Basic tax question

Posted by Responsible_Cap4617@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 2 comments

Hello I’m a full time trader and I’m interested in moving to the Philippines this year.

If any other traders have moved abroad, would appreciate any knowledge you have on how taxes work.

Here’s my situation:

  1. Not married but will be in the next 2 years
  2. Full time futures day trader (meaning normally I’m taxed 60/40 ltcg/stgp)
  3. No kids
  4. US citizenship (partner has dual in US/PHP but we aren’t yet married)
  5. Would be staying in Manila for over 180 days per year
  6. No income deriving from the PHP at all
  7. I trade only NAS futures

Some initial questions: 1. Do I just get taxed normally from the US, or do I have to file differently as an expat? 2. Is there any additional taxes from the PHP if none of my income derives from there? 3. Any differences post marriage? 4. Any differences post considered residency?