobs I have applied for, so far its 213 with only 4 interviews, yet no job offers.
I mainly use indeed to look for jobs and apply on their site, with still 0 results and I even convert all my word documents to pdf to increase readability still 0 results
I feel like I have done literally everything at this point, so please any advice would be much appreciated. Thank!
Maybe register with an agency that provides temp roles in the sector you're interested in working in? Make sure you get a face to face or telephone meeting/interview with one of the recruiters who places people in the roles so that you can impress them. (Don't just sign up with the agency all online). Once you have a few temp roles on your CV, it's much easier to get a permanent role. Also, some temp roles become permanent. Reed is one agency i know of. Oh and Randstad. Good luck!
I just wanted to say I think you are doing a really good thing here and this sounds like a really tough situation - sorry you are going through this but I am glad you are persisting.
I agree with the commenter who said don't lie on your CV - it doesn't really help you and it is a huge risk. I was once conducting an interview and it became clear about 10 minutes in that the candidate had lied on their CV - I terminated the interview as soon as politely possible and that was that.
I got a couple of vacation jobs as a student mumblety years ago - washing up in a hotel was one, another was as a waiter in a conference centre - maybe this sort of thing could work for you as a start? As another commenter said it's easier to give advice if you say what sort of thing you are going for
Depends how old you are. Can you pass as 17?
Realistic-Will-2026@reddit (OP)
I’d probaly pass as 15-16, people have been saying I look younger for my age
When I was 15, I called up a newsagent for a paper round. Sadly, we'd just moved so I didn't know my own address yet. The owner was not impressed.
Needless to say, I did not get the paper round.
If you're applying to retail positions, approach small businesses in person. Also add some personality to your CV. No coffee shop cares that you got average grades; they want people who show up and smile.
Have you tried face to face instead of indeed? What sort of work are you looking for? At 17 I'm assuming nothing too specialised? I don't know what your area's like but I'm near London; plenty of shops etc round this way. Try looking on your local Facebook group as some local businesses might advertise for staff there.
Just a friendly word of advice though: don't lie on your CV.
Ask a friend or family member to review some of your recent applications and provide feedback. At those numbers, something is clearly amiss.
Worth trying temp agencies and also applying directly to companies via their websites if they have one.
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