Israel supplied Iran with centrifuge platforms containing explosives, top official acknowledges
Posted by Zipz@reddit | anime_titties | View on Reddit | 72 comments
I doubt it will be the case again in the future as Iran now have the support of Russia. Hence the ability to get more manufacturing equipment from them.
However, they are still tight lipped about supporting the nuclear ambition of another country. Only evidence so far is the sudden improvement of NK long range missile during the last test
You make it out as if Russia are some manufacturing superpower. Their GDP is smaller than Italy and their manufacturing base is small outside of military equipment (and their military equipment has been badly exposed in recent years)
This article was made for you
TDLR: GDP as a singular measure is dumb
The point is that russia is the size of one large EU country, and this alone means EU need to step together and Russia will never pick a war with us.
We should have a more whatever mindset and force russia out of Ukraine, stop their proxy attack into Europa and other places and really punish Russians doing shit
Yeah and that point is wrong. The Russian economy is much stronger than any individual European country.
They don't look as good on a GDP graph, but if both countries face struggle, the Russian economy will continue whilst even bigger looking European GDPs will crumble
Because European GDP is largely based on services. It makes it look impressive on paper but they don't actually do very much
Well no because if your logic was true then it wouldn't be needed. The EU needs to group together because otherwise nobody would have a chance against Russia.
It doesn't matter who you compare against is it Germany? Fine, but all of EU together is a superpower if a war break out and the war economic starts up, even if the EU have underinvested into army, it's only USA who could run EU over, maybe China, but I think China would end up with the same problem as russia did in Ukraine, it's just too far and people will start to fight too hard to gain ground or it will be meter by meter.
If my logic was true, EU had seen russia as a real danger and stepped fully together and made a global superpower army.
Russia have never been longer away from being a superpower as now, they are just an country with an insane amount spend on army and nuclear weapons that never will be used again(most likely)
Well yeah you are agreeing with me
I was just pointing out that Russia is stronger than any single European country. And so that's why they have put so much effort into uniting so that they will be able to stand a chance
And that is also why for Russia it is important to try and break apart this unity. By applying pressure on areas that these countries refuse to fix within them.
I don't agree with you, i just don't disagree with either of you. You have found a minor mistake nothing more but it doesn't matter for the full picture as long russia can't find real friends or EU don't get into war between the different EU countries.
They seem plenty friendly with China, India, North Korea and Iran.
India is not.
China is under half.
North Korea and Iran is whatever.
This is still wrong though. Germany’s industrial economy is larger than Russia’s.
In monetary value yes, in amount of goods produced, no.
In amount of goods too.
No, I don’t look at Italy and Russia and think they’re broadly the same.
One is a barely functioning economy with an undercover gangster state and the other is a gangster state with an undercover barely functioning economy
It doesn't matter what you think about how well the economy functions, the statistics show that the Russian economy is far far better and more resilient than the Italian, and even German or French economies.
*The Russian wartime economy
Let’s see how their economy goes once the war ends. Unless they have their big brother China help them out massively (like the USA did with Western Europe after WW2) they’re gonna be in for a world of pain once the war ends.
Their GDP is currently underpinned by immense wartime spending (both direct and indirect where Russian banks are forced to give loans to war materials companies). Their inflation rate is at least 9%, and interest rate is 21% last I looked and who the fuck knows what will happen to the ruble when it becomes freely floated. Their mortgage market is a mess, they have a huge employment gap where they don’t have enough workers. Their economy has proven to be resilient (so far) but there are serious structural issues that will be incredibly difficult to solve without becoming totally subservient to China (unless they’re as kind as the USA was with the Marshall plan). There is a reason Putin doesn’t want the war to end as he’s toast once it does.
And what if they do?
Well then it’s a different scenario. If it’s a grant a la the Marshall plan then Russia will likely rebuild in China’s image and be much more closely aligned with them in the future
If it’s a loan (as is far more likely) then they basically become a vassal state to China
According to NATO Russia is able to out produce all of NATO yearly military production in 3 months.
Did you miss the bit where I said ‘outside of military equipment’?
We're not worried about Russia's economic threat are we? They are a military concern.
Where did my post have anything to do with worrying though? I’m simply saying things how I see them
Russia is nothing in manufacturing power compared to the US or China, but considering they're working essentially under a war economy I'd say they can't be compared to Italy really.
