Under rated steer tires?
Posted by 66stang88@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 5 comments
I drive a dodge 5500. On the label inside the door the badge calls for load rated G tires all around. After a flat tire the garage installed one steer tire with a load rating of F. I can’t find any DOT verbiage about different load ratings on the steer tires. Are there any other resources I can look up?
Nor sure about your regulations, but here in NZ that would be an inspection fail. Tyres fitted must be rated to the manufacturers rating for the axle. Eg. Axle rated to 6000lb must have tyres rated for at least 3000lb each as a single tyre. Also a fail here to have different load ratings across an axle . You could have G rated tyres on the steer and F rated tyres on the rear of a dually, as long as it meets manufacturers axle rating , but not a miss match from side to side
You won’t be able to exceed the weight rating of the F rated tire.
They don’t have to have the same rating but you axle will be rated at the lower rated tire.
You can find them on the manufacturer site, or look at the sidewall for load rating on that specific tire.
66stang88@reddit (OP)
The new passenger steer tire is load rated F and the drivers steer tire is load rated G