Eight NATO countries announce action plan in response to Baltic Sea incidents
Posted by polymute@reddit | anime_titties | View on Reddit | 35 comments
Posted by polymute@reddit | anime_titties | View on Reddit | 35 comments
If I'm reading correctly the action plan is "to be more serious next time"?
Submerge cable incident happens couple of times around the world every year, not sure what else you can do by finding the culprit and let them pay compensation. Hard to understand part is the NAFO celebration in comments.
Nice feigning confusion, but China has been caught doing it deliberately, as well as filmed ramming ships in 4k, so you can spare me your WUMAO indignation.
More than 200 cable failures occur per year... mostly anchor or fishing related problems.
It took me 30 seconds to come up with a more rational answer
Look at finland. look at what is going on in those countries.. they are preparing people for war, this is part of manufacturing a resentment. Turning a little thing into a sworn enemy.
Why did Xina patent undersea cable cutting? Why do they make special ships just for ramming Filipino boats?
The context is as follows: cables installed without Chinese authorization are considered a way to strengthen a territorial claim. And yes, this is about Taiwan probably, but also a number of islets in the South China Sea. Place where china had: people living and none of that prevented foreign powers from arriving to take over the places using the ridiculous technique of leaving a stick with a flag.. If china does not send letters of protest, it can be considered a form of acceptance of the situation. Ignorance is also an indication that you are not exercising sovereignty.
Now ask yourself: if cutting a cable is harming an enemy. Why not do it when it's really worth it? If it is a weakness, why not exploit it when it pays off?
The Philippines is the Ukraine of the South China Sea.. a place to start a war if necessary. Good luck making an Asian nato.
😂 the Nordics are pretty happy with the NATO we have at home, thanks
I'm not sure how long that feeling can last. At the moment many Nordic interests are aligned with the USA (the heart of NATO).. But will it be worth it to end their prosperity in an adventure similar to the Ukrainian one.?
Finland is preparing for something, nothing wrong with that. But it seems to be something big.
I don't know how Finland will be able to continue to exist if shit hits the fan. Maybe they think it's worth it. I don't know. Maybe it is worth it. I don't know.
Your responses are backed by your emotion, and not facts.
Russia has absolutely been considered a legitimate great power. Saying anything to the contrary is telling of your understanding of history. As mentioned in another comment, Finland has a massive system of underground bunkers in its Southern populated area. They have been building them since the start of the Cold War to save as many people as possible in the event of a nuclear strike from russia. It also has a natural border with russia, which would make a ground invasion bottlenecked and extremely difficult for the invading force.
Finns also HATE their neighbors in Sweden. They have hated them for centuries. The fact that they have put aside their differences, and previous betrayals of the Swedes to enter a defensive alliance with them reveals how seriously that both countries perceive the threat of Russian aggression.
Yeah mate I have to disprove that statement, what you see mostly it's just banter between us. Not to dissimilar from how the US and Canada talk about each other even down to the hockey rivalry.
If Russia decides they want to expand again, a defensive alliance like NATO is the only way to deter it. Being prepared for an opportunistic landgrab is not an "adventure", it's a necessity for any country bordering Russia that does not want to be controlled by Russia.
You manage it with a defensive alliance, or you bend the knee and accept they will dictate all of your major political decisions. Maybe you'd personally be happy with subjugation but many European populations are far too proud of their freedoms and democracy and general sovereignty to give them up without a fight. NATO is the best way to avoid that fight because it has large armies and nuclear weapons, and if the US shits the bed and disbands it then the EU defensive pact plus the UK will be the best option.
I personally would be happy not to talk to people whose argument is that if you don't think like them it's because they love subjugation,..
You talk about pride, independence and democracy.. while a country across the sea, which is supposed to be your ally takes advantage of the whole EU. ok
A suggestion, with no bad intentions: look at a real scale map.. see how Europe looks like. Good luck.
Ah I may have been unclear - I'm not talking about some cultural disagreement. I'm referring to the fact that if you border Russia and don't do what they demand they will drive tanks over the border and fire them into your people's houses until you do what they want.
The US takes advantage of everyone. They don't control the EU as you can verify from the number of troops France and Germany contributed to the invasion of Iraq.
I already know what Europe looks like, and unlike you I'm aware that Russia is an expansionist state actively engaged in an attempt to conquer territory as we speak.
The Russians have long been recognized to be unpredictable violent alcoholics.
Finlands sak är vår. The Nordics aren’t a barely prepared failed Soviet state like Ukraine was.
I admire the Nordics a lot, I just hope they are not part of a proxy war.
The ancient russian strategy is to get stronger by retreating... they fight like barbarians, but you can't underestimate their results..
it would be a long conflict. The outcome seems unpredictable.
Nobody in Finland is preparing for an offensive war, because the entire country being obliterated with nuclear weapons doesn't have much popular support and there's no real way to manufacture it. They're always preparing for a defensive war, and in fact have one of the largest reserve armies by population and mandatory bomb shelters in large buildings as part of their building codes, because they border a belligerent dictatorship that periodically engages in wars of conquest.
Yes, because ships dragging their anchors for miles is perfectly normal. Zigzaging across know cable infrastructure is completely normal behaviour.
You're either incredibly naive or willfully ignorant. I believe this is what the Russians like to refer to as a useful idiot.
It's actually more like 200 a year according to this, mostly from ship anchors and fishing equipment, and there's about 500 undersea cables total. Even so, the Chinese ship travelling back and forth over the Baltic cable and then turning off its AIS was a bit suspicious, as is the other Chinese vessel doing a similar back and forth across a damaged Taiwanese cable a few months later. I wouldn't rule it out being a series of unusual accidents but if it happens again to Taiwanese or Baltic cables specifically by Chinese or Russian vessels with dodgy anchors in the next year or so, I'd call that too much for a coincidence.
Chinese flagged ship, entirely Russian crew.
I'm sure the action plan will include a sternly worded letter.
Some believe that Russia is entering a new era in the way of warfare. One where there really is no separation between war and peace and these states differ only in degree.
Now what I ask myself, is: If it is so useful to cut off “enemy” communications, because it is a critical weakness.. why evidence this when it is of no real advantage to you..
It does not make sense.
It absolutely makes sense. You test you capabilities and test reactions/reaction times.
It’s surprising that this post hasn’t been flooded by the usual Pro-Putin crowd claiming how Western evil under water cables are destroying the Russians self esteem
The bigger problem is how those cables are stealing anchors are stealing anchors from innocent ships that are delivering much needed supplies to destitute Russians. Even worse, it’s an example of Western imperialism and oppression since the ships targeted by the cables are all from random micro countries.
Just give it time
time for what?
The bots to coalesce around a talking point
look, i don't doubt that there are people who love putin...or russia and repeat his narrative because they believe it.
But there are many things in this conflict that are mere interests disguised as good intentions.. I personally find the subject fascinating. From outside of europe and usa, there are more than a few who can see that this has little to do with noble ideals.. we see with concern the growing acceptance of total war in europe.
If I ever questioned the western narrative, that is why.
Here we go
They’re busy in the other thread about incoming negotiations
But whatabout Nord Stream comments here yet?
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