By that I'm not saying that ridiculous claims like them being able to invade Europe are realistic. Just that they aren't Pakistan either.
subtract things like tourism and services and Russia won't look that bad.
Subtract a penis and two testicles from my uncle and he becomes my aunt
Yeah because the amount of money spent seeing Roman ruins is great indication of manufacturing power.
It really doesn't matter how big their GDP is. They have been very resourceful during the war and already resourced their nuclear production for many decades.
It does not take much for them to help Iran nuclear development, if they wanted to.
Mossad can potentially infiltrate but so far, like the Hezbollah walkie talkie, it is less complex as they were the source of the explosive e.g they set up a company themselves. They did not infiltrate an active military entity that sourced military sensitive product to another country.
Smaller than nominal Italy. Studies indicate that Italian organized crime equals to about 7-9% of Italy's GDP. If that sector could be integrated into the white economy Italy would never be the go-to comparison for Russia.
Sure, same can be said for Russia, whose gangsters probably ecplise their Italian colleagues, but they are essentially the Russian state and is just a question of poor book keeping rather than crime rofl.
Iran had the support of russia since their nuclear program began in the 90s
What, would they rather Israel supplied them with centrifuge platforms that didn't contain explosives? Maybe they should quit buying centrifuge platforms from the people they're trying to blow up lols
Mossad is pretty much the best there is at this. Truly ingenious and impressive. Are there any other intelligence agencies that have been able to pull off this degree of high level sabotage?
That's pales in comparison to the CIA training Al Qaeda, a group that went on to destroy or damage skyscrapers and the US Pentagon in a successful attempt to bait the CIA into attacking multiple countries.
The CIA did not train Al Qaeda... Truly the ignorant takes on this sub are astounding.
US only link with AQ was that they were allied with the Afghan Mujahadeen which the US support. AQ was a tiny faction in the Afghan war.
"Truly ingenious attack!"
Mirroring how Israeli supporters gaslights the public about terrorism-level activities and frames it as ingenuity.
Thing is, nations generally don't do that because it greatly undermines trust. However, Israeli's use Holocaust as a blank cheque to let them break whatever norms they can. There will be consequences on that because nobody will trust Israel on anything.
Until 7th October. Then the question seens to become intentional blind eye or astonishing levels of utter incompetence
Gaza, like Israel and the WB is under the directive of Shabak, not Mossad.
Shabak is indeed incompetent and corrupt.
That's not really on Mossad — Gaza was primarily the responsibility of Shin Bet and Aman.
Incompetence certainly played a role in that intelligence failure, but I think it would be more accurate to say that Israel had badly misjudged Hamas' capabilities and intentions. Their conceptzia (conception or misconception about an adversary's willingness/ability to strike) of Hamas was seriously flawed. They assessed that Hamas was undergoing an organizational evolution due to their status as the ruling power in Gaza, and that the pressures of governing would make them welcome any outside improvements to the quality of life in Gaza. Through this lens, economic benefits gave Hamas something to lose.
This view was clearly wrong, but it heavily influenced Israeli decision-making in the years leading up to the attack. It caused Israeli leaders to interpret explicit threats and training exercises as just posturing and propeganda. Their conviction in this conceptzia was widespread — lookouts on the border who were concerned about troop movements were told that Hamas was just a bunch of "punks" and threatened with court-martial if they kept bothering their commanders.
An intentional blind eye — for what purpose? The October 7th attack eviscerated the IDF's credibility and left them scrambling to reestablish deterrence. The largest single massacre of Jews since the Holocaust on Netanyahu's watch cuts directly against his image as Mr. Security. The fallout from Israel's response has also imperiled his efforts to achieve normalization without making major concessions to the Palestinians, which is a long-term priority for Netanyahu.
They just let 7th of October to happen
Sure. And Bush let 9/11 happen too. Everything is a conspiracy and the bad guys never managed to get a lucky shot in.
So they can do crazy stuff like rig pagers for hezbollah but are not able to prevent such attaks? Also I remember headlines that Egypt warned Israel about upcoming attacks. Help me to understand.
That’s an entirely unrelated thing. You can be very, very good at infiltrating and exploiting enemy supply chains (as Israel has repeatedly demonstrated with the Hezbollah pager attack, all of their attacks on Iranian nuclear infrastructure, etc.) and also underestimate another enemy (Hamas) and fail to get enough intel to prevent an attack.
They needed pretext
Some of Russia's assassinations in Western countries come to mind. Also China's suspected use of spyware in their wireless networking equipment hardware. Never seen anyone call it "ingenious and impressive" though.
It's only awesome when the west does it.
Picture thousands of mini bombs being detonated in New York and Europeans going "What and ingenious and impressive attack". This last year has shown me so much about a lot of people.
If these mini bombs targeted operatives of secret security agencies/military officers or high command, with relatively few civilian casualties, then yes analysts in the West would totally call those attacks ingenious/impressive. They'd probably even call their enemies crafty/cunning.
Maybe you're a bit close to this particular example (it must've been extremely scary from a civilian perspective) hence why you believe there's some kind of bias.
Booby trapping is illegal according to international law....
If it’s not military objects and indiscriminate yea.
Not sure how pagers used by Hezbollah and sold directly to Hezbollah are that
Then why were there such a high percent of civilian deaths an injuries. Killed kids, medical workers and almost killed some ambulance drivers. Not to mention blinding and maiming innocents.
Its like saying 9/11 would have been fine if the other two planes had hit their targets. That would have balanced out the death toll b/w military and civilians enough I guess right?
You people disgust me.
3/4 did hit their targets…
Also go check the casualty numbers. It wasn’t perfect , but a damn sight better than an airstrike or a gunfight.
Exactly. So if the other 2 planes on 9/11 hit the Pentagon and Camp David then 9/11 would have been ingenious and cunning? Cause you dodged that question the first time.
Where did I say it was legal?
But these IEDs didnt hit high command. They hit civil workers and kids and medics.
According to the Health Ministry, healthcare workers were also injured and it advised all healthcare workers to discard their pagers.^([123])^([124]) On 26 September, Abdallah Bou Habib, Lebanon's Foreign Minister, confirmed that most of those carrying pagers were not fighters, but civilians like administrators.^([125]) Qassim Qassir, a Lebanese expert on Hezbollah,^([d]) said the attacks mostly struck civilian workers, leaving its military wing largely unaffected.^([126]) On 11 November, Mustafa Bairam [ar], the Lebanese Labour Minister from Hezbollah, made a formal complaint to the United Nations’ International Labour Organization (ILO), in which he stated that the pagers wounded or killed 4,000 civilians – much higher than initial reports of casualties.^([13])
You are smoking crack if you think thousands of bombs going off at random locations in a western country would be lauded by western media as being an ingenious attack.
Respectfully, but do you think the British press universally condemned IRA car bombs?
Analysts =/= press
Lol the western press would in no way be reporting as such.....
Analysts =/= press
If these mini bombs targeted operatives of secret security agencies/military officers or high command, with relatively few civilian casualties, then yes analysts in the West would totally call those attacks ingenious/impressive. They'd probably even call their enemies crafty/cunning.
Maybe you're a bit close to this particular example (it must've been extremely scary from a civilian perspective) hence why you believe there's some kind of bias.
If these mini bombs targeted operatives of secret security agencies/military officers or high command, with relatively few civilian casualties, then yes analysts in the West would totally call those attacks ingenious/impressive. They'd probably even call their enemies crafty/cunning.
Maybe you're a bit close to this particular example (it must've been extremely scary from a civilian perspective) hence why you believe there's some kind of bias.
Don't even need to picture it. The yearly school shootings are already a thing.
These actions keep hurting the West, why risk buying possible tainted goods from us, safer to buy directly from China/Russia.
Not answering your question.
Something equally cool was imo
Easy to do when you work with complete freedom and support of the western world.
Usually they kill and maim a few more kids than this, bit of a letdown.
Maim my body cant kill my soul
This little kid is such a badass IMO
I've heard the Cubans were incredible with their limited budget. Nothing like this that we know of, but they apparently punched way above their weight class.
It would be surprising to me that any country that Israel has even a slight animosity towards would purchase literally anything from them in the future. To think that even civilian consumer goods like pagers might be strapped with bombs to perform indiscriminate large scale terrorist style attacks is bad enough. Industrial equipment like this could have had applications in things beyond uranium enrichment meaning they could have killed yet more bystanders. You’d be risking massive liability to do business with Israel as a company in an Islamic nation now.
They didn’t know that they bought it from Israel.
Did you read the article or do you just immediately regurgitate propaganda whenever you read the word Israel?
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